Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1091: Dragon Imperial City

Longzhu Mountain, standing in the middle of the demon world, with the strongest magical power, the mountains are soaring into the clouds. From the bottom, it is impossible to know how tall it is. It seems to be connected to Jiutian, and the end is not visible.

Xie Nieyun became an ordinary demon, and the dragon and the saint of the black dragon disguised as ordinary green dragons. All along the way, no abnormalities were found.

"Boss, this Longzhu Mountain is said to have been poured with blood from the ancestors of our Jinlong family at that time. It belongs to a magic weapon in itself. Although it does not reach the level of the natural fairy, it is definitely the pinnacle of the unique fairy ! "

Xiaoyi's strength has soared again, and has already reached the level of Shengxian.

After the promotion of level, the memory in my head also increased, looking at Longzhushan in front of me, and smiling to explain.

"Magic weapon? Such a majestic magic weapon is really rare ..."

When He heard what he said, Nie Yun sensed it, and his heart was full of shock.

This Longzhu Mountain traverses millions of miles, and Gauguin cannot see the end. If it is a magic weapon, it is too big. Who can use such a powerful treasure?

"Because our dragons are larger in size, they use far more babies than ordinary humans, but this Longzhu Mountain is really too big, even if I used it that year!"

Xiao Xiaolong smiled, and then said, "Jiuxiaolong Palace is at the peak of the mountain range. Should we go up now or look for a chance?"

"It's three months anyway, it's still early. Jiuxiaolong Palace still waits for a while to talk, walk with me in the city in front, see if I can inquire the news and find a suitable opportunity!"

Nie Yun paused. Nodded.

Nine Xiaolong Palace can become the palace of the Qinglong Emperor. The defense must be very tight, so it will definitely be found if it rushes over. If you want to steal the Seven Heart Dragon Ball again, it will be hard to come by, so this matter must be considered from a long-term perspective.

好 "Okay! I have to eat so many days in a row, I want to eat something delicious ..."

Xiao Xiaolong smashed his lips.

Qianlongzhushan is an extremely huge city in front of it, representing the prosperity of the demon family. One person and two dragons flew over quickly, and soon came to the city. Follow the team entering the city to Cheng Cheng.

"Those who want to enter the city go here, hand in their essence and blood for inspection, and pass if they pass!"

At the gate of Wucheng, several demon men in armor were holding large swords. Stopped in the middle, eyes were fierce.

"Sexing blood? There was no such rule before. Blood is the most precious thing on your body. Give it a drop and a drop. You did it. Whose order was given?"

"I don't pay ..."

I heard the guard's words, and the crowd immediately burst into an uproar.

I entered the city at most to pay the entrance fee, this is the first time I heard that you need to pay for blood.

The difference between essence and blood is the most important thing for a practitioner. Even if a person burns his body, he can find dozens of drops at most. It takes one drop to enter a city. Would n’t he die directly if he entered the city a few more times?

So, hear this command. Immediately, the fuse ignited, causing everyone's dissatisfaction.

"This is an order ordered by the Qinglong Emperor! The Dragon Emperor has a decree. Recently, there will be evil people posing as ordinary people, mixed with the Dragon Emperor City, the intention is wrong, and testing the essence is the easiest way. Seize it! "

A guard sneered, the sword in his hand trembled, sending out an infinite sense of killing.

"Order from the Emperor Qinglong?"

"As a spy ..."

I heard the order issued by the Dragon Emperor, and it was so severe that everyone dared not refute it. They had to obediently hand over the essence and enter the city smoothly.

From this point of view, the Qinglong Emperor has great majesty in the Devil family.

"It seems that the news that we are coming over has been quietly circulated by Chuangyu!"

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun frowned and quietly transmitted a message to Erlong.

"How do you know?" Xiaolong didn't understand.

"It's very difficult for people to be camouflaged, but for the three of us, it's extremely simple. If we look for it with our looks and soul, we can't find anything for him for a hundred years. The essence of blood is the confluence of the essence of the human body. No one can conceal the original attributes. As long as we hand in the essence, the other person will definitely recognize it! "

Nie Yun's face was heavy.

"What should I do?" Xiaolong stunned.

He obviously didn't expect it.

"It's okay. Although he thought of using essence blood, he didn't think I had the talent of stealing a master. Even the stuff in Tandan can be stolen. Stealing a few drops of essence blood is no problem!"

Nie Yun laughed softly, thinking about it in her heart.

Doesn't the essence of blood have to be his own? With the talents of the illusionist division and the thief division, stealing beams and changing columns, and moving flowers and trees, with the strength of these guards, I certainly can't see them.

When I was talking, I lined up to the guard.

As soon as Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand, he stole a few drops of the blood of several people around him. At the same time, the talent of the illusionist master was unleashed, and people couldn't see that they had done anything.

合格 "Pass, pass! This is your identification card. After entering the city, you must bring it. Without an identification card, you cannot live in the restaurant for dinner. You will be caught soon!"

These guards are just a real fairyland repair, how to see Nie Yun's method was directly concealed and let the three pass.

"Let's go!"

After passing the city inspection, Nie Yun and others took their identity cards on their chests and followed them to the city.

The city of the demon man is no different from the city of the spirit world, and the sound of calling and buying is endless.

I may be the cause of the imperial city, there is no such thing as looting, riots, etc., at least security is guaranteed.

The Demon Demon is good at physical training, and there are everywhere selling weapons suitable for use by flesh monks, each of which is thick and majestic, completely different from the sword that advocates lightness.

"Boss, that's a restaurant, I want to eat ..."

After a short walk, Xiaolong's belly started to make a noise, his eyes stared round at a signboard in front of him, excitedly glowing.

Bian Nieyun looked up, and sure enough she saw a tall building standing in front of her, hanging a horizontal plaque, writing the words "Emerald Restaurant".


Seeing Xiaolong's appearance, Nie Yun knew that the emperor was not bad at hungry soldiers, and smiled. He was about to enter the restaurant. His heart suddenly moved and he looked at a figure not far away.

In front of him, this is a very ordinary looking demon, with the power of Luo Wonderland.

Although the Miluo fairyland powerhouse is powerful in other places, it is not conspicuous in the Dragon Imperial City. According to the reason, it should not attract his attention, but the sudden emergence made Nie Yun recognize the identity of the demon.

"It was Shura's disguise!"

Nie Yun's heart was stunned.

As a Liupin Tianwen Exorcist, he has a natural sense of Shura. Although he is in good disguise in front of him, he can even hide the ordinary Qipin Exorcist, but he cannot hide his eyes.

"The camouflage is so good. I am afraid that Shura has the power of the Holy Wonderland! When the Holy Wonder Shura came to the Dragon Emperor City of the Devil, did he have other purposes or have no plans?"

A question rose in my heart.

A Shura can hide his sky eyes in disguise. Only by relying on the repairman can he sense it, indicating that the opponent's strength must be extraordinary, I am afraid that he has reached the level of Shengxian!

Shura, who is at the level of Shengxian, is a big man on each end, and now comes here in disguise as an ordinary demon. If there is no purpose, he won't believe it.


The demon in Shura's disguise also walked straight towards the Jade Restaurant and turned to enter.

"OK, eat!"

Seeing that Shura also entered here, Nie Yun said to me that he followed me with a smile, and entered the Emerald Restaurant.

The coins consumed by the Demon Clan are just as immortal as the spirit world.

After I came to the spirit realm, Nie Yun searched and managed all the way. There were so many things, at least not to worry about eating and drinking.

I entered the restaurant and glanced around, and found the Shura again. Nie Yun took Xiaolong and Heilong to find a nearby place and sat down.

At this moment, Shura was sitting at the table alone, asked for a cup of tea, and it seemed that someone was waiting.

Xie Nieyun didn't want to fight the grass and frighten the snake, and ordered a table of dishes to let Xiaolong and Heilong eat first, but he remained vigilant, staring at this person from time to time to see what he wanted to do.

Although Shura didn't do evil to him, Shura itself has great attraction to him.

冇 If Shura who can hunt the Holy Wonderland is devoured by him, the repair can be promoted smoothly from the early Jinxian period.


Sure enough, after a while, another demon came to this seat.

I glanced carefully and found that this demon was also disguised by Shura, and his strength was not under this Shura.


一 As soon as Shura arrived, he immediately set up a seal to shield the voice from speaking.

屏蔽 This kind of shielding is useful to others. For Nie Yun, who has the talent of Tian ear teacher, it is not very useful. He quickly understood the dialogue.

"We have to get something at the repair tower this time!"

"Yeah, this is what my king named. If he can't do it well, the king blame him, and we all can't afford it!"

"That's right ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm a little strange. It's just a great fairy. I shouldn't need it with the strength of the king ..."

"The decision made by the king, let's implement it, don't make nonsense! Wang said it, he will come over these days, you must be careful ..."

Uh ...

Voice became weaker and quieter, only a few secrets, then chatted wildly.

The most chatter is nothing more than the birth of King Shura. Their Shura tribe will regain their fanfare and kill the war ...

For these, Nie Yun didn't like it. After listening to it for a while, I found that there was no more information available. Then I shook my head and stopped listening.

"Things to repair the tower? Excellent fairy?"

I repeated what I heard just now in my heart, and Nie Yun was a little confused.

Is there a driving tower here, if so, why not see it?

Xiuyao repair tower is usually the tallest building in the city. Nie Yun looked into the city and found no similar building!

I seem to have to find out if there is a driving tower here, and then see what the purpose of these two guys is.

"Boss, checkout!"

聂 While Nie Yun was thinking, the two negotiated Shura seemed to have finished speaking, throwing out a top-quality immortal stone, and stood up.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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