The two girls’ faces changed.

Shen Hui did not hesitate, picked up the pistol and shot Jiang Fan.


Unfortunately, her speed was too slow for Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan did not dodge, but activated the virtualization.

The bullet passed through his body.

A bullet hole was left on the wall behind him.

Jiang Fan looked at her calmly without blinking:

“Ah! I didn’t hit it, why don’t you try again.”

Jiang Yan was even more angry.

“How stupid! I can’t hit it even at such a close distance! Kill him!”

Shen Hui was angry and thought she didn’t hit it.

Although she had never fired a gun, the distance of 5 or 6 meters was too close.

She was very confident, and then fired three more shots.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jiang Fan was still unharmed.

Three bullet marks were left on the wall behind him again.

This time, the two girls finally felt something was wrong.

It was so close, how could they miss every shot!

Even one of the bullets landed on the wall directly behind Jiang Fan!

Shen Hui trembled and said:

“You, you, are you a human or a ghost!”

Jiang Yan also looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief.

Even if she didn’t hit him, this man was too calm, as if he had already determined that he couldn’t hit him.


He’s not a human! He’s a ghost!

The two girls had never seen a superpower before, so they couldn’t help but think wrongly.

Although they had seen videos of superpowers on the Internet when the network was not disconnected before.

However, they didn’t believe it, but just thought that those people were playing tricks.

Jiang Fan finished the champagne in one gulp, walked to the two women leisurely, and reached out to grab Shen Hui’s pistol.

Shen Hui had no reaction at all, and looked at Jiang Fan in horror:

“You are not a ghost! You can touch me!”

Jiang Fan smiled and said kindly:

“Do you want to go on your own, or should I help you?”

Shen Hui waved her hands in horror:

“No! No! No! I…ah! It hurts! Let me go!”

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan grabbed Shen Hui’s hair and dragged her to the elevator.

He inserted his fingertips into the gap of the elevator door, and with a little force, he pried the elevator door open.

Inside was a dark elevator shaft.

Because the power was out, the elevator car stopped at the bottom and could no longer go up.

Shen Hui’s scalp was numb, and she screamed in horror:

“Spare me! Spare me!”

Jiang Fan did not respond, but just pulled her hair and threw Shen Hui into the elevator shaft.


Bang, bang, bang!

Shen Hui’s body hit the narrow elevator shaft wall back and forth.

Soon there was no sound.

After a while, there was an echo of a heavy object falling to the ground from below.


Jiang Fan turned his head and looked at Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan was so scared by Jiang Fan’s eyes that she trembled all over.

She knelt on the ground with a plop:

“Brother! Brother! Please forgive me, you can do whatever you want to me!”

Jiang Fan looked at her with interest.

Don’t say, this woman’s appearance and figure are still quite good.

A woman who can be favored by top rich people must be at least one in a thousand.

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan was not interested in taking the bus, and this woman was too cruel, so Jiang Fan didn’t dare to stay with her:

“Sorry, I’m afraid you will stab me in the waist with a knife in the middle of the night.”

Jiang Yan was stunned.

Did this man see the murder she just did?

Where was he hiding just now?

Why didn’t I see it!

Without giving Jiang Yan time to think, Jiang Fan grabbed her long hair and dragged her towards the elevator shaft.

“Let me go! Let me go!” Jiang Yan’s face changed immediately and she screamed madly:

“If you kill me, I won’t let you go even if I become a ghost!”

She screamed and scratched the back of Jiang Fan’s hand with her nails desperately.

However, this kind of attack was just like tickling for Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan was just worried about tearing his sleeves, so he knocked Jiang Yan unconscious with a slap and threw her down the elevator shaft.

Bang bang bang!


The surroundings became quiet.

Jiang Fan carefully checked with his perception.

He was the only one left in the satellite cabin of the Magic Sea Pearl.

Jiang Fan smiled with satisfaction.

This place was isolated and suspended hundreds of meters in the air, and there were only two ways to get up.

One elevator shaft and one spare staircase.

Jiang Fan looked down at the deep elevator shaft.

If some people were good at it, they could indeed climb up.

He had an idea and took out a bunch of junk from his personal space and threw it down.

Furniture that he didn’t like, broken shelves, and various things that he usually put into the space.




A few minutes later, hundreds of various kinds of garbage filled the bottom floor of the elevator shaft tightly.

Jiang Fan took out another box of nails and threw them down.

After a series of clanging sounds, the elevator shaft was quiet again.

In this way, no matter who wants to come up from the elevator shaft, it is impossible not to make a sound.

Unless the other party can also become virtual like himself.

Qi and blood burst, 500%!

Jiang Fan took out a few steel bars, inserted them into the elevator door, and then pulled hard to close the door, and then twisted the steel bars together to completely seal the elevator door.

Jiang Fan released the qi and blood burst after he finished.

He walked towards the stairs.

This is a spiral staircase leading directly to the bottom floor.

Every few meters, a small window is opened on the wall, and the lighting is not bad.

Jiang Fan leaned down slightly and looked down, and it was almost bottomless.

He thought about it, then went down a hundred meters, then took out a big hammer from the space and started to smash it.

Under his brute force, the reinforced concrete stairs were smashed to pieces and fell downstairs with a crackling sound.

Jiang Fan smashed more than 20 meters of stairs, and then threw a lot of garbage down, completely blocking the stairs.

Finally, he sprinkled nails as alarms, and then screwed the staircase door leading to the satellite cabin with steel bars.

All done!

In this way, this cabin is completely isolated in mid-air and becomes a safe shelter for Jiang Fan alone.

Unless it is some special ability people, ordinary people will never climb up without alarming themselves!

After completing the safety work, Jiang Fan was relieved and searched carefully.

In fact, he had already [seen] it from his perception, and he just confirmed it with his eyes again.

After confirming again that there was no problem, Jiang Fan left another subspace anchor point and opened the portal to return home.

The girls came forward.

Jiang Fan said:

“Pack up, we need to move to a safer home.”

He crossed the floor again and entered Li Qingquan’s home.

Li Qingquan was at the desk, wearing reading glasses and studying a newly collected plant.

Jiang Fan suddenly came and startled him:

“Jiang, Mr. Jiang, is there something wrong?”

Jiang Fan said bluntly:

“I’m leaving. You will live here alone in the future. You can live on the 32nd floor. The freezer and supplies there are left for you. In the future, I will replenish your supplies every 3 days. If I need medical treatment, I will come to you at any time.”

Li Qingquan was surprised:

“Ah? So sudden?”

He was very panicked.

Without Jiang Fan in charge, how could he protect himself living here alone?

Just like the last time the survivors rioted, if Jiang Fan hadn’t been there, he would probably have suffered.

Jiang Fan did not explain, but took out a pistol and several boxes of bullets and put them on the table:

“These are for you, keep them for self-defense.”

Doctors are still very useful and worth investing in.

Li Qingquan felt relieved and was very grateful to Jiang Fan.

Finally, Jiang Fan said meaningfully:

“If you find black lychees, be sure to contact me, I won’t treat you unfairly.”

Li Qingquan said simply:

“Okay! Don’t worry.”

Jiang Fan didn’t say anything.

Anyway, Li Qingquan couldn’t hide it from him.

If he came back one day and found that Li Qingquan had [ginger] in his body, it meant that he had stolen the enlightenment fruit, so he would just kill him.

If Li Qingquan found the enlightenment fruit and really gave it to him, Jiang Fan would not treat him unfairly and could reward him with two enlightenment fruits!

In this way, both sides would benefit.

Li Qingquan gained two superpowers, and Jiang Fan gained new fruits.

Jiang Fan returned home.

The woman had packed her luggage.

Jiang Fan put all the things they wanted to take away into his personal space.

Then, Jiang Fan swiped his finger, tore open the portal, and set the landing point on the subspace anchor point of the Magic Sea Pearl regardless of the distance.

The women walked into the portal one after another.

Jiang Fan took one last look at the room, and then walked into the portal with a roll of his eyes and Coke in his arms without hesitation.

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