Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1038: Top 10 families

From the previous move, Nie Yun has seen that the lonely smile of this lonely family should be the leader and the strongest, followed by Xuanyuan Chaoxing, who was just with his opponent.

As for that charming woman and Song Yu, she knows from the face alone that it is not a good role. Even if Xiao Shudao is closed, I am afraid it is only high or low.

"It seems that Brother Nie concealed me so hard, your strength is better than me!"

Seeing Xuanyuan Chaoxing's words under Duguxiao's words, he stopped attacking. Nie Yun was relieved and turned around to see Xiao Yuandao people come with a bitter smile.

He used to call Nie Yun before, but now he is called "Nie Brother", indicating that he has fully recognized him in terms of strength.

"Xiao Jun is polite, my strength is still far behind!" Nie Yun quickly shook his head.

"It's a long way away? The son of Xuanyuan's attack just now, if you change it to me, you can't stop it, and you have not only succeeded in resisting it, but also calmed down. I am afraid that your strength is already above me!" Jealous, some are just happy and surprised.

"The predecessor is too humble!" Nie Yun's family knew their family affairs and laughed, not to continue entanglement in this matter.

"The ruins of the Black Dragon Saint are deep in the Devil Realm, and there are many crises. If everyone is ready, let's go now!" Dugu smiled and waved before flying.

"Let's go now? I heard that the ruins will not open until at least a month later. Is it a bit early?" The charming woman gently stretched her waist, her voice sweet and touching.

"You may not understand the dangers of the demon world, let alone a month, even if it is not half a year in advance, if you do not leave, I will leave alone!" Dugu smiled without expression, said lightly.

虽 Although the evil world in his mouth is full of crises, but with strong self-confidence and pride in his eyes, he seems to be able to penetrate the whole body without being with others, and others will not be hurt.


When I saw him say this, everyone would dare to stop, and flew up, flying straight out of the manor.

Everyone is a Jinxian strong, who can fly at a fast speed, and a few breathing exercises flew out of Guihai City, flying straight to the depths of the mountains.

Wu Dugu Xiao and others thought that Nie Yun could not fly to Luo Wonderland, he must not be able to fly and needed help from others, but found out that the boy not only was able to fly by himself, he was not slower than them, and all of them showed approval.

Although Nie Yun took Xuanyuan Chaoxing's two punches before, it has not yet been recognized by everyone. Now, everyone has regarded him as a member.

"Brother Nie, Xiao Xiao, this lonely laugh is the core disciple of the invincible family, and the strength is not small! Xuanyuan Chaoxing is the core disciple of the Xuanyuan family and has a very high status. The name is Song Yu, although he is not a member of the top ten families. But it is also extraordinary, especially swordsmanship. It is said that it has reached the level of the lifesword! The woman is Mei Xiner, a demon-Meizu person. She is born with charming bones. Be careful when talking with her. confuse!"

As she flew, she watched the mountains under her feet disappear far away, and Liu whispered to Nie Yun and Xiao Yi Taoists.

The three of them were from the repair tower. Although not explicitly stated, they were equal to the same camp.

"Thank you to Lord Liu for reminding me!" The two nodded at the same time.

"To Master Liu, can the ten families in the spirit world tell you which ten?" Nie Yun asked.

"The top ten families have always been mysterious. They can only be acquainted with each other. It is difficult for outsiders to see, and they do n’t know everything. Even me, I only know five! The first is the Huantai family, who controls the heavens, and the second is the invincible family. The one who just smiled alone was the invincible family! The third Xuanyuan family, that is, the Xuanyuan Chaoxing family, the fourth and fifth are Xiao and Yang, and the remaining five are not what I know. ! "

Wu Zhiliu thought for a moment, rubbing his hands and whispering.

"The Yantai family, the invincible family, the Xuanyuan family, the Xiao family, the Yang family ... Is that Xiao Ran a Xiao person? Otherwise, how could he be so familiar with Ling Yue?"

Xie Nieyun's heart moved, thinking of Xiao Xiong, the good wine he had encountered in Jiuyang Mountain.

兄 This brother Xiao is greedy for a good wine, but his strength is extremely terrible, definitely more than Jinxian! A person of such strength should not be anonymous and so familiar with the ten families, I am afraid that it is the people of the ten families.

"The Yantai family controls the heavens ..." Realizing that Xiao Ran might be a member of the Xiao people, Nie Yun felt heartfelt for the strength of the Yantai family.

I didn't even want to talk about the Yantai family first, indicating that the strength of this family is probably also ranked among the top ten families. Otherwise, how could there be the name of controlling heaven.

"The affairs of the top ten families have not reached a certain level of strength. It is best not to inquire. They control a lot of secrets in the spiritual world. They rarely come out and inquire about it but it is not good!" To Liu asked, his face was solemn.

"Thanks for reminding me!" Nie Yun thanked.

"Master, how much do you know about the remains of the black dragon saint, can you tell us more?"

Xiao Xiaodao Taoist changed the topic.

"The black dragon saint is said to be a superpower in the ancient times, a loyal subordinate of the five-clawed dragon emperor! In the war between the five-clawed dragon emperor and the king of Shura, he was implicated and died, leaving this treasure and hiding it No one could find it, but no matter how good it was, it was eventually discovered. It is said that it will be born in a month and there are countless treasures in it. Even the Jinxian strong can get great benefits and make rapid progress! "

Zhi Liu voice passed over.

"Five Claw Dragon Emperor? Is it a dragon?"

Nie Yun's heart was stunned.

Until now, he also guessed a lot about Xiaolong's life experience. Xiaolong is likely to be the original five-claw dragon emperor. After fighting and killing King Shura, he turned into a dragon egg. After many years of gestation, again Out of the shell.

It's just too long, all my memories are lost and I can't remember anything.

In the Lahu space of Jiulong, there were the bodies of King Shura and the mighty dragons, which are enough to illustrate these problems.

"Of course, this is not the most critical thing. The most important thing is said to have a half-forged fairy immortal left by the black dragon saint, the black dragon order! Once the black dragon order came out, the black dragon family bowed their heads, and the world bowed their heads. of!"

Yan to Liu with a fiery tone.

"Black Dragon Order?"

Xiao Xiao, the Taoist and Nie Yun glanced at each other.

Although I don't know what this thing is, the name of semi-forged fairyware alone makes people feel palpitated.

Although Nie Yun had two forged artifacts, they were all sealed up. His true strength was inadequate, and he had no ability to even ordinary gems, which made him feel depressed all the time.

听说 "I heard that there are demons and dragons in the demon world, and dragons are the leaders of demons. What is going on?"

Xie Nieyun asked the doubts in his heart.

The demons and the dragons have two life forms. Why are the dragons the leader of the demons?

"I don't know exactly what happened. It seems to be related to the battle with Shura in ancient times. This is the same as the Nether Phoenix clan controlling the entire demon family. The Phoenix clan is a natural alien species, and it is completely different from the demon!"

Wu Zhiliu shook his head, and it seems that he doesn't know much about these ancient secrets.

"In ancient war, Shura died, countless martyrs died, and even many civilizations were not preserved. The whole spiritual world was almost destroyed, and a lot of history is gone. I am afraid that these things only include the headquarters of the repair tower or the top ten. The family can inquire about one or two. Although we are the six-pin flood repairman, we still have no authority to know! "

Xiao Xiao said humanely.

"So it is ... then the predecessors know what branches the Dragon clan is divided into?" Nie Yun nodded and continued to ask.

The time of the Linglai spirit world is too short. Many things are not understood, not to mention others. It is not clear how the Dragon and Nether Phoenix are divided.

"The Dragon family is divided into the core Golden Dragon family, and the strongest is the so-called five-clawed golden dragon! There are four major branches ~ www.readwn.com ~ black dragon, white dragon, red dragon, and blue dragon respectively! Golden dragon family , Since the five-clawed dragon emperor and the king of Shura fell back after the battle, they have lost their status as dragon emperors, and they are now replaced by the Qinglongs! Now in the devil world, Qingqinglong is the most powerful and must not offend! "

To Liudao.

"Qinglong ..."

As soon as Wu Zhiliu's words fell, Nie Yun suddenly felt a trembling inside the Big Dipper, and Xiaolong's thoughts violently violently violently, and kept pounding.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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Focus On: I have two large spy

Spotlight: "Death Arcade"



Man, if you have an arcade game that lets you play with your life, would you?

Regardless of Yi Xuan's willingness, but no one asked what he meant, he was directly pitted in.

The same is being pitted. Why is it that he was pitted?

From the first time he set foot in this arcade hall, he was destined to escape from the situation of life and death every day.

Because here is-Death Arcade.

PS: Da Xie has finished this work "Absolute Death Game" "Time Traveler and His Daughter"

Character guarantee, welcome to pit.

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