Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1039: Enchantment channel

"Xiaolong, what's wrong with you?"

I felt this situation, Nie Yun had no time to continue to ask, the spirit moved, passed away to the inside of the Xinggong. .

"Traitor, wicked traitor!"

With an angry roar, the dragon's golden pattern was revealed, and the violent breath shook the earth, shaking all the bluestones on the ground with dense cracks.

"Xiaolong, do you remember anything?"

I first saw Xiaolong have this attitude, and Nie Yun hurriedly asked.


I heard the questioning, Xiaolong seemed to calm down, the golden scales slowly dissipated, and became thin again, crouching on one side.

"Dad, I'm fine!"

Xiao Xiaolong wasn't talking, stayed still, and didn't know what was recalled, or what was going on.

"It's okay, don't hold anything in your heart, and tell me that although strength is not good now, I have never been afraid of Nie Yun!"

I know what the other party may be worried about, and dare not speak out. Nie Yun casually said that although there were not too many rhetoric, he was incomparable.

"Thank you Dad, I hope I can handle this matter, if it is not handled well, it will let you do it!"

Xiaolong's eye circles were slightly red and whispered.

"Well, take a rest, I will tell you when the relics of the Black Dragon Lord remain!"

Seeing that it didn't want to say more, Nie Yun didn't force him to ask, and immediately comforted him, and the spirit returned to the body again.

While Nie Yun talked to Zhi Liu and Xiao Yan, a series of idea fluctuations passed between the people in front.

"Xuanyuan, what is the origin of this boy? With Luo Wonderland's strength, I can catch you two punches. If you reach Xuan Wonderland and Jin Wonderland, what will you do?"

Qi Song Yu turned his face somberly, glanced at Nie Yun coldly, and spoke.

"No matter what his origin, as long as he is not a disciple of the top ten families, there is no threat to me!" Xuanyuan Chaoxing whispered, the superior surname of the family disciple revealed perfectly. He did not show his strength, he really did his best, even if he was ten times more powerful, he would be killed instantly! "

"That's the case, I thought the strength was really good ..." Song Yu relieved and smiled slightly.

"What worries me the most is Duguxiao! His true strength is slightly lower than mine, but the real reputation of the invincible family is not covered. I am not an opponent. Once he finds that baby, he Fighting with me is troublesome! "

Tong Xuanyuan looked forward at the star, her eyes staring.

Among the puppet crowd, the little Nie Yun who was just here was not worth considering. It made him feel that the panic was the lonely laugh that he had associated with them before.

The Dugu family, also known as the invincible family, although they have no special talents, everyone works hard to condense the invincible Dantian. The combat effectiveness is amazing. The leapfrog battle is just a child's play for them. Such a strong man will rob him of his treasure, I am afraid it is true. Difficult to get benefits.

"Anyway, we two ca n’t beat him if we do n’t believe it! Really want to find that thing, I can help him hold him, you can fight it!"

Yan Songyu's eyes flickered, I wondered what to think.

"I'm relieved that you have this sentence. As long as I get a baby, your benefits will naturally be indispensable!" Xuanyuan Chaoxing first promised a big pie.

"Thank you Xuanyuan son for cultivation!" Song Yu nodded quickly.

At the same time, the charming woman Mei Xin'er was right behind Duguxiao. "The dudu son, now Xuanyuan son and Song Yu seem to be in the same camp, but Liu and the newcomer are in the same camp, but they have isolated you and me. Why not? Let ’s practice both hands, and if something happens, we will take care of each other! "


Dugu smiled and waved his hands casually, without care.

"I cultivate the invincible way. First of all, I must have the determination of the invincible world. I only believe in my own strength. Even if they all join forces, it will not affect me."

"You can't say that. I know the Dugu son is strong, but I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case. Who would give you a back without a helper? Wouldn't it be dangerous?"

Mei Meixin's face froze, and then she laughed.

"Looking forward and looking back, it is a self-confident performance, I don't need it, at this time, take a rest, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

Du Gu smiled and shook his hands, his eyes looked forward, and an invincible momentum was exuded throughout his body. He ignored the words of Mei Xin'er.

"Damn! What a wood!"

I didn't expect this guy to be so stubborn, so confident in himself, that he had even reached the level of narcissism, Mei Xiner was so angry that her lips were raised and her face looked ugly.

Each of the seven people in his party had their own thoughts and quickly flew away.

I flew for seven days without stopping, and came to a huge valley.

山谷 The environment of this valley is obviously different from the way it came. With a spooky and strange atmosphere, it occasionally exudes a strong magic, which makes people tremble.

飞行 Flying this way, everyone has a certain understanding of Nie Yun's strength, especially Xiao Taoists, who can hardly believe it.

The rapid flight to maintain this speed, even his Jinxian strong feels struggling, and Nie Yun in front of him looks as usual, it seems that the immortal power in the body is immense, the distance is exhausted, and the distance is far!

I don't talk about the strength, purity, and realm of the first, this lasting alone is enough to make people look.

"This is the junction point to the demon world. When you get here, it's not as safe as before, everyone be careful!"

When I came to the valley, Dugu laughed and glanced around, taking the lead and flying straight ahead.

Xi Nieyun and others knew that the danger was coming, didn't speak, followed immediately, and flew towards the valley.

The cold air in Kariya is very strong, and the vegetation does not grow much. From a distance, it looks strange and bare.

"Six heavens and earth, six reincarnations, the place where they are united together are called enchantments, this is the enchantment where the demon world and the spiritual world meet!"

I seem to see that Nie Yun is not quite sure, Xiao Yi Taoist interpreted it with a voice.

"Enchantment! Are there many such enchantments?"

Nie Yun nodded.

The ancient battlefield before the battle with the magic feather seemed to be the junction of the Tao and Spirit worlds. I did not expect that this was the junction with the Demon World.

"There are many enchantments between the two worlds. I do n’t know how many of them, but they must be no less than a hundred. These enchantments are connected together and communicate the six heavens and the earth, allowing people to communicate and share the spirit world. bustling!"

Xiao Xiao said humanely.

When the two of them talked, they followed the crowd into the valley.

In the middle of the valley, a huge pit appeared in front of everyone.

深 This deep pit is very similar to the one I saw in the ancient battlefield. The dark below reveals a chill from time to time, I do n’t know how deep it is.

"This enchantment channel, from one world to another, must pass this!"

Wu Zhiliu glanced down, revealing a hint of fear.

"In the channel of enchantment, there will be countless demons, monsters, and all kinds of derived monsters. We must keep up. Don't fall behind, otherwise, let alone Jinxian, even if the Holy Spirit comes, there is no way!

Lian Dugu laughed suspended above the passage, his body was straight, his face was not afraid, but he also revealed a sense of excitement.

"set off!"

Explained a word, said the enchantment channel, straightened his body, flew straight down ~ www.readwn.com ~ speed as fast as lightning.


Chao Xuanyuan Chaoxing and Song Yu followed closely behind.

When I saw them leaving, Nie Yun and others did not dare to stop and chase after them.

通道 This channel is very similar to the one I saw in the ancient battlefield. It is getting colder as it goes down. It is dark everywhere and you can't see anything clearly.

He just has an altar, but there is no one here.

"The enchantment channel is where the two worlds meet, with the spiritual surnames of the two worlds, and the space is very low. Because of this, a large number of dark lives have existed. There are demons, monsters, and demons. The number is extremely high. There are many, specifically attacking practitioners passing by here. The place is dark and the sight is not far away. Be careful! "

Qi Zhi Liu quietly transmitted a message to Nie Yun and Xiao Qi.

In this team, all three of them are exorcists. They are considered to be the same source and must take care of each other.


As soon as the words of the crickets fell, the crowd continued to fly downwards, and an exclamation sounded from the crowd.

I looked in the direction of exclaimation, and only heard the roar of tide in the air, countless dark beasts flying over, sounding like a thunderous, terrifying momentum. (To be continued.)




[To be continued [this text is provided by @ 魔掌]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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