Many women entered the portal for the first time and were very curious.

When they entered, it was still the Fortune Center Community.

When they came out, it became the top floor of the Magic Sea Pearl!

This made several women scream with excitement.

As soon as they walked out of the door, there was a revolving restaurant.

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the revolving restaurant were all made of high-strength tempered glass.

Standing here, you can have a bird’s eye view of the entire Magic Sea.

The boundless red fog sea of ​​clouds is extremely shocking.

The top floor of the Fortune Center is also above the red fog, but it is only 20 to 30 meters above the red fog, and the view is far worse than here.

All the girls stared out the window in astonishment:

“It’s so beautiful!”

“So this is what the red fog sea looks like!”

“When I came to the Pearl of the Magic Sea before, it wasn’t as magnificent as it is now.”

“Many trees are taller than the building!”

“Look! Look! That monkey is so big!”

The girls were amazed.

Standing high in the sky far away from the ground gave them a great sense of security, and they also had the leisure to comment on the red fog.

Gu Lianying suddenly said in surprise:

“Strange, why is the red fog rising?”

Everyone looked to the north.

Su Jin recalled:

“It seems to be the location of the Demon North Mountain? I have climbed that mountain.”

The Demon North Mountain is located dozens of kilometers north of the Demon Sea.

It is not high, only more than 200 meters, but it occupies a large area.

Today’s vision is not bad, and the Demon North Mountain can be vaguely seen on the horizon.

But now the Demon North Mountain is covered in a red fog.

Jiang Fan said calmly:

“Have you forgotten? There is red fog even on the plateau, so what’s wrong with red fog on the mountain?”

When there was the Internet, he had carefully collected the red fog situation around the world.

The height of the red fog is about 60-70 meters.

And many places in the world have already exceeded this height.

For example, the Kun-Tibet Plateau has an altitude of at least 800 meters.

Logically speaking, there should be no red fog in these places.

However, Jiang Fan watched many videos posted by plateau residents and mountain residents around the world.

The result is that without exception, these places are all covered by red fog.

And it is also more than 60 meters, which looks no different from the flat ground.

Why is this? ?

In addition, the red fog on the ocean is actually very strange.

The seabed is very deep from the sea surface, but the red fog still exceeds the sea surface by more than 60 meters.

Why is this?

As for whether there is red fog on the seabed, he doesn’t know, and he has never seen any relevant videos.

Now no one dares to go to the sea to experiment.

In general, the red fog seems to be able to guarantee a height of more than 60 meters in each place according to the different surface heights of various places on the earth.

This is amazing!

Only tall buildings and big trees are exceptions, where the red fog can be seen, and the red fog will not forcibly cover these places.

Jiang Fan also saw a video of a dam engineer. The dam where the engineer was located was built very high, which could also exceed the height of the red fog.

Could it be because tall buildings and dams are man-made objects, and big trees are living things, not inherent in the earth itself?

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan felt that the red fog seemed to have simple intelligence, which was extremely strange.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the endless red sea of ​​clouds under his feet.

The reason behind this red fog must be not simple!

After Jiang Fan’s reminder, the girls also remembered various details of the red fog.

Liu Mengyao guessed:

“Behind this disaster, there seems to be a shocking conspiracy!”

All the women nodded repeatedly, their faces became solemn:

“Yes, it’s too strange.”

Only brainless women like Tian Tian are still laughing and joking.

She stood by the French window, holding a cup of milk tea in one hand and taking selfies with her mobile phone in the other.


After the women calmed down, they began to clean up the satellite cabin.

Jiang Fan made a simple plan.

The revolving restaurant is a public place.

The Skyline Hotel is where everyone lives.

The Skyline Hotel has a total of 35 rooms of various sizes.

Jiang Fan naturally occupied the largest and highest-view presidential suite.

The other 8 women, in the order of being accepted by Jiang Fan, choose their favorite rooms.

The same is true for future women.

Whoever comes first can choose first.

There are so many rooms here, at least for a long time, Jiang Fan doesn’t have to worry about women’s living problems.

In order, Tang Xuerou is the first

A choice, but she did not choose the luxury suite second only to the presidential suite.

Instead, she chose a business suite next to the left of Jiang Fan’s room.

Xu Mengqian was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted and followed suit and chose the suite on the right of Jiang Fan’s room.

The other women woke up now.

The size of the house is not important.

Anyway, this is a super luxury hotel, and any suite is enough for one person to live in.

The most important thing is actually Jiang Fan’s attitude!

It’s the distance from Jiang Fan!

Whoever can be closer to Jiang Fan has a greater chance of being favored, and can take the lead in all aspects.

Even if you take a step back, the closer you are to Jiang Fan, the greater the possibility of being rescued in case of danger!

The women are not stupid, one after another chose a room close to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan saw it and said nothing.

He was very satisfied with the performance of the women.

Especially Tang Xuerou, who took the lead, this girl is really getting more and more sensible.

He took out a perception fruit and gave it to Tang Xueluo:

“This is a reward for you.”

Tang Xueluo was overjoyed. She knew she had made the right choice and said happily:

“Thank you, Brother Jiang!”

She ate the perception fruit.

Soon, her eyes lit up and she said excitedly:

“Brother Jiang, my perception seems to have been upgraded! I can sense farther distances!”

Jiang Fan laughed:

“Oh? Congratulations! How far can you sense?”

Tang Xueluo asked Tian Tian to cooperate with the experiment, and then said:

“About from here to that wall.”

Jiang Fan took a look and found that the distance was about 5 meters, which was the same as the effect of his perception when he upgraded to 2 stars.

Jiang Fan thought to himself:

“It seems that the growth rate of perception star upgrade has nothing to do with people, it depends purely on the ability itself.”

The girls surrounded Tang Xueluo and asked questions with envy.

“It turns out that you can really upgrade!”

“What does it feel like to upgrade?”

“Oh! Sister Xue Rou is so amazing. When can I upgrade?”


Jiang Fan has always told everyone that eating the same fruit repeatedly may upgrade, but so far, no woman has upgraded, so they can’t help but doubt Jiang Fan’s statement.

Now, Tang Xue Rou’s perception ability has been upgraded!

The women no longer have doubts, and they can’t help but feel envious and jealous.

Several scheming women looked at each other, and sparks flickered faintly in the air.

They secretly made up their minds in their hearts that they must perform better and let Brother Jiang give them more supernatural fruits!

I want to be the second woman to upgrade!

Jiang Fan saw the expressions of the women and just smiled without saying anything.

Female competition is very good for him.

Of course, he will not intervene to stop it.

It doesn’t matter if the women fight.

He has life-stimulating supernatural powers and can treat the women at any time.

Besides, it’s fun to watch kittens fight anyway, isn’t it?

Everyone just moved here, and there are still many things to do.

First, they need to clean up and completely remove the traces of the previous group of people living here.

Of course, Jiang Fan will not care about this kind of thing, and Tang Xuerou will lead the girls to complete it.

He tore open the portal and walked into the subspace.

It’s time to see the current situation of that stupid girl Zhang Zilin!

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