Endless Dantian

Vol 2 Chapter 100: Sneak Attack on Ning

"I didn't expect this fishing method was really good!"

I looked at the two bodies lying on the ground, and Nie Yun laughed.

The gold on the ground was naturally put down by him. He lied to 810 gold bars from Li Fu. He never spent much money. I didn't expect it would be of great use at this time!

Everyone wants to take advantage, and the demon is no exception. It is very easy for these people to get some gold bars to relax their vigilance, and then take the opportunity to separate them. As soon as they are separated, it is very easy to break them one by one!

Take these two monsters at the pinnacle of the armor, although Nie Yun's cultivation is lower than them, but the fighting ability alone is better than them several times, plus they are immersed in the joy of getting treasure, spiritual power You can't even see your eyes, and you have a sneak shot! There is no difficulty!

The two monsters did not even make a shout, nor did they come and demonize, they became two bodies.

"The monster dan is mine, huh? Looks like my dad and the city owner have succeeded too!"

Put the two demon monster dans and gold from the ground into the object dandan field. Nie Yun observed it through the tracking air and found that both Dad and the Lord of Luo City had already got their hands! And they seemed to be more powerful than themselves, killing three monsters at the pinnacle of the armor in one breath!

"Oh, I'll meet with my father right away. The three of us will work together to see if we can kill that Ning King!"

Seeing that he had killed five of the top soldiers in the Bingjia Realm with just one move, Nie Yun smiled, took out the messaging jade card in his hand, and handed a message to his father and Lord Luo, and quickly walked in their direction. come.

I can observe these demon people with my tracking spirit, my father and they ca n’t. The reason why I can attract the Ning Wang and others like myself is naturally a message passed by myself!

I can see a range of 1,000 meters, which means that I can see it clearly with a distance of 2,000 meters from my center. I use the Chuanyu brand to direct them to tease Ning Wang and others without any effort!

According to observations, the king of kings brought a subordinate 300 meters away from him, and Ning Wang bare one, 500 meters away from him, and the distance between them was 800 meters. It was perfectly possible to reconcile with his father and see if he could use it. A sneak attack killed this so-called King Ning!

If you can succeed in sneak attack, you will have 佟 王 and a pinnacle peak, and you wo n’t have to fear anymore!

When I thought of this, Nie Yun smiled and walked towards his father immediately. After a while, they merged together and whispered their plans.

"Okay, just do it!"

They are not a good stubble, knowing that the best time to kill the two strongest lords of Qi in the Confused Palace is the best time. Once you go out and lose the ability of Nie Yun to see things, I ’m afraid the bad luck is Waiting for yourself!

"That's good, Dad, Lord Luo, you're following me now. We must make a one-shot kill. If you can't kill it, turn around and leave. Don't stay!"

Xie Nieyun asked solemnly.

Although they have a broader vision than King Ning, they can still see clearly within a range of more than 20 meters. At their own speed, if they want to sneak attack beyond 20 meters, they have not been found. The difficulty can be imagined. !!

Failure to sneak attack is equivalent to giving the other party a chance to breathe and start to demonize, even if they can not reach the extreme level, it is by no means the three of them can deal with!

Besides, once the energy fluctuations and sounds are heard, the 佟 king must be aware of it. A peak of the air line is not an opponent, let alone two!

Therefore, you must leave if you do not hit, otherwise, all three will definitely be there!

"Good!" Nie Xiaotian and Luo Zhanhao also knew the significance of the matter, and nodded.

"Go!" When the two agreed to their words, Nie Yun nodded and swept forward first.

"Why haven't these three wastes come back yet?"

Ning Wang stooped to pick up the gold bars not far away, and glanced backwards, and found that the three soldiers who had just sent out did not return, and his face sank. You must force you to hand over the gold bars! "

He thought the three subordinates hadn't appeared yet, and intended to smuggle gold bars.

I hummed, and continued to walk towards the gold bars in front, only a few steps, suddenly a throbbing heart, turned back suddenly, and saw a bright axe light howling to break through the space!


As pupil narrowed, King Ning stepped back hurriedly at the same time, and at the same time his body became horrible and demonized!

妖 He is different from the other monsters you saw the last time. His body is covered with green scales, and his head becomes similar to the beast's head, as if he turned into a monster!


Seeing his appearance, I heard an exclamation from behind the axe.

"A lot of insights, too bad! Dare to attack me, today is your death!"

Hearing exclaimed, Ning Wanghe's face smiled, he stopped walking backwards, and his right hand, full of scales, greeted the axe straight.

The beast is a kind of demonization. Once the demon is excited, he will be full of scale armor like the demon beast, and his defense is amazing!

This kind of beastization ability is the same as the human's Dantian attribute. It is impossible to practice without talents. It is relatively rare. I did not expect to encounter one here!

"His death? I think you're dead!"

The laughter of King Suining had just ended, and a cold drink came from behind, and at the same time a huge palm print severely cracked it down.

掌 The area covered by this palm print is not large, but with the majesty of airmanship that can't be resisted, at a glance, it is known that this trick is a strong airman!

"Qi Zong is good, but it's just ... the early days! This kind of strength dares to sneak in on me, hehe, it's useless!"

Seeing the flying palm print, Ning Wang Yaoyi's eyes not only did not have the slightest fear, but she showed the light of excitement. She turned her left hand and greeted her.

There are two palms on the left and right, without any defense, one by one, facing the palm print and the axe light.

"Useless? Plus me!"

Suddenly, a huge shield came crashing from the side!

盾 This shield is golden throughout, and the surface of the shield flashes, showing an air of grandeur, justice and majesty.

"Golden Shield of the Divine Wind? Spiked!"

King Suining finally gave birth to a dignified color ~ www.readwn.com ~ A spike on his forehead suddenly emerged. This spike is very similar to the horn of a monster. It is black and hard.

The three naturally attacked by Nie were Nie Yun and others. After seeing Queen Ning, Nie Yun and Nie Xiaotian attracted his attention with the flame axe and the supreme sorrowful hand, respectively. The killing move was the magical gold shield of the last Lord Luo Zhanhao!

The Kamikaze Golden Shield is a superior weapon of the Hou tribe. The treasure appointed by the Kamikaze Empire is similar to the official seal. It carries the majesty of the Kamikaze Empire, and is majestic before it falls. It is shocking and irresistible. the power of!

ps: Hey, our performance in Sanjiang is too bad. We do n’t push it next week. We wo n’t be able to put it on the shelves early next month. Originally, Yaya planned to explode after it was put on the shelves. Our outbreak is different from others. It ’s okay to update a hundred chapters a day! The results did not meet the requirements for pushing, so ... I can only bear it, hold on! However, it's okay, everyone keeps the monthly pass for Laoya, and when we get crazy on the shelves, as long as your monthly pass is strong, Laoya will definitely be more powerful! Well, let ’s not say, this week ’s recommendation seems to be a new type of recommendation. Lao Ya has never written a book for so many years, and I do n’t know if it ’s good or bad. However, no matter what the recommendation effect is, we must not be discouraged. A good result, and strive to be pushed and put on the shelves next week, let's break out more chapters! I hope you can vote for this book Sanjiang, vote for this book, flowers, rewards, collection ... In short, I want all kinds of data, because your data represents the performance of the new book, the more data The more popular this book is, the more passionate Lao Ya will be, and more and more chapters will break out for everyone! Thank you ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~

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