Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1023: Frostman Talent

This black gate is slightly smaller than the previous one, with a golden rune engraved on it, revealing the meaning of lore.

"Huh? This rune is strange, as if I saw it somewhere ..."

Seeing this rune, Nie Yun's eyes were a little confused, and the Buddha Buddha had seen it somewhere.

"Yes ... the nine-day meteor refers to the rune imprint left on the outline ..."

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind, and Nie Yun thought of something.

The first scale of the Chinese Purple God Beast, which was obtained in the previous trade fair, depicts the nine-day meteor finger outline, among which there seems to be similar graphic signs.

"Invincible Xianjun, want to unite the invincible Dantian with his own strength, invincible world ... Is this their mark?"

Thinking of the Nine-day Meteor Finger General Program, Nie Yun immediately remembered the words of Zhenxiu Shulu before.

He saw that Jiutian Meteor pointed out that Nie Yun was the descendant of Invincible Xianjun. Is this place really left by Invincible Xianjun?

If that's the case, I'm afraid that the nine-day meteor finger will be ready!

Nie Yun felt a little hot immediately.

The Jiutian Meteor refers to him as one of the martial arts that must be learned, and now he has only got two ways to practice. If he can get a few moves, his strength will surely soar.


When the heart was weird, the magic feather in front took a deep breath, and his right hand suddenly struck forward!

"Seven Fingers? Actually Seven Fingers!"

Seeing his actions, Nie Yun was startled.

I saw that Yu Fei had displayed the Seven Killing Fingers. Although both power and skill were weaker than themselves, and they were not completely in control, they also had a shape and power.

"It's no wonder that Liu Moyan's Dantian will have the scales of the Seven Killing Fingers, I'm afraid it was passed from his hand ..."

Nie Yun immediately understood.

Before stealing things from Liu Moyan Dan Tian in the trading floor, the cultivation method of the Seven Killing Fingers is among them.

I thought it was Liu Moyan who accidentally got it. Now it seems that it is related to the magic feather!

Of course, in the end, it was Liu Moyan who gave the magic feather training method, or the latter gave the former scales. It is no longer possible, at least the current magic feather can also perform the Seven Killing Fingers!


The black stone door was hit by the fingers of the Seven Killers, and the Buddha Buddha absorbed enough energy to make a "squeak!" Sound slowly open again.


Phantom got in.

Nie Yun didn't dare to hesitate, and ignored the immortal stones piled up around the mountain, followed closely into Shimen.

Behind the stone door was a small room. What appeared to the two of them was a tall wall with dragons and phoenixes dancing on it, with a line of domineering and bold characters.

"Good calligraphy ..."

Nie Yun glanced at it and was immediately impressed by the fonts.

These words should be civilizations left in ancient times. Normal people ca n’t understand them, but each one is full and full of evil.

"Tian ear heard ..."

Others do not understand, it does not mean that Nie Yun does not understand. Tianer talents are running, and a fierce and domineering idea is immediately introduced into the heart.

"The world respects special talent owners a lot. They think they have a bright future. I don't take it for granted. What is a talent? Is a person born with a talent better than ordinary people?"

The beginning is a period of doubt and doubt. The Buddha is questioning himself, as if questioning God, tweeting unfairly for himself.

Talent is highly respected, but what about those without talent?

Even if this kind of person has the spirit world, it has the majority!

"People with talent are born to be strong. This is prejudice! I firmly believe that even if there is no talent, as long as you work hard enough and have an unyielding heart, you can go forward and achieve the pinnacle! Since God does not give me special talent, I will condense myself , I will use my strength to make an invincible sky ... "

The following text is extremely domineering, until heaven.

"Great, invincible Xianjun, condensed talent ... too strong!"

After reading the text on the stone wall, Nie Yun was full of shock.

I am afraid that this thing is left by the invincible Xianjun in the mouth of Shuxiu Town, otherwise it would not be so domineering and possess such a strong momentum and strength.

"I am lonely and invincible. I was born as an abandoner and cold-hearted. From that moment, I vowed to be a superior and defeat all the people who laughed at me! After years of hard work, I stood out and beat the world's invincible, sword. No one stays in the air, no one fights. Many super talents with special talents died in my hands. Although I proved myself completely, I did n’t feel happy, but I felt lonely, and wailed! This is the nine-day meteor I created in my early years Means, engraved on the scales of the sacred beast Hua Zi, a total of five styles, and a drop of the blood of the sacred beast of the purple beast, gifted to loved ones! "

At the end of the wall, these fonts are depicted.

"The Nine-day Meteor refers to the fact that this invincible Xianjun created it in his early years? Great!"

Take a breath.

Listening to Dugu's invincible tone, I am not particularly satisfied with this set of nine-day meteor fingers, and he is even dissatisfied with the trick that is stronger than the Seven-Star Sword. Is this invincible Xianjun really the same as he said, the world is invincible?

But ... if you really want to be invincible, how could you die? Who killed him again?

How did this place turn into an ancient battlefield and was so devastated?

Layers of doubt flickered in his mind, making Nie Yun more and more confused.

However, this doubt did not confuse him for a long time and was awakened by reality.

Huanyu had no interest in the content on the wall, and at this time bypassed the stone wall and walked into the room.

"Haha, you're rich this time!"

Upon entering the room, the magical words sounded loud, and it seemed that the whole person's expression was a bit mad.

Nie Yunsheng was afraid of missing something and didn't dare to stay, followed closely into the room.

In the middle of the room is a small stone table with five golden scales placed on it, which is completely different from the ones I saw before. There is a small jade bottle in front of the scales. Although the stopper is not open, you can still feel it. It contains powerful surging power.

"This is the essence of the Huazi God Beast?"

Nie Yun immediately came to understand, his eyes were replaced with fiery.

Although I don't know what this so-called essence blood is useful for, it is definitely not a simple thing to look at the attitude of Huan Yu and the words of Invincible.

"This is mine, come here for me!"

Hakuba laughed and reached out to grab the jade bottle.

The speed of his palm was extremely fast. When he appeared, he came to the stone table, but before he grabbed the jade bottle, a speed faster than him, he swept over. The jade bottle and scales in front of him disappeared instantly.


Seeing this scene, Phantom's heart-filled surprise was immediately replaced by anger, her eyebrows raised like madness, and then a voice that made him tremble with fear was heard.

"Well, I didn't expect that you could find out this thing. With this thing, my strength can definitely go further. If you treat me like this, I will leave you a whole body!"

The voice was over, followed by a long, sloppy ghost hand grabbing forward.

"Zhenxiu Xiuluo? Why are you here ... Impossible! You are Nie Yun, you want to **** my treasure, you are still tender!"

Seeing clearly the shape of the figure in front of him, Phantom's head exploded directly, and he couldn't believe it. He shouted and greeted him with a punch.

This fist carried the strength of his whole body and exploded in the narrow space, like an elegy ringing through the soul.

He has never performed a trick reserved for the second hand, Supreme Elegy!


When the Supreme Elegy was exhibited, the heavens and the earth seemed to have encountered sadness, showing a sorrowful atmosphere. The singing voice was sad, which made people feel cold and the spirit would collapse at any time.

This trick of the elegy is with a soul attack and a powerful impact. Even if the mighty power of Xuanxian Realm encounters it, it will be difficult to contend.

Magic Feather's tricks are powerful, and the opponent's tricks are rough and powerful. A finger stretched out forward, a dripping ball appeared in the air, and it exploded with the Supreme Elegy.

There are no brilliant colors, no immortal power, and Shura's murderous wave. When the explosion sounds, the feathers immediately feel like the chest is being bombarded by a sledgehammer. The eyes are dark, and they fly out, breaking through layers of walls. The entire palace is in violent power. Underneath, every inch cracked, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

"You're not Nie Yun ... Zhenxiu Xiuluo, I don't share the sky with you!"

Collision with the opponent's tricks, Huan Yu immediately knew that this person was not disguised by Nie Yun, but Nie Yun was not in the strength of Tianxianjing. Even if the fighting power was strong, he could not resist his supreme elegy, but now he will not only slap elegy Broken, he will be injured with the talent of Ruijin in one move. This combat power is definitely Xuanxian level!

The only place in this place that has a level of xuanxian is Zhenxiu Shura! Who else isn't he?

Although I wanted to kill Zhenxiu Shulu before because I had to complete the task, even if he couldn't kill him, there was nothing, but now he wanted to kill him. , "Hurry up, this is not the time for revenge ..."

When he was so hot that he was about to explode with the other side, suddenly his arm hurt, was pulled by a figure, and his body sank into the ground!

"Nie Yun is you ..."

Seeing who saved his life, Yu Yu was stunned.

Not others, it was Nie Yun who had been messing with him.

At this time, Nie Yun looked embarrassed and seemed to have been hit by the explosion just now, but he didn't have much injuries. He wanted to cure it by using the wood health gas.

"It's me, I'll take a breath later, I'm afraid you'll be killed by Zhenxiu Shura! How about, what I said before is pretty good, I don't need only your special talent, as long as you give me everything , I will fight against Sukhura Shura with you! "

Nie Yundao ~ www.readwn.com ~ Okay, I promise, this is the four talents of the Ice Division, Assassination Division, Hercules Division, and Defense Division. Each one of them, you hold it first, the rest I will confirm. Happy cooperation for you! "

He didn't give him all the talents directly, but gave him four things, said his teeth.

He's not in a good situation right now. I'm afraid I want to keep some cards. I'm afraid he gave everything to Nie Yun and was killed by the opponent!

Where did Nie Yun know his little Jiu Jiu? He didn't say much at the moment. He took four talents, and as soon as his heart moved, a dantian in the sea of ​​air twirled slowly.

Frost talent, come! rs

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