Endless Adventure

Chapter 6 - Meteor City.

Six years passed since the time I remembered my past life. Many changes accursed during these six years.

In this life I was an orphan who was left in Meteor City. There are many children like me here. Thankfully I was adopted by a nice woman. Her name is Beatrix and she is 34 years old. She too was left here in Meteor City just after her birth. She is a tall woman with above average looks. She found me next in a pile of garbage next to her house. Maybe she pitied me and took me to her house.

I didn't knew what was my name as my parents were too lazy to pick a name for me and just threw me away. I called myself Darby just like my past life. I had average looks. I just looked like any other Isekai anime protagonist bland, boring and looked extremely average. Only difference is I don't have a harem full different archetype of girls.

I was not the first child she found. I have 4 older brothers. They all were thrown into Meteor City just like me. Five of us created a little gang. In the Meteor City we as little kids have to form groups to even survive here. My oldest brother is called Damon and he is 12 years old. When Beatrix found him, half of his face was burned. Most likely his parents threw him away for this reason. As oldest he is our leader. He has a muscular build that was almost impossible for 12 year old.

When I was just eating my breakfast with Damon someone kicked the door and came hurrying up. He was a kid 9 years old. He was so skinny that even little gust of wind could carry him away. He is one of my older brothers, Axel.

Panting Axel looked over Damon and said, "Boss, losers from the west side ambushed Enzo and Rhys. It's all because we took stuff from their territory.They send me here for reinforcements."

Axel was bad at fighting as he had a weak body from birth. When Beatrix found him his bones could be seen from his skin. He had some kind of disease that made him always skinny. But he was fast on his legs.

We live in the southern parts of the Meteor City. There is a lot less crime here in southern parts than in central part of the city. Many people here leave of from garbage that was thrown here. Last week we stole some car parts from west side. Then we sold them for quite a buck. Now kids from west side is here to get revenge.

I looked at Axel and asked, "How many people?"

"There are ten kids which is not a problem for Enzo and Rhys, but those losers invited ȧduŀts in from the central part of the city. They are quite strong." He answered.

I looked at Damon and both of us stood up. Damon was visibly angry. He was so angry that his face looked more devilish. Both of us rushed out and followed after Axel.

It took us five to seven minutes from our house to the place of ambush.

From afar I could see ten kids from age of 10 and 14. There were also 3 ȧduŀts who were beating up two kids. When I looked at that scene both of my eyes turned bloodshot. I increased my pace and punched the ȧduŀt that was closest to me. He had no time to dodge that strike and he took dozen of steps back. I did not stop, I ran next to him and repeatedly send punches to his stomach, his face and to his nuts.

Damon took on two ȧduŀts. He too was angry.

I started training four years ago. I started with light exercises and slowly increased intensity of my training. This is what my stats are showing.



>Strength- Not too bad: Your punch can seriously damage a kid the same age as you.

>Speed-Impressive: You have a talent for running away.

>Intelligence-Impressive: Stop fighting and go to school. You have a talent for learning!!!


>Mind-Immortal soul: Has indestructible soul. Has weak possession power.



>MISSION- Follow the canon storyline, but accomplish tasks stated below:

1)Participate in Hunters exam and become a Hunter.

2)Fight Hisoka.

4)Fight Netero before he is dead.

5)Visit And Play Greed Island.

6) Fight a Royal Guard Ant.




Under my repeated attacks, the guy couldn't retaliate and feinted. After I finished this guy I looked over Damon. When I looked I couldn't close my mouth it was a total massacre. Two ȧduŀts were on the floor with bended legs and arms. Kids from the west side were already taken care by the Enzo and Rhys.

Enzo was second oldest is our group he was younger than Damon for few months. He was extremely tall for his age. He was good at fighting and he was also very intelligent. Rhys is third oldest in our group and he looked like a sunny kid with warm heart. But actually he is one sadistic mothe######r, he was cruelest of us. When beating up the kids from west side he intentionally broke few of their ribs, scared their faces with a knife, cut of few of their fingers and broke their limbs. He was my idol. He was perfect when dealing with problems. After his fights no one in their right mind would come for a revenge.

Five of us grew together and our bond was stronger than blood related siblings. Here in Meteor City the trust in friends and family is most important factor for survival.

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