Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1008: Late Wonderland Peak

According to the pedigree level, Shura's IQ is very high. According to the reason, they should not be deceived by Nie Yun's low-level tricks. The reason was that Nie Yun's camouflage talent was too strong to show any clues. Second, they Having just received the order of King Shura, one by one was too excited and lost his vigilance.

Coupled with Nie Yun's carefulness, only the full power of Thunder Kyushu was hit madly on the body, breaking all the meridians of his body instantly, and directly dying.

"He is human !,-

As soon as Nie Yun started, all the other Shura understood it, and they all shot in unison.

For a moment, a storm of force struck the entire altar.

"Taste me!"

So many Shura attacked at the same time, even if the top of Luo Wonderland could not resist, but Nie Yun had been prepared and was not afraid, the wings of the Phoenix flew up, and his right hand hurled forward.


A palm-sized ball slammed out of his palm, making a sharp sound, welcoming the joint attack of Shura.

Vitality bomb!

I knew there would definitely be a fierce battle with these Shura. Compression started on the way just now, and now compression is just completed.


At the same time that Ning Yun threw the vitality bomb, Nie Yun's spirit grabbed the body that was killed by one punch, and flew towards the sky.


The aura bomb that compressed 10% of the force collided with many Shura attacks, like an atomic bomb blasted in place, and a blast of mushroom clouds swept across the sky, instantly leveling the mountain mounds in the tens of miles.


Seeing the power of the Aura Bomb exploding so powerfully, Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, was in the air, grabbed the past directly to the dead body, and the unknown method began to devour.

Although he was killed by a punch just now, this is the world of Shura. Shura has almost an undead body and can be recovered as long as he is given time. Therefore, Nie Yun did not dare to stop and went straight.


Although 20% off did not succeed in the promotion, the initial strength of Luo Wonderland was still a big supplement. Under the swallowing of an unknown method, a crazy force was poured into the body, and Nie Yun ’s power increased wildly.

Click! Click! Click!

For a moment, it broke through the mid-term maggots of Tianxian and reached its peak in the middle.

I still didn't stop, the strength continued to soar.

Heaven Wonderland late!

Peak of Wonderland in the late period!

Finally, Nie Yun's strength stopped at the peak of the heavenly wonderland in the late days, and a burst of arrows shot out of the body revealing a cohesive and brave atmosphere.

嗯 "Huh? The three talents of martial arts, heavenly eyes, and kendo have begun to merge with the beacon and lightning talents ..."

The strength of the puppet soared, and Nie Yun suddenly discovered that it would devour ten percent off, giving martial arts, heavenly eyes, kendo, and beacon and lightning talents a fusion trend.

Originally, martial arts, heavenly eyes, and kendo were merged separately. Fire and lightning were also merged separately, but now these two separate individuals actually have a chance to merge. It seems that if they find an opportunity, they will definitely merge smoothly.

These five talents are all ranked in the top 30. If they can be merged, he will be promoted to be a Sipin Tianwen Exorcist. This strength and status, even if the Wupin Jinwen Exorcist is compared with it, will be slightly different. Worse than that.

"The seventh time Nirvana at the top of Luoxianjing?"

Strength reached the peak of Tian Wonderland in the late stage, and Nie Yun also sensed the time of the next Nirvana.

Miluo wonderland peak!

"Well, now it's time to settle accounts with the bald head and Liu Moyan!"

Awake from the joy of promotion, Nie Yun smiled suddenly, and a murderous effect filled her eyes.

I did not settle accounts with that bald head and Liu Moyan just now. I was not afraid of them, but forcing them forward temporarily. Now that my strength is improving, the time is about the same. It is time to take a shot.

Anyway, the elder in charge of the assessment said before he died, he died in vain. Since the two of them dared snakes and rats in a nest, they were all in a hurry, they still solved it.

"Don't tell Xu Xinqian first, let's do it alone!"

I thought about it, and Nie Yun didn't plan to bring Xu Xinqian together.

Although I do n’t know the background of that bald head, Liu Moyan was a disciple of Su Yang, the head of the repair tower branch of the new city, and even the giant beast Jin Jiayu gave it, indicating that she was spoiled and killed, naturally she knew The fewer people, the better.

This is not to disbelieve Xu Xinqian, but to be low-key in this kind of thing is the king. Before you have enough strength, you don't need to bump into the other side.

The wings of the Phoenix flew forward in the air and flew forward.

When I stole the mask for exorcism before, I left the tracking spirit on Liu Moyan. With the induction, I quickly found their position.

At this time, Liu Moyan and his bald head, without the chic imagination, are surrounded by a group of Shura, and the battle is in full swing.

"Abominable! If it wasn't for that Nie Yun, who had a mask for driving practice, how could he be entangled in these things? Nie Yun, I must kill you and let you die without burial place!"

As he fought, Liu Moyan shouted madly, his eyes were red and lunatic.

If the driving shrine mask was not stolen, how could she now fall into such a passive situation and be surrounded by a group of Shura!


The giant beast Jin Jiayu repelled two Shura, and the faithful protection was in front of Liu Moyan.

"Want to kill me? You have no chance!"

When Liu Moyan screamed wildly, a faint laughter sounded in the air, and Nie Yun flew down from the air.

"You can fly?"

The bald head and Liu Moyan were startled at the same time.

"If you haven't reached the level of Jinxian, it is impossible to fly. No matter what means you use to pretend to be a god, you will die for me today!"

I was shocked, and with a ruthless expression deep in my bald face, I sighed coldly, stepped on the ground, and rushed over like a shell.

Before the tartars came, the compressed air “squeaked!” Made a noise, and it seemed to distort the space.

光 This bald is the strongest in Luo Wonderland in the early days. With a lot of talents, he has an extraordinary fighting power comparable to the peak of Luo Wonderland in the middle.

"Go away!"

When he saw him rushing, Nie Yun could move and drank softly.


Wu Xianyin's talent resounded, and his bald head only felt confused, and "嘭!"

这 "What ... what's going on?"

When I saw this scene, Liu Moyan, who wanted to do something, was startled.

In a word, the strong man in Luo Wonderland fell to the ground in the beginning. What is this means? It's too scary!

"Damn, what means did you use!"

He was worthy of Luoxianjing, and soon woke up. He was thrown to the ground by words and made him feel humiliated. His complexion took out the huge axe weapon directly.


There was a thunderous shout, and the axe light converged into a wavy stream that radiated the entire sky. Shura, in front of the stream, escaped and was chopped into powder.

"I don't want to die yet, but you die!"

He chuckled, and Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and flicked his fingers three times.

Click! Click! Flutter!

The stream of the first finger was cut off, the axe of the second finger was broken, and a black hole appeared on the smooth forehead of the third finger. Blood flowed out, and the body fell to the ground with incredible eyes.

"He is Zhang Ji's disciple, how could you kill him ..."

Seeing that the bald head was killed, Liu Moyan's face turned pale and he was completely scared.

I originally thought that this teenager would only hit people ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't dare to kill anyone. Now it seems that she was wrong and outrageous. Where is she dare not kill? It is too dare to kill!

"It's your turn!"

Ignoring her shocked expression, Nie Yun turned her head.

"The giant gold armor 傀儡 killed me!"

Qiu Liumoyan did not dare to make nonsense at this time, and yelled, commanding the giant beast Jin Jiayu to stop Nie Yun, but she turned and panicked, and hurried to the distance.

She is not a fool, knowing that she is not the boy's opponent in front of her. As long as she runs away, she can be saved for an hour of assessment.


But before she ran far, she felt a pain in her neck and immediately saw the heel ...

His head fell to the ground.

"Okay, smoothly resolved!"

With a flick of a finger, the bodies of the two were burned to ashes, and Nie Yun seemed to have done something trivial.

Chopping the grass and rooting, Liu Moom will not die, and the killing of the bald head will be leaked out.

"This 傀儡 looks good ..."

After finishing everything, people can not see the trace, Nie Yun looked up, at this time the giant monster Jin Jia 傀儡 lost control because he lost his master, and stood still, still.

【To be continued】. If you like the work, welcome to support the author.

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