Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1003: 7 Killing Fingers

The black armored guards protect the demonstrators, their rights are dazzling, and the status of the five demonstrators is respected. If they stole from Zhang Xian and Liu Moyan, there should be a lot of good things.

He stood in the wide courtyard of the Xinggong Palace, Nie Yun's palm turned over, and a pile of things appeared in front of him.

Nian Yun swept through this pile of things, and Nie Yun was speechless.

"Why are these two guys poorer than me ..."

I thought that by virtue of their identity, I would definitely get a lot of good things, but found that these two guys were poorer than themselves, and only found some pure miracles, and two top-grade fairywares, more than ten Chinese-style fairywares There is no elixir or medicinal herbs that can enhance one's strength.

"Huh? This is ... the scale, the treasure stolen from Liu Moyan, even there is such a scale?"

I looked at it for a while, and Nie Yun was about to throw this pile of things back to Nantan Dantian. Suddenly his spirit moved and his eyes fell on a dark object.

This is a scale. Although it is not the same as the one I bought on the trading floor before, I just glanced at it and immediately recognized it. It was the thing with the nine-day meteor finger cultivation method!

For nine days, the meteor pointed out that just watching the outline before made him feel very itchy for a long time. At this moment, he saw the scales with the cultivation method, and was immediately ecstatic.

"Nine-day meteor finger, second killing finger!"

"Murder, heart, soul, soul, spirit, spirit, spirit! For the seven kills ..."

With the cooperation of Tian Tian'er and Tian Yan, a mysterious one has flowed in the bottom of his heart, causing him to fall into obsession.

Although it is only a brief introduction, Nie Yun knows that the power of this seven-killer finger is definitely more than the current four-star sword of the Seven-Star Sword, especially when it comes to the talents of the Heavenly Master in battle.

Especially the final killing intention, killing god, killing Tao, as long as he can cultivate to Dacheng level, not only can he completely defeat a person, but he can also instantly destroy his thoughts, spirits and even Taoxin.

too terrifying!

"This is the second form ... without the first form, you cannot practice"

The more I look at it, the more I feel. The more I look at it, the more I like it. After a while, Nie Yun is worried again.

As can be seen from the general outline, this nine-day meteor refers to the same trick in the same vein. The second trick cannot be practiced without the first trick, because the second trick is an increase from the first trick, as if building a building, there is no first How does the layer cover the second layer?

"Without the first style, I have the martial arts talent and can create it!"

Suddenly Nie Yun's face showed a ruthlessness.

Possessing martial arts talents is equivalent to possessing the general outline of martial arts and martial arts in the world. Any martial arts skill can be instantly developed and expanded and extended with a glance.

虽然 Although this set of nine-day meteor fingers is extremely cumbersome, as long as he is given enough time, it should not be difficult to have the general outline and the second form to derive the first form.

"Seven killing fingers, one finger strikes out, the energy can destroy the opponent's soul through the meridian, hurting both body and soul ..."

Carefully read the training method of the second type of the Seven Killing Fingers, Nie Yun Martial Art Master's talent operation, slowly forming a peculiar cycle in the body.

The martial arts talent ranks in the top ten of special talents, indicating its powerful ability. The nine-day meteor means that although the power is infinite, it is a trick left by the same strong as the Big Dipper, but for this super talent, it is equally capable. Thoroughly researched and endowed with new mysteries.


I don't know how long after that, Nie Yun stood up suddenly, her hair moved without wind, and the whole person was like a devil in a battlefield, and her palms turned red and stabbed forward.

The speed of this finger is like lightning, and a phantom appears in the sky. The fairy force in the body condenses the rotation energy and shoots out suddenly.


On a rock on the ground of Xianzheng Palace, the rock was instantly crossed, and a black hole with a thickness of one finger appeared.


Xie Nieyun almost jumped up in excitement, her eyes were getting brighter.

This stone is called Moheiyan. It is a famous hard stone in the spirit world. Generally, the middle-class immortal will not leave a trace when it is split up. It is such a big hole that he shot with one finger. The power has surpassed sword skills like Supreme Sword Art.

"If it wasn't for the talent of a master hand master, no matter how strong a palm is, it can't bear this violent power!"

Nie Yun laughed.

This move is very powerful, but it also has a strong affinity for the body, especially the palm. If you do n’t have the talent of a master hand, I'm afraid the palm will be fried into minced meat before the energy is shot.

虽然 "Although the seven fingers that I created are not the same as the pure seven fingers, they meet my physical requirements, and the power is not weak, which is equivalent to having another big killer!"

Although I do n’t know how many tricks there are in the nine-day meteor finger, the seven tricks are unbelievable and powerful. Although the practice is not very orthodox, it is a trick created by the creation of martial arts talents. weak.

"I knew that Liu Moyan had this scale, and I should ask who else still has it ... But even if Liu Moyan got the scales, he definitely didn't know that Jiutian Meteor Finger wasted a treasure for nothing!"

Cultivation has Cheng Nieyun's spirit, and remembered that this scale was obtained from Liu Mohao, he could not help shaking his head.

Ordinary people get this scale, and they do n’t have the talents of Tian Eye and Tian Ear. Even if their strength is strong, they cannot see the hidden secrets. Although they feel that this thing is simple and ancient, it is a historical thing, but they certainly do not know that it contains such powerful martial art .

"Find a chance and ask again!"

I set aside the emotions in my heart, Nie Yungang wanted to continue to practice, and suddenly his body shook out of the star house and appeared in the courtyard.

"Nie Yun, my master is looking for you!"

As soon as she entered the courtyard, she heard a crunchy sound outside the door, which was Xu Xinqian.

"I'll be right out!" Nie Yun cleaned up and pushed the door and went out.

"I told Master today what he knows that you did n’t buy anything, and said that you can't take advantage of you, and it will give you the same benefits!"

Xu Xuqian smiled when he saw him.

The two men marched all the way and soon reached the hall.

"Brother Nie Yun, you're here!" Xiao said with a smile and pointed at the seat.

"Senior!" Nie Yun sat down and held his fist.

"Troublesome you to participate in the game, I originally felt a bit sorry, let Xinqian accompany you to buy things, but in the end you did not want to, so I see your strength reaches the peak of the early days of Tianxianjing, you can almost break through, if you Don't mind, I can help you and get you directly to the mid-day wonderland ... "


Xie Nie Yuncai said a word and was interrupted by Xiao Tao Taoist "Okay, don't refuse, this is not only my heart, but also the assessment of tomorrow's driver!"

“考 捌”

"I did not contend for the right to drive the tower last time. It was in Su Yang's hands, so the main person in charge of the test drive was still him. How can you make his disciples into a pig? So, tomorrow ’s assessment must be very complicated! I have caused you trouble! "

Xiao Xiao said humanely.

"Although your fighting power is far beyond the strength itself, you can't help it. The higher the strength, the better!"

"Thank you senior!"

I heard him say that Nie Yun was no longer declining, and at the same time he was wondering, "What are the evaluations of the driver? If there are always clear rules, even if he wants to use some means, it will be troublesome, right?"

The assessment driver carefully said that it is the assessment of fusion talents. Nie Yun originally thought that the so-called assessment was to release the fusion talents and let people distinguish. Now it seems that the actual assessment should not be so simple.

"The evaluation of the driver is divided into the test talents, the fusion of talents and the use of talents! The first two assessments are very simple, he can not target you, what is worrying is the third, use talents!"

Xiao Xiao said that the man's face was solemn.

"Use talent?" Nie Yun confused.

"Using talents is to examine your use of fusion talents. The ultimate mission of the exorcist is to fight with Shura. If you obviously have a lot of talents, you can also integrate them, but you cannot fight with Shura. So, the last thing is to put your appraisers into the underground palace and fight against Shura! "

She was willing to explain.

"You mean ... he might put me in front of the more powerful Xiuluo and kill me with the hand of Xiuluo?" After hearing this, Nie Yun understood it.

"Yes, the normal four-pin drive repairman assessment, usually to deal with a one-star Shura general, I am afraid he will give you a quiet change to Samsung Shura general, you will be very dangerous!" Come out.

"One star, Samsung? Shura will still be graded?" Nie Yun heard for the first time.

"I forgot that you have n’t passed the exam. Ordinary people do n’t know the rank of Shura. Our demon warriors are better able to fight against them and divide their strength in more detail. Shura is divided into five levels. Presumably you should know that Shura soldiers, Shura generals, Shura emperor, Shura Emperor and the strongest Shura king! Each of these large levels has a deep gap, which is incomparable, and divides Shura's level in detail, But within the same level, the blood is not the same ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are also differences in strength! It is as if humans are also in the early days of Tianxianjing, your strength is much stronger than ordinary people! "

Xiao Xiao said humanely.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

He understands that Shura at the same level must have different strengths, strong and weak, and related to blood.

"So, in order to better understand each other ’s strength, know ourselves and know each other, our driving division divided each level of Shura into three stars in detail. One star is the worst, Samsung is the best! The ordinary one star Shura will be the strongest. The peak fighting power of Tianxianjing, if Samsung Shura General, even the ordinary Luoxianjing strong may not be an opponent, and they can even fight Xuanxian strong! "

Xiao Xiao said with a serious face.

"Fighting against the strong man in Xuanxian Realm" Nie Yun shouted.

He Xuanxian's strength is very clear. He can easily pinch him to death afterwards. Samsung Shura will actually be able to fight such a strong one, which is really scary.

所以 "So, for your safety, I will help you improve your practice. If you are higher, I do n’t dare to brag. The promotion to Tianxianjing in the early stage to the middle stage should not cost much!"

Xiao Xiao laughed.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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