Endless Adventure

Chapter 7 - Assembly of Elders and Assassin Organization.

Meteor City is divided into 5 different districts which are: West district, East district, North district, South district, and Central district.

All of Meteor City is governed by Assembly of Elders. Assembly creates laws and regulations in Meteor City. They also hold absolute power. There are 5 members of Assembly. Each chosen from the 5 districts. Member of Assembly only changes when one of the members dies. New member was chosen from the same district as the dead one. As they hold great power Assembly member almost never leaves the City, so that they could never be endangered. That's why Assembly member changes only after decades.

Meteor City is known for its two specialty's. One of them is known by everyone which is that Meteor City is greatest landfill. You can get rid of anything here be it just normal garbage, unwanted children, illegal and fatal weapons, and dead bodies. Anything in this world can end up in Meteor City. Second specialty of the Meteor City is Assassination, it is known for only minorities. There are many orphans unwanted by their parent in Meteor City. To use them for their utmost use. Assembly created an Assassin Organization. Every year exam would be held for everyone who wants to join the Organization. Its just like a Hunter exam but this exam is easier to pass then Hunter exam.

This year me and Damon are trying to join Organization. If I could I never would've joined this Organization, as it would limit my freedom. I have no other choice then to join Organization. All because of few reasons. One of the reasons is I don't have any Identification like most the people in Meteor City. Only those who join Organization could get them self's an ID to leave Meteor City. Other and most important reason to join Organization is to learn about Nen. Nen is the technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy(aka aura). Aura is the life energy produced by all living bodies vital for survival. Aura from all parts of the body has a tendency to flow together, producing one mass of energy. This happens without the individual's awareness, typically resulting in a slow leak of aura continually escaping the body. The pores or points on the body from which aura flows out from are called "Aura Nodes". In normal conditions, aura leaks away constantly without exceedingly harmful consequences; however, if someone whose Aura Nodes are fully open does not attempt to close them or control the flow of their aura, they will soon grow so fatigued they will be unable to stand or even lose consciousness. A student learning Nen trains to manually open and close their Aura Nodes so they can control the flow of their aura.

One typically learns this process slowly and gradually through meditation. But this process takes years or even decades. Only nine years left till the story begins as such I don't have time to waste. Thankfully there is second method which is called "Initiation", which consists in forcing the Aura Nodes open via an influx of aura. But compared to the meditation this method is far more dangerous and could be fatal. As one of the most known Assassin Organizations. Organization has many Nen users. Plus

Assassination is the best way to obtain money.

Me and Damon were applying to be one star ȧssassins. Assassins in the Organization is divided and ranked by the starts. One star ȧssassin being weakest and five star being strongest.

I looked at Damon, who was clearly excited and said, "When does the exam start?"

He immediately answered, "Three hours. We got to start moving."

After hour and half

We arrived before an abandoned plot of land where warning signs were all over the place. Normally no one could enter territory of an Organization if he was not the member. If someone entered here they would immediately killed. We were not killed for one reason which was a phone I and Damon were holding. It had no practical use and could only send signals. These phones were taken from the ȧduŀts we "took care of". They likely applied to join Organization which takes a lot of time. Anyone could apply to be an ȧssassin even weaklings like them.This helped us a lot. Even thought they applied for it but there is a rule that states anyone can get the phones and become applicant himself.

We walked for couple of minutes before we faced many people which more likely were applicants just like us. When we arrived we were given number tags after we gave back the phones. We were asked to wait.

After hour and half examination started. Every applicant entered one by one. We were at the back of the group. We were led to a big training hall. Examiner split applicants up into groups. First group started the exam. They examined them on: side to side jumps for 30 seconds, 1500 meter run, weightlifting, shot put, vertical jumping, Whack-a-Mole, and punching machine. Exam ended easily and both me and Damon passed the exam without problem.

Why you may ask exam was easy?

It's because one star ȧssassin is just a cannon fodder who is just a pawn in Organizations hands. Exam may look easy but not any average Joe can pass it. As I trained my body 24/7 in my past life, my journey this life was a lot easier. When training I would not make any mistakes that could harm my body. Also people of HunterxHunter world have stronger bodies than people from Earth.

Damon and me went back home after the exam. As we were just rookies we get 3 months of training before Organization sends us to work.

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