Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1098: Sleepy dragon rope

This is the hatred of the genocide. The hatred from the soul cannot be annihilated!

The golden dragons of the Tangtang family have the strongest existence of the entire dragon family. As a result, there are only three or two big cats and kittens, almost dead, and hatred!

不错 "Yes, it's us. If you didn't want to tear your face with the repair tower, you would have perished long ago, and your face lives here?"

General Lian Lian sneered, licked his lips, and a **** killing flashed in his eyes.

"Only a few of you? Dreamers!"

The Jinlong family walked out of a youth.

青年 The young man behaved calmly, and when he appeared with unmatched majesty, he clearly felt the blood power contained in his body.

The strongest of the Golden Dragon family, the peak strength of Wang Wonderland!

燎 "Jin Yun, I know your strength is strong, do you think we are not prepared to come here? Haha, tie me up!"

General Xuan Lian roared, palms shook, and a Changhong-like light shot straight down.

He is the red cloth-like treasure in his hand.

At this time, the red cloth spread hundreds of meters, as if the Milky Way fell to the ground, with unparalleled strength, the surrounding space was imprisoned, making it impossible for people to dodge.

"Trapped Dragon?"

Seeing the power of the red cloth, the Jinlong strong, who was nicknamed Jinzhang, changed his face, screamed, and his clothes broke apart instantly. He did not hide the appearance of the main body and became a dragon, rushing straight out.

The golden dragon he transformed was hundreds of feet in size. Under the golden scales, wind and thunder surged. A roaring force shattered the space and appeared numerous cracks.

Puppet avatar himself, making his combat power stronger, has even exceeded the peak of Wangxianjing.

Ye Ke, even with this strength, he did not fight General Xuan Lian, but fled when he turned!

"Where to escape!"

General Xuan Lian seemed to see through his movements, rushing forward in a cold laugh, waving his wrists, producing seven or eight handprints, and red diamonds in the air. The galloping away in an instant, thousands of feet outburst, covering the sky.


Jin 燎 was completely wrapped in red cloth, wrapped like a mule, showing only his head.


The huge body twisted wildly, and the wind drawn by him seemed to bring a world-like disaster to the surroundings, and the house collapsed. Ruins are everywhere, tearing with such power, Hongling is like growing on him, and can't tear at all!

"Boss, this is a sleepy dragon rope, a magic weapon that I refined at that time. It has very strong restraint on the blood of the Dragons. It was said that this golden cricket, even ten times stronger, cannot be separated!"

Nie Yun looked at his eyes, Xiaolong's voice came quietly.

"There is restraint on the dragons, it should be useless to me!"

Nie Yun asked.

The reason why Xun didn't make a shot was to see the power of his treasure. If it is too strong, rush into it, let alone save people, if not good, they will plant it.

"You are a human race, of course useless, but this thing is sacrificed by me. I will tell you a set of recipes. You can just take it away!" Xiaolong passed an idea to his mind instantly.

"Huh!" As soon as the spirit of martial arts turned, he learned this method, and Nie Yun looked forward again.

With this delay, the battle over there has basically ended.

The Jin Long, the strongest of the Jinlong family, was restrained, and the others had almost no fighting power, and were soon surrounded in a pile. Nuisance

虽然 Although these people cannot escape, knowing that they will die today, they have no fear in their eyes. Instead, it looked like death.

"Abominable! If our King of the Dragons, the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon, is still alive, how can you little men get your will!"

Seeing the appearance of the clan, Jin Yong growled long. "Relax, you can't jump for a few days. My king five-clawed Jinlong has immortal blood, and will be resurrected sooner or later. When he returns, that is when you will be destroyed!"

"Is it? We're destroyed? Huh, who will not be dead at that time!" General Xuan Lian bounced, his face gloomy. "But today is your death, let's die!"

A crazy roar, an extra sword in his hand, and a gentle shake, turned into a sword light straight to Jin's head and beheaded!

Look at the might of this sword, as long as it comes down, it will undoubtedly die.

"Five Claw Dragon Emperor, your most loyal subordinate, we are here!"

He shouted, Jin Ye closed his eyes and waited for consciousness to leave the body, but after a while, no abnormalities were found, his head seemed to be still on his neck, and he opened his eyes in a hurry, and was suddenly shocked by the sight in front of him.

I saw General Xuan Lian's extremely powerful sword and stopped in front of him. A young man with a strange face didn't know when he was not far away. The **** of his right index finger was tightened, and the sword was beating in his finger. It seemed impossible to break away!


In any case, General Xuan Lian is a strong man in Wangxianjing. Even if he was shot in front of the beam, it was impossible for him to clamp it with two fingers, but the young man in front of him did not even care about his expression. What is this ...

"Who are you? Dare to stop the Qinglong family from law enforcement? Don't you want to live?"

General Lian Lian was also a stunner, seeing the horror of the opponent's strength, he sighed coldly.

In Dragon City, they represent kingship. Even if the other party is strong, they are not afraid.

"The Qinglongs are law enforcement? Are the Qinglongs very powerful? You killed our exorcist union, you are very happy!"

The young man flicked his finger lightly, the long sword caught by his finger broke, and then a cold voice sounded, a special force in his body was released, and the surrounding space was distorted.

"Aura of fusion? Are you the one who repaired the tower?"

General Xuanlian's pupils shrank.

Each senior driver has countless special talents. Although the opponent has not yet fought, the power released is obviously a fusion of abilities. This ability is definitely not something that a general driver can accomplish. It looks like it has reached at least seven. Above!

Drivers with more than 27 items are big men no matter where they are! When did Dragon Emperor City have such a strong man?

"It's kind of insightful, let me do it, or get out of my own hands?"

Nie Yun Lengheng.

"This strong man, although the repair tower is powerful, he cannot cover the sky with one hand. This is an internal matter of our dragons. Please do not intervene!"

General Xuan Lian gritted his teeth, said.

"Don't roll, then, well, don't blame me for being rude!" Nie Yun specifically talked to him nonsense, the purpose of which was to use the identity of the driving tower repair. At this time, the goal was achieved, and if you were n’t you, you would squeeze your fists and smash them .

The world is spinning, the sun and the moon are dark!

This fist curtain covered the sky like a curtain, making it impossible for people to observe. The air flow formed by the fists was generally rushing, as if the portal to the flood was opened, with an ancient atmosphere, and could not be matched.

Every special talent corresponds to a kind of avenue. The driving master has several kinds of avenues, and the spirit of fusion is displayed.

旋 General Xuan Lian didn't believe such rumors at all, but today he finally believed it!

"Long Xiang Pride!"

I knew that as long as I couldn't stop it, I would surely die. General Xuan Lian yelled, his forehead was blue, his body was transformed instantly, his huge tail swept away, and a martial arts skill was hit.

Xiao Longxiang is proud of the sky! The powerful martial arts of the Qinglong family!

虽然 Although he reacts quickly and moves very quickly, the opponent's strength is too strong. The powerful Long Xiang Aotian is generally vulnerable to bubbles under the opponent's fist, and it is broken and broken into nothing.


The dragon tail was blown up.

"Ah ... go!"

I met with one stroke ~ www.readwn.com ~ General Xuan Lian knew that this man was not his opponent. The dragon claw made a sharp swipe, and Jin Ling's Hong Ling was pulled by him, and he fled quickly away.

燎 Jin Ling in Hong Ling cannot escape and can only let the other side.

"Let him down!" The visitor did not expect that this guy was dying and wanted to take him away, and he would let him do it again and punch him again.


The punch was more powerful than just now, and the space shattered immediately, forming a dark arrogance.

The ravenous rush came straight to the back of General Xuan Lian.


General Yeom Lian's screams didn't come out before, and his body exploded into powder.


As soon as he died, Hong Ling lost his master, fell down, and fell into the hands of the comer.


哪里 Where other soldiers have seen this kind of scene, I saw that the leader was smashed alive by the opponent's punch, and he was afraid to stop, and shouted in all directions to escape.

For these 喽 啰, the visitor did not catch up, but instead turned Hong Ling into Dantian with a palm.

"Golden family of Jinlong family thank you for your help!"

Jin 燎 flew over and resumed humanoid fist kneeling on the ground. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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