Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 993: Nie Tong's Faith (Part One)

"King Shura?"

When I heard these three words, Nie Yun couldn't help but remain stiff, confused, and stayed in place.

King Shura, how could it be King Shura?

King Shura is the sole king of the Shura tribe, the most powerful being, the pedigree level is said to have reached the highest sixth level, is a super hero in galloping ancient times, why ... how can it appear here, and it is brother Nie Tong!

"Did it be in Liaoning Space in Kowloon, you took away Nie Tong?"

I suddenly thought of something, and Nie Yun's eyes were red.

In the original Lahu space in Kowloon, the legendary emperor fought against King Shura. Before that, the huge body had always been considered to be the so-called emperor. Now it seems that it is the true body of King Shura!

Because my brother only touched that huge body.

"Loot the house? Haha, don't you think that the noble blood of my dignified King Shura will rob you of this lowly life? That is the body of the rebirth, I just infused part of the energy!"

King Xiuluo glanced at Nie Yun and sneered.

"The Reborn Body? Nie Tong Is Your Body?"

Nie Yun felt only bitingly cold.

Nie Tong is the king of Shura. How is this possible?

Although he didn't admit it in his heart, as soon as this idea emerged, a feeling that he had to admit gradually took shape.

Bian Nie Tong was born with an unusual talent. Others will die if they take poison, and he can be promoted if he takes it! At a young age, he reached the realm of life-sword, which was impossible for many powers in the spirit world ...

Perhaps, he was really reborn as King Shura, or why is he so talented?

With this thought, Nie Yun's consciousness returned to the time when Lingyue of Yantai first saw her brother's body, her face changed, her body trembled, and she said, "It looks like heaven!"

I guess, at that time, she already saw that Nie Tong was the king of Shura!

But the will of God cannot be violated, even if she is a Taoist master, she cannot be reversed.

Moreover, in retrospect, the jade card with the word "kill" in the treasure trove of Sword God Sect was originally owned by Shura. I couldn't resist it, and Nie Tong's body gently pinched the jade card. Crushed.

At that time, he had not yet entered the Lahuo space in Kowloon!

I carefully recalled that many things have been shown, brother Nie Tong is indeed King Shura!

"Something, fire, taming animals, tracking, healing ... thunder, popularity ... hey, I didn't expect you to have so many talents, very good, since you are the first life I encountered in my rebirth, and there is such Many talents, be my nourishment, be the first person I eat! "

King Xiuluo felt the reborn body for a while, and suddenly focused his eyes on Nie Yun, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Although Nie Yun didn't reveal many talents, King Shura is the big man in the whole spiritual world that made the prince to tremble, and he saw it at a glance.

"Want to eat me, then kill me first!"

Seeing such cold words in his familiar face, Nie Yun's heart was about to break, and he vomited the uncomfortable turbid air in his chest, his eyes became firmer and firmer.

The other party is not brother Nie Tong, but King Shura. In this case, there is no need to talk about kindness. Some are just fighting and hatred.

哦 "Oh? It's up to you? Haha, the work of a three-legged cat, do you really think it's great?"

King Shura seemed to hear the best jokes in the world and laugh out loud.

His laughter was not over yet, and a ray of lightning came immediately and exploded in front of him.

Nie Yun has shot!

既然 Since you are not Nie Tong, I'll do it!

He is also a decisive person. He has no meaning of indecision. Although Nie Tong's kindness is great to him, if the other party is not his brother's consciousness, he will not be weak.

Thunder Kyushu!

As soon as he hit his shot, he launched the strongest attack, and the lightning flashed and the light splashed.


Thunder Kyushu fully hit King Shura without reservation.

"Haha, this attack also wants to hurt me? You didn't eat!"

King Shura didn't even back, as if others were tickling him, and blood-red eyes showed a thick taunt.


Thunder Kyushu can make Nie Yun suddenly burst out ten times the power, all released, hit the other side firmly, the other side has nothing at all, this strength is too terrible!

"King Shura, die!"

Xie Nieyun lost a move, and the dragon that had been hit by the fly flew over again. There was no longer the appearance of being dumb, a whistling dragon yin, and the huge dragon claws caught again.

I looked at it, and seemed to think about it, and knew the hatred between him and King Shura.

"Xiaolong should be the emperor in Jiulong space in Jiulong! It is the ball that fights that giant corpse-dragon egg!"

At this moment the fog disappeared, Nie Yun understood.

Nine Dragons, since they are called emperors by dragons, they are also dragons. Such a simple question, I didn't even think about it!

Xiao Xiaolong must be the emperor, that is, the ball, and then rushed to his own dragon egg.

He fought against King Shura, died in Kowloon, and the dragon became a dragon egg again. I don't know how many years after hatching, it was resurrected, but it also lost a lot of memory. Only when the strength reached a certain level, can he recover.

Looking at what it looks like, Xiaolong should be recovering some memory.

"I am afraid that when the Big Dipper came to the realm of the world, he was also fighting King Shura ... knowing that he would die, there is no need to look back!"

With a flash of light, Nie Yun understood why Beidou Xingjun died.

He should be the same as the original "Emperor". In order to kill King Shura, he was finally killed by King Shura and disappeared into the dust of history.

Xing Jun, the master of the Nine Pins of Golden Pattern, was all killed, which shows that King Shura's power is far beyond imagination.

However, the current Shura King has just been resurrected, so it should not have such a terrible strength, at most it only has the combat power around the beginning of Xuanxian.


想法 The thoughts flickered in my mind, and the confrontation between Xiaolong and Shura King appeared again. The former was still not an enemy. They flew out, the dragon scales broke, and golden blood flowed.

"Seven Star Sword, Stars!"

Seeing that Xiaolong was at a loss, Nie Yun set aside his imagination, the Beidou sword flickered, and the strongest sword move was currently being used.

The swordsmanship turned into a sky full of stars, and the crazy power matched with the increase of the vigorous Dantian projected out, and every sword with a little bit of meaning meant to project endlessly.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

King Xiuluo still did not resist, the star trick stabbed on the body, the rain hit the banana, no effect.

"This trick is interesting, but it won't hurt me!"

With a flick of his fingers, the Beidou sword "hum!" Came out and fell off, and Nie Yun's arm trembled, his tiger's mouth cracked, and blood splattered.

"According to your friendship with my rebirth body, let you three tricks, it's me!"

Shotgun flying with the Beidou sword, Shura Wang sneered and walked forward, grabbed his hands, and rushed to Nie Yun like a murderous airflow monster.

"Don't be crazy!"

Xiao Xiaolong flew up again, the tail of the dragon swept away, the crushed air was superimposed, and the sound of gas explosion was endless.


The dragon's tail collided with King Shura's big hand, and the dragon scales splashed again, and Xiaolong's body was injured again.

"You two will die today!"

He flew Xiaolong again, and King Shura's eyes were cold and calm, without any feeling, grabbed the palm and screamed.


Yunie Nieyun knew that he would definitely not win the battle at this time. As soon as the spirit moved, Xiaolong was put into the horoscope, the wings of the Phoenix flickered, and he flew quickly to the distance.

But if you ca n’t beat it, you run away, leaving Qingshan to worry about no firewood!


Nieyun flew out dozens of kilometers in a blink of an eye ~ www.readwn.com ~ I thought I could get rid of the king of Shura. I looked up and found that this guy had appeared in front of him.

"I want to kill, you can't escape!"

King Shura looked at the helpless struggling prey, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and his palm was stretched again. Nie Yun felt the surrounding space was enveloped. The whole portrait was like a grasshopper bound to a rope, and he jumped Can't get up, and even blocked back to the Big Dipper.

"Come on!"

He controlled Nie Yun, and Xiuluo Wang Xiong's long fingers pointed towards Nie Yunmei's heart.

"Are you going to die here this time?"

Seeing the other's fingers growing larger and his body unable to move, Nie Yun was stiff, and he closed his eyes involuntarily, giving rise to despair in his heart.

In the face of absolute strength, all struggles are futile.


I don't know how long it took, I didn't feel the life passing, the other party's attack didn't seem to hit the body, Nie Yun looked up involuntarily, and at a glance, immediately hesitated.

Ps: Beginning of a new volume, asking for various tickets. . Hehe. .




(To be continued. This article is provided by @ 太 假. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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