Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1049: Spirit rhinoceros refining method eighth (below)

"Improve your strength first, then, when I have the physical power of the Golden Wonderland, I will not be afraid to laugh alone!"

The guy had already been sentenced to death in her heart, and she wouldn't think too much about those who executed it.

Shaking his head immediately, he lifted up the golden spirit fluid in his hand and was replaced by a strong excitement.

Golden body fluids, treasures that can advance the physical body, as long as they are swallowed, the strength will definitely multiply.

Tankou opened slightly, Mei Xiner was about to swallow this drop of fluid into her abdomen, and suddenly a dark shadow flickered in front of her, and a dark flame rushed over.


Unexpectedly, someone came to attack at this time, Mei Xin'er raised her eyebrows, Jiao's body shook, and Xiuquan bombarded in front of the black fire.

Although she consumes a lot of purifying spirits, her real strength is there, and the opponent wants to sneak attack, but also has to bear enough price.

Huh! Zizi! what!

When she touched the black and black flame, she thought that she could break it with one punch. Under the influence of a strange power, a strange force suddenly rushed, which made her look overwhelming.

"Fire of fortune!"

This flame spread upward along her power, and even the golden immortal law could be consumed, reminding her of a terrible thing instantly.

Fire of Creation!

A strange flame that can burn even the golden fairy rule!

This flame is said to exist only in chaos and not to be controlled. How can it appear here?

There is another saying that the Beacon talent can control this kind of flame when it reaches the fourth form. Is the person who sneaks in is the superpower who opened the fourth form in Danhuo Dantian?


Mei Xin'er's face became pale, and Xianli in her whole body rushed to the strange flame without hesitation.


With all the means, he finally put out the flames and looked up, only to find the golden body fluid in the palm of his hand, I do not know when it has disappeared.

Looking around for a week, there is nothing like half a figure in front of the open space.

"Oh! Damn ... who the **** is it? Who stole my gold body fluid ..."

Thinking of the painful effort to purify the spiritual fluid was stolen, Mei Xin'er spit blood, and his face was ugly like never before.


Deep in the ground, a figure quickly rushed underneath, and quickly left the position where the Golden Demon Canyon was located.


The figure stopped, showing his excited look, and it was Nie Yun.

Just now he was pulling his teeth out of the mouth, and it was he who snatched the fluid from Mei Xin'er. He must not be in a position to collide with the Jinxian strong. Fortunately, the fourth form of torch restrained the other side, so that he could have the opportunity to take that precious Incomparable spirits stole it.

"See if you can make me advance!"

With a flash of his body, the Big Dipper Palace turned into dust, and he entered the Star Palace and disappeared from its place.

Sit down and cross your knees, and take your stolen gold body fluid with your fingers.

"The prince of Jinya can give Mei Yiner the fearless fluid, and there must be some means ..."

Looking at the spiritual fluid in front of him, Nie Yun did not dare to take it directly.

Although Mei Xin'er looked like he had removed the means from the spiritual fluid, he still couldn't believe it.

The Jinya Prince is too powerful. If it is so easy to get rid of, such a precious thing, it is certainly impossible to give Mei Xiner easily.

"Burning fire!"

As soon as the spirit moved, Nie Yun reached the fourth form to burn the spiritual fluid.

The dark fire of nature burned, slowly enveloping the spirit fluid.


Sure enough, a terrible cry sounded under the flame, and then a black gas was burned out and turned into ashes.

"Hidden blood, great means ..."

Xiaolong came over, his eyes were dignified.

"Hidden blood and soul?" Nie Yun wondered why he said so.

"Hidden blood is a secret method of the Dragon race. It can hide the soul in a drop of blood that cannot be scanned by the soul! Just now the drop of gold body fluid, quietly hidden a drop of spirit of the Jinya prince If you do not burn with the fire of nature, once you take it, this drop of blood will infiltrate your Dantian and let you be controlled! "

Xiao Long explained.

"Soul cannot scan?" Nie Yun froze.

The soul of Jinxian's strong man, let alone dust, can be seen clearly even by cells and molecules. This secret method can hide the soul in it and cannot be found, terrible!

"Is this drop of spirit pure now?"

Exhaling breath, Nie Yun asked.

"The fire of nature, nothing burns, this time there should be nothing!" Xiaolong nodded.

"it is good!"

He was not skeptical of Xiaolong's conclusion, but still scanned it thoroughly with the talents of Tianyan and Tianer, and then he felt relieved, his fingers flicked, and the spiritual fluid entered his throat.

It is not that he does not believe in Xiaolong, but that Xiaolong is not almighty. In case there is something in it that leads to being controlled by others, it is really troublesome.

As soon as the golden body fluid entered the throat, a surge of power erupted, as if it would explode at any time.

Knowing that the opportunity is rare, Nie Yun dare not care, hold her breath, and is highly concentrated.


Nie Yun's body exploded and turned into hundreds of millions of small fragments, each of which absorbed the power of the spiritual fluid.


This scattered individual cell absorbs, and finally the strength of the whole person has made progress in surpassing the surname, especially the rhinoceros refining method, and the strength is rapidly promoted.

In the blink of an eye, I broke through the seventh major achievement.

In the past, Nie Yun's practice of practicing spiritual rhinoceros was still afraid of conflicts with King Kong's glass body, and it will never be over, but now, Jinshen Lingye seems to be a treasure of the Dragon family. It does not have much magic and will not cause much conflict. Second, With an undead body (and no skull refining), even if there is no conflict, you can explode the body and relieve the pressure.

Click! Click! Click!

The spirit rhinoceros refining method was promoted, Nie Yun's physical strength began to soar, and the whole person's momentum became stronger and stronger.

Even the increase of Dandantian's corresponding multiplier broke through instantly.


60 times!

70 times!

80 times!


100 times!

Now, Nie Yun's physical strength can withstand a moment's effort to increase the strength of Dantian 100 times without breaking down!


The promotion of power finally stopped.

All the fragments came together at the same time, and Nie Yun's body quickly condensed. When the soul looked inward, I saw every muscle and every cell was golden-yellow, like a metal, hidden under the skin. Peerless power of discoloration.


Clenching his fist and suddenly exiting forward, the air in front of it exploded, and the entire space of the star house began to shake.

The space stability of the Big Dipper's Palace is not as good as the outside world, but a punch will cause space shaking, which is really terrible.

Golden Wonderland!

Absolutely own the power of Golden Wonderland!

"Haha, this is the real power!"

Feeling the power that the body will spew out at any time, Nie Yun finally understands why Jinxian is so powerful.

Before taking Jinshen Lingye, even if ten are stacked together, they are not their current opponents!

"It seems that we must speed up to improve Xianli Xiu in order to ..."

After feeling the strength of the body, Nie Yun looked down at Xian Li Xiuwei in Qi Qi and shook his head.

Now in theory, the physical body can withstand 100 times the strength, but Xianxian's strength is too weak. The vigorous energy derived from the vigorous Dantian has no such high effect at all.

The physical body is like an accessory. The force is like an engine. No matter how high the bearing of the accessory is, the engine is useless and useless.

In other words, Xianli Xiu does not grow, even if the multiples of the physical body bear no more, it will not be effective.


Nie Yun got out from the Xinggong.

This practice took almost a night, and now it's almost dawning, it's time to rush to meet with Duguxiao and others.

Judging from the conversation between Mei Xin'er and Prince Jinya, Duguxiao took control of the secret to enter the ruins of the black dragon saint, and to benefit from the ruins, he must be with them.

"Huh? You can fly without Phoenix Wings ..."

As soon as he came out of the Xinggong Palace, Nie Yun immediately noticed changes in his body.

The physical body reaches the level of Jinxian, as if it has received the approval of the spiritual world. Even if it does not apply to the wings of the Phoenix, it can fly up, but it is a bit slow.

However, this so-called slow is only relative to the wings of Phoenix. With the three talents to escape, even if it is slow, it is much faster than the average Jinxian.


The direction was identified underground, and quickly flew to the agreed place.

Delayed for so long in the underground, Dugu laughed that they should have arrived long ago. In case they could not wait before leaving, they would have to spend a lot of time trying to find it.

All the way fast, less than half a day, he flew out from the mountains of Heiyuanjie.

Because it was underground all the way, it did not attract the attention of the Golden Devil.


The palm of my hand turned ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun appeared two more figures in an instant.

It was Zhi Liu and Xiao Yan who were taken into the Xinggong by him.

Also in the Xinggong Palace, their place was isolated, and they did not know about Nie Yun's cultivation.

"We have escaped from the Abyss Realm?"

As soon as they appeared, Liu and Xiao Yan were all stunned. When they saw the surroundings clearly, their faces were full of excitement.

"Two seniors, I own the house, and I don't want others to know. Can the two keep a secret?"

Nie Yun deliberately described the Xinggong as a mansion, and did not want to be too shocking.

"Rest assured, I will now give a vow of heaven, if you leak the story of Lord Nie Yun's mansion, you will be immediately condemned, and there will be no hope of promotion forever!"

Zhi Liu knew that the other party was worried, and his face was straightened, and he vowed.

Xiao Xun was not stupid. Seeing the other party say this, he followed closely and made the same vow.

"Thanks for the understanding of the two seniors! This mansion was made by my father's hand. If it is leaked out, I'm afraid Master will blame it!"

Nie Yun pulled the flag casually.

Although he said that it was a mansion, as Liu Jin and Xiao Xun were the strong men of Jinxian, it can be seen from the spatial stability of the surname that it is by no means so simple. Therefore, if they want to say nothing at all, they must increase their weight.

"We understand!"

To Liu and Xiao Yan glanced at each other, cold sweat was flowing from the forehead.

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