Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1095: 7-Pin Skyline Repairman

Wang Xianjing Shura, although it is only an early stage, is also a huge supplement to Nie Yunxian's Lijing Xiu. After devouring this Tianyu Shura, Nie Yun immediately felt a strong force that filled the limbs and bones, and was unspeakably comfortable. .

"Refining energy, martial arts talents run, breakthrough!"

Nie Yun knew that this was the best opportunity for a breakthrough, and without moving, he went directly to the ground and entered the Big Dipper.


The martial arts master's talents, mastering the world's martial arts, and inferring various abilities and methods, once this talent worked, Nie Yun immediately felt that the power swallowed by this tiger domain Shura was better used, and his overall strength was rising again.

后期 Golden wonderland late!

后期 Golden Wonderland's late peak!

Half step Holy Wonderland!

初期 The beginning of Holy Wonderland!

The surging power broke through the Jinxianyu in an instant, and reached the early stage of the Holy Fairyland, such as the immortal realm.


The power of promotion stopped.

"Okay, okay, it is indeed the body of Shura of Wangxianjing. It really made my Dantian merge again!"

When the strength reached the beginning of the Holy Wonderland, Nie Yun's eyes fell into the sea of ​​energy, and she couldn't help but feel excited.

He is indeed the corpse of Shura Wangxianjing, which is too nourishing for him. The talent of the defensive division that has been loosened before is finally merged with other talents, allowing him to successfully become the Qipin Silverprint Exorcist.

Not only that, Tianer's talents are also integrated with talents such as Tianyan, making him a Qipin Tianwen Exorcist!

Now there are two special talents integrated in Nie Yun's body, each of which is seven. They are composed of eight types of top 30 talents including eight kinds of beacons, thunder, lightning, sharp gold, wood, martial arts, kendo, tianyan, and tianer. Pintianwen drive repairman.

The other one is a seven-pin silver-stripe driver formed by eight popular fields, popular, concealed, camouflaged, heavenly, earthly, water, assassination, and defense.

In fact, the latter is not accurate enough. It is a half-step golden pattern.

The two sets of fused Dantians form two camps in the sea of ​​gas, constantly spinning, and slowly emitting a special heavenly power.

"Although the integration of these dantians has increased the magic power, many talents for my current combat effectiveness have not increased much, but they can be used normally!"

Tan Nieyun's physical strength is too strong. The integration of Dantian and Xianli has increased. It is reasonable to say that the strength has increased a lot but it has not changed much in terms of overall combat effectiveness.

However, with the growth of Xianli, many abilities of special talents are displayed more smoothly, especially the talent of the Ability Master. With the strong physical body, the power is stronger.

Although Nian Yun hasn't used the battle yet, Nie Yun knows that once again he encounters Yantai Chuangyu and others. Even if ten of them rush forward at the same time, they can deal with it.

Of course, the premise is that they do not use the heritage of the family.

看看 "Look at what's good about these three Shura ..."

When I killed these three Shura just now, they stole all the things in the storage Tandan.

The promotion is completed at this time, just to see what is good.

I'm done!

Throwing something and throwing it to the ground, Nie Yun's eyes immediately fell on the cloth.

This cloth is estimated that Yu Xiulao found from the dungeon on which the seven-hearted dragon ball is located in the Jiuxiao Dragon Palace.

"[Temple of Flame] ..."

Nie Yun frowned.

Although I heard the conversation before, knowing that the Seven-Heart Dragon Ball may be in this so-called Fire Temple, but he knew nothing about the Temple and did not write a specific location on the fabric.

"Forget it, Xiaolong must know it, just go back and ask!"

I thought for a while Nie Yun smiled and shook her head.

He didn't know much about Jiuxiao Dragon Palace. As a former dragon emperor, Xiaolong must know a lot. Now that he has determined that the Seven-Heart Dragon Ball is in the Temple of Flame, he has a chance!

"Is this the so-called Suo Long?"

I studied it for a while and found that there was no more information available on the fabric. Nie Yun put it away, and his eyes fell on one of the items.

The shackled dragon cymbal, three feet long, is engraved with a circling dragon, struggling to fly, but unfortunately locked on the cymbal, there is nowhere to escape.

锁 This lock dragon **** is indeed a unique fairy, the level is not even under Nie Yun's gun.

"It's a good thing, but why does the Association of Drivers have such a powerful baby, where did these Shura know from?"

Caressed this lock dragon cymbal carefully, a question raised in her heart.

Such a powerful baby, according to the reason that the money is not indiscriminate, the Association of Exorcists should not let others know. The current situation is not only known to Shura, even the owner of the Windy Pavilion in the dungeon, also knows clearly The Association of Masters wouldn't have such poor information protection.

"Although this ore contains the breath that makes the Anonymous Method work, it is too weak and has no effect on me. It seems that I have to go back to the dungeon to see if I can find any clues!"

I took out the ore taken from the courtyard of the owner of the Windy Pavilion, the Black Man's Yard, and studied it. Stand up.

The incident was a little weird, which made him more and more confused.

In his heart, a decision was made, and Nie Yun went out of the Big Dipper Palace, pinpointed the direction, and continued to fly towards the dungeon.

Come here for the third time, knowing the road by car, and soon came to the yard where the black man was.

"Master Hui, it's dead!"

Before I entered the yard, I felt someone among them, stopped and a voice passed into my ear.

"Dead? Check the injuries, who was killed!"

A stern sound followed.

"Master Uighur, his wound was smooth and neat. He was cut off by the neck without any resistance, indicating that this person is very strong, at least reaching the level of the Holy Fairy! As for the wound, no trace was left. Nothing can be found for now! "

The first kiss followed.

"Shengxian strong? How many dragon-level cities have reached this level? Who are they?"

Qi Lengjun's voice was low, and it seemed that a killing intention was brewing.

"Sir, what shall we do now?"

"Nothing! You stay here, continue to maintain the operation of Fengge Pavilion, and pass on the news that the Association of Extortionists owns a unique fairy locker!"

Leng Junjun ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The first voice was afraid to refuse to nod quickly.

只要 "As long as this news is released, someone will definitely go to the Exorcist Union for trouble. Once a strong one appears, we will use a knife to kill and kill the entire guild from Dragon Imperial City!"

Chilly cold voice.

"Sir, there is a question for the subordinates who do not know whether to speak properly or not!"


既然 "Since the Dragon King has already made a deal with the repair tower, and the repair tower has not indicated anything, why don't we directly rank this so-called repair crew union? Will it cost us such trouble?"

"What do you know! Lord Qinglong Emperor has shot against the driving tower, but later a person came from the top of the driving tower to fight against Dragon King, and then Lord Dragon King lost a great deal. Although this is a secret, As long as it is high-level, everyone knows that the Dragon Emperor has suffered. Otherwise, how can it be possible for these people to form what is called a union of drivers to stay here? "

Wu Lengjun's voice did not refuse ~ www.readwn.com ~ to speak out the secrets.

"The Dragon Emperor was defeated ... who is that person? So powerful ..." The first person who asked the question apparently had a strong admiration for the Qing Dragon Emperor. Hearing him failed, some couldn't believe it. Yes, and then asked: "I still have a question. The driving repair tower did not have much conflict with our dragon family. Why did the Dragon Emperor kill it?"

"This ... I don't know, but it seems that I have heard from others, involving the secrets of ancient times. It seems that the Dragon Emperor's Tower repaired the Qinglong Emperor's handle, which made the Dragon Emperor angry. These are legends. Do n’t catch the wind, otherwise you do n’t know how to die! ”

Wu Lengjun's voice hummed and explained again, "Okay, don't gossip here, you continue to pretend to be the owner of Fengge Pavilion, stay here, I will go first, and if there is a stronger one, send me a message immediately!"

冇 "Relax, sir!" The first voice was stern.


Qi Lengjun snorted in satisfaction, nodded, and turned to walk outside the courtyard.

"Qinglong Emperor, Exorcist Tower, Dragon Clan ... Follow up and see!" After digesting the conversation between the two, Nie Yunnian whispered a few words, followed closely by the cold voice, and chased after him.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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