Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1092: black market

After paying the bill, both Shura left the restaurant.

Xie Nieyun did not follow him, but finished his meal smoothly and found a room in the Jade Restaurant.

"Boss, do we have the tower repaired at Dragon Imperial City?"

I found where I lived, and Nie Yun pretended to ask unintentionally.

"Driving the Tower? Yes, but hundreds of years ago, because of a conflict with the Qinglong Emperor, the Dragon King broke it with one palm. Later, the Dring Tower found the Dragon King and negotiated several times. I don't know where it is! "

Boss thought for a while.

"Did it break?"

Nie Yun for a while.

Is this still the case?

The Dragon Emperor was ruthlessly destroyed, but the Dragon Emperor was too ruthless. However, I am afraid that only such a ruthless person can prevent the erection tower from thinking about it, or else someone else will do this kind of thing. Crazy revenge on the driving tower.

"Is there anything else I can do to help the guest officer? Although our jade restaurant is not big, there are a lot of doors, and even tickets to the underground city can be found!"

The hotel owner laughed.

"Dungeon?" Nie Yun froze.

"Hehe, it seems that the guest officer is new, and we do n’t know. We demons are naturally unwilling to be lonely. The underground city is actually an underground black market. You ca n’t see the light. As long as you have money, everything is in it. Meat girls, monsters of the demon fox family, all kinds of babies, and even practice exercises, as long as you can think of everything, everything! "

The hotel owner's face is mysterious and slightly ambiguous. "How about, should I get you a ticket to go and be cheerful? The women there are very good, that figure, that temperament ..."

The hotel owner said more and more excited, yín filthy in his eyes, it seems that he did not go there that much.

听 "Listen to you so well, get three tickets for me, I want to go and see!" Seeing him, Nie Yun wanted to refuse, suddenly thought of something, nodded.

Since it is a black market, there must be news channels, and regular channels to explore Jiuxiaolong Palace will definitely encounter trouble, and buying news on the black market is a way to go.

"Hee hee, I still know how to enjoy the guest, I know ... but the ticket price is not low, one needs ten top-quality immortal stones, look at the guest ..."

The hotel owner hesitated.

"This is easy!"

Bian Nieyun threw out dozens of top-quality spirit stones. "I will tip you more. I like zìyóu. I don't want to go out and let others know. Do you understand?"

"Guests rest assured, I will not say anything!"

The hotel owner's eyes brightened and he nodded in agreement.

I took the Lingshi, and after a while, I sent a few tickets, which were very obscure, but at a glance, I couldn't fake, it must be something that entered the dungeon.

"Boss, shall we go to the dungeon?"

After the hotel owner left, Xiaolong quietly came over, looked at the three tickets, and asked.

"Don't do anything, let me see where the two Shura went!"

Nie Yun waved his hand.

Before he ran quietly, he traced the air of tracking on those two Shura. At this moment, he immediately found the specific position.

Yan Tian's eyes opened, and through countless distances, he quickly found where the two men were.

At this moment, the two men seemed to be indifferent, sitting in a dilapidated old house on the outskirts of the city, sitting still, wondering what to do.

"It looks like they haven't done anything for now, let's go to the black market!"

I looked at it for a while and found that they didn't seem to be doing anything. Nie Yun stood up with a smile.


Xiao Xiaolong jumped up in excitement, excited.

The black dragon saint was ashamed and seemed not interested in anything.

This black dragon saint, after a period of getting along, Nie Yun can understand it. This guy is rigorous and respectful. As long as it is Xiaolong's order, he does not abide by it. Although he is the best person to do things, he lacks innovative awareness and thinking. Somewhat stiff.

Of course, you do n’t have to worry about rebellion for such a person. As long as you are good to him, you will definitely be wholehearted and not mindful.

One person and two dragons quietly left the restaurant and walked towards the so-called underground city in the direction the restaurant owner said.

Dungeon is east of Dragon Emperor City, near a ruin. One person and two dragons are fast, and it doesn't take long to come here.

Find the entrance, take out the ticket, and enter it smoothly.

As soon as I entered, I was immediately taken aback by the scene in front of me.

I deserve to be a dungeon, which is really wide enough.

交易 There are trades to buy and sell everywhere. Not only do we sell weapons and elixir, all kinds of babies, but also people, and murderers.

Many places openly posted slogans that marked the price of hiring a killer to kill. As long as they could afford the money, there was no one who could not die.

Regardless of the big cities of the spiritual world and the demon world, the six cities are all places that pay attention to rules. It is so bold and courageous to post such slogans here.

"Three, there are beautiful women from the spirit world who are new to today. Would you like to enjoy them? Cheap treatment, as long as there are thirty top-quality fairy stones per head, you can enjoy their first time ..."

I was walking, and a demon-like demon greeted me, looked over with a smile, and promoted the product.

"Beauty is not needed, I want to buy news here, I wonder who is well-informed about you?"

Nie Yun grinned.

When they came, they were already disguised, so even if they were seen, they were not afraid, and they directly explained the intention.

"If you want to be informed here, of course, you have to count" You Feng Pavilion ". According to them, as long as there is wind, they have their ears and eyes, and the news spreads throughout the Imperial City! However, their price is very high. If a few of them need it, I can take you there. It should save a lot on acquaintances ... "

Xiao Xiaoyan's eyes brightened, and he said that he would take everyone there, but there was no movement under his feet, and he kept rubbing his fingers.

的 People who come to buy news are basically rich people. The so-called gold price news is priceless. Sometimes a news can ruin a transaction, a family, or even a city!

So, the meaning of this little 厮 is very simple. You give me money and I will take you ...

给 "Here, here are 50 top-quality immortal stones. When the place arrives, the news will satisfy me, and more!"

Nie Yun waved his hand at will, throwing out a bag of fairy stones, his face said calmly.

These people are all for money. As long as there are many benefits, they will definitely bring unexpected results.

Sure enough, after Xiaoxian received Xianshi, she jumped up, ecstatic, and quickly said: "Please, three VIPs! Look at the three, I think you want to buy big news. I will take you to Youfeng Pavilion Look for the cabinet owner, for such big news, only he is eligible to sell! "

"Okay!" Nie Yun kept it up and followed him.

The range of the underground city was very large. After walking behind Xiaoyan for more than ten minutes, he came to a corner with a dark face.

嗯 "Huh? You didn't lie to us, this is the Wind Pavilion? How could it be so broken?"

Xiao Xiaolong said when he was taken here, he scolded.

No wonder Xiaolong said that this place is too remote. If no one brought it over, you wouldn't see anything for sale here.

"You don't know. This is not the Fengge headquarters, but the place where the owner lives. Rest assured, I will take you there and I will definitely get the news you want!"

Xiao Xiaoyu seemed to know that the other party would scold, explained with a smile.

He said, walking into the dark door.

Inside the Xiaomen was a slender passageway with a severe cold wind and a sense of panic, but Nie Yun and others were strong. They were not afraid of these and walked inward.

"This patron doesn't like to ask why, etc. When you get inside, don't ask, just say the news that you need to buy, he will directly say the price!"

厮 As he walked, Xiao 解释 explained softly.

"Good!" Nie Yun responded, and as the figure turned, the passage ended, and a small courtyard appeared.

A man in black is sitting in the courtyard drinking tea with his eyes closed, facing away from the crowd, and can't see his face.

"Quao, these three guest officers are here to buy news!"

Xiao Xiao took a step forward and said respectfully.

"Say!" The man in black waved his hand, his voice dried up, showing that his age was no longer young.

"I want to buy two pieces of news, first, about the Qinglong Emperor! Second, the Dragon Emperor City repairs the tower!"

Xie Nieyun took a step forward, without concealing it, directly speaking the news that was needed.

If the best news can be sold here, it doesn't matter if you don't sell it. If the other party wants to take the opportunity to conspiracy, they don't mind killing more.

"The Qinglong Emperor is the king of our demons, he has a lot of news, and it should be easy to ask, I don't know which aspect you want!"

People in black didn't seem to think that someone would buy this kind of news, firstly, then with a dry voice.

"I want him to live regularly, the latest news of living activities!" Nie Yundao.

寻找 If you want to find the Seven-Heart Dragon Ball, you must first enter the Jiuxiao Dragon Palace, and if you want to enter, you must have some understanding of the life of the Qinglong Emperor.

So ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although it sounds difficult to find Seven Heart Dragon Balls, it is not completely without opportunities.

"Rì often lives, activities of daily living? Thirty thousand unique immortals!"

人 People in black said faintly, there was no meaning of lowering the price in listening to the tone.

"This is 30,000 unique gems!"

Nie Yun pointed his finger, "Wow!" A pile of fairy stones fell out.

Although he could use the talent of the deceiver to force this person to speak, but before trying to find a way to enter the Jiuxiaolong Palace, he didn't want to cause more trouble.

"After three days, the Qinglong Emperor will live in the name of the emperor and organize a birthday feast at the Jiuxiaolong Palace!"

The man in black said lightly.


Seeing that he no longer spoke, Nie Yun froze.

"You're too ridiculous, is this sentence worth 30,000 unique immortals?" Xiaolong jumped up.

"That's it, 30,000 unique immortals!" Humane in black: "If it is too expensive, I'm sorry, the news of the sale cannot be returned!"

"Not expensive!" Nie Yun interrupted the jumping dragon, waved his hand and asked, "What about the repair of the tower? How much?"




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