Endless Dantian

Vol 2 Chapter 99: fishing

Chapter 99: Fishing

他妈的 "Fuck, what the **** is this place, how come you can't go to this end for a long time?"

King Wang looked at the endless mist in front of her eyes, and the strange pupil shot an angry light.

"Should I ask you this, don't you say that you have already obtained the information of Luoqu Tomb? Why can't you even get out of this place!"

King Suining was unhappy, and hummed coldly.

"The information I got is not detailed. I only know that this place is called the Confused Palace, but I didn't write anything about how to go out!" 佟 Wang also seems to have a bad temper.

"Hum, we are still walking around, I am afraid those humans have already entered the tomb and have all the good things gone!" Ning Wang shook his hand.

"Hate!" The King of King seemed to realize this too, and roared angrily. "They may not be able to find a way out so fast. Let's go faster. As long as we can catch one, we won't be able to ask!"

"I can only do that now, go faster!"

Although King Suining did not give any hope to this approach, there was no other way now, so he snorted.

"Everyone hurry up! Huh?" King Wang waved again and took everyone to walk forward, but only took a few steps, and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" King Ning asked.

"Look, what's that?"

The king pointed forward.

He looked in the direction of his fingers and saw that not far from the crowd, a gold-colored object glittered, which was extremely dazzling in the gray air.

"It seems like ... bricks? How can there be BRICS in this place? Is this the treasure of Luoqu Tomb?"

Suining Wang Qizong's peak strength, spiritual power can be seen far away, and at a glance, the golden thing in front is recognized, it is actually a gold brick!

怎么 How can there be BRICS in this place? This is too weird!

"Look at it!"

Gold is not only popular among human races, even the demon races, it is very precious. It looks like this gold on the ground weighs more than ten pounds. If it is converted into silver, it is definitely a huge wealth.

"Sure enough it is gold. How could this place pick up gold?"

When I came to the gold bar, everyone looked around, and found nothing abnormal, and there was nothing wrong with the gold, everyone thought it was strange.

"Hmm? Look, there seems to be another one ahead!"

The king again pointed forward, and as expected, everyone saw a gold bar again.

"Let me see!" This time King Ning came to the gold bar without waiting for everyone to stand up and bent down to pick it up.

根 This root is the same as the upper root. The color is pure. At a glance, you know that it is pure gold. If you exchange it for silver, one or two must be at least 12 or more.

"and also……"

The King of Kings and the remaining five soldiers in the top of the armor came to Ning Wang, and then found that there was one in front, and it seemed that the distance was getting closer.

"This will not be a human trick!"

He picked up the third gold bar and found that a fourth one appeared in front of him. This one was closer, and he hesitated.

"Tricks? Do you think they have brought so many gold bars here? How is this possible?" Ning Wangxi laughed.

"This is also ..."

The Lailaoqu Tomb is naturally a treasure hunt. How can anyone come to dig a treasure and bring gold? Isn't this full?

Although there are so-called "Nan Dan Dan Tian" in the world, there are very few people with this talent. King Wang and Ning Wang do not believe that these human race guys will have such people.

"I think these must have been stolen when the tomb was being repaired. Maybe if we walk along this gold, we can find a way out and find huge treasures!"

He held the gold in his hand, and Ning Wang grinned.

"This ..." 佟 King still seemed hesitant.

"What are you afraid of! The few human beings with the strongest strength are in the early days of the sect. The area that can be seen in this confused hall is even smaller than us. When he found us, we found them long ago. You are still afraid of him. Unable to attack? "

Suining Wang Lengheng.

"That's it! Well, let's go along the gold and find the biggest treasure!" The King of Lu laughed.

The eight members of the Yaozu group continued to move forward, and picked up more than a dozen gold bricks in less than ten minutes. Although this wealth was not too much for them, they could get wealth for no reason, but they were excited and laughed and watched Sex gradually relaxes.

"Well, there is gold on both sides? King Wang, you take three to this side, I take three to pick up over there and come over!"

I walked away for a while, and the gold in a straight line in front of me suddenly split into two directions. Although not far apart, the distance between them can make the strongest of the airs can not see each other.

"Be careful, shout whenever something goes wrong!"

"Okay!" The King of King urged a more careful one.

Although the eyes can't see and the mental power is blocked, the sound can still be transmitted in this place. The distance is twenty or thirty meters. As long as one shouts, the other party can completely hear!

The eighteen people were divided into two directions and walked towards both sides.

"It turned out to be two directions, strange!" King Wang took his subordinates and walked in one of them for a while, then picked up three gold bars, and found that the direction in which the gold bars extended turned into two.

"The demon chapter, the demon, you two pick up the gold bars in this direction, after you get them, go to my side, and will naturally call you when you see!"

Although Xun felt a little weird, Xun Wang did not doubt it, but instead ordered two subordinates to let him pick it up.

Two soldiers in the top of the armored state, even if they can not escape in danger, there will always be a time to shout!

"Yes!" The two responded at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ and went straight ahead in the direction specified by King Wang.

两个 These two are just the strength of Bingjia Realm. The range of mental power scanning is not much different from that of Nie Yun. It is only about three meters. After walking for more than ten meters in the direction, a yellow orange orange brick is lying on the ground.

"Look, there is still ahead!"

Picked up the gold bar, one of them suddenly pointed forward, there really was another one two meters away!

Just behind King 佟 and King Ning, their status was low and they were not qualified to pick up gold. Now it is their turn to act. Seeing the gold bars in front of them, they all whispered in excitement and hurried forward.

Every time the two of them picked one, they found that another one appeared nearly three meters in front of them. After picking up more than ten consecutive ones, they were more than fifty meters away from the king.

佟 If coupled with 也 王 also moving forward, I am afraid that the distance between the two has exceeded 300 meters! (The distance that King Wang can see is far away, and the distance between gold will also increase. The demon badge and demon will walk three meters to pick up one. He has to walk about twenty meters to pick up one, so the two walk out of five. Ten meters, the King of Kings is likely to walk out of three hundred meters!)

"I didn't expect so much gold, the two of us can make a fortune! Even if the treasures of Luo Qu's tomb don't have any of our share, this time it's worth it!"

The two monster chapters held the gold in their arms and laughed in excitement, but before the laughter was over, they heard a wind coming from behind their heads, and then they saw an axe light, which flashed across them. .


The gold in my arms fell down, and at the same time, two huge heads also fell heavily on the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~

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