Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1086: Dali Tiantian 5th Form (Part One)

Spiritual rhyme refining method, the Supreme Demon Cultivation Method, previously under the suppression of Anonymous Method and Vajra glass body, there are no major problems. At this time, Nie Yun cast aside the so-called morality, the so-called responsibility, and secretly matched the temperament of previous lives. The previous repression immediately loosened and could no longer be suppressed, the magic was soaring!

In previous lives, Nie Yun, all of his parents, siblings, and relatives died without concern. Coupled with the practice of practicing spiritual rhinoceros, as if they fell into the magic path, their hearts were boiling, people blocked killing, and Buddha blocked killing Buddha. They only care about the importance. Nothing else.

I thought it was the case that he won the title of Blood Prisoner.

In this life, there are no-name tactics and Vajra glass bodies, parents are here again, and there is less killing, and they are always safe and okay. At this time, aside from all negative emotions, the magic heart is full, and the spiritual rhyme refining formula seems to be obtained immediately. With Dabu, one thousandth of the breath didn't arrive, it reached the eighth major level!

The eighth stage of the Nine Spirit Rhino Refining Techniques is equivalent to the early stage of Golden Wonderland, and reaching the eighth stage is equivalent to being promoted again. It has a super powerful combat power that is comparable to the early stage of Wang Wonderland!

Spirit rhinoceros refining skills, the higher the level, the stronger the ability, the larger the gap. Originally, according to his normal progress, in order to reach the eighth major achievement, at least you need to replenish the treasures of the demon supreme level, slowly cultivate, even do not know How many years will it take to succeed! At this moment, the magic heart is reached in a lifetime, as if instantly transformed into a devil, the spirit is surging, shooting everywhere.

Blood prison demons, finally, here again!

"200 times the fighting power, break me!"

Wu Lingxi's body training reached the eighth weight, Nie Yun's strength soared to the limit. His eyes began to turn red and his fists tightened. Smashed into the light film again.

Previously, he only had the physical body in the early stage of Golden Wonderland with 200 times the combat power, and was barely able to kill the strong man in the early stage of King Wonderland. At this time, the magic of rhinoceros refining was great, and the physical body alone could be comparable to the strong person in the early stage of Wang Wonderland, a surge of two hundred. After doubling the fighting power, the strength is already at the peak of Wangxianjing!


Fierce power and light film impact. The space of the entire hall was compressed and was about to explode, and the projecting force formed a circle of shock wave-like halo around it.


The halo dissipates.

Actually, as before, the light film has not changed much.

The light film made by the top ten families in cooperation with the treasures of inheritance is too powerful. Despite the surge in strength, it still cannot be broken.

"Little dragon, black dragon, come together!"

I can't break a punch, and Nie Yun screams.

"it is good!"

At this time, the dragon and the black dragon supreme have solved the several guards blocking them. After hearing the shouts, Qi flew over, and the roaring sound turned into the original shape at the same time.


The dragon claws of the two super masters and the fist of Nie Yun cooperated and hit the same point on the light film. The light film rippled, the current wave turned and dissipated again.

的 Attack of the three superpowers. Can't break it!

"Well, even if you are strong, it is useless. Once the magic day is over, even the immortal can't stop, don't say you! Get out!"

I saw the actions of Nie Yun and Erlong. Huantai Chuangyu smiled coldly, and the disdain in his eyes overflowed with words.

The power of the Devil's Unforgettable Array is directly proportional to the strength of the array. The ten patriarchs cooperate with the family to Baodi, each of which has the strength comparable to that of the immortal, and the layout of the arrangement is naturally powerful, even if the general immortal does not want to break it!

Although Nie Yun, Xiaolong, and Heilong have reached their peak in the spirit world, they still cannot help breaking the seal.

"Okay, okay, Xianjun can't break open, I will let you automatically open the formation!"

I tried again, and Nie Yun knew that the other party was right. With her current strength, she really couldn't open it, and her face became cold and gloomy.

In the past, the demon in the body was suppressed, and things were done with rules and rules. Now they fall into the devil. What are the so-called rules and morals? They all go away. You think that hiding in the shell of the turtle is all right. Hiding no matter how deep you will take the initiative!


Qi Nieyun stood still, and stretched out his big hand.

This time it is not facing the light film, but outside Jiuxiao Palace!


My palm was retracted, and my palm had seized a youth who looked terrified.

青年 This young man was just participating in the so-called talent contest just now. He passed the competition with great vigor and strength, and never dreamed of being pinched by a chicken.

"Yang Yanbei ... you drop him!"

When I saw this young man, Lord Yang Zhen recognized it and his pupils shrank.

叫 This person is called Yang Yanbei. He is the most potential disciple of their Yang family. Although he has only the peak strength of the Holy Wonderland, as long as the time passes, he can definitely stand out and become the peak of the King Wonderland.

"Let ’s put it down, neither of you will let go of the formation. You want me to let go of him and dream!"

Nie Yun, who has been enchanted, does not care about the other party's crookedness. Before Yang Zhen attacked him, he had made him angry. At this time, since he killed the chicken and monkey, he took the sword!


The palm of the hand was gently squeezed. The genius of the Yang family didn't scream, his head fell to the ground, and his breathing was cut off.

"Yang Yanbei, Yang Yanbei ... Damn ..."

I didn't expect Nie Yun to do this, Yang Zhen's face flushed with anger, and the whole body kept sulking.

It is more uncomfortable to kill his potential disciples than to kill him.

However, although he was about to vomit blood, Yang Zhen did not leave the spot, but still maintained a large array of operations.

"Hum, how long can you keep up this devil's romance!"

Seeing that the other side could still hold back this situation, without rushing directly, Nie Yun's eyes glared and grasped again.


I was roaring again, and a young man was caught in the palm of his hand.

This time, I am an acquaintance, who prevented Nie Yun from entering Jiuxiao Palace on the road, children of the Xiong family, Xiong Jin!

Xiongjin was regarded as the most potential disciple of the Xiong family. He was pinched, his face turned red, and he kept struggling, but there was no way to do it.

He Xiongjin had no idea that the boy who had previously dismissed him in his eyes would have such strength at this time. Grabbing Xiao Ran, who was fighting with him, seemed to pinch the ants. Extremely simple.

"Release him ..." Xiong Ting, the owner of the Xiong family, was also anxious and yelled out quickly.


He answered him with a skull that had fallen to the ground.

Nie Yun at this time has completely merged with the previous life and has become a scary blood prisoner. Since the seal mask cannot be broken, I will let you open it!

"Don't let go, right? You go on, I go on!"

Xie killed Xiong Jin and Yang Yanbei, and Nie Yun snorted. Grabbed outwards again.

Although he fell into the demon path, his mind was still sober. Those who grabbed hands also had festivals with him. It was not wanton behavior, anyone killed.



I finally saw his movement. As soon as the formation moves, Huantai Chuangyu strode out.

虽然 Although he left the formation, the treasures of the township of the Huantai family still shined in the formation. It seems that he did not destroy the Motian forgetfulness, but he came out by other means.

"Destroyed ten disciples wantonly, today I will kill you!"

Huantai Chuangyu growled. Grabbed to Nie Yun.

He is indeed the No. 1 super powerhouse in the top ten families. When he grabbed it, the sky immediately solidified, and a purplish red air flowed from ancient times. With the taste of full control of life and death.

"Will you come out? It's useless to come out, as long as you don't stop the formation. I will make your top ten families disappear from history today!"

After a burst of laughter, Nie Yun threw a punch.

200 times the fighting power, combined with the Ling Rhino conjoined, the eighth major achievement, the power that cut off Jiang Yue broke out, with the roar that caused the space to break, and instantly hit the big hand of Huantai Chuangyu.


Huantai Chuangyu blushed and flew out.

虽然 Although his strength is strong, he does not rely on the power of heaven, or the family treasure, that is, the peak of Wangxianjing. With Nie Yun's 200 times combat power, it is difficult to stop.

"澹台 主, I'll help you!"

Yantai Chuangyu was flown by a boxer, and an old man rushed out.

The invincible family head is alone!

At this time, like Dutai Chuangyu, he did not take out the owner of the treasure, but fisted empty-handed, one hand with one point, and split into Nie Yun with an invincible faith.

The strength of the self-sufficient homeowner is a bit stronger than that of Huantai Chuangyu, which does not rely on the power of heaven. The strength is wild and stormy. Although he does not use the so-called invincible heart, he still feels a kind of transcendent invincible belief.

"You two go up together, get me down!"

Nie Yun was not afraid, and his whole body was full of magic. At this time, Xianli was not used at all, and his strength was like a compressed iron bow, with 200 times the combat power, completely crushed.


Two consecutive punches, the solitary homeowner and the Yantai homeowner retreated.

In the face of Nie Yun who was completely violent, the two masters were still unable to stop and couldn't stop it.

"I come!"

Yang Zhen jumped out.

At this time, Yang Zhen was calm before, and hate was like the surging river.

"And I!"

Xiong Ting, the head of the Xiong family, also came.

The Four Kings of Wonderland Peak Power ~ www.readwn.com ~ The four masters surrounded Nie Yun at the same time, and before they made a move, Nie Yun felt a strong pressure.

"Okay, okay, you come together, I'll take a look. Without the inheritance of treasure, what are you capable of!"

Nie Yun felt no fear, but felt that his blood was burning at the same time.

"Come on!"

Where the 24 masters joined the shot, they still listened to his nonsense, and at the same time punched, representing the four people in the highest position in the spiritual world, the strength gathered together, forming a torrent of tearing space.


With a punch, Nie Yun's whole body was stiff, his body was a little stiff, sparks were furiously generated in his fist, and the whole person kept backing.

Despite his 200-fold combat effectiveness, the strength of the four masters is too strong, so strong that they can hit the peak of the average king fairyland!

With Nie Yun's early encounter with Wang Xianjing, it was very difficult to ensure that she was injured.

"Do you want to win me when they join forces? 300 times strength, breakthrough!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun's face was sullen and a roar, his body was like a giant beast, and he suddenly gave out a strange luster.




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