Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1030: Virtual golden fairy

Jinxian is the seventh most important and the most important one.

Gold is pure, immaculate, and immortal. As long as you achieve Jinxian, you will understand the stars and the righteousness of the stars. The law of Jinxian has a qualitative leap and transformation of the essence of life.

Each Jinxian strong has a very strong position in the spirit world, and can be regarded as a prince. His strength is even more amazing than Xuanxian.

I can say without exaggeration that even the most ordinary Jinxian strongman, even a hundred Xuanxian peaks, cannot be an opponent!

This is like the gap between ants and humans. No matter how strong ants are, they are always ants. There is an essential difference between humans and humans. How can they fight?

Because the Jinxian strong is so powerful, the difficulty of promotion is not a little bit or two. Often, there are not a thousand high-level Xuanxian peak strong, there may not be one who can understand Jinxian Avenue and make a breakthrough.

Su Suyang, Xue Yi, and others are people who ca n’t break through. They do n’t know how much effort they have spent, they never succeed, their minds fade, and they become a little crazy about rights.

Originally, they thought that Xiao dao Taoists were the same. There was no hope of breakthrough in life. How could they never imagine that this silent guy would have such powerful strength in front of them, raising their hands with breath and strength that made them panic.

"No, it's not Jinxian. He just realized that the threshold hasn't been breached. Haha, Xue Yan, let's do it together. As long as we devour the silky mood that he realizes, we can all achieve Jinxian ..."

Suddenly, Su Yang noticed something wrong, with naked killing in his eyes.

"Virtual Jinxian ... haha, no wonder these years have been low-key, it turned out to be this kind of strength, Xiao Yi Taoist, you really should not show your strength!"

Xue Xue also saw that something was wrong, and also showed fiery meaning, as if seeing a delicious lunch.

Originally, the two were frightened and turned yellow, but in a blink of an eye, it became like this, everyone around was a little confused.

"Virtual Jinxian? Jinxian still has a virtual one?"

Nie Yun felt even more incredible.

"I'll extract your virtual avenue now, come here for me!"

Su Suyang moved.

The huge palm overturned the giant ship that came from the wind, and the entire floor was roaring and exploding under the impact of power. It seemed to be completely blown at any time. The surging fairy power carried the mysterious and mysterious, like the fairy river that traversed the interstellar space. Tear everything.

"I have a share too!"

Xue Xue's sharp voice followed.

He practiced what seemed to be fire-type exercises, his strength was swayed, and a flame-like air flow drowned out. Nie Yun and others were covered by hot wind, and all could not help but retreat to the wall of the repair tower.

The drivers who came to be the referees were not as good as the three. Although they were a little hot for the so-called virtual Jinxian, they were afraid to move forward.

"Want to extract my virtual avenue? Hehe, do you really think I have only this strength?"

Seeing that the two attacked without leaving a trace of their hands, the Xiao Taoists finally lost their gentleness in the past and took a step forward, but actually flew into the sky. The whole person was like a demon standing in the world with his hands raised up and his breath kept exploding.

"Virtual convergence, the law is solid! The stars are coming, I am the golden fairy !,-

Suddenly, the Xiao Xiao Taoist in the sky suddenly shook the sky. The whole county town was instantly shrouded in dark clouds. A huge star appeared in everyone's field of vision. This star is not as big as the Big Dipper, but it can be regarded as a first-class star. , Directly hit the next bright light.

With the unspeakable majesty and panic power of Tiandi Avenue, Xi Guangguang, once it came down, made everyone feel irresistible from the bottom of their hearts.

"Quickly stop him ..."

Seeing the scene in front of her, Su Yang knew that Xiao Tao ’s Taoist man was hiding deeper than he had imagined, his face became extremely pale, his wrists flipped, and a slender stinger flew out, puncturing through the air.

毒 This stinger is sharp and unparalleled. It is actually a semi-permanent fairyware. Combined with the power of the peak of Xuanxian Realm, it turns into an arc. In a blink of an eye, it broke the space 桎梏 and came to Xiao Tao Taoist.


Xiao Xiao, the Taoist man did not shoot, under the light shrouded in stars, a golden light representing the avenue blocked the attack of the stinger.

Under this golden light, the stinger "嘭!" Fell to the ground and lost its original power. The two are not the same concept at all.


Seeing this scene, both Su Yang and Xue Yi knew that they had run into a steel plate, and they dared not take any action, and then fled after turning around.

"Want to leave? Since you want to prestige, you will die for me!"

Xiao Xiao Martyrs have already planned how Liwei can let them escape, their eyebrows are raised and their fingers point forward.

Huh! Huh!

Su Suyang and Xue Yi did not have time to send out their grieving cry. At the same time, they were smashed into pieces of flesh, their souls were broken, and their breath of life was lost.


Xie Nieyun was startled.

两位 Anyway, these two are the top peaks of Xuanxian Realm. Together they are superior in strength and shocking. They are killed with one finger ... Is Jinxian really so terrible?


Xie killed Su Yang and Xiao Xie. The Taoist mouth swallowed the light of the sky into the body, and the whole person faintly walked down from the air.

Along with his promotion and explanation, Gan Chen of the sky also slowly left, and the clouds dispersed.

"This is the promotion of Jinxian? So scary ..."

"Master has made Jinxian?"

Xiao Xiao's actions not only surprised Nie Yun, Xu Xinqian and others were also excited and difficult to curb.

Master Tong has kept a low profile all these years, and the test has been failing, letting them breathe a sigh of relief, all at this time, all of them feel refreshing and uncomfortable from the inside to the outside.

Wu Xuanxian peak and Jinxian strong, although there is only a slight difference, is the difference between heaven and earth. The achievement of Jinxian, regardless of status or resources to be obtained, will greatly increase, which is definitely a good thing for them!

"Xiao Yun, you hide a good sea ..."

A few old men who had a good relationship with Xiao Yi Tao came over, one by one showing compliment.

"Nie Yun, come here!"

For the compliments of these people, Xiao 誊 dao Taoist did not care, but looked at Nie Yun with a smile.

The good and bad character can only be manifested at a critical moment. Just now Su Yang and Xue Yi are strong, Nie Yun is not humble, but these old men who are Xuanxian Realm hide again.

"Senior Xiao Xiao!" Nie Yun held his fist.

Before, he thought that this Xiaodao Taoist was a little bit simple, and now it seems that this guy is indeed deep enough.

Although I don't know what the so-called virtual golden immortal is, it can surprise everyone, so the explanation is definitely not simple.

"Phantom Yu and others are the ones you killed!" Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"Uh ..." Nie Yun didn't expect him to ask like this, hesitated for a moment.

"Oh, anyway, I have achieved Jinxian now, not to mention killing a few Luoxian, even if Su Yang was killed just now! In the spirit world, ants below Jinxian are ants. As long as you do n’t achieve Jinxian, no matter how strong It's useless! "

Xiao Shao Taoists waved their hands at will, with a sense of pride and arrogance in their breath.

"I killed Fei Yu!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Well, if you want to be a strong one, you must dare to do it. A little magic feather, just die. Just rest assured, I said nothing will happen, and nothing will happen!" Xiao Xidao said with a smile.

"Yes, Xiao Xiao senior, what is the virtual golden immortal, just now I saw Su Yang so excited ... What is going on?"

Seeing that the Xiao Taoist in front of him was just like him, Nie Yun couldn't help feeling comfortable and asked with a smile.

"You need to know about the stars in order to break through the immortal realm. If you want to achieve Jinxian, you must have the same method, but it is more complicated! The law of golden immortals, also known as the law of stars, is the star you are aware of The strongest rule bestowed on you! This rule involves changes in the sun and the moon. The avenue of heaven and earth is very mysterious and difficult to understand! "

Xiao Yi Tao is not stingy, explaining: "Because of this, many people are trapped at the top of the mysterious fairyland, it is difficult to break through, and there is only one way to succeed ... that is to understand the true meaning of the stars and simulate the changes of the stars in the body. Star map! "

"This star map is virtual. It is simulated with Xianli. Once it resonates with the real stars, it will produce strange transformations and form real avenues. Of course, these avenues are not virtual because of the infusion of the power of heaven and earth. Yes, in this period, although he had the strength to surpass the peak of Xuanxianjing, he did not actually reach the golden fairyland, which is called the virtual golden fairy! "

"Simulated star map ..." Nie Yun was a little ignorant.

"Well, the virtual avenue formed in the virtual Jinxian body is the cornerstone of the achievement of Jinxian. As long as there is such a thing, it is only a matter of time! However, although this thing is good, it also has great hidden dangers!"

Speaking of this man, Xiao Xiaodao said, "Even if you realize this kind of virtual avenue, it can be taken away by others, and you can even continue to use it to break through!"

"Can be deprived of by others?"

Nie Yun's face changed slightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ From the position and strength of Jinxian, the gap between Xuanxian can be seen. This kind of thing can be deprived. Once someone knows that he has successfully condensed, he will definitely take the fight. The so-called Not only does the virtual Jinxian bring no benefits, it also becomes a target of criticism, and it is extremely troublesome.

"Yeah, the virtual avenue in my body was formed eight years ago, and I have never dared to leak the slightest bit, for fear of encountering trouble, I would have to at least take decades of nurturing the virtual reality. Stimulated by the exercises you practiced, decades ahead of time, this is no longer a cover up, a direct breakthrough! "

Xiao Xiao said that people thanked Nie Yun gratefully.

Xun said that with the help of Nie Yun, Xiao Xuandao people are not exaggerated.

He gave him a boost of strength before, and felt a trace of the artistic conception of Xiaoyao Gongfu. His Taoist practice practice, when he saw such a mysterious artistic conception, he immediately felt, and finally transformed the virtual avenue into the true Golden Immortal Law.

"Well, when you reach the peak of Xuanxian, naturally you will know that it is not a secret! Regardless of whether Su Yang and Phan Yu are dead, the previous rewards are still counted. It is time for you to win the victory. ! "

Xiao Xiao said that people laughed.




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