Endless Dantian

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Sneak attack failed

"go back!"

I also seemed to feel the power of the Divine Wind Shield, and the sharp corners on King Ning's head suddenly became longer and greeted us violently!


Although the latest attack of Divine Wind Shield was the latest attack, it met the first one with a sharp corner, making a crisp sound and flying out.


He blocked the attack of Jinfeng Jindun, and Ning Wang breathed a sigh of relief, sighed coldly, raised his arm grave, and fired a force on the left and right palms, respectively, and immediately faced the axe and the palm print.


The axe light palm print and this force collided together, a series of gas explosions, annihilated in the air at the same time.

Blocked the three men's sneak attacks in succession, Ning Wang's face turned blue, and it seemed that he was not harmed lightly.

"Good opportunity, watch me give him one final blow!"

Seeing his face, Nie Xiaotian's eyes lighted up immediately, and the Supreme Master rolled his hands in grief and took another photo.

"Dad, no good, rewind!"

When I saw my father's hands, Nie Yun's pupils shrank, and the speed suddenly increased by two in anxiety, and Ning Wang threw his father's arm and threw him forward!

The previous life and the monsters have fought in countless battles. He knows that the monsters' face is not injured, but that they have been completely furious. At this time, the attack will definitely be counterattacked like never before!

王 This Ning King is the strongest peak of the ancestors, and now he is demonized again. If he fights back, let alone the early days of the sect, even if it is the peak of the sect, he will directly die!

"Come on!"

There was a trance on Nian's face, and Ning Wang punched Nie Yun's back with a punch!


At this time, Nie Yungang threw his father out, and had no time to dodge. He just felt a sudden pain, a sweet throat, and a spurt of blood spewed out, and then the whole person flew forward like a kite with a broken line and fell out. Don't let Nie Xiaotian go a little faster!

"Yuner ..." Nie Xiaotian then realized that it was his son who saved himself, a remorse in his heart, a hand reaching out to pick up the seriously injured son in the air, and hurried forward.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to save his son even if he died!

"Can you escape if you sneak into me?" King Ning transferred all his anger to the two, ignoring Luo Zhanhao, who fled on one side, and chased after him.


A few steps behind them, Ning Wang grabbed Nie Xiaotian's back as soon as he stretched out his palm.

This grasp of breaking the cracked stone has unparalleled power. As long as you catch it, let alone Nie Xiaotian, even if Nie Yun, who is about to become the second layer of the Spirit Rhinoceros Body Technique, will die directly!


As soon as King Ning was about to capture Nie Xiaotian, a sudden violent shaking occurred in the Lost Hall, and a thunderous voice sounded like an earthquake.

"what is this?"

He was shocked by the sound, and King Ning's attack lost his sight, just passing by Nie Xiaotian, the father and son escaped.


Even though I do n’t know what happened in this confused hall, why did it shake the mountain, Nie Xiaotian was relieved, his feet were flying fast, and he was desperately rushing forward.

"Can escape once, I see how you can escape the second trick!"

Seeing this opportunity, Nie Xiaotian jumped more than ten meters away, and King Ning barked "Wowa", turning his palm into a streamer and splitting at Nie Xiaotian again.

This time, it was even worse than the previous one. Before I came, I felt the wind blowing, and the air made a sharp noise.

It is foreseeable that if you are hit, the sternum will break, and you will die immediately!

"Will our father and son die here?" Nie Xiaotian secretly suffered.

His speed was not very good, now he is holding Nie Yun, he can't hide this trick!


When Nie Xiaotian felt that my life was dying, his body was light, and his arms suddenly lifted him up, "brushed" to avoid the attack, and flew forward quickly. The blink of an eye disappeared within the sight of King Ning. .

"Thank you for your help, eh ..."

I felt a lightness on my body, and Nie Xiaotian thought it was Luo Zhanhao's shot. He let out a sigh of relief and looked down at the words, and then stopped, with a strange look on his face.

It wasn't Luo Zhanhao who was holding him, but his son who was badly wounded by Ning Wang's move just now, lying in his arms, Nie Yun!

Nie Yun's injury ... how is it?

I'm saving him ... have he saved me? what's the problem?

Nie Xiaotian felt that his brain was short-circuited, and some reactions failed.

"Dad, it's a sound from the stele direction, I'll take you there!"

Seeing his father's surprised expression, Nie Yun grinned, knowing that it was difficult to explain, and rushed in the direction of the sound.

He was injured by Ning Wang just now, but he is now a therapist. The healing gas of the therapist is very fast to treat the injury, and it will be completely cured in less than two breaths!

And not only healed the injury, the initial strength of Bingjia Realm also broke through in an instant, reaching the middle of Bingjia Realm!

As Xiu progressed, his speed increased again. When he saw his father was in danger, he jumped directly from his hand, hugged him, and quickly escaped!

"Lord Lord, hurry up!"

I walked for a while, and Nie Yun saw Luo Zhanhao who had fled before, and pulled him out. The three of them flew away in the direction of the sound.

The stone stele is the place where people such as Luo Qingcheng hide, suddenly making such a loud noise, I am afraid they have found something!

After a while, the three came to the stone monument.

The stele at this time has shifted forward by two or three meters, and the original place exposed a burrow entrance that only allowed one person to pass. Luo Qingcheng was standing at the entrance of the cave, and saw the three people approaching and hurried out.

"Hurry up, this is the way to leave the Lost Hall!"

I finished drilling.

"The channel is here?" Nie Yun firstly thought of it, then remembered the slang on the stone tablet ~ www.readwn.com ~ and suddenly realized.

The slang says that there is Mingtang in the heart, not that it is in the heart, but it means that if you want to go out and feel it with your heart, I am afraid that Luo Qingcheng and others have just realized this, and I do n’t know what organization was on the stele. This opens the channel.

"Lord Lord, come in!"

Understand what happened, Nie Yun first let Luo Zhanhao jump in, and then let his father drill down.

As soon as I finished this, I heard the sound of the wind behind me. The three men, Ning Wang and Xi Wang, were less than twenty meters away from themselves.

When the stone stele moved, the sound of the channel opening was too loud, and the two were not deaf. They rushed along the sound.

"Where to escape!"

Seeing that several humans not only killed one of their six subordinates, but also were about to run away, Ning Wang was so angry that he yelled and slashed in one stroke.

"Oh, sorry, take a step!"

I had expected him to do this, and Nie Yun grinned, and as soon as he walked into the channel like a fish, he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Do you think you can escape by the passage? You must die today!"

With a single palm in the air, King Ning and King Wang snarled to the front of the passage and followed in.

Ps: On Saturday, everyone is idle, cough, please vote for me idle, you who are not idle have worked hard, vote for me, who is still working hard! The ball games will be the referee all day and tomorrow today, rely on, but also let people not live, hum, a month to earn a thousand dollars a salary, Laoya is desperate, poor poor desperate Laoya ~ www. readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~

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