Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1007: 10% off

Shura has always been a cannibal and has never heard that anyone can devour Shura. The scene in front of her is beyond her imagination, making her unable to turn her mind.

"Haha, cool!"

He swallowed Shura, Nie Yun only felt that his whole body was surging, and he had just broken through the mid-day strength of Tian Wonderland, and became more and more stable. The talent of the windrunner seemed to have a tendency to merge with the three major talents.

The howling sounds ended and saw Xu Xinqian with a dull face.

"This is a secret method I learned in an ancient ruin, which can kill Shura instantly, so that they cannot be reborn with murderous power!"

Xie Nieyun explained it casually without saying more.

The more you talk about this kind of things, the more troublesome it is better to simply say that it makes the other party feel that you are sincere, and it is not easy to ask questions because of your face.

"There is such a secret method, it's simply too bad ..."

Although she did not believe what he said, she also knew that there was no other reason than this explanation, and Xu Xinqian couldn't help but admire it.

"Oh, it's not worth mentioning, let's go!"

The Shura world that I used to evaluate was boundless and boundless, I do n’t know how wide it was, and they ran forward all the way.

When encountering Xiuluo, Xu Xinqian basically did not make a shot, and was swallowed up by Nie Yun alive. After swallowing more than a dozen two-star Shura generals, the talent of the popular master in the body finally broke through, "click!" The talents of the teachers are completely integrated.

At the same time, the mid-term cultivation of Tian Wonderland, which has just been promoted, has also been completely stabilized, and it will break the peak of the middle of the road at any time.

"Haha, this place is really a blessing for me! With so many Shura supplies, my strength will definitely be able to leap forward!"

Xie Nieyun laughed aloud as she walked forward, uneasy in her heart.

For him, Shura was simply a tonic. Every time he swallowed one head, his strength increased. The more he swallowed, the stronger his power, and the more Dantians he merged.

Xu Xinqian never shot all the way. Looking at the front, it was easy to kill Shura and chop melon and chop vegetables. The whole person was a little bit woody.

Even if he is a master, a dignified sixth-grade exorcist, it may not be so fast and terrible to kill Shura!

"Nie Yun, there is Shulu hinterland in front, I am afraid that there is a terrible existence of Samsung Shura who will even surpass Samsung. I do n’t want to go!" After walking for a while, Xu Xinqian glanced forward and seemed to recognize something, busy. .

"Well, you are waiting here, I quietly go over and see if danger will escape!"

Nie Yun snorted softly, and without waiting for the other party to answer, flew away inward.

Just now the sky eye has been clearly seen. There is only one Samsung Shura general in the early period of Luo Wonderland. There is no stronger Shura Emperor, so I am not afraid.

He added that even if there was Emperor Shura, it was not a big deal, but the wings of Phoenix started flying away. As long as the other party did not reach the Jinxian realm, they could not fly and could not catch up with him.

Leaving Xu Xinqian's vision, Nie Yun's talents turned into a two-star Shura, striding towards Shura's dense hinterland.

Unlike Shura, humans build cities. Most of the places where they live are caves, stone forests and the like.

I walked forward for a while, and dense caves appeared in front of me, with hundreds of Shura walking through them. Nuisance

的 The Shura here is more murderous. Fortunately, he has escaped from the three talents, camouflage, concealment, and popular integration, so that his own strength can reach the level of five-figure repair masters, plus the unknown method, which is not very difficult.

"Well, what are these guys doing?"

Xie Nieyun didn't rush to shoot, pretending to be Shura and followed him around, making him find a trace of unusual.

数百 These hundreds of Shura seem to be performing some kind of ritual, and the Samsung Shura will be the leader of this group of Shura, standing on the altar and organizing the ceremony.

哎 "Hey, man, what are you doing?"

I was surprised in my heart. Nie Yun saw Shura coming over, and held it, couldn't help asking.

He is now disguised as Shura, and his whole body is killing and shooting. In addition, the strength of swallowing many Shura has increased greatly. Although the strength of this guy is not weak, he does not see the abnormality.

"Adult 10% is under the influence of His Majesty King Shura, knowing that His Majesty has been born, and he wants to break through Shura's rank through sacrifice and power, and become the Emperor Shura to take us out of here!"

There was a burst of fieryness in Shura's eyes.

"King Shura was born? Adults can sense the birth of King Shura?"

Xie Nieyun was shocked.

Tan Nie Tong did not wake up for a long time, just over a day. In such a short period of time, Shura of this closed space will be sensed. What the **** is going on?

"That's nature. His Majesty King Shura is our strongest King of Shura's family. His rebirth means that Shura will reign in the world again. We, those who bear the humiliation for so many years, are waiting for this day!"

Gyalshura's eyes became more and more excited, his claw-like fist clenched, his eyes red.

"I also want to participate in the sacrifice of the adults, let's go together!" Nie Yun said, forbearing the shock in his heart.

"Let ’s go. The sacrifice ceremony is almost ready now. The adult is about to communicate with His Majesty King Shura and get His Majesty's will and instructions!"

Wu Xiura strode forward in excitement, and Nie Yun followed closely, and soon came to the place of sacrifice.

This is a round altar, which is not large. The Samsung Shura called Jiuzhe will be standing in the middle of the altar at this time, with a pious expression. Sound of clouds.

Seeing that each of Shura's face was devout, Nie Yun quickly found a place and knelt down. Tian ears stood up and listened carefully.

"The great King, your most pious people pray to you. We are trapped here, like cattle and sheep raised by humble human beings, and noble blood to bear such things is the shame of our Shura people. Here, you are pious My subjects are 10% hope that you will give me strength and set me free from impunity ... "

Twenty percent off looked up to the sky and shouted in a special language.

His words are a special language of Shura's family, sharp and unpleasant, with a taste of soul tearing.


As his voice grew louder and louder, a mighty force descended from the sky, with an extremely powerful force and a convincing idea.


Bian Nieyun immediately saw that Shura's murderous spirit in the sky seemed to meet the real king, who was roaring in the air at this moment, and all gathered together at this time, docile like sheep.

"So strong ..."

When I saw this scene, Nie Yun was surprised.

When I met Nie Tong before, in the spirit world, Shura didn't have much murderous power. It was not known that Shura Wang actually had this ability to surrender Qi.

"The great king told me, let's wait for a while, he has something to do now, and when this is done, he will lead us to rule the spiritual realm and become a truly noble race ..."

The great breath came down, and his eyes were blurred at ten percent, as if he had some kind of communication with that powerful idea.




Hearing that King Shura passed the order, many of Shura kneeling on the ground were all shouting in excitement, each with a fierce vision and full of excitement.

Seeing these Shura expressions, Nie Yun's heart sank gradually.

Until this moment, he finally understood why Shura made all the power in the spirit world terrible, and their unity was terrible!

These Shura can be said to have hardly ever seen King Shura, nor did he know what King Shura was like, nor did he receive his favor, but when they heard the birth of the king, they were all excited and could not be added, as can be seen from the fiery eyes As long as King Shura asked him what he wanted to do, he would never dare to resist!

Perverted talent, immortal body, ability to fight beyond the ranks, coupled with unity ... how could there be such a terrible race in the world.


Twenty-nine percent passed the "command" of King Shura, and the murderous spirit of Shura gradually gathered, instilling insanity into him.

Under these murderous indoctrinations, his power is getting stronger and stronger, and his breath is getting stronger and stronger 冇.

"These Shura murderous forces should obey King Shura's order and help to increase strength by 10%. Once he is promoted to Shura Emperor, or make a breakthrough, reaching the middle of Luoxianjing, it is not an opponent at all!"

Seeing the scene in front of her, Nie Yun knew that the situation was critical.

Xiu Shuluo has the ability to fight beyond the ranks. Although this is only the beginning of Luo Wonderland, the general mid-Rao Wonderland is not an opponent. It is even more difficult for Nie Yun to kill him again.


I thought of this, and Nie Yun stood up suddenly.

"Adult, 10% off, bad. Masters of humans know that we have sacrificed to King Shura! We have already killed them!"

He walked forward, and Nie Yun came to the altar and shouted quickly.

"What? Here comes the human master?"

Shura, who is called Jiuzhe, is receiving Shura's murderous nourishment. When he heard this, his eyes turned red. "They dared to come and sacrifice to the great king with their blood!"

"I sacrificed to the great king with their blood!"

The other Shura kneeling on the ground also roared out at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shura is a race that loves fighting and is full of special enthusiasm for fighting. Hearing someone killed, he was not afraid of nervousness, but excited.

"Yes, use their blood to sacrifice. Look, where are they!" Nie Yun also roared, screaming suddenly, the sound was harsh and unpleasant.


Hearing his anxious words, everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, turning his head even at a 10% discount.

However, at a glance, the sky was overcast and there were no half figures.

"Where is humanity?"

With a ninety-fold frown, he turned to ask Nie Yun.

"it's here!"

When Nie Yun saw the other being fooled, he snorted coldly, his body strength gathered, and thick electric flashes flickered out of his muscles. A punch!

"I am the human who came to kill you!"

She sneered, and Thunder Kyushu erupted in an instant.


He flung his chest tightly, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.




(To be continued. This article is provided by 某人. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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