Endless Dantian

Vol 2 Chapter 102: The fog is heavier

"The air peak is really strong, and we can't compete!"

After entering the passage, everyone rushed for a while before Nie Yun thought of the danger just now, and her head was covered with cold sweat.

If it wasn't for the acquaintances, if they weren't therapists, if they were not Luo Qingcheng and so on, they had just opened the channel ... I am afraid that none of them will survive today!

It's so powerful to stab a monster in the air peak, there are two in the back, and there is a peak in the armor, it seems that the crisis has not been lifted!

嗯 "Well, why is the dense fog in this place stronger than before?"

My heart was feeling, and I heard a surprised sound not far away. Turning around, Nie Yun found out that the gray atmosphere in this place was stronger than before. I did n’t use the tracking air before, but I can still see Three meters to the circle, now I can't even see one meter!

"I can only see a distance of three meters now!" Father's voice sounded.

"My father was only able to see a three-meter circle in the early days, wouldn't other people remain blind?" Nie Yun didn't expect to find the passageway, and the passageway looked like this, with a strange look.

"Try the tracking spirit again!"

The air of tracing was released again, and Nie Yun sensed it, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

虽然 Although the dense fog in this place has increased, it has not affected the tracking air much, and I can still see the scene one thousand meters away.

"This place is a lot smaller than before, eh? These seem to be traps for institutions?"

I looked around for a while, and Nie Yun suddenly noticed that some stones on the ground in front of him were obviously different from those around him, and he couldn't help moving.

In previous lives, everyone knows that Yi Rongshu is unparalleled in the world, but few people know that their accomplishments in organ traps are also unfathomable!

There are two main types of traps in organs, one is mechanical and the other is matrix formation!

The mechanical traps of the mechanical type are powered by machinery and have limited lethality. Moreover, the general mechanical layout will age and become less powerful over time; the matrix type is powered by energy stones and demon cores. Hundreds of years, thousands of years as powerful.

这些 These in front of me, according to my own observation, should be a combination of mechanics and formations. As long as people who do n’t know step on these special stones, they will touch the institutions and be in crisis.

"This Luoqu is really cruel!"

I glanced casually for a few moments, and Nie Yun found that once these institutions touched, even the strongest soldiers in the Bingjia Realm might not be able to stop them, and could not help but utter a tongue.

洛 This Luoqu didn't know what good things were hidden in the tomb. It was plainly said that it was used by future generations, but it was so scary to set up so many traps!

I have a wide view of the Qi to follow, I can see the surrounding situation clearly, plus the understanding of the traps of the organs, I can avoid the traps, but others ca n’t, I ’m afraid that even if the strongest ancestors come to the endless trap, To make a big loss!

Ok? Peak of air

Huh quack, isn't this just for the so-called King Ning and King Lu?

Nian Yun almost jumped with excitement in his heart.

I can see the place 1000 meters in front of me, but they ca n’t see King Ning and King I. They are still blind here. They can take them into the trap and torture them!

"Oh, everyone holding hands, come with me!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun smiled in his heart, and whispered the command, and felt that his hand was hot again, and a warm little hand came over.

Nie Yun knew that it was deliberately done by Luo Qingcheng. When he felt warm, he didn't say much, and he strode forward with a long hand.

I took everyone forward for a while, bypassing the stone that could touch the organ, Nie Yun stopped.

"You are waiting here, I will bring King Ning to them!"

I entered the passage just now, and the crowd rushed for a while, and they had left King Ning far away. Nie Yun looked at it with the air of tracking and saw that they were wandering forward carefully, seven or eight hundred meters away, and couldn't help smiling.

"be careful……"

Luo Luo Qingcheng grabbed Nie Yun's palm and said softly.

"Well, rest assured!" Nie Yun smiled slightly, broke away the girl's palm, and walked forward as soon as she shook her body.


"Damn, why is this place like this ghost? You can't see anything!"

I felt that my mental strength could only see three meters around, and Ning Wang was angry and barking.

Just because I could n’t see above, I was designed by those human beings and other talents, and five subordinates were damaged under the eyelids of the top sects in the two halls. This strange shame made him go crazy!

"These abominable humans, I will kill all of them!" At this time, the king also understood the BRIC fishing and roared.

"Let ’s go slowly this time, and then see that no one is allowed to pick up gold bars. In any case, they cannot act separately. I see what tricks they have available!"

King Suining summarized his experience.

The reason why I was fooled before was that everyone was separated because of greed for money. Once separated, the fighting power weakened. Otherwise, how could it be possible for these humans who have been lowered to take advantage!

So, as long as you wait for people not to be greedy for money and not to be separated, even these humans have no tricks!

"Well, no matter what, let's not break up. As soon as we find these lowly humans, we will shoot together and kill them all!"

The King of Kings also answered.

"Okay, let's go, those treacherous humans, I don't know where they have gone now, we must rush to find the treasure in front of them ..." King Ning yelled fiercely, but before the voice was heard, he heard a distant sound A light footsteps.

"Don't talk!" He made a snoring gesture, and King Ning and Ying Wang looked at each other, each of them seeing the excitement in the other's eyes.

The Luoluo Tomb is now on its own with that group of humans, and the sound of footsteps indicates that the other party is close to itself and others!

"Hey, I didn't expect those monsters to be like this, a few gold bricks were fooled, and they should be here ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let's throw some more gold bricks and see if I can make fun of them!"

A deliberately low voice came out of the fog ahead.

"I threw the bricks last time, and I threw them again this time, I'm afraid they won't be fooled!" A puzzled voice sounded.

"Rest assured, the two monsters at the top of the air line are idiots, they will definitely be fooled!" The first voice laughed.

"I hope so, I'm afraid that they went to be deceived once, and this time they won't be separated. If so, we are really a little dangerous to the two strongest lords in the air," said the second voice worried. .

"Don't separate? This is a troublesome thing. In this way, first put the gold bars in a straight line, and then slowly separate them, don't divide too far apart, about seven meters apart, so that they are not far apart, you can eliminate their worries, Let ’s wait in the middle where they ca n’t see. If they are apart, gradually widen the distance and sneak attack on one of them. If they do n’t separate, we will sneak away. Anyway, they are all more than three meters hidden in the middle. We ca n’t see us. of!"

The first voice said the plan.

"Okay, let's do that, let's do it!" The second person seemed to agree with the plan, smiled, and then heard the sound of the gold bar landing in front of him.

"Hum, want to calculate us, dream! King Wang, we will be in the middle after a while, catch these two people alive!"

Suining Wang Yan laughed.

"That's nature. When they're caught, they will be refined into 让, let them know the cost of offending me!" King Wang also sneered and the three walked forward quietly.

Alas. . Gorgeous dividing lines. . . . ………… Continue to ask for tickets ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~

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