Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1029: The strength of Xiao Taoist

The strength of Black Shadow Shura, Xu Tao and others know very well. In the middle of Luo Wonderland, with the blood of Shura, the peak of human Luo Wonderland and even the half-step Xuan Wonderland are not opponents!

What is the strength of such a strong person who can be beaten to death with one hand?

Not seen in just one day, Nie Yun's strength has surpassed them too much. M

"It's a pity ... the state is too low to be useful to me ..."

The crowd was surprised that Nie Yun didn't take it to heart, but shook his head.

With the promotion of strength, this kind of Shura in the middle of Luoxianjing did not help him. Even if he swallowed a lot, he would not be promoted. Only by killing the stronger Shura, can it have an effect.

"Your strength ..."

The crowd's surprise lasted for a while, and Xu Xinqian finally broke the dull and awkward situation.

"Fortunately, there has been a breakthrough, now it is Luo Wonderland!" Nie Yun also did not hide, casually said.

"Luo Xianjing?" Xu Xinqian was speechless for a while, this guy is too fast to advance!

The first time I saw him was more than a month ago, when it was only half a step into Wonderland, and it seemed to have broken through. How can more than a month, not only broke through 桎梏, but also crossed a large level to reach Luo Wonderland, this speed Maybe it's too wicked ...

"It's almost time for the assessment, so let's go back soon!"

Knowing the shock in the girl's heart, Nie Yun didn't want to be entangled in this matter, smiled slightly, and strode forward.


Everyone answered.

"This guy……"

Seeing the teenager walking away, Xu Xinqian bit her lip. Unspeakable blow.

In the eyes of others, she is a countable genius. Even if she is ranked in the county town, she is no different from a stupid person.

"Xu Xinqian. What's wrong with you?" Xu Tao asked, seeing the strangeness on the girl's face.

"Nothing!" Knowing that the other party didn't want to explain, Xu Xinqian didn't say more, and hurried to Nie Yun, Xu Tao and others followed closely.

Although everyone didn't understand why Nie Yun could kill Luoluo in the middle of Luoxianjing only in the initial strength, they knew that there was such a master that even if Hongyan Mountain was in danger, they would not hurt them.

They walked on Hongyan Mountain without fear, but the side of the repair tower looked like a blast.

Su Yang stared at the jade card in front of her eyes, her joints paled. His face was somber and bleeding soon.

At the moment, all the jade cards that he had hoped to represent the life of his disciples were broken into powder. None are reserved. Even the most powerful fantasy feather, the soul mark has been broken.

"Who killed my disciple, who is it!"

A sharp growl sounded. The sound rushed out, echoing throughout the room, "Don't let me find out who it is, who dares to do something to me, I will make him die!"

The scream of anger was like a cuckoo with weeping blood, with a heartbreaking sound, matching his scarlet eyes. If you do n’t know the identity of his six-pin driving master, I really doubt it has been possessed by Shura.


As soon as his shout was over, another thunderous voice sounded outside the driving tower, and a fiery figure rushed in with the oppressive power.

"Why did my son Xue Wu die?"

The figure stopped. The whole person seems to be burning. The strength of his body cooperates with anger, giving people an inexplicable panic and deterrence!

Xuanxianjing Peak Powerhouse!

Xue Wu's father, the master of the new town of the county, Xue Xun, is just like Su Yang and Xiao Xuan Taoist, but also the peak of the mysterious fairyland!

Xuanxian Realm, the power of Xuanxuan, comprehend the mystery of Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi, only one step away from the golden rule of enlightenment, each of them is a famous figure, no wonder Xu Xinqian was so afraid of him before, it turned out to be a master of this strength!

"Xiao Yidao, today my disciple and the son of Xue Yicheng's son were killed, we must give an account!"

Seeing Xue Xun's sudden rush, Su Yang's eyes turned and he roared suddenly.

"Give it to me? Xiao Youdao, is it your hand?"

Xue Ye didn't seem to know much about his son's participation in the game. He heard the whistling, looked at Xiao Yidao, and murdered again and again.

Being the master of a city is by no means a soft persimmon. Xue Wu is his only son and was killed. This revenge must be reported.

"My disciple and his disciples have a fair duel. All my disciples and your son have been killed, and none of his disciples have died. How could this be possible if it was not a scheme?" Su Yang sneered, pointing his finger at Xiao in one sentence. Martyrs.

"Fighting with Shura has always been life and death. Surviving shows that my disciples are strong and dead, indicating that they are weak, because life and death have been convicted and determined. Su Yang, even if this incident goes to the headquarters of the repair tower, you also Don't bother! "

Xiao Tao said that people's faces were still calm and faint.

The content of the competition between the two sides was to kill and kill Shura. Even the mighty stars and men who fought against Shura did not dare to say that they would be able to win, let alone some people from Luoxian and Tianxianjing. If the killing was not achieved, they would be killed instead. To the headquarters of the drive repair tower, as long as there is no evidence, Su Yang can not do anything.

"Fight with Shura? Huh, Nephew and Xue Wuxian's nephew was not a battle with Shura, but was designed by a conspiracy!" Su Yang shouted: "Otherwise, your disciples will never be okay, and my The whole army of disciples is gone! "

"Is it because you were killed by Shura? It's not you who decides!" Xiao Yidao said and waved.

"It's not me that counts, naturally it's not what you say! As long as you find out that someone has used a conspiracy and design a potential driver, no one can keep it!" Su Yang was angry.

If the magic feathers were killed by Shura, no matter how nice it is, the drone repair tower would at most give their family a little subsidy, verbally praise it, and they will not continue to pursue it. Although he is a six-pin flood repairman, he can't escape the relationship.

Huh Huh!

At this moment, the matrix method not far away was suddenly touched, five rays of light flickered, and Nie Yun and others were teleported over.

"Huh, it's just right, come here for me!"

Seeing Nie Yun and others, Su Yang in the rage grabbed the palm of his hand.

The requirement for this test is two days. As soon as the time is up, they will be teleported back, and as soon as they return, they will see a huge palm print falling down and wrapping them all up.

"How did you kill Phantom Yu, Xue Wu and others. From the actual recruiting, I can spare you not to die, otherwise, today I will cramp my teeth and make you unable to survive or die!"

Enveloping Nie Yun and others, the power of Su Yang Xuan Wonderland broke out without any cover, and the huge pressure squeezed everyone away instantly.


Unexpectedly, Su Yang was so fierce that Nie Yun's eyebrows jumped as soon as they appeared. A punch greeted him.


He couldn't bear the punch of ordinary Xuanxian strong. Although Su Yang is the peak of Xuanxian Realm. Unprepared, the power was still defeated for a moment, slightly wrong.

but. After the stupidity is full of madness and excitement.

"Have the fighting power comparable to that of the Xuanxian strong? It seems that I have looked away and you have been hiding! It seems that Yu Yu, Xue Wu and others killed you, so let's take it!"

With the palm of his hand pressed, the immortal force in Su Yang's body slammed into Nie Yun, leaving no trace behind.

He is the peak of Xuanxian Realm. The violent power of his shots gathered like a cold wind, which caused a chill involuntarily. Nie Yun was still unable to bear in front of this absolute power despite his surge in strength. , The whole body muscles make a "creak! Creak!" Sound.

"Stop!" Xiao Xun said.

A white band of light formed on his palm. Like a complete avenue, with irresistible majesty, when he touched Su Yang's attack, he immediately exploded in the room. The violent force made the entire floor look tight.

"Xiao Yan, what are you doing?"

Su Yang's face slumped forward. "This Nie Yun has a combat power comparable to that of Xuanxian. The magic feather and others must have been killed by him. Do you want to hide?"

"Shelter?" Xiao Tao Taoist shook his hand, with power in his words. "Having the power of Xuanxian Realm shows that he has great potential, not a murderer! If you really want to say that someone was killed by Nie Yun, can you give evidence? No evidence , I'll fix it today! "

"Evidence? I will have evidence if I kill him!"

Su Yang ignored the words of Xiao Taoist Taoist eyes, his eyes were murderous.

It seems that he presumed that Nie Yun killed Huan Yu and others, and transferred all his anger to him.

"No evidence do you want to kill in front of me?" Xiao Yidao raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, today you are blocking, this Nie Yun is going to die, but he is going to die without being blocked, I ... destined!" Su Yang's whole body strength is like a wave, one wave after another, without any break, palms crossed, Pentium down .


At the same time, Xue Jun, the town's new owner who had not spoken before, came over, and his position just blocked the Xiao Taoist man and prevented him from saving Nie Yun.

Both were the peak of Xuanxian Realm, and their strength was almost the same as that of Xiao Yi Tao. At the same time, there was an action, and everyone in the room immediately felt strong pressure.

"It seems that in recent years, it was my attitude towards Xiao Xi that was too good to make people bully! Since that is the case, today I will assume majesty and see who dares to take action!"

It seems that the movements of the two have been guessed for a long time, and Xiao Xundao suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his breath was released suddenly.

As his breath rose, everyone, including Nie Yun, noticed that at the same time, his power was still the pinnacle of Xuanxian, but for some reason, it contained a taste of being high above and despising everything.

In this sense, it is as if Xiao Taoist man has become a heaven and earth avenue for a moment, and it is as if he is blaspheming God.


The breath swelled and smashed the palm winds that Su Yang hit.

"Star mystery, the rules of the golden fairy ... Are you ... the golden fairy strong? This ... how is this possible!"

Su Yang and Xue Yan's faces changed at the same time, with a strong trembling in their voices.

ps: Two days and one night's train in a row ~ www.readwn.com ~ Back to the plateau at an altitude of three kilometers, the whole person collapsed. Yesterday seemed to have a cold and collapsed.

Hurry out of a chapter this morning, I will definitely go to the New Year when I get home, I will inevitably drink, etc. Try to keep it updated. Two more a day will not be less. If it is not updated on time, I hope everyone will excuse me. , Busy is inevitable.

Home is too far away, although last year, with the support of everyone, I earned better than in previous years, but I still ca n’t afford the air ticket. You should feel the pain of taking the train. Returning home is like fighting a war. Only half a life left.

Finally, ask for a monthly pass again.

Lao Ya has n’t been asking for monthly tickets for a long time, not because I do n’t want to compete for the monthly ticket list, but I feel that once I compete, both me and readers are tired, and writing books will become impetuous. Once finished, the next volume of Nie Yun will fight for Lingtai Lingyue. After that, this book will be the largest one except Ling Xiaoding, and then this book will be in the late stage. I want to compete for it. I hope everyone will support me. !!

In addition, I hope everyone can subscribe to Chapter 146, the second success of Nirvana. Now this book is only two hundred away from the second cover to subscribe, thanks! !!

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