End of the Magic Era

Chapter 879: Fight offense

Chapter 879 Repelled Attack

Heron was very clear. The young and excessively titled Magus in front of her had never cared about such things ...

"Defford, please leave here immediately, or I will ask the Holy Land to arbitrate immediately."

As soon as Herren landed, he embarrassedly gave Defoe an order in a stiff tone.

Di Difu was just about to say something, but it was a little cold to see Heron's eyes, which seemed to remember something, sneer.

"Herald Herren, I need to inform you of this matter to you, you have cooperated with such a weak fellow, you have completely lost the face of our Heta Holy Land!"

"Also you, Mafam Merlin, don't think Helen will help you. What qualifications do you have to stand here? It's best to follow the crowd like you forever, and now you dare. Run here, hum ... "

Defi knows that since Helen appeared, whatever he wanted to do, it was impossible to succeed. No matter what, he became a direct conflict with Heron.

I watched Defoe leave, Heron gave a slight breath, and immediately walked to Lin Yun, with a rare smile on her face.

阁下 "Mr. Mafa, I'm really sorry, this Defoe is the support sent by the Heta Holy Land. You also know the current situation. The overall situation is the most important. If there is an internal conflict at this time, our trouble will be serious.

虽然 Although this guy hates it a bit, but he is a man in Heta Holy Land after all, I know he is definitely not your opponent. I already told him in advance that you are very strong, but this idiot did not believe it.

He has a great position in the Heta Holy Land, or his backstage is a sky-level strongman. If he dies here, my trouble will not be less than yours.

It is very likely that our plans will be greatly affected, and this time the battle will be greatly affected.

His Excellency Mafa, please do n’t make any general observations with this idiot. I have now avoided him when I saw him. I really do n’t want to see him. If it ’s not a critical moment now, there is such a strong person who will have more strength , I have long applied to the Holy Land to transfer him away ... "

Helun smiled bitterly and explained to Lin Yun, he was a little scared.

I was really afraid that Lin Yun would dare to kill Defoe in the sunset fortress, and then looked at the legion mages around him, none of them had any fear, and everyone was holding his staff.

Helen knew at a glance that these Legion Masters didn't seem to be high-level, but none of them looked worried. This is obviously to know that if they fight, it must be Defoe ...

Helen persuaded for several minutes, before Lin Yun frowned and put away the dragon staff. Then the legion mage didn't say a word, and they spread out, and didn't say a word in the whole process.

Seeing this, Heron's forehead showed a trace of cold sweat.

Fortunately, I felt that Defoe's momentum had arrived in time, otherwise if it really hit, Defoe would go to see their ancestors now ...

I persuaded Lin Yun not to kill Defoe, Heron was slightly relieved, but still uneasy.

I can still persuade Marfa here. After all, Marfa will definitely do it when he talks about it, but Defoe's stupid person doesn't listen to me. I told him that Marfa was far better than him. The imagination is much more terrible. Don't look at it as an ordinary titled wizard, but he doesn't believe it at all ...

Forget it, I warn Defoe when I go back, don't let him go too far, otherwise Mapha will certainly be tempted to kill him ...

I really **** it. Why are people coming out of the holy place so arrogant, do you really think that the holy place is invincible? Do they all think that the mage in the holy land must be stronger than the outside ...

"Her Mafia, if that Defoe is still in trouble, please let him a little bit. Now, hey, I can't speak ..."

Hellen couldn't help but say something at the end, but when she was half, she couldn't stop blushing.

Zhe Linyun nodded faintly.

Heron left in a hurry, found Defoe, and warned Defoe with a serious tone, but Defoe looked disdainful and did not believe what Herren said. Herren didn't say anything, but it seemed that Defoe already knew You can't dare to go overboard during this time, so feel relieved.

For the next three days, Defoe will go to the Merlin family's camp every day to find something. Although Heron's warning can not be shot directly, but the yin and yang are irritatingly irritating but not a word.

The second time, Lin Yun turned blue after hearing a few words, turned and left, for fear that he couldn't help but kill the guy.

After a while, Lin Yun was locked up in the house by himself, and laid out a soundproof alchemy array, and even allowed all of his fifty legion mages to repair without going out.

Every time Defoe came to say a weird bunch of words, he left. He wanted to make a direct effort to force Lin Yun out, but remembered the harsh words that Helen put down that day. At this time, he definitely punished his allies. Defoe Just put up with no shot.

"Hum, **** Malfay Merlin, you think you should just hide, you wait, you'd better keep hiding for the next time, otherwise you will never be missed!"

It wasn't until three days later that Helen sent someone to invite Lin Yun to a meeting, and Lin Yun pulled out of the soundproofing array and came out of the room.

I came to the conference room, and the high-rises of the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower were already present, and all of them looked dignified.

Hi Joe frowned, with a hint of worry in her eyes, and Heron's face was not very good-looking, the atmosphere was heavy.

After Lin Yun sat down, Heron slowly spoke.

"Her Mafia is here, let me tell you the truth, the Raging Flame Orcs have mobilized an army of 10,000 people to come to the Sunset Fortress."

When I heard this sentence, the people below were suddenly upset, and Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly, which was not good news.

Alas, this is very bad news.

"Everyone knows that the location of the Sunset Fortress is very special. On the territory controlled by the Fury Orcs, there are many natural dangers around it, and the Sunset Fortress is stuck in the center of the heart that leads to the Fury Plane. Our coalition is still unparalleled to the Raging Flame Orcs.

Although I knew that the Raging Flame Orcs would not give up the Sunset Fortress so easily, I did not expect that these guys with magma and muscles in their brains could assemble such a strong army so quickly.

With an elite army of tens of thousands of people, the sunset fortress may be surrounded at any time ... "

Helun solemnly said such a sentence, Lin Yun's expression also dignified.

An elite army of orcs with tens of thousands of people, this is not a fortress capable of resisting.

The raging orc army of tens of thousands of people is still a relatively strong elite. The number of powerful people in it will not be reduced. Although the strength of the three major forces is not weak, they are all high-end elites.

The power that can stay in the sunset fortress at present is the weakest magic wizard, there are many title magic wizards, there are several nine-level title magic wizards, not to mention Joey and Heron are already standing Nine-level title the strongest of the wizard.

But this has a fatal flaw, that is that the number is too small ...

所有 The total number of people in the sunset fortress is only a few hundred now, even if they are not all weak.

After all, these people are not the real army. In the face of such a big war, the single strongman, unless it is strong enough to have reached the level of the heavens, or it will have little impact on the battle.

The combat power of the Mage Army is the force that can exert its greatest power in this kind of war!

This point has been seen now, but not too much attention, but Lin Yun knows clearly that in large-scale battles, in addition to the strong order of the sky, the real mage army is the force that dominates the direction and ending of the war!

At the time when Northrend's world reached its peak, no matter which force would focus on training legion mage, not a single strong one, the power of the mage legion controlled by the power was almost able to judge whether the power was strong.

Now there are hundreds of people here, and the number of titled wizards may add up to hundreds, but it is a piece of scattered sand. Even if they stand together, they cannot bring out the results of the mage army.

In this case, not only must we face the tens of thousands of angry Orcs, but we also have to deal with the opponent's strongman. It is almost impossible to defeat.

There is no chance of victory in frontal battles, but defending can delay some time.

But if it is besieged, it will completely cut off the way of life ...

At that time, the support forces could not come, the sunset fortress was retaken, and the three major forces suffered heavy losses is inevitable.

定位 A positioning portal that was previously built has been connected to the Gorgeous Fortress, and this kind of portal is a one-way portal to save power and time. The purpose is only to let the power of the Gorgeous Fortress come over.

Rebuilding a portal ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ will take more time. At this time, the power to come to the rescue must be the cloud tower or the sacred place of the black tower.

This kind of portal that crosses the plane takes more time, it is too late.

When the portal was built and the Holy Land support came, the Sunset Fortress was already broken several times ...

Helen just talked about the current situation, and everyone knew what the situation was.

With a hint of anxiety on Joey's face, he tapped his finger on the table and spoke slowly in a deep tone.

"Now, we have only one option, which is to repel the attack of the angry flame orcs! The sunset fortress means too much to the angry flame orcs. Now this is still their fastest arriving army. If they are besieged, they will follow up with the legion. More and more, we can only go this way. "

Joey's tone was firm, but everyone didn't answer. They were helpless.

Hundreds of people against a 10,000-strong army of angry flame orcs? There are also the strong men inside, don't need to know. According to the most common fury orc army, there are hundreds of strong men above 30 in this 10,000 army!

Even the number of top powerful men is not necessarily less than them, and most importantly, an army of tens of thousands of people must be accompanied by orc shamans, even priests.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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