Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1085: 8th major achievement

Although Nie Yun didn't want to turn his face with the Yantai family, since the other party was killing, he would never show mercy, otherwise, he would only cause himself trouble.

I should take my shot, I should take my shot, I should take my shot, and act rashly, which is in line with my own way.

I just said that my heart was damaged. At this time, he must restrain himself. What is true? Even longevity is a waste!

"You actually killed Mingtai Mingxuan? No one has dared to challenge the dignity of the Daitai family for a long time. You are fine. I will let you die slowly and pay the price for what you do today!"

Compared to Nie Yun's fierceness, after a dull moment, Yantai Chuangyu narrowed his eyes.

As the first family in the spirit world, the Huantai family has never dared to disobey their will. Now some people dare to kill the elders of the clan in person, which has touched his taboo.

With his thunderous coldness in his eyes, Qiantai Chuangyu stood up.

I used to care about the identity of his family owner, and it was not good to shoot at a teenager. Now, in the early days of Wangxianjing, the strong are not opponents. I am afraid that many people are wasted and no worries.


Before Xun took the shot, the breath on his body was suppressed, and the surrounding space was frozen for a moment. Nie Yun stood not far away as if he was in the center of a raging sea. His body was 200 times more powerful and his muscles could not be moved.

Relying on his breath can make him unable to move. The opponent's strength is beyond imagination. I am afraid that he really wants to take a shot.

"Daddy, he ... is my friend, let him ... go!"

I saw when Nie Yun couldn't bear it, the Lord of the Black Dragon and Xiaolong were about to shoot. An anxious voice sounded.

声音 This voice is crisp and moving, just like the sound of nature. But he did not conceal the emotion of anxiety and concern.

"Let him go? Huh, Mingtai Mingxuan is the most outstanding person in our family's younger generation. I was killed in this way and released him. How can I explain to the family?"

Huantai Chuangyu raised her eyebrows, and the breath on her body continued to surge.

"You ... let him go, I will feel safe to accept the demon affair. Forget about these, and become empathy ... Otherwise, if I have a rebellious mood, I'm afraid the demon affair is useless to me!"

Yantai Lingyue's eyes were firm, said.

"You ... unfilial thing!"

Huantai Chuangyu did not expect Ling Yue to make such a decision, and blatantly disobeyed what he meant, his face flushed with red and white. Staring coldly at Nie Yun.

"Look at Ling Yue's face today, spare your life once, get me off!"

There was a loud roar, and the violent sonic power seemed to wind up the air flatly and slammed into Nie Yun.

This air flow has the might of Wang Xian's peak strong, although it can't cause life damage to Nie Yun. But once hit, soul damage is inevitable.

It seems that despite the promise of Lingtai Chuangyu to let Ling Yue let Nie Yun go, he still gave up!

I am also right, as the first family head of the dignified world, the first person with the highest power. If you let go of a kid who makes troubles, what's the face?


The snoring wave has not yet hit Nie Yun. A dark figure appeared in front of him, humming.

His voice is not loud, but he has a strong penetrating power. If the screams and violent tides of Huantai Chuangyu are common, this voice is like a sharp needle!

I stabbed the raging tide in one click, collided two by one, and dissipated in the air at the same time.


Hetai Chuangyu noticed this dark shadow in front of him.

I am an old man, I do n’t know the specific age, or the specific strength. When I do n’t do it, I just stay there. There is no energy fluctuation. Like ordinary people, I only know the real strength once I shot. I ’m afraid he ’s no longer with him. under.

Definitely the strongest king of Wonderland!

The peak of the King of Wonderland ... The whole spirit world counted, why did one suddenly come up?

However, even if the other party is the pinnacle of Wangxianjing, there is nothing to do with the hand-held family inheritance. As long as the other party is not a fairy king, there is nothing you can do!

"Yueer, I let go of this boy, will you completely accept the devil's love deprivation?"

He no longer cares about the old man who blocked his attack. Hetai Chuangyu turns to look at the middle of Hetai Lingyue.

女儿 This daughter is a Taoist teacher. If you really want to resist, don't say ten Wangxianjing strongmen set up the magic heaven forgotten array, even if one hundred and one thousand strong men set up a line at the same time, I am afraid it will not hurt her!

Celestial Master, the incarnation of Celestial Tao, has gone beyond the imagination of mortals. It is like fighting power. Although Lingtai Lingyue has not yet reached the level of immortal monarch, if you fight with Celestial Power, as long as it is the life born in the spiritual realm, even ancient Xianjun is not an opponent!

"As long as you let him go, I will accept it!"

Huantai Lingyue Road.

"Okay, everyone, lord!"

Huantai Chuangyu raised her eyebrows and grabbed her big hand. The family inheritance of the treasure from the palm appeared again, floating in the air, roaring.

Other homeowners did not hesitate to see him make a decision, and they sacrificed the heritage treasure.

Suddenly, a huge light mask was formed on the heads of the crowd, covering Lingtai and the crowd.

魔 天 忘情 大 阵, open!

"Do not……"

I didn't expect Lingtai Lingyue to accept forgetfulness, Nie Yun screamed and rushed towards the mask.

"Stop him!"

Huantai Chuangyu saw that he didn't leave but rushed over again, his eyebrows frowned, and he commanded.

Several young people who came out with Mingtai Xuan of Qiantai heard the order and rushed to Nie Yun in unison.

Although these people are not as powerful as Mingtai Xuan of Taiwan, they are also the peak of the Holy Wonderland, and they form a weird array together, and their fighting strength is actually a little stronger than Mingxuan's strength.

If you fight with them, it is impossible to win and lose without ten moves and twenty moves.

"Little dragon, stop them!"

I knew that it was extremely troublesome to entangle with them, and Nie Yun no longer had any scruples, and ordered Xiaolong to say a word.


Xiao Xiaolong has been waiting for this sentence. After hearing this, his eyes lit up, and a roar, turned into five claws, Jin Guangcancan emerged out of the air.


Volley grabbed and tore forward.


The young man who was caught by him was too late to scream, his face turned red, and it exploded instantly, turning into a pool of broken meat.

Xiaolong Golden Wonderland Peak, and instantly killing the Holy Wonderland Peak Power ... It is indeed an ancient alien, and the real combat power is still above Nie Yun!

"Yueer, you can't promise, we can fight together if there is anything! Incarnation Heaven will never have a chance to recover ..."

Xun Xiaolong blocked the rushing Jintai family's gold armor guard, and Nie Yun stepped forward to the light film, and punched with his eyes wide open!

This time directly used the strongest 200 times the fighting power, the violent forces condensed into a line, a little burst out.


I was able to bomb the king's punch in the early stages of Wonderland, as if hitting cotton. The light film only vibrated for a moment, and then stopped. The ten masters and the ring moon in it did not change at all.

"Yueer, don't promise, I said I can stand in front of you to shield you from the wind and rain, and I will definitely ..."

He was blocked by a light film, Nie Yun kept bombarding in anxiety, blood was **** out of his fist, his eyes were covered with bloodshot, and the whole person seemed to be in a frenzy.

If you really let the magic sky forgot to continue, Lingtai Lingyue will lose her memory, all the actions just now will be meaningless!

为了 Why is this hard work?

"Nie Yun, I'm sorry. As a Taoist master, I can't escape. If you blame me, we have no fate ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm sorry for you, the next life ... I will be with you in the next life ...

When Nie Yun was in a hurry, a murmured voice came over, and it rang through his heart.

This voice, with endless friendship and deep-hearted helplessness, seems to tell the deepest heart of Yantai Lingyue.

"Afterlife, I won't wait for an afterlife! I want it now!"

Nie Yun's eyebrows were raised, and he was about to crack.

来 Whatever comes after and what comes after is nonsense, what he wants is not this, but this life!

What about King Shura? What if the spirit world is destroyed? I just want to be with my beloved woman, nothing else!

I will let you talk and break, I will let you die, and I have nothing to do with me!

What spirit world, what morals, let me go!

Nie Yun got into a magic moment!


He was surging in spirit, and the eighth-strength strength of the spirit rhinoceros refining system. Under the condition that he was in the state of magic, he completely suppressed King Kong's glass body, soaring rapidly, and reached the "big success" moment!

Strength rises again!

Ps: Nie Yun's strength has finally reached the peak of the spirit world, quack, celebrate with a few monthly tickets. . The monthly pass is really miserable. .




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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