End of the Magic Era

Chapter 882: Scuffle

In particular, so many alchemists are like the most trained human army, which is the most terrible ...

And the fifty Legion Mages he looked down on, he was so strong ...

Not only Defoe, but also other mages in the Sunset Fortress, even Joey and Heron are foolish ...

With so many alchemy 傀儡 coming out, the neat footsteps are as shocking as if they were stepping directly on their hearts.

Eight hundred thirty-level humanoid battle alchemy 傀儡!

Eighty thirty-fiveth-level cast alchemy 傀儡!

The 50-man Mage Legion, the 39th-level Frost Dragon, the 39th-level patch alchemy 傀儡, the powerful Orc Seventh-level Orc Swordmaster ...

Plus the most horrible Malfay Merlin ...

Helen and Joey have been stagnant.

Is this the power that Mammelin controls?

Everyone in the Sunset Fortress was taken aback by this sudden and terrifying power, and outside of the Sunset Fortress, the battle had begun.

The gate of the Sunset Fortress was opened. Where would the angry flame orcs surrounding the Sunset Fortress give up this good opportunity? Immediately, there were a thousand orc-wolf cavalrymen riding the giant waves waving their machete to the Sunset Fortress.

But before they rushed to the sunset fortress, they saw countless streams of light rushing out of the sunset fortress.

One-to-one alchemy urns rushed to the forefront. Six hundred melee humanoid alchemy swayed their arms. In an instant, their hands quickly deformed into two giant blades of nearly two meters in length. A dense blessing rune is attached.

Twenty-six alchemy maggots turned into a torrent of blades, and they met the orc wolf cavalry in front.

The coordination of each alchemy 傀儡 is very tacit, the blades are staggered, as if transformed into a giant meat grinder that stretches for hundreds of meters.

A blade of an alchemy cricket blocked the chopping of the orc wolf cavalry, at the same time there would be at least two blades running along this gap to hang the orc wolf cavalry along with his mount giant wave.

Looking at it from afar, a blade of cold light shone into a torrent of horror, and the torrent was inserted into the orc wolf cavalry's team with little obstruction.

The blade torrent rushed in, and immediately set off a storm of blood in the ranks of the orc wolf cavalry. Looking away, it was like a river of blood washed over. It was blocked by a piece of river and immediately splashed. The blood from the sky says ...

The **** smell was mixed with blood and turned into a **** smoke.

刀 刀 Alchemy 冲 Assault once, more than 400 thousand orc-wolf cavalry as temptations remain here forever.

And just after the charge of the Blade Alchemy Puppet, two hundred and thirty-level cast alchemy puppets at the rear, and eighty-level thirty-five caster alchemy puppets all raised their arms, and the horrible magic wave stirred the surrounding Elements, which make the elements in the range of hundreds of meters completely disordered, and the white air waves turn into a tornado and go straight to the sky.

In an instant, the endless spells rushed out, turned into a torrent of violent spells, and swiftly washed away those orc wolf cavalry who had just staggered with the blade alchemy.

After the seemingly chaotic spells rushed out, they collided with each other, and finally all the spell forms completely collapsed, and turned into a four-color torrent of elements.

Looking at it from afar, it seemed like a four-color giant wave with a width of hundreds of meters was severely cypressed. At one instant, more than 300 orc wolf cavalry were drowned by the four-color giant wave.

The violent elemental torrent rushed past, and only a few dozen of the more than 300 orc wolf cavalry rushed out with blood, and the rest were all torn to pieces by the elementary torrent.

An eighth-level swordmaster orc wolf cavalry roared, and the fierce fighting gas turned into a burning flame, and then instantly, a handful of ice debris fell from the sky, instantly extinguishing the burning burning flame of his body in a second. Within time, he and his mounts were transformed into ice sculptures.

Uh ...

Three consecutive sounds of breaking air sounded, and three ice lances hit the ice sculpture, making the leading orc wolf cavalry instantly broken into ice cubes, ...

While off duty, he carried slaughter and slaughtered, like a violent tyrannosaurus, directly into the ranks of the orc wolf cavalry. The slaughter and slaughter had been waved by him into a shadow, and the orc wolf cavalry could not be seen at all. How was it hit.

I only see where the off-duty has passed, and there are constantly orc wolf cavalry, including mounts, all exploding into a mist of blood ...,

In just half a minute, there are less than half of a thousand orc wolf cavalry. The orc army in the distance is quickly approaching to rescue, and there are still strong orcs who rise into the sky and rush towards this side. Come.

However, it was too late. The torrents of elements released by the cast alchemy rushed past, the ground was scraped away a dozen meters deep, and the huge torrents of spells were constantly suppressed. A single scour took away dozens of them. Orc wolf cavalry.

You know, these orc wolf cavalry are all elite, there are hundreds of swordsman level in a thousand people, and more than thirty swordsman level one and two!

In frontal charge, the orc wolf cavalry is always the strongest, and humans have no cavalry legion that can fight.

现在 But now, in a frontal collision, they were hanged by the blade alchemist. It was completely slaughtered by the side. Their blade was split on the alchemist's body, leaving only a knife mark. It had no effect at all.

After a few seconds, the hundreds of orc wolf cavalry who had been cut off from the rear again collided with the 600 blade alchemy urns ...

The dazzling blade of light flashed frantically, and was cut by a series of rune blessings such as Power, Sharpness, Defense, Demons, and Acceleration. The angry flame orcs lower than the blade's alchemy can not even resist. No.

The razor blade rushed through, and the remaining orc wolf cavalry seemed to instantly turn into a river of blood. It was swept by the blade torrent violently, splashing countless blood flowers ...

After the razor blade alchemy 冲 rushed once, all the cast of alchemy 傀儡 's mad cast rolling followed ...

For a minute, with one end rolling, 880 alchemy crickets faced a thousand angry flame orc wolf cavalry, and they won!

The leading eight-level swordsman was spearheaded by Lena first, and the remaining two seventh-level swordsmen were also killed alive by off-duty. Without the masters pressing, these orc wolf cavalry only damaged three thirty-level alchemists. I was cleaned up by the club.

These three damaged alchemy 傀儡 also had bad luck. They were chopped into the cracks of the joints by the orc wolf cavalry during the battle, or the control system was damaged.

Damaged Alchemy 傀儡 As long as you replace some parts, you can continue to participate in the battle without any impact.

At this time, the rescue of the orc army behind came to the battlefield. The first one was a nine-level swordsman. The angry orc was like a tyrannosaurus, leaving a narrow trace on the ground, which was still a hundred meters away. In addition, he already waved a giant sword that was two and a half meters long.

The bursting of the fighting spirit turned into a giant Dan, and fiercely towards the alchemy 傀 "The 儡 legion slaughtered over.

瞬间 But in an instant, there was a giant ice cube with a size of more than ten meters, and suddenly it coagulated in front of this vindictive chop.

Fighting chop and ice block constantly strangling and smashing a large piece of crushed ice to explode. The reddish fighting chop is like a crazy fire snake, constantly tearing the ice block, but after more than ten meters of tearing, the force of the fighting chop is destroyed. Eliminated completely.

大 The ground in front of them began to tremble, a large number of Kodo beasts rushed in, the sky in the distance, and a bunch of biped flying dragon knights coming from the wind, and there were more orc warriors waving their weapons and madly charging towards the sunset fortress.

The battle is about to start ...

At this time, those already stunned people in the sunset fortress reflected what the situation is now.

Joey's eyes were horrified, and his knowledge was also stunned by 冇 林 云 's alchemy corps, eighty thirty alchemy urns, eighty thirty-five alchemists.

Joy has never seen so many high-level alchemy 傀儡 gathered together except for the 傀儡 plane ....

I also saw how many high-end alchemists would bring together the fighting power. It was so scary that people felt that their scalp was chilling.

No wonder Merlin is so confident. Indeed, as long as the masters of the angry flame orcs are restrained, the other tens of thousands of angry flame orcs, as long as the level is lower than the alchemists, ten times the number will not be an opponent of these alchemists.

Joy spurred the magic, and the whole body seemed to be filled with a starlight, then the body turned into a devastating streamer, and disappeared in an instant, quickly rushing towards the battlefield outside the sunset fortress.

The mage of the towering cloud tower did not hesitate, and follower Joey rushed out as instinctively.

The corner of Heron's mouth on the other side shook unconsciously, and the staff in his hand almost fell to the ground.

After watching the Alchemy Puppet Legion with great power and hanging the tentative orc wolf cavalry at terrible speed, Heron remembered what Lin Yun had just said.

A black light pervaded Heron's body, and the strong men with the black tower rushed out of the sunset fortress.

Alchemy 傀儡 is a powerful, powerful body that has many, many weak points less than humans, and some minor injuries do not affect combat effectiveness at all.

But Helen also knows the weakness of alchemy crickets. Compared to humans, alchemy crickets are much more rigid. For those who are higher than alchemy crickets, these alchemy crickets become more vulnerable than humans, or more than humans. The strong man of humanity is better to deal with some.

Therefore, it is necessary to contain the strong among the angry flame orcs, as long as they are restrained, it is sooner or later that these alchemy cricket army will wipe out the angry flame orcs' army.

The advantages brought by the huge number of opponents will be continuously reduced.

Helen knew the key to winning this war.

As soon as the Great War broke out, Heron and Joe shot the fastest, and went up and stopped two orc warlocks with the rank of nine-level title wizard.

The strong men in the high-cloud tower and the black tower also knew the strategy set, and went against some strong men of the angry flame orcs.

Zhe Linyun, Lena, Off Class, Anderfa, all of them went to find some of the strong flame orcs, so that the strong among these angry flame orcs can not intervene in the war between the legions.

The star wise sage Joe did not use a staff, but held a crystal ball in his hand. There seemed to be no starry sky spinning in the crystal ball, and his whole body was strewn with a bit of magic like starlight.

The endless starlight is like countless fireflies floating around Joey's body, and then absorbing the power of the surrounding elements crazy, these starlights like weak fireflies colliding with each other will form one by one spell, impacting the opponent from all directions And go.

An eighth-level swordsman, and an orc-level orc warlock of the ninth-ranked magic wizard level, trapped in these hundreds of meters of starlight, can only confront Joey.

They don't know if the little stars that keep falling from the air will suddenly form a spell, but their spells are released, but they pass straight through the little stars, as if those stars are illusory. .

But after the two starlights collided, they immediately formed a spell. Their spells were released, and they could not even rush out within 30 meters. All the spells were suppressed within this range.

The eighth-level orc swordsman is even more pitiful. The surrounding tens of meters are all slowly falling starlight. When he hits in any direction, he will be bombarded by endless four-line spells, and his vindictive attack will be protected by that endless endless The shield spell was suppressed in a dozen meters range without any threat to Joey.

Everyone can see that it ’s only a matter of time before Joey solves these two people ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Lin Yun was the first time to see Joey ’s shot, but he could n’t help but be a little surprised. The guide runes and core meditation turned out to be star reflections ...

There is a magic rune called the starry sky reflection, and the core meditation is also called the starry sky reflection. When the two are cast together, the body seems to turn into a starry sky, countless stars are dangled, and each light point may be A spell that is used to trap people is definitely the strongest. As long as you are trapped, the strongest one will be forcibly suppressed and killed.

In the future, there will be a magical rune of the heavenly powerhouse that is a reflection of the stars. The most famous battle was that an abyssal lord who had already stepped into the high lord class unexpectedly appeared at the time. At that time, only the seventh-level strong man was trapped in the reflection of the starry sky and was alive to death in it.

However, when a strong man casts a spell, the range of thousands of kilometers seems to turn into a starry sky, and the tiny stars rotate, even leading to the real forming force, which transforms into a fantasy.

I want to escape, except for the brute force cracking, only the strongest magic rune that can completely calculate the countless star tracks can be escaped.

On the other side, Heron was holding a staff with black light and no clear shape at all. The body seemed to be covered by shadows. The spell was attacked, and all the shadows spilled out. One person stopped the strongest. An orc warlock of the nine-level title Magus. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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