Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1075: Bear forest

Here came a young man in a gray robe, with a huge mole between his eyebrows. His appearance was a little shady.

This person has a taste of entering the Holy Immortal. At a glance, he knows that unlike other soldiers, he has reached the level of the Holy Immortal.

熊 "Xiong Lin, what do you mean?"

Xiao Ran sank.

"Nothing, just fair law enforcement! I suspect these two people are disguised by Shura and must be scrutinized. Why, if you do n’t let censorship, is there something tricky in it?" Xiong Lin's mole moved and sneered.

"Xiu Luo? As a child of the Xiao family, Xiao Ran will take Xiu into Jiuxiaotian?"

Xiao Ran frowned.

The other party suspects that Nie Yun and Xiaolong have violated his integrity and self-esteem.

"This isn't necessarily!" Xiong Lin raised his eyebrows, with a smile-like expression. "King Shura was born again. Anyone can disguise. I can't see them, but they both have to check. You have to go through a detailed review! This is Jiuxiao. God is responsible. If Brother Xiao is unwilling to cooperate, I'm sorry, I will report it immediately, then ... hehe! "

审查 "Censor me? Xiong Lin, you are so brave!" Xiao Ran didn't expect the other person to say so, his face down.

怎么 "Why? If you do n’t accept censorship, you are guilty of a thief. It ’s Shura ’s disguise. If it ’s not Shura ’s disguise, why not review it?”

Wu Xionglin was standing in front of the three, relying on his identity. He seemed to be so ambitious that he couldn't get in unless he followed the censorship.

"Review? How to review?" Seeing the two deadlocked, Nie Yun asked in confusion.

"This review is cumbersome. First of all, we must compare the identities, and then hand over all the things in Nawu Dantian, and compare them one by one. Once they find that the thing is more precious, they will be deducted. It is a review on the surface, but it is actually a satiety. Private bag! In the end, the person being examined has to be inspected by flames and boiling water, which is extremely troublesome. It takes less time for seven or eight days! "

Xiao Ran frowned and said, "This bear forest is one of the top ten families, the bear family. During a trial, I was forced to learn by a girl, and I found that I had learned a hard lesson. I got the chance, and deliberately embarrassed me ... "

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded.

It seems that the top ten families are not very harmonious, and there are many internal contradictions.

"What if I don't accept it?"

Xun and Nie Yun introduced a sentence, Xiao Ran stepped forward, his breath suddenly changed.

Before I was gentle and gentle, I didn't care about anything. Now I'm domineering, like a long sword with a sheath.

"Don't accept it?" Xiong Lin took a step back with a little shock at his momentum, but then his face turned dark, the mole on his eyebrow turned red, showing a smile-like look. "Surround them! These three are Shura's disguise Yes, as long as you dare to resist, let alone kill! "

It seemed to him that he had caught Xiao Ran's temper and was waiting here intentionally.

"Brother Xiao, sorry!"

Although the others didn't want to get involved in the battle between the two, they ordered him and surrounded them.

"Don't talk about killing? Haha, okay! It seems that I haven't started Xiao Ran during this time, and you all treat me as a bully!"

Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows, and a breath lingered in his body. It seemed that as long as the opposing party dared to stop it, he would definitely shoot suddenly and burst into superpower.

"How? If you want to do it, do it if you want to do it! As long as you dare to do it, even if you are not Shura's disguise, you have violated the taboo, openly attacking the guardian of Jiuxiaotian Passage, the crime is so evil! Come on! Xiong Lin is waiting here and will never fight back! "

Xionglin Haha laughed, and she was pleased with her eyes.

Although the guardian of the Jiuxiaotian Channel does not have much real power, it represents a barrier to Jiuxiaotian. Some people dare to oppose it openly. Even the children of the top ten families will cause a lot of trouble.


Xiao Ran did not expect this guy to be so shameless, his face flushed with redness, and he was about to have a sudden outstretched shoulder with a palm stretched out and pulled gently.

I looked around and it was Nie Yun.

"Let me fix it!"

Nie Yun's face had a confident smile.

"You ..." Xiao Ran froze.

As a child of the top ten family, there is no way to deal with this situation. How can the other party have a new arrival?

However, remembering the wonders of this boy, he nodded and took a step back.

"Boy? You solve it? A little golden wonderland, a shit-like figure, go away!" The conversation between the two, in the eyes of Xiong Lin, saw that Xiao Ran actually flinched and let a boy in Golden Wonderland come forward to solve it, showing contempt. sneer.

As a saint fairy of the top ten families, the general Golden Wonderland does not really look at him.

"Don't be so anxious, I come with sincerity!"

Seeing his attitude, Nie Yun was not angry, but smiled slightly and came over.

"With sincerity? Do you want to bribe me with treasure? Tell you, Xiong Lin doesn't eat this set!" Xiong Lin glared.

"Bribery? You're right, but it's not a treasure ..." While talking, Nie Yun had come to Xiong Lin, and suddenly his voice decreased, and his right fist suddenly blasted out!


拳 The punch was extremely fast, which made people unexpected. The power of violent force was the same. The time and space seemed to cease to exist in front of this move. They had not responded yet and had already come to the front.

"You ..." Xiong Lin didn't expect the other party to shoot suddenly, and he acted so fast that before he could fight back, he felt a severe pain in the lower abdomen.


Blood spurted, and the whole man flew out.

"Dare you hit me ..."

He slammed heavily on the ground, Xiong Lin only felt that his internal organs were broken, and his sweat was cold and painful. Although his body was in pain, his face was too lost, and he yelled with anger.


He didn't finish talking, a foot was already stepping on his face.

"I hit you? What a joke, Master Xiong Lin, you flew up and broke yourself! I'm just a little golden fairy. Even if I want to hit you, I can't do it!"

He stomped on Xionglin's face with his soles of his feet, "creak! Creak!", Nie Yun said with a smile.

His smile is very pure, but in Xiong Lin's eyes, he is as scary as the devil.

"The kidnap attacked me openly, and I didn't do it yet!"

Wu Xionglin struggled and looked at the black armor guards around and shouted.

Alas, the roar was over, as if these black armored guards had not seen it, they all stood still, without any intention of getting started.

"You're stupid, kill this guy by hand. I suspect he's disguised by Shura now ..."

Seeing everyone's expression, Xiong Lin was so angry that he yelled and shouted wildly.

"Okay, stop calling, it's useless to break your throat!"

His roar is not over yet, the soles of his face were strongly pressed down, and with a click, his teeth were kicked out of a dozen.


Suddenly she lost her body, grabbed her by the neck and grabbed ten slaps against her face.

"Who ... who the **** are you ... you beat me, this is death ..."

Wu Xionglin never dreamed that the other party was so fierce, and he didn't care about his identity at all. Not only did he do it, but also he was so thorough. He was so angry that the three dead bodies jumped together with internal injuries.

"I hit you? You fell on your own. When did I hit you? Don't slap good people!" Nie Yun slaps and said softly, his voice was gentle, and there was no fluctuation. .

Bewitcher Talent!


"You ... you ... you didn't hit me! This is what I fell by myself ..." Xiong Lin was stunned, and after a moment, he calmed down, as if obsessed, repeating Nie Yun's words.

"Well, can we pass now?"

Seeing that the other party had been deceived, Nie Yun smiled lightly.

"Of course you can pass ..." Xiong Lin said in a confused manner.

"Well, we can go now!"

Seeing his agreement, Nie Yun tossed him aside, stood up, and looked at Xiao Ran with a smile. "Let's go!"


Xiao Ran's jaw is about to fall.

What is so difficult to accomplish in his eyes, how can it be so simple in the other's hands?

Isn't Xionglin always tough? Why did you suddenly admire ...

"Do you have the talent of a deceiver?"

Xiao Ran suddenly thought out of this thought.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded.

There is nothing to deny. Seeing the scene just now, anyone who knows a little about special talents will definitely know it.

"But ... you didn't speak to those black armored guards, why were they motionless?" Xiao Ran was still a little confused.

蛊 Even if the talent of the deceiver has deceived Xiong Lin, let him finally change his attitude, the black armor guard has not been deceived, why can't he move, silly?

"You're so stupid, Dad ... Boss, he obviously used the talent of the illusionist. He just banged that bear forest. The black armor guards didn't see it at all ... but what he saw was that the boss bribed him He readily accepted ... "

Xiao Xiaolong swiped his lips ~ www.readwn.com ~ Uh ... the visionary talent? "Xiao Ran stunned.

并非 He didn't fail to see it, but he couldn't believe it.

The talent of the deceiver, the talent of the illusionist ... this is the rhythm that goes against the sky!

"Xiong Lin is the strength of the Holy Fairy. Although the deceiver is powerful, I am afraid it will only have a period of effect. It will naturally disintegrate over time. If he accuses this thing ..."

Xiao Xiao Ran was still a little worried.

Although the deceiver is powerful, the other party is a strong person in the Holy Wonderland. It is impossible to be completely stunned if you want to be completely deceived. After a period of time, you will surely wake up automatically. Once you report the incident, how about trouble? Bigger?

"Say you stupid, really stupid! Xiong Lin is a family disciple, a figure with a face and a face, who has lost such a big person, and is confused even after he's lost it. Why are you embarrassed to say it? It will only be him!

Xiao Xiaolong pouted again.

呃 "Uh ... that's it!" Xiao Ran looked embarrassed.

In fact, it is not that he is stupid, but that he is a child of the family. The rules between the ten major families limit his thinking. Nie Yun and Xiaolong, both of whom are not afraid of nature, are difficult issues for him. For one person and one dragon, it is extremely simple.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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