Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1002: Sharp gold division

"Do you dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? The five disciples, the six disciples that Su Yang sat down, and the super-powerful characters in Luobu Wonderland, dare beat me to death.

After a short while, Liu Moyan looked pale and roared.

The roar was not over, "Pop!" Slap again.


Tamarix Moyan's face suddenly swelled, no longer beautiful.

"You hate it, you are trying to die ..."


"You will regret today ... Six


Liu Moyan's eyes were like wolves, with a ferocious meaning, and hate had to eat the young boy in front of her, but the more fierce she shouted, the more fierce the opponent was. The teeth in her mouth were all spit out quickly. Can't recognize it.

Finally, she was so afraid! Because since the first slap started, the other person's eyes and expression have not changed, and the threat to her doesn't care.

"You are a monster, a demon ..."

Tamarix Mo Yan has never encountered such a cold person, and feels that he is going crazy.

Not only was she going crazy, but Xu Xinqian's eyelids on one side were jerking, and she was secretly glad that she had always been nice to this boy, and didn't bother him, otherwise "I'm afraid her experience will not be much better than the other side.

"It's very simple, what I ask you, what you answer, let you do it, you do it!"

Seeing that her will collapsed, Nie Yun stopped and said lightly.

He doesn't like hitting women, but if this woman offends him, don't mind shooting.

柳 This Liu Moyan pretended to be unpretentious from the beginning. He has no mercy for such people.

"What are you asking?"

"It's very simple, isn't Magic Feather going to participate in this competition, just in the county town?" Nie Yun said without turning a corner.

"Yes" Liu Moyan struggled in his heart, wanting to keep his mouth open, when he saw the other person's indifferent eyes, he immediately gave up this idea, and quickly nodded.

"What strength does he have, what means and talents!"

After what happened today, sooner or later, we will be hostile to this fantasy feather, know more, and grasp more.

"Brother Phantom Yu is the mid-term peak of Luo Wonderland. He is a five-pin gold texture repair master. He has the top 100 of the six ranks of Ruijin Division, Wonderland Division, Assassination Division, Hercules Division, Defense Division, and Ice Division Super talent! "

Tamarix smoke flue.

"Ruijin ranks No. 1 in the rankings, Illusionist ranks in No. 5th, and Ice ranks No. 1?" Nie Yun was shocked.

He has all three talents for Assassination Division, Hercules Division, and Defense Division. He is very familiar and not surprised. This fantasy feather actually has these three types, which shocked him and ecstatic at the same time.

If you can perceive these three talents, if you have three more talents, your strength will definitely increase.

The ranked No. 2 sharp gold division can make the whole body's true energy extremely sharp. Just like gold stone, the cutting weapon is like cutting melon and cutting grass. After being obtained, the whole body muscles are stimulated by the stone's true energy to be stronger and impact the rhinoceros. The seventh major achievement of sports tactics is not a problem!

The first of the five elements of talent is by no means a fame.

第 The best-ranked fantasy master, although never seen before, is good at soul attack, can build a fantasy world, soul attack, infinite power, just like this, it is stronger than the talent of fairy master.

The Ice Division and the Beacon Division in the second place are opposed to each other, and they can form ice qi. When fighting, they can instantly freeze the opponent's vitality and have great power.


From the human world, Nie Yun has seen a lot of geniuses. He has six geniuses, four geniuses, and it is the first time that I have heard of and met.

Fortunately, I asked in advance, otherwise I just know that the other party has six talents in the top 100. If I don't know what it is, then I will suddenly encounter it and I will definitely suffer a big loss.

"Brother did not intend to participate in the test, but I heard that Xu Xinqian has reached the level of half-step five-pin gold texture drive master, so I came back for a special trip ...

Yan Liu Mo Yan continued.

因为 "Because of me?" Xu Xinqian did not expect that her promotion led to the return of such a master, showing remorse.

She worked very hard to finally merge the talents of the Thunderbolt and other talents, and she was too excited. I didn't expect so much, I just talked to my family and the news spread out.

If the news is n’t passed, tomorrow ’s assessment will be taken directly to take part in the test, and the other party will be caught by surprise, and the effect will definitely be better than now.

I asked a few more words carefully, and the more I asked, the tighter Nie Yun's brows frowned.

He is not afraid of this man named Magic Feather, but he feels that this guy is very difficult to entangle, even if the means are exhausted, I am afraid that he is not an opponent.

After asking about the situation of Huan Yu and others, Nie Yun asked Liu Moyan about his special talents.

As a Wupin Exorcist, although she is only a bloodstain, she still has six special talents.

After listening to her six talents, Nie Yun dispelled the idea of ​​a thief's attributes.

Her five talents are basically charming, enchanting, tonic, etc., so that he has no interest at all.

I know her talent, and Nie Yun finally understands why this woman does n’t look good with a flamboyant bone. It is strange that this talent is concentrated in her body.

"go away!"

After asking what you want to know, Nie Yun knows that a fight is possible. Killing this Liu Moyan will definitely cause a lot of trouble. I ’m too lazy to take a shot on her, leaving a few backhands. Shocked it from the compartment.


Tamarix Moyan was unguarded, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Nie Yun ... Damn, I won't kill you, I swear I won't be human!"

A dignified five-pin exorcist, a big man in Luo Wonderland. Any man glanced at him and was willing to worship the big beauty under the pomegranate skirt. At this time, the dead dog was usually thrown out of the car. Liu Moyan felt that the other party had brought her The humiliation of the river is hard to wash off, and the hatred burning in the eyes is about to burn the entire road.

Regardless of the "beauty" who was thrown out of the compartment by him, Nie Yun frowned at this moment.

I did not expect that the opponent has such a master of fantasy feathers, hostile to such a strong, there must be a lot of trouble.

Of course, the more trouble he will not flinch, not to help Xu Xinqian, but the three special talents of Huan Yu have sucked too much on him. "What shall we do next?"

After what happened just now, Xu Xinqian fully admired the boy who was lower than her in front of her, knowing that the other party was not only strong, but also mentally stronger than her. Seeing him pondered, he couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it's nothing! This is the incense stick you value, you give it!"

Ji Nieyun awoke from contemplation, smiled, and handed a box backhanded.

还 Even before the box was opened, a faint scent rose through the compartment.

"You ... Where did you get this thing from Liu Moyan?"

Seeing the box, Xu Xinqian's eyes lighted up, and her eyes shot with excitement.

I was at the trading floor before, and she saw Liu Moyan exhausted the jade box to accept Dandan, and never thought she would appear in the hands of a teenager.

"Well, there's this scary), I'll give it to you, too!" Nie Yun laughed and passed the jade card that could be overdrawn.

The 16,000-pin pure Lingdan quota she said was useless, and it didn't make much sense to stay in her hand, and returned it directly.

"Are you useless?"

I took a look at Yupai and Xu Xinqian couldn't help wondering.

"It's useless without seeing the right one!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Giving you this is Master ’s kindness, you are useless ..." Xu Xinqian said that when she stopped, a look of persistence appeared on her face. "Rest assured, since my master promised to give you something, it is impossible for you to make it empty. After a while I will speak to him personally and ask him if he wants something that works for you! "

"Thank you so much!"

Yun Nie Yun wanted to refuse, but when he saw the other person's face was firm, knowing that it was useless to say more, he nodded immediately.

In fact, although he is eager for treasures, he does not want to owe the favors of others.

Besides, it is not a particularly valuable treasure. He really has no shortage. Not to mention the accumulation that I searched from Nangong Xiao and others before, I said that he was just at the trading floor and told him that he was the leader of the Black Armor Guard Zhang Xian and Liu. Mo Yan touched it and stole everything from their Dantian.

I haven't had time to look carefully, but according to their status and strength, there should be a lot of good things.

"You have given me so much help, thank you, and I should thank you!"

Xu Xinqian laughed.

While the two of them spoke, the residence where the Xiao people lived was here.

交谈 Through conversation, Nie Yun also learned most of the power distribution and competition between Taoist Taoist and that of Su Yang.

The two are equal in strength. They are both Xuanxian strong, and they are both masters of five products. They have not been able to treat each other, so they agreed on the game.

In the past ten years, the Shao Taoists have failed many times, winning only once, and the first time, and the remaining four times, including now ~ www.readwn.com ~ The county ’s new town drive repair tower is the owner Yang.

Xun precisely because Su Yang has controlled the power for so long, he has been bought by some members of the Black Armor Guards. The former captain Zhang Xian is an example.

The two of them could not win the test, and it was easy to hurt the peace, so they let the disciples compete.

The content of the match is strange, and each time is different. The test results are not judged by the two of them, but by the heads of the three driving tower branches close to here.

三个 The heads of the three driving tower branches have arrived yesterday. At this time, two people live in the driving tower of the county town, and one is in the courtyard of the Taoist Taoist.

"You'd better talk about your situation today with your master, I'll go back to my residence first!"

When Xun returned to the courtyard where the Taoist people lived, Nie Yun and Xu Xinqian left.

When they went to the trading floor before, Ken Rendao arranged a place for him. Nie Yun knew the place, came here and walked directly into the yard.

"Look at what good things have been stolen from them, is there any medicinal heart that can make rapid progress in strength?

He banned the ban at will, and Nie Yun fluttered into the Big Dipper Palace.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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