Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1001: 5 grade gold texture repairman

"Look for death? Why do I want to die for my good life? Just rotten stuff like you. No one wants to throw it into a brothel, I really don't care about you, don't get me wrong!"

I interrupted the angry Liu Moyan, and Nie Yun said "sincerely".

"一侧!" Xu Xinqian on the side did not expect that Nie Yun, who seemed so calm, would say this, and couldn't help laughing.

I did n’t think it was right after I laughed. This sentence was a complete offense to Liu Moyan. If she really started to go crazy, she would be in trouble.

"Dead to me!"

Hearing such an insulting slang, Liu Moyan couldn't bear it, and with a roar, his open five fingers grabbed Nie Yun's throat immediately.

"Master Zhang Xian, this crazy woman has blatantly shot in front of your black armored guard, disregarding the rules of the fair, don't you catch it?"

He stomped under his feet and avoided the other's volley, Nie Yunlang said.

"Shoot? Why didn't I see it? I only saw you playing Lord Liu Moyan. She rose up and defended herself. Even if you kill you, you deserve it!"

Zhang Xian sneered.

"That's it! That's okay!" Nie Yun wasn't surprised to see the other person talking like this. He shook his feet twice in a row, avoiding the opponent's two consecutive attacks, and grabbed his right hand suddenly.


Yan Liu Moyan only felt dark before her eyes, and a phantom appeared in front of her. All her attacks were completely disappeared by the phantom.


When I felt a sore throat, a palm was pinched up, then a chin was tightened, and the palm was lifted stiffly, and the sole of the foot left the ground.


Tama Liu Moyan only saw it now, and it was the boy who was just making fun of her, the boy named Nie Yun.

What's wrong with her attacking her and pinching her neck? Doesn't it mean that trying to kill her is as easy as killing a chicken?

Knowing this, Liu Moyan no longer had the previous arrogance, Jiao Xun shivered involuntarily.


I was not only scared, she was incredible. I wanted to see Zhang Xian who was smiling, and when I saw this scene, my mouth opened like I was stuffed with two cooked eggs, I couldn't believe it was true.

"Let her go!"

He stepped forward to Nie Yun, Zhang Xian took out a long sword with a shake in his palm, and pointed at Nie Yun.

"Let her go? Don't be nervous. This adult Liu Moyan suddenly likes to be with me. I can't help it unless I am with her ..." Nie Yun said with a smile.

"Like being together, 呸, what are you doing, let me go ..." Liu Moyan was pinched by the other's neck and shameful, and when he heard this, he got angry and yelled loudly.

"Is it? It seems I misunderstood. In this case, I will kill you before I say it!"

She chuckled a little, and Nie Yun's fingers gripping her throat suddenly strengthened.


Because she had too much strength, her throat made a series of crisp sounds.

"You ... yes, I like to be with you!" Feeling the killing intention brought by the other's fingers, Liu Moyan was scared, his body was soft, and he screamed with a last breath.

She has also experienced life and death. She has seen many ruthless people and many well-known guys. When she met her because she was afraid of her identity and background, even if her tone was hot, it was also a sharp inner classic. And this guy in front of her pinched her neck, her eyes did not fluctuate, as if holding a chicken, a dog, without any psychological burden, it seems that if she does not speak, the other party will really pinch her directly.

How can there be such a root guy? Doesn't he know that this is a driving tower, killing a five-pin driving master at will is a capital crime among capital crimes?

"Have you heard? It's this Liu Moyan who likes to be with me. I would love you if the man loves you!"

When I saw Liu Moyan succumbing, Nie Yun smiled, and patted the other hand on Zhang Xian's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Why not let it go. The armored guards don't even let others fall in love?"

"You ..." Zhang Xian was fighting with a sword in his hands and wanted to do it at any time, but when he saw Liu Moyan in Nie Yun's hands, he was afraid of accidental injury and resisted his anger.

"Since Lord Zhang Xian is okay, let's go first! Spring Festival is worth a lot of money, and I won't stay here anymore ..."

Nie Yun stretched a lazy waist, the other hand held Xu Xinqian, raised his foot and walked out.

Zhang Xian trembled with anger, anxious to rush over to find this guy's trouble, but when he saw Liu Moyan holding in his hand, he immediately dispelled this thought.

"Let's go!"

He pinched Liu Moyan's neck, Nie Yun strode forward, and as soon as Xu Xinqian got out of the trading floor, he got into the carriage immediately and walked straight back.

The three of them just left the trading floor. In a room above the trading floor, several people came out.

"Master Yu Fei, this is the helper Xu Xinqin has found!" The master Xue Wu who Nie Yun met in the courtyard of Xu Xinqian came to the youth from the crowd and whispered.

"Yeah!" Youth Fantasy Feather, expressionless, looked at the direction in which the three men left, and snorted.

"Brother, let's just let this kid grab Sister Mo Yan?" Asked a gray-eyed young man with wicked eyes.

"What if you don't let him take it?"

Xuan Yuyu frowned, and waved at will.

"But ... such a blatant arrest of people here, we are too shameless!" Said the youth in gray.

"This is not a question of shamelessness. I originally thought that by using Mo Yan's means, such persecution, Xu Xinqian would certainly be unable to resist, so that she would find an excuse for her not to participate in the test. ... funny, fun! It looks like this game will be a lot more fun than last time! "

Wu Huanyu didn't feel angry, but raised her mouth and said with a smile.

"A lot of fun ..." Hearing his chant, the young man in gray clothes wondered, "Brother, let's not rescue the sister?"

救 "Save her? Why save it, rest assured, he didn't dare to treat Master Mo Yan! Xiao Xiaodao and our master should also pay attention to the rules and will not embarrass her, this is the bottom line! Go back!"

Wu Huanyu turned and walked out.

Several other people took his lead and looked at him. When he saw this, he stopped talking and immediately went out, and soon disappeared on the trading floor. ……………………………………………………………………

"so close!"

Gong Mafengne stunned Liu Moyan with one finger and threw it on Feng, and Nie Yun exhaled and wiped the cold sweat on his head.

"what happened?"

He didn't change his face before seeing him at the trading floor, but now he looks like this, Xu Xinqian can't help wondering.

"There are masters on the trading floor, far above that Zhang Xian!" Nie Yun rubbed his eyebrows and said, "He just had a spiritual fight with him. His soul strength is stronger than mine and he is good at fantasy. I am afraid he has touched Xian. Late grade! "

"I'm about to reach the soul of the late immortal class? The strength is far above Zhang Xian? Is it ... Is it the most mysterious master brother, Magic Feather?" Xu Xinqian's face changed.

"Brother? Fantasy feather?"

"The six-pin-disciplinary monk who is hostile to my master Xiao Yidao is Su Yang. He is a demon. He has a total of ten disciples, but he has only seen nine in these years. It is said that there is a big disciple who has never appeared before. It is called fantasy. Yu is a demon-like fantasy group. Not only has his strength reached the peak of Luo Wonderland in the middle, he is also good at psychedelic magic, and his soul is incredible! "

Xu Xinqian's face was dignified. "Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he is actually a five-grade gold texture repairman!"

"Five Pin Jinwen drive repairman?" Nie Yun was surprised.

Wupin Jinwen Exorcist explained that he has at least six special talents in the top 100. The more special talents, the higher the ranks, the stronger the ability to fight higher levels. Although Sha itself is the peak of Luo Wonderland in the middle, I am afraid that the general Luo Wonderland in the late period, and even the peak strong are probably not opponents!

"Yes, I have heard before, I have never seen him, and he has never appeared, so no one takes it seriously. If there is such a master as you say, it must be him! No wonder Liu Moyan and Zhang Xian dare to trade Under the circumstances of so many people in the market, they were so daring and blatantly violated the rules. I am afraid that it is the illusion that all the people around them have drawn into the illusion. Even if they trace it in the future, they will find nothing! "

Xu Xinqian said.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

She was right. The crowds who were watching the crowd just now were really weird. According to the theory, even if Liu Moyan wanted to get in trouble, she would definitely not do such a naive thing, but she did it, and she was unscrupulous. It must be something. rely.

All the people around me are in a fantasy, I am afraid that what I see and hear is just the opposite of the fact. Once Xu Xinqian rebelled, he would definitely be convicted and violate the rules, and he would not find it if he wanted to find a witness.

"For the test, they have always been despicable. This time, they knew that I had broken through the fourth grade and reached the level of half-step five-grade golden texture. I was afraid to use this despicable method. Once I could n’t help it It ’s inevitable that you will be arrested and reviewed by the Black Guards. Although some masters ca n’t treat me like that ~ www.readwn.com ~, but blocking for a day or two prevents me from participating in the game, it should not be too difficult! In this way, even if they do not have to compete, they know they have won! "

Xu Xinqian was already clever. After thinking about it, she understood it.

"Well, you're right, their purpose is to let you shoot, and then find a way to get you into trouble, can't participate in the game!" Nie Yun answered.

He had thought of this long ago, otherwise he would not have decided to hold Liu Moyan.

"Abominable! Actually use this method! Despicable!" Xu Xinqian gritted her teeth.

"There is nothing despicable or despicable. Whoever wins has the right to slang, and whoever is the king!" Seeing her angry look, Nie Yun smiled, and her palm gently fluttered on Liu Moyan.


This enchanted woman woke up.

"You will let me go! Otherwise, my brother Yuhan will not let you go!" Liu Moyan woke up and saw that they were still under the control of the two, and said fiercely.


I didn't finish talking, and my face hurt, and when I saw the teenager slap it, it was so loud and clear that she suddenly stunned.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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