Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1022: Treasure

"Cooperation, cooperation with your sister! You have no sincerity to cooperate at all!"

Disrupted the other party's hiding effect again, Nie Yun sneered, and "嗖!" Plunged into the ground and disappeared.

I am very much like working with this guy, but this guy seems to be somewhat indifferent.

I sincerely wanted to let myself die, his abacus was so good!

Susukura of the town is now in a state of runaway, let alone attract him, I am afraid that when he shows up, he will be crushed by violent violence. At that time, this guy will help the sneak attack. If he hides in the excitement, he will be the one who suffers!

Therefore, as soon as he heard the plan, Nie Yun knew that this guy was uneasy and had no sincerity to cooperate, and once again inspired Jian Qi to expose his hiding place.

"I see when you can hide, even if you become a turtle, I will get you out of the shell!"

As soon as Wu Huanyu showed her figure, she was locked again by Zhenxiu Shura. The violent Shura was yelling loudly, and her thin fingers grabbed him sideways.

This time I did not receive the confusion of the illusion, and turned upside down in one shot, it was the most violent attack.

"Abominable, abominable!"

Wu Huanyu was crying.

I wanted to design this guy named Nie Yun. Who knew that this guy was smarter than a monkey, and he suffered a great deal in a row.

Push your fingers a little, and a checkerboard-like thing radiated again. This time it was not an illusory phantom, but a real fairy. When the violent power appeared, it touched the palm of Shukura Shura.

"Superb fairy, this chessboard is also a superb fairy ..."

Xun hid her body, and Nie Yun recognized the level of the chessboard.

This is also the time when the level of the magical artifact is comparable to the gun on his body. At this time, he is trying his best. The heaven and earth are like a chess game. The vertical and horizontal forces are strangled out. .

Relying on the strength of Luo Wonderland and Shura of Xuan Wonderland, it shows the power of this set of weapons.

However, this kind of counterfeit will not defeat the magic feather for a long time. Although the weapon can be used against a powerful person in a short time, once the time is over, both the fairy force and the spirit will be unable to resist. As long as the crash occurs, it will change. Much miserable.

"Blast me!"

Wu Huanyu also knew this situation. The chessboard suddenly closed and the palm of the hand was suddenly squeezed.


I have never been willing to use a jade brand that is comparable to self-explosion before being crushed directly.

With a violent roar, the force swept through the clouds and exploded, instantly covering the town of Shura.

At the same time, it seems that Yuhan knew that such an attack was not enough to kill Shura, and turned and fled again.

"Nie Yun, where are you, I agree to cooperate, come over, I will give you what you want now ..."

While marching forward, Phantom Yu drank.

I shouted for a while and found that Nie Yun didn't show up. Then he hid his body again and disappeared from the place.

"This guy, still playing this set with me ..."

Looking at all the actions of Huan Yu, Nie Yun laughed.

He has the talent of a hidden teacher. As long as he hides it, the other party can't find it. The other party wants to use this method to deceive himself and provoke the anger of Zhenxiu Shura. He really looks down on himself.

"If the voice shouts can lead me out, it means that I'm out of luck and I can't get it out, it will definitely become the target of Shuxiu Town, I see where you hide ..."

As soon as Nie Yun's body moved, she did not chase in the direction in which Feather Feather escaped, but flew in the opposite direction.

The other party is using the sound of fantasy to strike the west, and the shouting is just a disguise. In fact, the real body has escaped in another direction. If you just chase after it, it will definitely become the target of the town's Shura Shura hunting.

This guy, at this time, he still came up with such a vicious method. If he didn't have the natural eye talent to discern the authenticity, I'm afraid he was deceived.

Xu Huanyu fled very quickly, flying hundreds of kilometers in a short while, and finally stopped and landed in a large hall.

"Nie Yun, you are disgusting! Wait for the town Suxiu to be solved and see how I kill you!"

Haw exhaled, her eyes narrowed, and Leng Hu hummed.

Lian Lianfan was troubled by Nie Yun and exposed his whereabouts. Rao is a lot of means, not weak, and scared out of cold sweat.

It is indeed true that the battle with Shura was horrible, not to mention that this strength was superior and far superior to his Shura.

"My method just lied to Zhenxiu Xiuluo and Nie Yun for a while. I had to take out that thing before they found it! As long as I take it out, I can successfully break through Luo fairyland and become a master of Xuanxian. , This town Susara is definitely not an opponent! "

Speaking of this, Magic Feather took out the previous chessboard again with a little finger, and the stars made up. The stars on the chessboard depict the broken chessboard, and the most critical part of the chessboard reveals a small hole.

"right here!"

I studied for a while on the chessboard, and suddenly Yuhan laughed, and gently pressed her palm on the chessboard, and the chessboard flew up, slowly flying towards the depths of the room.

He followed closely behind, and Fei Yu stepped on some peculiar footwork, and later went to a black stone gate deep in the hall.

石 This Shimen is cold and cold, surrounded by dense formations, only a small check mark is exposed in the middle.

"Go in!"

推 Pushed the chessboard on the square, just inlaid inside.


A series of crisp sounds rang in the hall immediately, as if the old maps had opened up again.


The light flashed, and the stone door opened, revealing a huge door gap.


Wu Huanyu got into it.

不久 Not long after he entered, a faint shadow followed him and entered Shimen, but the movement was insignificant and did not attract anyone's attention. Even the fantasy feather did not know that he had been followed.

I naturally followed Nie Yun.

The magic feather stopped here just now, and Nie Yun recognized it, which is the core position of the stele icon note!

He stopped here, I'm afraid there are really intelligible secrets and real treasures here.

So, when I thought about it, I didn't show up. Sure enough, Huan Yu didn't know that someone was following, opened the seal with a chessboard, and entered the stone gate.

I came close to the chessboard, and Nie Yun saw it clearly. This thing is not a standard chessboard, but a special map like the stele map. The center of the map is also here.

"Well aura, what is this place?"

As soon as he entered Shimen, the portal closed automatically, and Nie Yun immediately smelled a strong aura. These auras were enough to the extreme, and people's whole body revealed excitement.

"A lot of immortal stones! Is this a treasure trove of a certain monument?"

He looked up and looked in, and immediately saw that the dense immortal stones were piled up in front of his eyes, most of them were of the middle grade, and there were tens of thousands of pieces.


The magical feather in front of seemed to know that there were so many immortal stones here, and there was no expression of surprise on his face, but he turned sharply, his eyes indifferent.

"Nie Yun, I know you are here. Now that we are here, let's discuss the cooperation matters! As long as we cooperate, not only these things are ours, but the town ’s treasures are also ours!"

Huanbian looked around ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said: "Of course, you can also refuse, but it is very hidden here. If there is no Luoxing chessboard, you ca n’t find it at all. It also takes a lot of effort, and during this time, I can completely kill you and take away all the treasures! "

想 "Want to lie to me ... this guy!"

I heard Nie Yun startled when he heard the first half of the words, and thought he was found. He couldn't help laughing at the end.

The other party didn't see himself at all. In all words, he tried to lie to himself.

Although he pretended to be similar, Nie Yun still saw a trace of killing in his twinkling eyes.

If this guy really finds himself, he definitely won't be so nonsense, he will take a sneak attack directly. The odds are bigger, so much nonsense obviously makes people ready. It is impossible to kill again!

"It looks like I haven't kept up!"

I talked for a while, and glanced around the room, but did not find Nie Yun's figure, then Yu Yu was relieved and turned around.

He grabbed a large hand, and the pile of immortal stones in front of him was taken into Danwu Dantian, and a small black door appeared again in front of him.




(To be continued. This article is provided by @ 郗 葶. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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