Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1074: 9 Xiao 9 heavy sky

Finally, after five days and five nights, Nie Yun succeeded for the seventh time and successfully broke through!

Not only broke through the Luoxian Realm 桎梏, but also triumphed all the way to the Golden Immortal Realm!

越高 The higher the accompanying strength, the lower the nirvana effect, and this time it has crossed two large levels, one of which is the Jinxian barrier, even Nie Yun, did not expect it. .

Although I didn't expect it, if I carefully scrutinize it, it will be stunned.

I will not mention his accumulation of this time, even the physical strength of the Jinxian peak strong can be killed with a single hammer. Simply saying that with so many virtual laws and star crystal nuclei prepared, he will make his breakthrough a lot easier.

Coupled with the body of a Holy Immortal Shura and dozens of Golden Immortal Shura to provide energy, it is strange to break through Jinxian.

"Five days ... seems to be short again!"

I stood up and felt the time.

Now there are seven Nirvana sessions, the first one took ten days, the second one month, the third two months, the fourth one month, the fifth ten days, and the sixth seven days, and this The next is five days!

It seems that from the third time on, Nirvana performed a special law, and the time consumed gradually decreased.

"Five days is still a long time, see if you can study it and reduce the time ..."

I remembered the battle I had with Ye Wushuura before, and I was a little worried.

If the time of Nirvana is the same as the breakthrough time, it can be killed instantly, instead of running away and almost dying.

"Since Nine Turns Nirvana was created by people, as a martial artist, I should be able to modify it!"

This idea came to mind, and Nie Yun decided to find a suitable time to study the Ninth Turn Nirvana and optimize it.

Since this was created by man, as a martial artist, he can definitely do better!

This is not arrogance, but self-confidence, self-confidence from martial arts talent.

"Brother Nie, your strength ..."

Xiao Ran came over, his mouth was open enough to hold eggs, and he was going crazy.

According to his opinion, even if Nie Yun can be promoted, five days, it is fast to break through Xuanxian from Luoxianjing, but it has broken through Jinxian. This speed of promotion has made his head a bit crashed.

Even the core empowerment of the top ten families, there is no such speed!

Is that human being?

"Oh, there is only a short distance before the retreat, just a breakthrough!" Nie Yun couldn't explain the magic of Nine Turns Nirvana and explained casually.

"The peak of Luoxian is just a trace away from Jinxian ..." Xiao Ran was silent.

There is a Xuanxian between Luo Luoxian and Jinxian, isn't it? This is called a trace ... It makes people live ...

However, although he was speechless, he also knew that this might involve things like that, since the other party didn't want to say it, it was inconvenient to ask more.

"What level have you reached now?"

Xiao Xiaoran said.

"In the early days of Golden Fairyland, with the physical strength, I am afraid that the strongest in the middle and the late stages of the Holy Fairy are not opponents! One punch!"

Nie Yun nodded.

Before Xianli had not been promoted, she could kill the characters in the early stages of Holy Wonderland. At this time, Xianli reached the early stage of Golden Wonderland, and many talents could be more perfectly displayed, and her strength soared once again. Or, I can kill you!

The growth of Xunxian's power allows the effect of Dali Tiantian to be displayed more perfectly. Although it is still 100 times more powerful, no matter how it controls or uses power, it is a lot more skilled and can play a better effect in battle.

(The first form of Dali Tiantian can increase the power of people tenfold, the second form can increase 50 times, and the third form 100 times! Nie Yun's strong Dantian opened to the third form, the overall multiple has not increased!)


Hearing his words, Xiao Ran couldn't help raising his fingers in praise, without any doubt.

I saw a kid who had only the second-most fairy-like realm a few months ago. Now he has become a giant in the spirit world. Even in the top ten families, he can be regarded as the most outstanding figure of the younger generation!

After Nie Yun was promoted, she did not leave, but consolidated in place.

On the third day, Xiaolong's movement finally came from the star palace. After sleeping, this guy was awake again.

聂 When seeing Xiaolong's strength after sober, Nie Yun was helpless.

家伙 This guy really broke through the Jinxian level, even faster than him, and has reached the peak of Jinxianjing!

It's worthy of being an ancient alien. The fifth immortal talent is really terrible!

Xiao Ran almost fainted, looking at one person and one dragon, his eyes were weird, and a doubt kept rumbling in his heart.

Where did these two big freaks come from ... you are so powerful, do your family know ...


Xiao Xiaolong reached the golden immortal realm, finally was able to transform, his body flickered, and he became a young boy.

Only reached the golden immortal realm, it is indeed an ancient alien, and its blood is terrible.

The puppet-shaped dragon looks a little thin, and only looks like fifteen or sixteen years old. No matter what his appearance or cultivation is, he can't see any abnormality, but when he really fights, he will know how terrible the fighting power of this guy is.

"The Xiao family, I know, I seem to have it. It is possible to awaken dead heroes through sacrifice. Although it costs a great deal, it is the mission and honor of the entire family! If you can resurrect the Black Dragon, take him away. It's nothing!"

After Xiaolong woke up, Xiao Ran told him what he thought. Xiaolong seemed to think of something, with a sigh of sigh in his eyes, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, it looks like there will be another superpower in the team that resists Shura!"

Seeing him agree, Xiao Ran's eyes lightened, and he nodded.

"Little dragon, don't call my dad anymore ..."

Before leaving, Nie Yundao.

When Xiao Xiaolong was still a dragon, he was thin and small. It was nothing to call his father, but now he has turned into a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. It is a bit weird to call his father again.

"What am I calling you?" Xiaolong blinked.

"Call ... call the boss!" Nie Yundao.

"Okay, I'll call Dad Boss later, hee hee! Dad must not be upset ..." Xiaolong smiled.

"..." Nie Yun and Xiao Ran.

变形 Although he looks deformed and looks 16 or 7 years old, in fact he is as simple as a few years old.

After the relics of the Black Dragon Saint, Nie Yun released Xiao Yan and Zhi Liu. Although this experience, their limited strength did not contribute much, after all, it was the guide who came here and still gave Some star crystal cores and treasures were made to make them try their best to improve their strength.

I bid farewell to the two, Xiao Ran, Nie Yun, and Xiao Long identified one direction and flew straight ahead.

The Nine Heavens of the Spirit Realm does not stand in the air, but stands on the towering Nine Roots of the High Mountain. It belongs to another country. Three people fly all the way, using the teleportation array, and walked for more than a month. A mountain peak without a sight stood in front of it.

This place is no longer in the realm of the Demon Realm, but has returned to the spirit realm.

不 I don't know how high this mountain is in the eye, and it is inserted into the sky obliquely. Even if the sky can't see the end, the mountain is covered with snow and snow. It looks like a world of snowflakes when viewed from afar. It is extremely beautiful.

"Nine heavy heavens are forbidden, stop whoever comes!"

I watched the mountain run dead. After seeing the mountain peak and flying to it, it took me three full days to fly to the foot of the mountain. Once here, seven or eight black armored soldiers appeared immediately, blocking everyone.

"Golden Wonderland Strong?"

Nie Yun was startled.

These black armored soldiers are actually the golden fairyland powerhouses. Every breath is like a rainbow, and their face is covered by armor ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can't tell whether they are male or female, always young.

"These are the top ten families! In order to protect the foundation of Nine Heavens, the top ten families send their children to practice every year, guarding here to prevent Shura from invading!" Xiao Ran's voice came quietly.

"Ten family members!" Nie Yun nodded.

Jiuzhong Jiuxiaotian is the base of the top ten families. I'm afraid anyone can use it with confidence.

"It's me, Xiao Ran Xiao Ran!"

After Xun and Nie Yun finished transmitting, Xiao Ran greeted forward.

"Oh, it's Brother Xiao, these two are ..."

The scruffy black armored soldier pointed at Nie Yun and Xiaolong in confusion.

"This is my friend, and there is something going to Jiu Xiaotian!" Xiao Ran said.

"Xiong Xiao is a genius of the Xiao family, so let's take it over and let it go naturally!" Heijia soldier laughed and stepped back.

"Thank you!" Xiao Ran nodded and took Nie Yun and walked forward.

"Slow!" Suddenly a big drink, a figure strode over and stood in front of the three.

Ps: The beginning of a new volume, the big is about to come, ask for monthly tickets. . . Everyone has it at the end of the month. .




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