Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 994: Nie Tong's belief (below)

I saw that King Shura's forward fingers solidified in the air, as if frozen, the muscles on his face kept convulsing for a while, then became white and hesitant.

I seem to be under tremendous psychological pressure and severe psychological fluctuations.

"what happened?"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun was a little confused.

The King Shura is not terrible. I can see from the horror of the whole spiritual world alone that Shura can see the horror. This life of killing the decisive fruit, at this time, actually showed this expression, making him a little confused.

"Dead to me!"

Although I do n’t know why the other party is in this situation, Nie Yun knew that this was the best time to kill him. Without hesitation, the huge whale raised his fist to the sea and bombarded the other party.


King Shura Wang Zhaozhao, his whole body was crisp, his bones were broken, and he flew upside down, still floating in the air, I don't know what happened.


Seeing that the other party didn't show any resistance, he stayed still and let him succeed. Nie Yun didn't know what his conspiracy was and stopped.

"Brother, do it, kill me now, otherwise I won't be able to suppress it ..."

Suddenly, King Shura shouted loudly, his voice was anxious and sharp, with a quick taste.

"Nie Tong?"

When I heard this voice, Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

Is the voice of Nie Tong!

King Xiuluo actually made Nie Tong's voice.

"It's me, I'm King Shura, and King Shura is also me. Hurry up and take advantage of it now that I can suppress him, or he will kill you once he breaks free!"

Yan Nietong shouted, his voice revealed a firm and unshakable breath.

"Nie drilling ..."

When he heard what he said, Nie Yun's eyes became red, and he immediately understood.

The younger brother Nie Tong actually lives with the soul of King Shura!

Souls have been seen on Mihua and Yi Qing's mother before their symbiosis. I did not expect that my brother also appeared, and the integration was so complete, like a complete person.

"You are abominable, my dignified King Shura, destined to dominate the great people of the world, cannot be killed by a kid, you give up your spring and autumn dreams!"

Suddenly, Nie Tong's voice changed, with a ruthless expression on his face, and a murderous spirit was boiling like a raging cloud.

The soul is controlled by King Shura again!

"Come on!"

King Xiuluo roared and started to Nie Yun again.

住 "Stop, even if I die, I won't let you hurt my brother. This is my philosophy, my determination!"

Before the palm of his hand came to Nie Yun, Nie Tong's voice sounded again, revealing his determination that he could not shake anything.

"Abominable, abominable!"

King Shura's voice sounded again.

A person is like a conversation. Two different characters communicate. If you don't know the symbiosis of the soul in advance, you will definitely see a coldness from the bottom of your heart when you see this scene.

"Brother, don't hesitate. Hurry up and kill him! He is King Shura ..."

Nie Tong shouted.

"Your name is Hongyun, isn't it? Very good, I have him guarding me today, I can't kill you, I won't let you kill, go!"

Brother Xi's voice was not over yet, and was suppressed by King Shura again, his eyes flashed red, his body flickered, "Hoo!" Disappeared from Nie Yun's eyes.

"Nie Tong ..."

Yun Tian's eyes looked around and found that he could not find the trace of King Xiuluo. Nie Yun took a deep breath, and tears ran down from his eyes involuntarily.

Tanie Tong was resurrected, but King Shura was also resurrected.

In fact, my brother is King Shura, King Shura is my brother, and he is a person, but Nie Tong has only one belief from childhood, that is to protect his brother. King Shura wants to kill Nie Yun, so that this conviction is completely cleared up.

"Nie Tong, I will definitely find a way to save you ... to bring you back to life!"

Xu Jing stayed in place, I do not know how long it took, Nie Yun's fist clenched, secretly swear.

The symbiosis of the soul is a matter that even the Lingtai Lingyue, who is a heavenly master, cannot be divided. Although he has no ability now, he can only practice hard in the future and strive to let his brother live in real sense, instead of symbiosis with King Shura!

I returned to the Big Dipper.

Xie Nieyun did not have the joy of escaping from the king of Shura, but rather a strong self-blame.

If it wasn't for him, Nie Tong wouldn't be what he is now. If it wasn't for him, Nie Tong would be carefree ...

"You do n’t have to blame yourself. Nie Tong is destined to be King Shura from birth. His consciousness is only false. According to the truth, once the true King Shura was born, he would be completely wiped out. No one knows Nie Tong. Not only was he holding King Shura's obliteration, but he was able to fight against it, it was really terrible! "

The spirit of the star palace came over.

She knew everything before.

"It's Nie Tong who doesn't want to hurt me. This life-long faith has awakened him!"

Nie Yun nodded.

King Xiuluo was reborn, and Nie Tong originally did not belong to his own thoughts, but in order to protect himself, he persisted in this belief and resisted the slander of the other party.

"Nie Tong's ability to persist in obliteration may also be related to the mystery performed by Lingyue in the early stage of Yantai ..."

An idea popped out of my head.

After encountering Nie Tong for the first time, Lingtai Ling said that this was the word of God, and he used a big trick. At that time, Nie Yun couldn't bear the pressure and passed out. He didn't know what happened. .

Now it seems that Nie Tong's consciousness can be completely preserved and co-exist with King Shura, I am afraid that it has something to do with her method at that time.

"Now it ’s the best ending for Nie Tong and King Shura. Soul symbiosis, it is impossible for King Shura to kill Nie Tong, and it is impossible for Nie Tong to kill King Shura. Copper will also strengthen, so you don't have to worry about his safety! "

The spirit of the Pleiades continued.

"Well, yeah, he should be fine. At present, I must regain my strength, practice as soon as possible, and strive for an early breakthrough to achieve higher strength!"

When I heard the persuasion, Nie Yun was feeling better.

The spirit of the soul called Nie Tong had already consumed it. As expected, there was no soul dantian in the body, nor did he possess this talent.

However, although the blank Dantian did not generate this talent, it can no longer give other attributes.

Now, he has a total of thirty talents, plus the Dantian and the master Dantian that can not be given other attributes, it is equivalent to a total of ugly pieces, and the remaining four Dantians have no attributes.

I have no talent for the soul master, and the only soul spirit is consumed again. That is to say, to resurrect the silence, we need to continue to look for soul spirit.

As for why Yan Zhi didn't appear when using the spirit of soul, Nie Yun didn't know.

Of course, it may also be the credit of Yantai Lingyue. Since she can send people a spirit of soul, she definitely won't let Yan Zhi stop herself.

After a few steps, he came to Xiaolong to help him recover his injury, and Nie Yun sighed.

"You are here to adjust your rest, and I should go and check the driver's level!"

Having the status of exorcist can avoid a lot of trouble in the spirit world. Now if you want to quickly upgrade your strength, you must get all kinds of conveniences, and this status must be obtained.

I carefully calculated the time, and Xu Xinqian's assessment was about to begin.

I left the Big Dipper Palace, the wings of Nie Yun's Phoenix flickered, and flew towards the county town.

The place where he was was not too far away, and not long before, he saw a huge city in front of him.

城市 The city walls are so tall and tall that they are seventy to eighty meters long. The formations on the walls are faint, shielding all the killing spirits of the outside world, leaving the aura inside clear and bright.

Before I entered the city, I saw a majestic tall tower standing in the middle, straight into the sky, I do n’t know how many floors, how high, like pillars supporting the heavens and earth, with majesty inviolable.

"This should be the driving tower repair, a branch is so imposing, I really don't know how magnificent the driving tower headquarters really is!"

Nie Yun couldn't help feeling that this tower was unique in the city, and it was daunting.

Which new town's driving tower is just a small branch of the spirit driving tower. The strongest is probably the sixth-grade driving master. The small branch has such a tall building. You can imagine the momentum of the real headquarters. .

I put the wings of Phoenix into my body, and found a place where nobody was there, and quietly fell down. Like other cities, I paid a certain amount and went in.

It is indeed the city where the driving tower branch is located. The prosperity level is much stronger than that of the so-called Dawn City. There are crowds of people everywhere, who can move on the road, each of them is shaking and breathtaking. Take a casual look , There is no shortage of masters of true immortality and heaven immortality.

He thought that his strength would be strange here, but now it seems that no one paid attention.

The concentration of Reiki in County New City is much higher than that of Jiuyang City, and there are few impurities. Cultivation here can reduce the distress of getting into the magic, be brave and advanced, and become more powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Such a purity, I am afraid that the layout of the entire array is the work of a six-pin flood repairman, and only this strong person can allow such a huge city to enjoy this aura of pure treatment.

"Xu Xinqian said that the assessment will be based on time tomorrow, or find her first, find a way to let her arrange it!"

As soon as Xun's heart moved, Xu Xinqian took out the jade card left by him.

Write her address on it.

I jot down the address and inquired about it, and walked forward quickly.

Soon, a tall mansion appeared before his eyes, and this is where Xu Xinqian said.

"Will Miss Xu Xinqian live here?"

When I came to the mansion, Nie Yun asked the guard in front of the door.

"Who are you? What are you looking for?" A guard looked at Nie Yun and asked hesitantly.

"I'm your lady's friend, Nie Yun, please give me a briefing!"

Nie Yun laughed.

朋友 "Friend? Humm, Toad wants to eat swan meat, go away!"

Suddenly the guard yelled.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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