Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1048: Spirit rhinoceros refining method 8th (on)

At this glance, the air was immediately filled with thick pressure. Under this pressure, Nie Yun felt like a transparent person, and any secrets were put in front of him without any concealment.


聂 Just when Nie Yun felt sure to be found, Xiaolong shrouded him in a light, and the pressure on Kung Fu in the blink of an eye was gone, and the previous feeling was restored again.

The dragon head in the air looked for a while and did not seem to find anything suspicious. Then he turned his head and continued to stare at the prince Jinya below.

皇 "Emperor, I hope that Lingquan can continue to derive spiritual fluids, so that the Golden Devil can give birth to more powerful men and better serve the Dragon Emperor!"

Prince Jinya hurried to the ground.

"Lingquan can't give birth to psychic fluid? When will it happen?" Qinglong Emperor didn't seem to know about this, and hesitated for a moment.

"Less than two years ago, Lingquan was suddenly unable to produce psychic fluid. Before our tribe had storage, we did not dare to disturb the Dragon Emperor. Now that the storage is used up, I beg the Dragon Emperor to give me strength to help Lingquan continue to derive psychic fluid ... "

Prince Jinya busy.

不到 "Less than two years ago? Did someone open the channel of the devil? Impossible ..." The Qinglong Emperor pondered for a moment, and then said, "Well, I will let the Lingquan produce psychic fluid now ..."


As soon as the words fell, a huge force shrouded the entire canyon, and the ground shuddered. After a while, the ghost of Dragon Emperor dimmed a lot. "As long as I am faithful to me, I will not treat my subjects. Well, Lingquan Can produce a psychic fluid! "


The sound of was over, the stars of the sky were dissipated, and the giant dragon head disappeared from the crowd in a blink of an eye.

"Haha, you can produce psychic fluids! Get up!"

Prince Jinya scratched his head a few times again on the ground, and then stood up excitedly, grabbing her hands and pulling Mei Xin'er down.

"Go! Go to Lingquan!"

As soon as he turned, Prince Jinya strode toward the hall.

"Lingquan? Lingye?" Nie Yun was a little confused. Now that he is here, he must go and take a look. He held his breath and drilled behind him.

I walked away for a while, and a black stele stood in front of everyone.

Prince Jinya right-handedly pressed on the stone tablet, and several other elders also pressed at the same time. The ground roared and the stone tablet moved away slowly.


巨大 A huge weird space appeared in front of everyone.

空间 This space is strange and strange, the stars and rivers are inverted, countless stars are densely packed, and there is no law of time and space, which makes people a little dizzy at first glance.

"This ... how is this so similar to Jiulong Space?"

I saw these in my eyes, and Nie Yun couldn't help it.

The weird space in front of his eyes is very similar to the Kowloon Lahu space that he saw in Fanjie at the same time. It is also chaotic and inexplicable.

"It's definitely not one. The Jiulong space in Jiulong is in the mortal realm, and this is the spiritual realm ... the difference is too great ..."

He shook his head, and Nie Yun cast aside that weird feeling in his heart and looked carefully.

I took a closer look and it really made him see the difference. Deep in the starry sky, a dragon-shaped spiritual spring came in, but I didn't know that from the spread, a golden droplet of Longkou slowly formed.

"It's done!"

Seeing this droplet, Prince Jinya's eyes lighted up and he grabbed forward, and the droplet slowly flew over and fell to his palm.

"Let's go!"

The sacrifice of maggots arrived, and Prince Jinya didn't stop, and led everyone backwards, blocking the entrance to the space again with a stele.

"Okay, you go down first, I'm going to give the princess a repellent!"

He waved his hands and let several elders leave. Prince Jinya looked at Mei Xin'er's eyes in front of him and gave out an excited light.

"Yes!" Several elders saw the prince saying so, all showing ambiguous eyes and turning to leave.

一 As soon as they left, Prince Jinya and Mei Xin'er were left in the room.

He reached out and cracked the restraint suppressed on Mei Xin'er. Prince Jinya smiled, but his face was not the so-called ambiguous, obsessed, but calm and calm.

"Say the news you know! Don't play tricks in front of me, just say that to my satisfaction, I will give you this drop of gold spirits!"

"Wherever the prince speaks, I am most envious of the strong, and I have no time to worship you, how dare I play tricks in front of you!"

Mei Meixiner breathed a sigh of relief, her face became very charming, hugged Prince Jinya gently, and said with a smile.

The attitude she holds is very modest, neither tight nor slack. She just exposed half of her great madness on the chest, looming, can make you feel unreal, and better cause fantasy.

From this hand alone, we can see that she is definitely a master in terms of men.

"You are playing tricks now! Although the soul of our golden body demon is not strong, but each of them has strong willpower, otherwise, do you think that the physical body can reach such a point? Put away your careful thinking!" Prince Jinya didn't seem to be affected in any way, said lightly.

The physical body is much more difficult than Xianli. It can definitely surpass Jinxian. It is definitely a person with great perseverance. How can such a person with a firm mind be easily confused.

"It's not fun, I'm yours, and you do what you don't even want. At this time, let me tell you something, isn't it too bad ..."

Mei Meixiner blinked, pretty.

"I accept you as 妾, just to stay alive and cover your eyes! Or do you think you can live to this day?"

Prince Jinya's face sank. "You know what I want, don't **** me here!"

"Okay!" Seeing him angry, Mei Xiner was not in disguise. "We did come to look for the Black Dragon Order this time. It is said that the invincible family has found the key things in the relics of the Black Dragon Saint. It can go to the deepest level, but the thing is alone. With a smile, my charm is useless to him, so I haven't got useful news! "

"Dugou laughed? The core son of the Dugou family?" Prince Jinya frowned.

"Yes, although he is not famous in the invincible family, but in the Jinxian circle, almost no one can be rivaled, he has things in his hands, and I can't help it!"

Charming Meier shook her head.

"Dugugu laughed ... When he fled, I had a fight with him, and his strength was truly extraordinary ... Of your group, there is also a Xuanyuan Chaoxing, I heard that it is a person from Xuanyuan's family, what is his strength? ? "

Prince Jinya seemed to know a lot about them and asked.

"Xuanyuan Chaoxing is not as terrible as he imagined. His strength should occupy the middle and upper reaches of Jinxian, but it has not reached a terrifying level!" Speaking of Xuanyuan Chaoxing Meixiner, she pouted and said casually.

"No, you are confused by him. As far as I know, even if Xuanyuan Chaoxing is not as good as a lonely smile, it is certainly not much different! But he is very camouflaged and cannot be noticed!"

Prince Jin Ya waved his hand.

"Confused?" Nie Yun hiding in the ground heard this judgment, and he was puzzled in his heart.

Well, even he seems to be confused.

The core of the Xuantang Xuanyuan family, how could it be a reckless generation, when they see themselves, they will take the shot, and they will escape first when they come to the Golden Demon Clan ...

When I saw my shot, I wanted to show it, to dispel other people ’s fears and doubts. When I came to the Golden Demon, I turned and fled. I also thought about it carefully. See as simple as that.

"Really?" Mei Xiner said a moment, but she didn't have the far-reaching thoughts of Nie Yun. She thought that Prince Jinya was hearing the story, flipping her wrists, and taking out a jade card. A map of the ruins, but only the periphery! "

I took the spirit of the Jade Prince Prince of Jinya and swept it up, nodded for a while, "Yes, this thing is a bit valuable, this drop of gold body fluid can give you!"

After he said that Prince Jinya's big hand waved, the spirit in his palm flew towards Mei Xiner and landed in front of her.

"Give you one night to take, tomorrow I will go to the ruins of the Black Dragon Saint with you!" Prince Jinya stood up, turned and walked outward.


She received the spirit fluid, Mei Xiner saw Prince Jinya go further and further, it seemed that she did not mean to monitor her, and her face was indifferent.

"Hum, don't you think I don't know, this drop of gold body fluid has the means you left, once I take it, I will be restrained for life!"

Playing with the droplets in the palm, Mei Xiner snorted softly. "However, you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder! Ni Xu, the sun beast, the golden fairy rule, purification!"

With slender fingers a little forward, a thick golden immortal rule appeared in front of him, giving off a sun-like light, and instantly pouring into droplets.

"The golden immortal rule of Ni Xu's Sun Beast? How did she get it?"

I saw these in my eyes, and Nie Yun was a little confused.

After he stole the sun spar and the virtual rule, there are still two Ni Xuyang beasts. At that time, Duguxiao and Xuanyuan Chaoxing were both there. The good things such as the golden immortal rule would definitely not let go. give her?

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

The golden immortal rule of Ni Xun's sun beast, with the light of the solitary yang, kept shining on the golden body fluid, emitting a series of crisp sounds, as if the hidden things were gradually purified.

However, it seems that it is not easy to use this thing to purify the golden body fluid. I saw that Meixiner's breath became more and more chaotic at this time, his face became more and more red, and sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

Jinxian strong, powerful in the spiritual world, this kind of person has reached an inexplicable level regardless of life form and soul power. Such a person actually oozes sweat, which shows that the consumption is beyond imagination.


I don't know how long it took, Mei Xiner stopped and exhaled ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although she looked exhausted, her eyes glowed with excitement.

"Finally cleaned up, if you use solar spar, it will never be so troublesome!"

Speaking of the sun spar, Mei Xiner's eyes flashed a figure, revealing naked killing intention.

"Hum, don't meet me, meet me, you have to die!"

I remembered several failed transactions, the other side ignored her charm, Mei Xiner's white teeth were bitten together, her face showing a gloomy coldness.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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Focus On: I have two large spy

Spotlight: "Death Arcade"



Man, if you have an arcade game that lets you play with your life, would you?

Regardless of Yi Xuan's willingness, but no one asked what he meant, he was directly pitted in.

The same is being pitted. Why is it that he was pitted?

From the first time he set foot in this arcade hall, he was destined to escape from the situation of life and death every day.

Because here is-Death Arcade.

PS: Da Xie has finished this work "Absolute Death Game" "Time Traveler and His Daughter"

Character guarantee, welcome to pit.

Link: m / f? Kw =% CB% C0% CD% F6% BD% D6% BB% FA %%

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