Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1096: General Qingxian

Lengjun Voice is a middle-aged man in cyan armor, with a fangs-like badge on his shoulders, and the goggles on his chest are larger than the black armor guards he encountered before, with cyan dragon heads carved on them.

"Blue Dragon Armor, and a first-class general!"

He followed behind Tianyan, who looked at the person's appearance and all of his appearance. Nie Yun thought about it.

When he came, Heilong Sheng introduced him to Nie Yun. People in this style of clothing were at least a first-class general in Dragon Imperial City.

The senior generals of the Qinglong family appear on the black market, which is too unreasonable!

Since it is called a black market, it is naturally a non-governmental organization that cannot walk under the light. This direction is targeted by those in power. Now it seems to have a close relationship with a first-class general. It is difficult to speak out. Believe it.

"Is this black market officially allowed, an organization that deliberately completes some tasks that the official can't do?"

Suddenly Nie Yun came up with such an idea.

Those in power must not only control the government, but also block the mouths of the people. In this case, some disgraceful things cannot happen. If you want to execute them, you can only use the hands of others.

Black market is the best choice.

It is very useful to eradicate dissidents, take the leave of the news, arrange traps, and maintain domination.

"The rights of the Jinlong clan were taken away. Is it related to this?"

Nie Yun suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Compared with a regime, the hei market may seem insignificant, but if it cooperates with major changes, the power generated will be more than that.

When Xiao Long presided over the demon world. It happened that the Shura Rebellion happened. At this time, the six heavens and the earth were in chaos. If someone stirs up the flames behind and destroys the Golden Dragon regime, it will indeed win people's hearts!


When I thought of this, Nie Yun exhaled a breath, and seemed to catch some kind of clue.

It seems that this black market should have been arranged by the Qinglong Emperor. Before, this took the throne, but now I use this to safeguard my rights and eliminate dissidents!

Thus. The news that the repairmen's union owns Suo Longzheng makes sense here.

The Exorcist Union is the object that Qinglong Emperor has always wanted to eradicate. Naturally, they are well aware of their actions, deliberately spread the news, and talk about the power of the excellent fairy tales. It has attracted countless forces to find trouble in the union. With the help of others, it has caused trouble to the union !!

以来 Since then. Even if the tower investigation is repaired afterwards, it will certainly not be found.

I just don't know how. Shura knows the news. He deliberately uses the means to disguise himself as a strong dragon and destroy the repair union.

"It seems that this Qinglong Emperor is not easy to deal with ... No wonder 澹台 创 宇 made such a request ..."

I want to understand all these things, Nie Yun's sense of vigilance is stronger.

The Emperor Qinglong Emperor can replace the position of the six masters of the five claw dragon emperor. And the drive-out tower branch was destroyed, and it was still alive and well, and there was such a powerful black market, which is enough to illustrate the conspiracy!

"I'm afraid that Seven Heart Dragon Ball may not be true in [Temple of Flame ..."

I realized that this person was terrible, and Nie Yun thought that the description on that fabric might not be true.

Otherwise it must not be caught so easily by several Shura.

嗯 "Huh? This guy doesn't even go out. What are you going to do?"

I thought to myself, the pace of following the cold voice didn't stop. I thought this guy would leave the black market directly after leaving the small courtyard. Now it seems that this is not the case, but his body has gone to the most central place of the black market.

"This is a black market auction ..."

I glanced at it and Nie Yun recognized it.

Immediately holding her breath, she drew in behind.

The auction venues in the black market are mostly unseen stolen goods. Among them, there are many babies, who hide in the ground quietly. After watching for a while, they find that there is nothing worth mentioning, and they do not shoot.

After the master of Leng Junjun entered the auction house, he found a private room and sat there for a while. Seeing that the auction was about to end, he got up and walked to the core of the auction house.

"General Qingxian!"

As soon as he entered the core of the auction city, the person in charge immediately stood up.

负责 The person in charge is an old man in Holy Wonderland, his hair is white, his eyes are bright, his eyes are cold and cold.

"Sit down, the Dragon Emperor has explained. Recently, there may be Jinlong remnants mixed into the Dragon Emperor City. Bloodline exploration will certainly not be able to catch it. I sent someone to ask at all the restaurants in the entire city. Any suspicious customers are To introduce to the black market! Once they come here, they will definitely enter your auction house. Then they will find a way to help me find out and catch it! Live! "

General Leng Jun, the master of Leng Jun's voice, waved his hand coldly.

"Just rest assured, as long as he comes to the auction house, no matter how good his disguise, I can definitely test his bloodline! Unless he doesn't buy anything!"

The old man in Wonderland wondered.

只要 As long as you buy something at the auction house, the first thing you need to do is to recognize the Lord. The Lord needs blood. With this action, you can check the specific identity.

"Fortunately, as soon as we came to the black market, we were pulled away by a young lad, otherwise, according to Xiaolong's personality, he will definitely enter the auction hall ..."

I heard these words in my ears, and Nie Yun secretly fortunately.

Hagiwara came from the place where he was dragged by his nose as soon as he entered Dragon Emperor City. If he hadn't been here three times in a row tonight, I would have been caught in the drum, thinking that the restaurant owner was a good person.

"Well, let me know when you check it out, and get your hands on it after I get an accurate answer. I'm afraid you're not the opponent of these dragons ..."

General Wu Qingxian arranged two more sentences and stood up. "Well, I will go back first. No one can know what happened today!"

"Yes!" The old man nodded.

"Sorry, I already know!"

As soon as General Qingxian wanted to leave, suddenly the two eyes flashed, and a figure slowly emerged from the ground.

"who are you?"

I saw that there was suddenly one more person, and both of them were startled. General Qingxian raised his eyebrows and stepped forward, with the taste of killing the fruit.

"Who am I? I'm the person you are looking for, and the friend of Jinlong's evil!" The figure laughed.

人 This figure is naturally Nie Yun who has been hiding. Now everything is known. For those who want to arrest and kill themselves, they have always been merciless, how could he let him leave smoothly.

"A friend of Jinlong's wickedness? OK, let me die!"

General Wu Qingxian seemed to know that the strength of the man in front of him was not simple. There was no nonsense right now, his eyes glared, and his right hand grabbed over.

The heaven and earth roared, and a violent air turbulence instantly enveloped Nie Yun.

As soon as the concubine shot, he knew if this Qingxian general started, and Nie Yun saw his cultivation, the peak of Shengxian!

Although he did not reach Wangxianjing, with the special blood of the Dragons, he definitely possessed the early combat power of Wangxianjing.

"Get me down!"

This kind of combat power is shocking to others, not enough for Nie Yun, humming, and grabbing the palm forward.


The unparalleled General Qingxian fell to the ground, his face complexion, and no resistance at all.

"Don't leave, just stop me!"

Yizhao kicked General Qingxian down, turned his head, and saw the person in charge of the auction. The white-haired old man turned to escape, smiling with a flick of his finger.


The white-haired old man also lay on the ground.

The strong man in the Holy Land of Wonderland has no threat to the current Nie Yun and can be killed at will.

"Someone breaks in, come on ..."

The old man with white hair was lying on the ground, and he was not willing to kill. He suddenly yelled, and took out a jade card in his palm and crushed it.

I can't help but hold a hint of fantasy, a crush, the heart suddenly cooled down.

I saw when the surrounding space was confined, let alone the sound, even if it was turned upside down here, I'm afraid I don't know outside.

别 "Don't play tricks in front of me, what I ask you, what the answer is!"

I subdued the two, and Nie Yun hummed softly, with a hint of confusion in his tone.

With the promotion of Xianli Xiu, the talent of the deceiver has also risen. It was absolutely impossible to deceive the strong in the fairyland, but now only a word of deceit is effective.


General Qingqing Xian and the white-haired old man nodded at the same time.

"Very well, is this black market controlled by Qinglong Emperor?" Nie Yun asked his doubts.

"I am the person in charge of this black market. I directly obey Lord Dragon Emperor. He will let us do what we do!"

The white-haired old man said.

"Is the Golden Dragon Remnant you are looking for a five-clawed golden dragon?"

Bian Nieyun then asked.

"I don't know about this either. It was the order of the Dragon Emperor, saying that there will be Jinlong remnants mixing into the city in the near future. Let us be careful and alert and kill immediately when there is news!"

General Qingqing Xian answered.

"Do you know where the Qinglong Emperor put the Seven Heart Dragon Ball?"

"Seven-hearted Dragon Ball is a symbol of the Dragon Emperor. Although I am a first prize army, I am not qualified to know the location ~ www.readwn.com ~ Where the Emperor is located, I do not know!"

General Qing Qingxian answered step by step.

"Qinglong emperor's birthday feast, who are invited, are you eligible to participate?"

I didn't know, Nie Yun frowned, and continued to ask.

The person who is deceived will not lie. He said that he did not know, he did not know, and Nie Yun did not doubt.

"The Dragon Emperor's Birthday Banquet did not invite other guests. Some of them were loyal to the Dragon Emperor for many years. I am fortunate to be invited ..."

General Wu Qingxian said with a strong pride on his face.

After asking these questions, Nie Yun asked a few more things about the ancient Five-Pronged Golden Dragon period. The Qingxian General didn't seem to know much about these.

No wonder, it ’s too long since ancient times. As long as it has n’t reached the immortal realm, it is basically dead. The General Qingxian was born after the turmoil in ancient times, and naturally did n’t know much about it.

"You're useless, sorry, I have to die first!"

I asked for a while, and found that the news I wanted to know was gone, and Nie Yun slapped the white-haired old man with a slap, and burned it to ashes with a fire.

As for General Qingxian, he can't kill first, he is eligible to participate in the birthday feast, and may become an important chess piece. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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