Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1031: 6-pin drive mechanic

Prior to the competition, the rewards of the winners were mentioned, and Xu Xinqian also told Nie Yun, especially the most outstanding people, not only can get three days of training in the [small sanctuary], but also get a half step Luo Xiandan and a top-quality fairy. .

The Shangxian Pinxian and the half-step Luo Xiandan have no use for the current Nie Yun, but the three days of practice in the small sanctuary are still more inspiring.

Now is a five-grade expulsion repairer. If he can re-integrate and reach the sixth-grade level, both the authority and strength will increase. At that time, he should apply to the drive repair tower to find the ore that can run the unknown method. It should not be a problem.

In any case, in the spiritual realm, the exorcist is the most noble profession. As long as the level is high, the cultivation resources will be continuously supplied.

Of course, the more resources you get, the greater your responsibility and the more hesitant to suffer from Shura.

Now Nie Yun is under the pressure of his younger brothers Nie Tong and Yantai Lingyue, do n’t care about it. It would be best if there was a high-level Shura to kill him. Once he kills it, he may be able to motivate Nirvana and achieve higher achievements. strength.

I reached Luo Wonderland, and finally knew the time when the seventh Nirvana was coming, the peak of Luo Wonderland!

Once reached, the seventh Nirvana will be triggered. At that time, the carp leaps into the dragon gate, impacts the Xuanxian Realm, and can escape under the power of the Jinxian strongman. This is considered to have real capital for swimming in the spirit world.

Nian Yun had great expectations of the so-called small sanctuary because of these circumstances. At this time, when Xiao Xuan Taoist people offered a reward, Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

"Su Yang died, I have greater rights. Five of you, I will give you a chance to enter the small sanctuary! In addition, Nie Yun put in his best effort in this test. Everyone can see it. I will give him one. [Half-step Xuanxiandan]! "

Xiao Xiao Martyrs talked about the reward plan.

"Yes!" Hearing that they all had the opportunity to enter the small sanctuary to practice, everyone was almost excited and almost jumped without any opinion.

"Half-step Xuanxiandan?" Nie Yun was shocked and ecstatic.

According to the original agreement, only one and a half steps of Luo Xiandan was obtained. It seems that Xiao Tao Taoists also saw that this elixir is useless, and deliberately upgraded to a large level in order to repay himself for giving him inspiration and condensing virtuality. Avenue.

Xuanxian Danxuan, as the name suggests, is useful to Luo Xianjing Peak Powerhouse. Although Nie Yun's potential and accumulation far exceed that of Luo Xianjing Peak Powerhouse, this elixir may have a great effect on him.

"Although I have been promoted to Jinxian, my authority has not yet been reached. This is the maximum ..."

Xie Nieyun was happy and heard a voice ringing in his ears. He turned around and saw Xiao Xuandao smiling with a smile.

In return, a grateful look. Nie Yun knew that even if the other party became a golden immortal, but before the matter of killing Su Yang and Xue Yan had been completely resolved, he would definitely not have much power to come up with a half-step Xuanxiandan. tried.

"This is a rewarding top-quality fairy and elixir!"

After the explanation, Xiao Taoist people handed a jade bottle and a long sword.

I took a glance at the long sword in my hand and found that even the chaos of the real dragon sword was not as good, let alone the gun head and the Beidou sword. Nie Yun suddenly lost interest and threw it into the dandan of Tianwu and ignored it.

I wasn't interested in long swords. Xuanxiandan was a good thing for half a step. Just smelling it made him feel that his whole body was beating.

"Enter the small sanctuary now!"

I finished allocating the rewards, and with the wave of Xiao Dao's big hand, the crowd was caught out of nowhere and landed gently on a teleportation array.

高 This tower has dozens of floors, and each floor involves a lot of secrets. It is impossible to let them climb up the stairs and only teleport.


After a flash of light, Nie Yun seemed to have entered another dimension.

There is no open field here, the vast ocean, but the sky is low, the stars are covered above, and there is a comfortable atmosphere shining everywhere.

"This is the little sanctuary!"

Seeing the confusion on Nie Yun's face, Xu Xinqian quickly explained, and it was difficult to stop the excitement in her eyes.

"This celestial star will portray the special surname of the fusion talent. As long as you carefully understand the talent, it will be easy to merge the talents. Cultivate it quickly. Three days will definitely make you a new breakthrough!"

After talking about Xu Xinqian, she took a step forward, found a clean place, crossed her knees, and looked up at the stars.

Regardless of her, Xu Tao and others have already sat down, staring at the starry sky with excitement and solemnity one by one.

Talent integration does not mean the end. The better the talent integration, the more powerful you will be. Among Xu Tao and others, there is definitely potential that has been tapped out, but they can still practice with the help of a small sanctuary to let the already integrated talents. More perfect and stronger.

"Characteristic surname that characterizes fusion? I'll take a closer look ..."

Seeing that everyone was busy, Nie Yun found a place to sit down and looked up into the air.

Although the stars in front of me are not real, they are formed by the superpowers condensing with great mana, but they contain a deterrent that makes people feel at ease.

It seems that the super powerhouse who arranges this small sanctuary knows a lot about many talents and fusion talents, and has even reached an incredible level.

"The mystery revealed by the running track of this star is somewhat similar to the beacon talent ... This is somewhat similar to the sharp gold talent ..."

Nian Yun's eyes fell on the small stars, and Nie Yun quickly found out that it was unusual.

Carefully speaking, if you understand the special talents, there are so many strong people in the whole spiritual world that you can surpass him, not to mention others. There are only 20 special talents in the top 100 and two top ten talents. Let him far surpass any special talent.

Although the trajectories of the stars in the sky are changeable, they contain the truth. After looking for a while, he found that there are many overlaps with special talents.

No wonder that cultivation here can help to integrate Dantian, deeper understanding of talents, and natural integration is more convenient.

I glanced at all the stars and found that the stars in the sky correspond to 10,000 Avenues and 10,000 special talents, but there are no top ten.

前 The top ten special talents are different from all other talents. It is beyond the scope of imagination. Phoenix is ​​not associated with ordinary birds. Even if the tower is repaired, it is impossible to simulate the operation of this Dantian.

There is no running track of the top ten talents. Nie Yun didn't think about it. She calmed down, the soul and the stars in the sky slowly merged together, and many dantians in the body were slowly changing.


I don't know how long it took, a crisp sound in the body, the whole person's breath has changed, and the six talents of popularity, concealment, camouflage, heavenly movement, earthly movement, and Xiangshui have been merged together, and a new talent has been incorporated again.

Assassination Talent! Assassination pays attention to hiding, hiding, and looking for opportunities. It has many similarities with many talents such as hiding and camouflage, and it is the easiest to integrate.

With the fusion of this talent, Nie Yun is equal to the fusion of seven talents.

Of these seven talents, the assassin ranks 51st, camouflage 55th, and popular ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are three of the top 100, indicating that he is not only a six-pin drive repairman, but also has reached Half step gold texture level.


I mixed a kind of dantian, Nie Yun exhaled a sigh of relief, and sensed that time had actually passed more than two days.

融合 For more than two days, a talent has been merged. I have to say that the small sanctuary is really terrible.

"With less than a day left, we must not be able to incorporate new talents again. Look at the trajectories of other talents ..."

I saw that there were less than half a day left, and it was obviously too late to integrate other talents. Nie Yun didn't think about it, relaxed, and looked at the stars in the sky.

These stars echo the stars in the sky, but they run faster and more intuitively.

"The talent has so many secrets ..."

The more I watched, the more Nie Yun's mood slowly improved, as if he was a king of many gifted worlds. When he inspected his subjects, he wondered how long he had, and suddenly he felt a shock.

"Four fires, thunder, lightning, sharpness, and wood are four talents that have already been merged together? But also with martial arts, kendo, and heavenly eyes? This ... this ..."

Nie Yun froze for a moment, then instantly ecstatic.




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