End of the Magic Era

Chapter 881: Reinforcements

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Finally Joey asked.

"My Excellency, we have known each other for a long time. I know that you are not the type of talker, especially in this critical situation, but I still want to ask, will there really be a large army? ? "

Heron had the same expression, and he hesitated.

At the level of two people, how can you not see that the fluctuations on the portal are not particularly strong? It is not like there are any large troops transmitting, a dozen low-level title wizards, or a nine-level title wizard. Strong men in the ranks of soldiers may have such magic fluctuations.

Lin Yun glanced at the portal with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The magic fluctuations on the portal are very stable, and there is no disorder. This shows a problem. This time, there is no problem with the large-scale delay transmission, and the army of the army is about to arrive.

"Hi, Joy, Heron, get ready, and come out soon."

Joey and Heron glanced at each other, looking at Lin Yun's confident look, and somehow had a little confidence.

Before getting the news, Lin Yun frowned, but now, looking at the portal, Lin Yun's face didn't look a little worried, and it seemed that the 10,000-strong army of angry flame orcs outside was completely unconcerned.

Based on their understanding of Lin Yun, Lin Yun is not the kind of inexplicable self-confident person, only when they are really sure. And it's only when you are very sure that this smile will appear.

Joey nodded slightly. Heron flew out a few runes, and the runes flew towards the gate of the sunset fortress. As long as Heron thought, the gates of the Sunset Fortress would open.

Defoe glared coldly and stared at Lin Yun fiercely.

"Maffamelin, I'd like to see what kind of ghost you are going to do. Okay, since you want to die, then you will be fulfilled. You will fight against the angry flame orc army, **** bastard. If it were not for you, how could we At this point, if you don't die this time, Heta Holy Land will definitely let you give an account.

If you die, that's right, the Merlin family must also give us an explanation, hum, if we lose to the Kingdom of Odin this time, you are the biggest sinner. See how your Merlin family confesses to all the forces in the Kingdom of Andalusia!

Now is your last chance, don't try to deceive us, get out of the sunset fortress immediately, and fight against those angry flame orcs to make atonement! "

Defoe was full of magic waves. Already preparing to force Lin Yun to leave the sunset fortress, he was talking about letting Lin Yun attack the angry flame orcs, but now there are tens of thousands of angry flame orcs outside. Going out in this situation will undoubtedly die under the heavens. It was an inevitable thing to be finally besieged by the strong of the angry flame orcs.

Lin Yun stared at the portal. Did not bother about Defoe.

Suddenly, Lin Yun whispered.

"Open the door!"

Heron subconsciously aroused magic, controlling the gates of the Sunset Fortress to burst open.

Joey looked dignified. Although he chose to believe in Lin Yun, he was ready to resist Lin Yun's troops.

Defoe exudes magic, sneer approaching Lin Yun, a posture ready to force Lin Yun out of the sunset fortress.

"Damn bastard, now, get out of the sunset fortress, don't let me do it yourself, or you won't even have a chance to get out of the sunset fortress ..."

At this moment, the slowly swirling vortex in the center of the portal suddenly brightened, and the crazy magic wave like elemental storm spread to the surroundings one after another. The center of this huge square was blowing a wind.

The white air waves, like clouds, turn into a circle and rotate around the portal. A wave of white waves gathers the horrible magic wave and turns into a white tornado straight into the sky.

At this point, the portal was completely unclear. The portal had been completely overloaded and turned into a huge light cluster. It seemed that the portal would explode at any time.

"My God, what is this, who is it, my God, the portal is almost unbearable, this ... how is this possible ..."

Defoe screamed stuttered, and backed in horror.

If this happens, it indicates a problem, that is, the terrible strength of the teleportation is so strong that it is about to exceed the carrying limit of the portal.

The light bloomed, completely covering the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters, and the people in the sunset fortress backed up in unison.

咚咚 …… 咚咚 ……

In the endless glare, neat and dull footsteps came out of the light.

From the first few, it quickly spread to dozens, and then quickly spread to hundreds ...

As if the ceremonial army wearing steel shoes stepped on the ground fiercely, the vast footsteps were neat like a person.

As the footsteps came out, the ground in the sunset fortress began to tremble with each footstep.

In the light, a neat square matrix can be seen looming out of it, silent, without any noise, only the neat footsteps.

咚咚 …… 咚咚 ……

And just this footstep, everyone is shocked ...

This **** is the army, are you **** teasing me, does Northrend have such strict discipline, has hundreds of people trained like one strong army?

Defoe opened his eyes wide and looked at the blurry figure coming out of the glare, his face pale and terrible.



There are really legions, very strong legions. If such legions can meet the same number of mages of the same level, it will definitely be a side-by-side rolling. No, it is a side-by-side massacre!

And the big-time powerhouses like Joey and Heron also stared blankly at the figures who came out of the light.

The heartbeat seemed to be beating with the neat footsteps.

Slowly, the light began to dissipate, and the glory of the portal slowly dimmed.

A dense army of alchemists appeared across the square!

An army of humanoid alchemists!

Each alchemy urn has a shiny shell. The shell is covered with dense runes and alchemy patterns, and thousands of alchemy puppets stand neatly in a square matrix. It looked as if heavily armed soldiers stood silently waiting for their king to review.

Eighty thirty-five level alchemists!

Level 830 Alchemy Puppet!

In front of the team, Lena looked cold. In a white jersey, there are three ice hockey **** that are constantly falling with ice debris. The momentum is amazing. Just standing there, no momentum is emitted, and a thin layer of ice on the ground spreads around Lena's feet. .

Full of patches, the patch that looks very ugly is the Alchemy Puppet, standing in front of the team, but like all the Kings of the Alchemy Puppet. No one can ignore it.

It is two meters and five meters tall, but it is off duty with a huge sledgehammer larger than him, and unbridledly releases the breath of his own seventh-level swordsman. However, the fury seems to spread with the repression of all things. Everyone knows that if he is regarded as an ordinary seventh-level swordsman, he will die very miserably. Just standing there, there are two clearly visible footprints on the ground that has been solidified by the sunset fortress. Together, The fine cracks of the road spread from the feet of the shift to the surroundings.

And the three brothers William, Anderfa floating in mid-air.

The light faded. Lin Yun stood in front of the army. The whole sunset was quiet and there was no sound. All the people couldn't help holding their breath, watching the scene in front of them.

Lin Yun nodded to the crowd. He turned to look out of the sunset fortress and drank.

"Go out."

In a word, it was as if it had completely ignited something. The violent breath erupted from all the alchemy urns instantly, and the horrible magic wave entangled with each other. Twisted in the sky into a colored pelican.

Then these magic waves converged, forming a thunder that circulated over the sky. There seemed to be countless Razers dancing wildly over the sky, raising up the army for the upcoming expedition.

Just now there was still no alchemy urn with no action, all the runes and magic lines on his body were lit.

Eight hundred thirty-level alchemy puppets and eighty-fifty-five level alchemy puppets were even more rigorous than the most severely trained troops, and instantly turned into a rush of light and shadow toward the outside of the sunset fort.

The horror screamed.

There was a dragon chant in Lena's mouth, which instantly turned into a hundred-meter-long frost dragon, and flew towards the sunset fortress.

The off-duty carried the killing and shouted with a grin.

"The slaughter of off-duty adults is already hungry ..."

Then when he stomped, his body disappeared in place instantly, and the stone ground under him was not known how many times. The earth suddenly sunk into a large pit of four or five meters, and horrible cracks spread along the large pit toward the surroundings.

And Lin Yun's mage army group, as Kuru raised his dragon scale staff, there was an infinite flame of elements to see surrounded them.

A four to five meter high flame element stood up from the flames, a pair of flame feather wings unfolded, and fifty legion mages turned into a cloud of fire and flew out of the sunset fortress.

Lin Yun held the dragon's staff, and his body turned into an afterimage that disappeared instantly.

In less than three seconds ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Lin Yun's large army all disappeared in the sunset fortress.

The sunset fortress became completely quiet.

Defoe opened his mouth and stared blankly at the army of alchemists who rushed out of the sunset fortress.

Eighty thirty-five level alchemy urns ...

Eight hundred thirty-level alchemy urns ...

All ... all humanoid battle alchemists ...

Damn, this is the legion of Malfurm Merlin?

Defoe's mind was in a mess, and I felt like I could no longer think about it. The picture of nearly nine hundred alchemy cards just now was so shocking. After living for so many years, I have never seen so many alchemy cards above level 30. What a picture together. (A good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ points / public account (Wechat add friends-add public account-just enter), and join immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat public immediately No.!) (To be continued ...)

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