Endless Adventure

Chapter 8 - 'Training.”

Learning Nen was harder than I though. Already one month passed the time I joined the Organization. First of all one star ȧssassin has no authority and to learn Nen one has to be at least four star ȧssassin. Most important part is that before I advance in ranks I would most likely be brainwashed by the Organization. After some thought it makes sense. Nen users are really powerful. One great example of their raw power was a fight between Phantom Troupe member Uvogin and mafia. In that fight Uvogin massacred Mafia members and nothing could stop him. Mafia members used varying weapons from shotguns to rocket launchers but it was useless before him. In that fight Uvogin received not even a scratch where mafia members were annihilated.

To control the Nen users Organization tries to brainwash its members before they get stronger. During my month of training I was subjected to different types of brainwashing. First sign of brainwashing was attack on my self esteem. Using their superior position teachers ridiculed and mocked me under pretext of "Mind Training". Using pretext of "Body Training" they subjected me to physical abuse one of many brainwashing techniques. They deprived me of my sleep and kept me cold and hungry. Teachers also used Repetitive music. Studies have shown that if you play a repetitive beat, most ideally one that ranges from 45 to 72 beats per minute, you can induce an extremely hypnotic state. This is because that repetition is very close to the rhythm of the beat of a human heart.

This rhythm can alter your consciousness until you have reached what is known as an Alpha state, where you are 25 times more suggestible as you would be in a Beta state. And finally they used peer pressure where I they pushed who were already brainwashed to contact me.

Why I'm sure I'm being brainwashed?

That's all thanx to my system. When I last checked system my status showed that I was brainwashed. After knowing it went to check on Damon. Under three months of training we had to live in premises of the Organization. I went to his room. There he was talking with his roommate. He was a sunny boy with spiked blond hair. He gave off warm feeling.

I walked next to Damon and asked, "What are you doing?"

He happily looked at me and answered, "We were just talking about our training, nothing interesting."

I smiled and looked at sunny boy and said, "Nice to meet you. My name is Darby I'm Damon's younger brother."

He looked over to me and said, "Nice to meet you too. I'm not gonna disturb you." After saying that he left the room.

I closed the door and sat next to Damon. I took a deep breath and with a serious tone I said, "I suspect we are being brainwashed by the Organization. I just wanted to remind you to be more vigilant or you may get brainwashed."

He looked at me and couldn't say anything.

After few minutes he calmed down and answered me, "I understand."

I have never seen him so serious. In a first glance Damon may look like an archetype of a "Muscle-Head" character who thinks with his fists not with his brain. But in actuality he is quite clever or we'd never have chosen him as our leader.

I talked with him for a few minutes before I left. So that Organized suspects anything. There are many security camera around the hallways and if I stay with Damon more teachers may suspect something.

Even thought they tried to brainwash me their training was still effective, as my stats clearly increased.



>Strength-Good: You can break baseball bat using one punch.

>Speed-Impressive: You have a talent for running away.

>Durability- Not too bad: All thanx to the "Body Training" learned in the Organization.


>Mind-Immortal soul: Has indestructible soul. Has weak possession power.



>Misc Skills- Basic Hand to hand combat, Basic firearms mastery, Basic sniping, Basic Soundless movement, Basic knife mastery, Basic sword mastery.

>MISSION- Follow the canon storyline, but accomplish tasks stated below:

1)Participate in Hunters exam and become a Hunter.

2)Fight Hisoka.

3)Become Nen Master.

5)Visit And Play Greed Island.

6) Fight a Royal Guard Ant.


>STATUS-Safe, Under Brainwash


I was really surprised when I looked at system interface as it showed my new skills. During my training I was taught how to deal with firearms and cold weapons. I never thought they would show up as miscellaneous skills. I was really impressed by this.

Two months flew by and our training was over. Finally came the day for our first mission. I was ȧssigned to group number 7 and Damon was ȧssigned to group 11.

I was asked to report to mission hall. There they send me to seventh floor to the room number 77. When I entered the room I was welcomed by five guys there. This was the group I was ȧssigned to for my first mission.

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