Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1021: make trouble

"It's so strong, and it's a fight against Yuhan!"

Refining the spearhead of the exquisite fairy, Nie Yun showed a sharp breath all over his body, and his warfare became stronger and stronger.

Although this incomparable spirit soldier is incomplete, it still has a qualitative transformation of his strength, even after the promotion of the magic feathers can fight!

Hold the gun tightly, the immortal power in the body is insisted on by the unparalleled immortal, sharp and indifferent, with every action with the power of life and death, the power is infinite.

"This gun is my last hole card!"

Putting the gun head into his body, Nie Yun spit out a sulky breath.

Soldiers who, deception also!

All the hole cards are exposed for others to see. It is a fool. Only by hiding it in your heart can you be surprised and defeat the enemy.


Putting the gun head into his body, he made a round in the room again and found that there was no more, and Nie Yun returned to the same way.

Through this observation, he also knows something. The ancient battlefield in ancient times should be a place similar to the imperial city. This gun head should be a broken spirit soldier, lost half, and suffered great spiritual damage. The power, which shows the spear in its heyday, has definitely reached the peak of the unique fairy!

"You jerk, come out for me!"


As soon as I got out of the ground, before I left the stone pillar, I heard a crazy roar rang through the sky, and at the same time, an extremely powerful force swept the world, blasting all the surrounding houses, and the dust covered the entire ancient battlefield.

"It's Susukura ..."

Nie Yun's pupils shrank, and his body dangled into the ground. The whole body's breath was concealed and hidden, just like an ordinary rock, without the slightest human breath.

"I see where you can flee. Don't think you can fight with me if you get some treasures. Treasures are fake. Only real strength is the eternal kingship. Well, you indigenous people don't know anything, so sooner or later Will perish! "

Zhenxiu Shura shouted, his palms pressed down, the voice of "squeak!" Roared, and the ground shuddered again.

"This guy is hurt?"

Looking up quietly, Nie Yun couldn't help showing a strange look.

I saw Shuxiu Zhenxuan at this time, his left arm was dripping with blood, and he was not hurt lightly. The whole person was fierce, and his eyes were looking around like gongs. As long as he saw the other party, he would definitely shoot without hesitation. Violent kill!

As long as Shura possesses sufficient Shura murderous power, it is tantamount to being immortal and immortal, and this place Shura murderous has been swallowed up by Zhenxiu Shura. There is no trace, even if injured, it cannot be recovered in a blink of an eye.

Besides, being able to injure him shows that he must be a driver, and the fusion of talents of the driver is a poison for Shura, and it is not so easy to resolve.

"It's Magic Feather! It seems this guy has an adventure too ..."

After studying Sujura's injury, Nie Yun knew who he was abusing.

It was the fantasy feather that had left before.

It seems that this guy, like himself, got a powerful fairy. He shot it by attack, and wounded Suxiu Town alone.

Of course, the strength must still be a lot different from this Xuanxian Realm Shura, otherwise it won't hide after a hit, making this guy so angry.

As for why Fei Yu can find the treasure without the stele map, you can guess without thinking about it.

Is n’t the stone stele the only thing to say, I can find it here and use the environment to show that he is very familiar with it. In such a familiar place, it should not be difficult to find the treasure in advance.

"Here ... heh, keep sending you gifts!"

Tianyan shot in the air and soon penetrated the dusty ancient battlefield, fixed below the rock behind a ruin.

Although the assassin's hiding method can hide the ordinary people's spiritual glance, how can he hide the eighteenth heavenly eyesight, Nie Yun found a quiet feather like a rock within a few breaths.

A good assassin, must be able to withstand loneliness, know how to grasp the timing, if the timing is not good, he will become passive from the initiative, hunting fails, but will become a prey, and the magic feather will know how to withstand loneliness.

No matter how unpleasant the curse of the town's suspension is, he remains motionless, even without any mood swings. This calmness and scheming alone can be regarded as a qualified killer.

"It is estimated that this guy's assassination of Dan Tian has reached the third form like me!"

Looking at these, Nie Yun judged in his heart.

The higher the assassination of Dantian, the more stable the person is. From the current performance of this guy, the assassination of Dantian should reach at least the third form, which is not weaker than his strength.

However, no matter how calm it is, there is a natural eye talent as a weapon, no matter how good it is hidden, and in his eyes it is just like a mirror. Now Nie Yun is about to persecute Phantom Feather. Only by pressing him urgently can he surrender Rui Jin Shi waited for the talent, otherwise, he and Jinxiu Shulu killed you and then started to work, everything is too late.

Gently shuttled underground, Nie Yun soon came to the hidden place of the magic feather.

"Hey, let you find a chance and give you a chance now ..."

With a flick of his finger, a sword stabbed silently at the magic feather.


As soon as Jian Qi left the ground, it exploded immediately, erupting into a colorful sword flower.

The power of this sword was not strong, but the calm rhythm of the fantasy feathers was chaotic for a moment, and his perfectly hidden figure was exposed from behind the ruins.

"I see where else are you running!"

The chaos of the magical feathers immediately caught the attention of Zhenxiu Shura, and a loud roar raged with violent palm force.


Huanyu knew that she could not hide at this time, her face was like water, she whispered, her right hand caught a volley, and the river flowed backwards. A checkerboard-like weapon flew into the air, and the volley attacked Suoshulu in the past.

Zizi Zizi!

The attack of the chessboard weapon and the town's Shura attacked for a moment. At an instant, the magical feathers took the opportunity to meteor and ran out, disappearing from his eyes again, and the chessboard in the sky also "screamed!" Dissipated. Things, not real treasures.

"Ah ... the visionary talent, hateful, today I will not kill you alive, I will not call Zhenxiu Shuluo ..."

Seeing the attack from the other side was just a simulation of the fantasy, and escaped again, the town Sujura was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

If you fight against the Jinxian strong, even the Xuanxian Peak strong, you will fail. You will fight with a boy from Luoxianjing, and even a boy from Tianxianjing. If he loses again and again, he will feel dignity and lose his life.


In the roar, the town suspended Shura strode in the direction that the fantasy feather disappeared, and the violent force on his body swept all the buildings behind him into ruins, and could no longer hide his figure.

"This guy reacts quickly, you don't entangle me, I entangle you, and see when you can hide!"

When they saw them leave, Nie Yun smiled lightly.

I just turned around and fled, not entangled with myself, it is the most wise decision, really stupid, entangled, neither can escape!

Of course, the end result is that he cannot escape, and he still has the retreat of the Big Dipper, and he is not afraid.

However, he is useless no matter how smart he is, and he can't let go of himself without surrendering the spirit of sharp gold, fantasy, and ice!

Tianyan running searched again, and after a while, he found the place where the magic feather was hiding again.

This time it's not in the ruins, but above a luxurious tall building, it looks very exposed, but the most dangerous place is the safest place, but it is not easy to notice.

"Heaven's eyes are broken!"

In order to prevent this from being an illusion set by the other party, Nie Yuntian's eyes speed up and break the illusion.

Tianyan talent ranks eighteenth, and fantasy land talent ranks 45th. As long as the opponent's Dantian does not exceed the third form, all fantasy land will not pose a problem for him.

"Sure enough, this guy is afraid of me ..."

The Tianyan talents were carefully observed, and she really saw a difference. This figure was the same as the guess, which was the illusion he released, and his true body was hidden under the building.

One true one, two hands prepared, this guy is really insidious.


Understanding this, Nie Yun didn't bother to bother, and flew forward like a flutter, and later went to the hall where the magic feather was hiding.

"Fantasy, let's make a deal. You will give me all the special talents in you. I will not expose you, but I will work with you to attack the town of Susukura. If you do not agree, hehe, I can continue You guerrilla, I'm fine anyway, I'm very idle ... "

When he came to the hall, Nie Yunzang got his body in shape, and the talent of Xianyin Master gathered his voice into a line and passed it on.

If you mess up once or twice, the other party should know their abilities. As long as they are not stupid, they should agree to cooperate.

Once these three talents are integrated into the body, especially the sharp gold talent, the physical body will definitely undergo metamorphosis. At that time, it can easily break through the seventh major accomplishment of the spiritual rhinoceros body. Already.

"You ... you can also want my special talent! However, the talents of the illusionist and sharp gold division can not give you, other talents I can give you a few more!"

Hearing the threatening words of Nie Yun, although Huan Yu didn't know why he wanted talent, she was still angry with red eyes and heard the sound.

"Can't give me the talent of Ruijin Master and Wonderland Master? Well, good!"

Nie Yun frowned, then nodded.

There are three talents he wants most now: Ruijin Division, Wonderland Division, and Frost Division. Anyway, they promised first. After getting the Frost Division talent, it doesn't matter if they repent.

Anyway, there is no need to pay attention to people like him.

"But ... you have to help me deal with Zhenxiu Xiulao first ~ www.readwn.com ~ to solve him, I will give you the talent immediately!"

Nie Yungang agreed, and Huan Yu's voice came again.

"How to deal with it?"

"It's very simple. You go out and attract the attention of Zhenxiu Shulu. I sneak attack and kill both ways!" Huan Yu said.

"That's it ..." Nie Yun thought for a moment, and suddenly his fingers flicked.

"Ah ... your sister, aren't you trying to cooperate ..." Suddenly, Yuhan screamed, jumped up, and her perfectly hidden breath leaked out again. (To be continued.

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