Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1093: Yu Yuxiu

"The news of the repair tower is not a secret, I can tell you for free, no money is needed! The drive tower of Longhuang City still existed hundreds of years ago, but it is no longer there. This dungeon is some distance away, here is the map! "

The man in black said slowly, his thin fingers flicked forward, and a pattern of light reflected in the air, driving the union of repairmen in the middle of the regiment.

"Huh? It was near the two Shura hiding places ..."

When I saw the map, Nie Yun frowned.

标注 The location marked on the map. He had seen it before, and it was during the day that he saw two Shura hiding places nearby.

He seems to have heard it right, these two guys are really trying to drive the idea of ​​repairing the tower.

"Okay, thank you very much!" After thinking about this, what Nie Yun should know already has an idea in her heart, and no longer ask more.

"Thank you! You can come and ask these. You must also know that there is a treasure coming from the repair tower. You should want to sell this treasure. Young man, you have collected your money. I would advise you that this treasure is not random. People can take it, it's very difficult! "

人 The man in black drank his mouth tea and said lightly.

哦 "Oh? Trick? Sir seems to have something in it, can you come and listen?" Nie Yun raised an eyebrow.

Although he didn't know what kind of gift or something, but since the other party has misunderstood, someone must have come to buy the news. He moved in his heart and deliberately pretended not to believe.

"The best fairy immortal locks the dragon 锏, just listening to the name is an ominous thing. The game between the driving tower and the Qinglong emperor is not something that ordinary people can blend in. Well, that's all for this!

人 People in black will not say more.

"Lock the dragon?" Nie Yun was surprised for a moment.

To be honest, the name is indeed unlucky.

The Qinglong Emperor is the Dragon Emperor. This weapon is called Suolongyu, which is obviously aimed at it!

Alas, Nie Yun didn't want to ask more, and he was more lazy.

If there is any contradiction between the Qingxiu Emperor and the Qinglong Emperor, he can find opportunities to spoil the game and obtain the best benefits.

The game between the big names is sometimes extremely dangerous, and sometimes the benefits are great, depending on how they are used.

Xu's mind kept spinning, Nie Yun turned around and wanted to leave, and suddenly her heart moved, and her eyes fell on an ancient stone platform in the courtyard.

石 This stone platform with a sound that made him knowlessly beat.

Is actually that special ore!

"Thank you for your reminder, goodbye!"

Xie Nieyun's eyes flew away immediately, his face was not the slightest expression, and he fisted.

东西 This thing involves unknown methods, so do n’t ask more. Asking more questions will only cause the other party to doubt. It ’s better to find a chance to steal this stone step.

The man in black waved his hand and stopped talking.

After the transaction was completed, Nie Yun stepped out of the courtyard and gave Xiaoxian some immortal stones, so that he didn't say more, and he and Xiaolong left the underground city.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard where he lived, he ordered Xiaolong to take advantage of the darkness to sneak into the ground and quickly dash to the dungeon.

The genius mentor talent is equally useful here.

I walked in the direction of memory, and soon came to the small courtyard where the man in black was located.

The courtyard at this time was the same as the one before when he came, still with a strong sense of darkness, along the ground, Nie Yun held his breath and walked in a few steps.

"I'm buying news!"

I hadn't approached the yard, and suddenly heard one of the low voices sounded.

There was a weird voice in the hoarse voice, and only one sentence was heard, and Nie Yun's brows couldn't help wrinkling.


His face sank.

声音 This voice obviously carries special murderous power. Although it is well concealed, it is easily found under the sense of his fusion talent.

"What you want to buy, as long as you know what to say!" The words of the man in black who sold the message sounded lightly.

"Where is the Dragon Ball of Qinglong Emperor Hidden!"

Hummed Shura.

"He also looks for Seven Heart Dragon Ball?" Nie Yun raised his eyebrows.

This is also a coincidence, this Shura asks the Seven Heart Dragon Ball, does he also want to steal it?

"Seven-hearted Dragon Ball is the treasure of the ancient dragon emperor. It contains the supreme idea of ​​the ancestor dragon god, and it is the symbol of the dragon emperor. This treasure is naturally in Jiuxiao Dragon Palace!"

The man in black frowned and said slowly.

"Nonsense, I know in Jiuxiaolong Palace, I want to know the specific location!" Shura sank.

"Specific location? Sorry, I don't know the news! It seems I have no chance to earn your money ..." The man in black waved.

既然 "Since I don't know, it's a curse to keep you, die!"


Before the words of the man in black were finished, Shura took the shot. The whole courtyard was completely blocked by a special breath instantly. The crazy Shura's murderous power penetrated the distance like a sharp sword and came to the man in black.


The man in black shook his fists and wanted to refute, but the speed of the sword from the opponent was too fast, and the screams didn't come and came out, his head fell to the ground, and his breath was cut off.

The underground Nie Yun didn't even have a chance to rescue him.

"Sura of Wangxianjing ..."

When the other shot, Nie Yun understood it, his eyes were dignified.

This is actually Shura, a king of wonderland!

For a dragon imperial city, it is very strange that there can be two Holy Wonderland Shura, and then another King Wonderland Shura appears, which is beyond imagination.

"Can't move first, there may be more Shura, see what they are going to do!"

He originally wanted to rescue the man in black, and when he saw the power shown by the opponent, Nie Yun stopped.

I was not afraid of each other, but since there were so many high-powered Shura, there must be some kind of big conspiracy, and it was definitely not the best choice to rashly attack.

"Don't think I don't know, there is obviously news of Seven Hearts Dragon Ball, but I don't want to say, I'll see where you hide the news!"

Killed the man in black, Shura hummed, strode to the room in the courtyard, followed by a tumult, as if looking for something.

"Haha, really there is news of Seven Hearts Dragon Ball! Good!"

After a short while, Shura laughed loudly and strode out, holding a special cloth in his palm, which seemed to contain some hidden information.

修 This Shura walked out of the room, and Nie Yun finally saw his appearance. He covered his head and face with a blue robe, his appearance was vague, and his eyes were reddish from time to time.


Sura Shuo strode out of the yard, going further and further.

Xie Nieyun hesitated a few steps, came to the yard, reached out and put the piece of stone that can run the unknown method into Dantian, followed closely and chased after him.

If this guy is really for the Dragon Ball, follow him may get unexpected results.

Out of the dungeon, Shura immediately speeded up and flew straight out of the city.

Ji Nieyun followed closely, lowering his breath, but was not found.

Soon, this Shura came to the suburbs.

"This is the so-called driver union?"

Seeing that Shura stopped, Nie Yun looked around and frowned.

Here is the address that the man in black told him at the time, the location of the driver's union.

"Yu Shura! How about it?"

Shura stopped in place for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Accompanied by a deep voice, two figures flickered, and two Shura appeared.

With a close look, Nie Yun recognized that these two were met in the restaurant during the day. At this time, they were dressed up like this Yu Yushuura and covered their faces.

"The specific news has been found out, the Seven-Heart Dragon Ball is at the [Temple of Flame] at the deepest place of the Jiuxiao Dragon Palace! At that time, we can sneak in while the king tells us that the task must be completed!"

Wu Yuxiu hummed.

嗯 "Well, that's natural!" The two remaining Shura nodded. "What shall we do now?"

"Act as planned, have I prepared what you have prepared?" 怙 Yu Shura asked.

"Ready, this is the essence of blood I got from hunting a dragon. We just need to apply the essence of blood to our body, and we will be able to completely cover Shura's spirit and pretend to be a dragon!"

一 One of Shura's palms was flipped, and a small jade bottle was taken out, and the stopper was pulled out, and a strong and pure blood power struck out.

It seems that the blood of the Qinglong he killed was not low, otherwise he would not have such an amazing power of learning blood.

"Very good, act now!"

Yu Yuxiu grabbed it gently, the jade bottle was broken, and the rich and pure dragon blood shed immediately.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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