Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1087: Dali Tiantian fifth form (below)

Under the mad oppression of the four major families, Nie Yun intends to directly impact and let all forms of Dali Tiantian be fully deployed, exhibiting 300 times the fighting power!

Before he changed it, he might not even think about it. Even if he succeeded in breaking through 300 times of combat power, the load on his body would be too great. It was big enough to cause him to collapse, destroy his body, and reduce his vitality.

But now it's different. He is full of magic. After entering the devil, he has no worries about doing things. He will fight for as long as possible.

Although he does not know how to open the fifth form of Dali Tiantian, he knows that as long as he keeps stacking up the multiples of the surge power, he can definitely break through.


的 The muscles of the whole body were torn apart by the huge pressure for a moment, and Nie Yun's eyes were blood red, and the breath from the beginning of the fiery red was like fierce, and it dropped rapidly.

"I don't agree, breakthrough, breakthrough!"

I felt that the breath of life was declining, Nie Yun knew that his idea had failed, and Dan Tian could not bear it anymore. With a roar, the surging force was breeding from his body again.


For a moment, the treasures and magical tools in his body that were obtained from the remains of the Black Dragon Saint melted instantly under the impact of powerful forces, and his body was generally sloppy, constantly engulfing the vitality emanating from it.


Dali Tiantian, who had just been promoted shortly, finally made a loud noise.

Fifth form!

Xie Nieyun's first Dantian who reached the fifth form was born!


As soon as the fifth form of Dali Tiantian was reached, Nie Yun's accumulated power immediately sprayed out like a flood, and a torrent of energy with 300 times the fighting power opened up the world, revolutionized history, and formed a huge wheel of time rolling forward.

Huh! puff! puff! puff!

He made four sounds in a row, and Xutai Chuangyu, Dugufang, Yang Zhen, and Xiong Ting burst out of blood at the same time and flew out. His strength collapsed and he was seriously injured.

虽然 Although they are both the peak of Wangxianjing and the best figures in the spirit world, they are still far behind Nie Yun who has 300 times the fighting power!

Dali Tiantian was promoted to the fifth form. Now Nie Yun, besides Xian Jun, is already the first person to be Wang Xian.

"Xuanyuan Mufeng, Duanmuxu, Huang Fuqi, Ji Xiang, Xiao Xuan, Tang Xuan! Stop the array first and kill this spirit tumor!"

Changing his body, Huantai Chuangyu's face was gloomy like ice, and he screamed.

"it is good!"

Twenty-six people emerged from the formation at the same time, one by one, and ten people surrounded Nie Yun.

虽然 Although they came out, they did not take back the town magics. These magics still maintained the operation of the formation. Although no one presided over it, it could not be continued. For a long time, it definitely caused indelible harm to people.

"Little dragon, black dragon saint, no one presides, the power of the formation is greatly reduced, you now go to destroy the formation!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

"Boss ..."

Xiao Xiaolong was a little worried.

"Don't worry about me. Although these ten people are powerful and want to kill me, it's impossible!" Nie Yun's sleeves shook like a demon king in the world.

If you have a demon, you may become a demon with some carelessness. Some highly qualified monks will torture themselves every day. As long as they cannot control it, they will become enchanted. Therefore, the devil is one of the most terrible lives in the heavens and the world. Langzhong has been inlaid with fearlessness, and like a drunken person, even if the other party is stronger and harder, I will go forward bravely.

"The top ten families in the spirit world, I have heard them since I arrived! I want to see what kind of peerless people are today!"

Hahaha smiled, Nie Yun raised her eyebrows, her fists squeezed into a spring breeze, and she rushed to Xuanyuan Mufeng first.

Yantai Chuangyu, Dugufang, and others punched him with a punch, and suffered some injuries. The strongest among the six newcomers was him. If they can be defeated, they will definitely reduce the pressure.

"Good coming, I'll see when you can be fierce, Xuan Yuan Ling!"

Wu Xuanyuan Mu saw him heading straight for himself, his eyes lit up, a laugh and a palm grabbing forward, a token appeared in front of him.

Although it is not as good as the seal of their town clan treasure house, the order of Xuan Xuan is also a unique artifact. When the colorful clouds flicker, the sky is full of rays, as if tearing the door of heaven and earth, and dumping the surging force.

Fight with the top ten family owners, the first one uses weapons!

"Hmm, Xuan Yuanling, I don't think so!"

Nie Yun raised her eyebrows, and without any fear, strode forward and swept her punch.

His immortal power is too low, many tricks cannot be used. The only thing that can be used is muscle strength, three hundred times the combat power!


Under the fingerprints of Xuanyuan Mufeng, the order of Xuanyuan Xuan grew rapidly, as if a huge mountain was coming down.

"Drive me!"

Bian Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense, and three hundred times his fighting power against the huge Xuanyuan made him smash in the past.

Anyway, he has the talent of master hand master, the palm itself is a sharp weapon, and with the eighth major achievement of the spirit rhinoceros body tactics, it is no worse than the excellent fairy!


The fist fist collided with the unparalleled fairyware, a crisp sound, extremely hard, and the prestigious Xuanyuan made a crack.

"What? This ... is the eleventh master talent!"

The treasure was damaged, and Xuanyuan Mufeng finally knew what kind of monster this guy was in front of her. She changed her face and hurriedly grabbed Xuanyuan Ling.

I was smashed in this way, this treasure that has been spent for years and spent a lot of hard work will definitely be smashed, or I will bring it back!

"Take it away? Dream it!"

Seeing each other's movements, Nie Yunaken let him do the same, and left fist bombarded.


Two consecutive punches were all played in the same place. The pinnacle of Xuanyuan, which is a top-notch product, could no longer bear it, and it cracked.

Yu Nie Yun's fist power continued unabated, hitting Xuanyuan Mufeng's chest straight.


Wu Xuanyuan Mu Feng's face also changed, and flew out.

来 "Come on, let me see what you guys can do to stop me!"

He hurt Xuanyuan Mu wind, Nie Yun no longer cares about it, his right hand slammed out, grabbed Duan Muxu, his left palm was like a shadow, followed by Huang Fuqi!

"The mouse is so big!"

Xuan Duanmuxu and Huang Fuqi saw him splitting their powers, and their eyebrows opened at the same time. Ji Xiang and Tang Yan also gathered around in an instant and each launched their strength and bombarded Nie Yun.

"Broken mountain and cut off!"

"A sun breaks everything!"

"Jiuxiao God Palm!"

"Quan Kun destroys the fist!"

There were four roars, and the strength of the four masters was like rain.

When the four super masters shot at the same time, the aura in the air was pumped away instantly. The whole Jiuxiaotian caused a fierce storm, countless clouds, and the sky seemed to be torn.

Many talents and elders who were competing outside the Jiuxiao Palace looked at the scene in front of them, all of them stopped, looking up at the sky one by one, with a look of terror in their eyes.

Compared with this kind of battle, their so-called talent contest is as ridiculous as a few ants grabbing food, not to mention.

"Shot at the same time? OK, I took it!"

In the face of the attack of four people, Nie Yun shot two electric lights with his eyes, as if traveling through the giant awns of time and space, sweeping the heavens, and watching everything around him.

I stepped forward, the ground tumbled and vibrated, and my right arm suddenly thickened, and the raging magic gas came from the unknown space, rushing through the vital energy Dantian.

"Get back!"

Smashed with a punch.


With his full punch, the sky collapsed, and the Jiuxiao Palace blessed by countless seals kept shaking, and seemed to collapse at any time.

The raging powers fused together and collided with the attacks of the four masters.


Crackling! Slap! Slap! Slap!

At the same time, each of the four masters had a sweet throat and flew out one by one, looking pale.

From fighting with Yantai Chuangyu and Duguxiao to defeating Duanmu Xu and others, it is complicated to say, in fact, there are not even three breaths.

Three breathless, ten well-known ten family heads were injured by one of them, unheard of, unseen!

"Nie Yun ... Lingtai Lingyue is a Taoist teacher. She is obliged to repair Tiandao to save the common people. The entire spiritual realm cannot be plunged into water and fire because of her children's personal feelings ..."

Among the ten masters, only Xiao Yan did not move. After all, Nie Yun brought him, and sighed, said.

"The spirit world is caught in fire and water, it's all about me! I must take it today! Whoever wants to make up the heavens, make it up yourself!"

Nie Yun shook her hand and sneered.

Before he was enchanted, he still had scruples, thinking more about the spirit world, now what does the spirit world do to me?


Hearing what he said, Xiao Huan's face froze, and he didn't know how to answer. Is it really necessary to sacrifice the person he loves for the spiritual world?

"Your name is Nie Yun, you can break through here, and have a combat power that we can't match, very talented, and very persevering, but this is the end of today! Chaos rough, lend me strength!"

Huantai Chuangyu has recovered his injury at this time. He saw Nie Yun sneer with "stubbornness", suddenly a big move, a magnificent avenue breath from the formation.

The chaotic rough stone of the Zhentai family treasures of the Huantai family did not leave the formation, but gave him general strength to bless him.

With the family inheritance to the treasure, the temperament of the whole person of Chuangyu Chuangyu immediately changed, as if he had transformed into the immortal monarch ~ www.readwn.com ~ in a moment, he should be high above him and not be profane.

The ten-headed ten-headed family head, a character who spoke with jealousy, was laid down by a young boy. His strong sense of humiliation made him no longer hesitate to borrow the power of the town's treasure.

"Come down!"

Nie Yun punched.

Three hundred times the combat power, with infinite strength to break through the sky, but suddenly disappeared before coming to Huantai Chuangyu, as if he was no longer in this time and space. At another point in time, the normal attack was basically Missed.

"This is the strength of Xianjun?"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

Ebara thought that the immortal monarch was only a little stronger than the ordinary king immortal. Now it seems that this idea is wrong. It is more than a little bit stronger. The two are completely different in life level and there is no comparable surname.

"Can force me to borrow the power of the chaotic rough, even if you die, you are proud, die!"

Huantai Chuangyu snorted, and pointed his finger at Nie Yun.


At this critical moment, the whole earth suddenly roared.

"Boss, the formation is broken ..."

With a shout of excitement, the magical sky arranged by the ten masters together burst out loud!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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