Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1094: Increase in strength

Grasp the blood and gently split it into three parts and drop it on the remaining two Shura.


In the blink of an eye, the original breath of the three heads of Shura was suppressed by the blood of the dragons, as if he had become a strong dragon.

"The Exorcist Tower originally had conflicts with the Dragons. The three heads of Shura pretend to be Dragons. Do you want to sneak in the Exorcist Union and marry the Dragons?"

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun understood it.

There is a contradiction between the drive repair tower and the Dragon clan. This is a historical issue. It is estimated that the three heads of Shura are trying to bring disaster to the east.

"It seems that Shura didn't just know the killings, he also had a good plan ..."

To understand this, Nie Yun sighed.

Originally in his mind, Shura was a kind of killing machine, burning and looting everywhere, all he would do was to grab the robbery. Now it seems that the other party will also use tactics.

Pretending to be a strong dragon, they attacked the demonstrating union, causing hatred and letting the demonstrating tower negotiate with Qinglong, so that they could hide in the dark and complete what they wanted to do.

Two birds with one stone, amazing!

"Well, let's go. After entering the Demonstrator's Union, I won't say anything. I'll just **** the handle of the dragon! Whoever stops and kills everyone, then those Deer will doubt the Dragon!"

As everything else, Yu Yushuura explained again, and flew forward first.

The repairmen's union is not far from here. In a very ordinary building, the three heads of Shura were fast and rushed straight in.

Nie Yun originally wanted to follow, and hesitated and stopped.

Although he is a driver and has an obligation to protect the driver's union, once he starts, it will undermine the plan, and it will be difficult to find the Seven Heart Dragon Ball at that time.

Driving the repair tower as the first six forces in the heavens and the earth is naturally not a good match. Rather than help the chaos and disrupt the rhythm of Shura's design, it is better to sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight.

As for whether the driver's union will die a lot of people ...

Actually, no matter how many people die, don't worry about me? Why didn't I see anyone come to save my family when it was ruined ...

Although the demon in Nie Yun's body was eliminated by Lingtai Lingyue, he has been refreshed from the state of being enchanted, but in fact he still has demon.

Many people in the Exorcist Union have vocally said that protecting the spiritual world is actually nothing to do with the people of fish and fish. Such people have no mercy to him. Why should he destroy his plan to save it?

Waiting in situ for less than ten minutes, they saw three Shura flying out excitedly.

The battle with the repairmen's union was clearly over, and the previous building was almost in ruins.

"I just intentionally left a live mouth, and will definitely send today's things to the headquarter of the drive repair tower. According to the speed, three days later, the headquarters will send someone over to coincide with the Qinglong Emperor's birthday feast ...

Looking at the dilapidated driver's union, Yu Yu Xiuluo smiled.

"People who drive the headquarters of the repair tower will definitely ask the Qinglong Emperor for questioning. At that time, a little help will lead to conflicts. At that time, we are stealing the Seven Star Dragon Ball while in chaos.

Another Shura also laughed.

I have to say that their tactics are rigorous, without any problems.

But the only problem was discovered by Nie Yun.

"Oh, good plan, sorry, I don't need to worry about you in the future, I'll do it for you!"

Nie Yun came out.

These three people will kill the drive union, and the scheme has already started. It is no use to keep it. It is better to kill to improve their strength.

"who are you?"

Seeing his sudden appearance, the three-headed Shura was startled, and when he saw his true practice, he laughed at the same time.

"I thought it was a strong man. It turned out to be a kid in Golden Wonderland!"

"Little Jinxian, dare to come out, it seems you are looking for death!"

The three of them, the worst of them are the Holy Immortals, but Golden Wonderland is nothing in their eyes.

"Sorry, I don't want to die yet, I just want you to die!"

Nie Yun's eyes were condensed, "Oh!", He rushed forward, and bombarded Shura, one of the holy fairyland, straight.

Fight against the crowd, kill the weak first, and then go to the strong. This is the best way. Otherwise, the fighting spirit of the strong cannot be concentrated, and you may be killed if you are not careful.


When Shura saw the other hand, he pinpointed himself, his face sullen, and his thin palm slammed forward.


The power of Shura in the Holy Wonderland is extraordinary, even stronger than the former sura without Shura. The air is filled with thick Shura's murderous power, as if it opened a huge battlefield, countless ghost-like soldiers, with a mighty mental chaos. Rush.


Nie Yun was restless and unmoved, his fists clenched and he swung sharply.


A burst of ground collapsed, Shura's murderous battlefield seemed to be a piece of paper blown up by the hurricane, without any obstruction, the powerful force immediately drowned this Shura.


This Shura immediately burst from it.

The physical body has reached the eighth major achievement of the spiritual rhinoceros refining method. Even if it does not perform three hundred times its combat power, it cannot be resisted by the little Saint Fairyland Powerhouse.


With one punch, this Shura was killed, and Nie Yun wiped out his soul will without any bullshit. He grabbed it with the palm of his hand, swallowed it, swallowed it, and swallowed it.

Coo coo!

Shura was a great supplement to him. The power in the body of this sacred wonderland was transformed by an unknown method, and it was absorbed instantly. There was a roar in the body. Xianli Xiu, who was originally imprisoned in the golden fairyland, began to make a breakthrough. Sexual progress.

The peak of Golden Wonderland in the early days!

Golden Wonderland in the middle!

Golden Wonderland mid-term peak!

I was promoted to a small level in one breath and reached the peak of the middle of Golden Wonderland!

"Hmm? The defense division actually shows signs of integration?"

Devouring this Shura, not only has it been improved, but even the talents that could not be merged have become loose again.


"Kill him so easily, and still be able to devour him, who are you?"

Nie Yun's movement was fast, and when the other two Shura saw it, he had swallowed it up.

As Shura, they always eat people. When they met someone for the first time, they were so powerful. They all looked pale and had an ominous thought in their hearts.

"Don't worry about who I am, let's die too!"

Nie Yun didn't bother to talk nonsense, and took a step forward, another punch to Shura, another fairyland.

This time, with an irresistible power, directly bombarded. Before this Shura had time to escape, he blasted away and was devoured by him.

After engulfing a sacred wonderland Shura, the effect really reduced a lot, swallowing this one again, only let him advance to the late stage of gold fairyland, without much breakthrough.


Seeing that his two subordinates and two breathing efforts were swallowed up by the young man in front of him, Yu Yushuura finally revealed his uncle's features.

"There is nothing abhorrent. When you killed the Exorcist Union just now, you should think that if you can kill people, you will be killed by others sooner or later!"

For Xiuluo, Nie Yun had no slightest impression.

"Long Xiang broke the spin!"

Qi Yushuura shot.

He seemed to know the horror of the young man in front of him, and he shot the strongest attack and performed martial arts as soon as he shot.

Long Xiang's broken spin seemed to be the result of his consolidating with the dragon martial arts skills. With a strong murderous shot, he formed a huge flying dragon, roaring and rushing, with the power of tearing the world.

Shura is of high pedigree, has a strong learning ability and creative ability, many tricks, often look at it can imitate or even create more powerful!

Because of this, Shura is so terrible.

Obviously, this Yuyu Shura is not a fuel-saving lamp. I am afraid that the blood has already reached the level of Shura Emperor. With a domineering quartet, the dragon martial arts and Shura martial arts are perfectly blended together, and the situation is appalling.

"not bad!"

Nie Yun chuckled and punched forward.


The opponent's martial arts are strong, and his strength is even more powerful. Although only 100 times of combat power is used, the roaring power is still the same as crushing, and he rushes straight forward.

In a flash, the dragon body formed by Shura's murderous air broke.

The crushing vigor did not stop and rushed towards Ji Yushuura.


Yu Yuxiu spit out blood and flew out.

"You are terrific, I'm not your opponent, but if you want to catch me, it's impossible! Escape!"

Seeing the other party's attack broke his strongest attack and wounded him. Yu Yushuola knew that the strength of the young man had reached a point far beyond his imagination. He shouted and fled.

Shura's gas exploded. He didn't know how to cast the method, and his speed was like lightning.

For this escape method, he is relatively confident. In his opinion, let alone a small gold fairyland powerhouse, even if Wang Xianding wants to catch up, it is difficult.

But before he had escaped, he felt that a figure had appeared before him.

"How do you ... so fast!"

Seeing the shape of the figure in front of her eyes, Yu Yushuura's scalp exploded.

It was the boy who was thrown away by him ~ www.readwn.com ~ How could this guy have such a fast speed, so much faster than he performed mysteries?

"You don't need to know this, just know that you will die today!"

Nie Yun was too lazy to make nonsense, grabbed his palm forward, and the world fell down.

"Shura broke the sky, resist ..."

Yu Yuxiu's face was pale, his palms ushered up, the strength of his whole body wafted like a storm, and even his soul was burning.

However, his strength was so ridiculous that it was ridiculous to play with a child in front of Nie Yun at this time. His palm was pressed down without a pause, and his full strength was broken up. Compressed together.


Yu Yuxiu's body exploded, her soul broke, and she died completely.


Killing this king of fairyland Shura, Nie Yun snorted, grabbed it, the unknown method worked, and swallowed it.

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