Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1099: Dragon King Gold Liquid

Although the Dragons are proud, they absolutely worship the strong.

Although the sudden emergence of this man just made two punches, his strength is so strong that even the peak of King Wonderland like Jin Mao has to admire it.

too strong!

He knows that if he fights with the other party, I'm afraid he will be killed directly with one punch.

This strong person is respectable, not to mention that the other party also rescued them from the Jinlong family.

相信 "Trust me, don't resist, I'll take you somewhere!"

The caller hummed.

来 The visitor is naturally Nie Yun, but in order to prevent being discovered, he deliberately disguised himself as a young man.

Although General Lianlian Lian was strong, how could he be his opponent? Two punches solved the problem.

As for the remaining Qinglong soldiers who fled, he deliberately let go, so as to pass the message to the Qinglong Emperor, the people who repaired the tower saved Jin Mao and others.

"it is good!"

Although Jin Jie was a little confused, she nodded in agreement because she believed in the salvation benefactor, and summoned the rest of her companions.


Disappeared from the place.

She took them into the Big Dipper Palace, and Nie Yun flew into the ground and disappeared.

刚 As soon as he entered the Xinggong Palace, he saw Jin Kun and others kneeling and crying in front of Xiaolong.

How the Jinlong clan will not recognize their king, knowing that the dragon is resurrected, the excitement in their hearts can be imagined.

"Master Dragon King, you must avenge our Golden Dragon family! In that year, the Qing Dragon King gave you orders in vain, deliberately procrastinated, and killed the predecessor of the Black Dragon Saint, and then performed a plan to bring the White Dragon Saint and the Red Dragon The two elders of the Lord are trapped, and they have gained power in one fell swoop! "

Jin Yan said, showing his deep hatred. "He became the Queen of the Dragon and immediately eliminated the dissidents. First, he started to fight against our Jinlong family! Within ten thousand years, countless strong people of our Jinlong family were killed by him alive. Only the rest We old and disabled soldiers, lingering! "

"Yes, Lord Dragon Emperor, if we hadn't mastered the secrets he had violated in the spirit world in the past, and climbed the driving tower. I'm afraid he would have been killed!"

"A lot of strong people in the spiritual world in the ancient times signed an agreement. When they dealt with Shura together, he secretly colluded with Shura and almost destroyed the entire Dragon clan. It is a great crime to take credit for it ..."

All the other strong Jinlong clan screamed out.


After hearing this, Nie Yun knew that this was a dragon thing. He could not be blended by an outsider, and too much blending would affect the majesty of the Dragon Emperor. So he shook his head and turned to one side to find a quiet one. local. Sit down and cross your knees.

I have devoured two Holy Fairyland Shura and one King Fairyland Shura. Although the progress has been great, until now there is no time to consolidate the cultivation. I just took the opportunity to cultivate for a while to meet future battles.

I practiced for a long time, and felt that the cultivation of the Holy Wonderland was completely consolidated. Then stood up again.

"Boss, Lord Qinglong must kill!"

As soon as I walked a few steps, I saw Xiaolong ushered in, eyes full of strong hatred.

说 He is the Qinglong Emperor.

Xiao Xiaolong is young. What he usually does is hehe, Nie Yun is the first time he has seen such a strong hatred. If the hatred can be burned, I am afraid that the entire Star Palace has already become ruins.

It ’s no wonder that it ’s okay to take down the regime. You only have to be for the Dragons, and you can be justified, but you can eliminate the aliens and almost destroy the Jinlongs. This behavior is simply outrageous!

"He must die, but it is not the time yet! You are still a long way from the heyday, and I haven't reached the immortal realm. Now that we are not killing it, we are all dying!"

Yun Nieyun knew his mood and comforted him.

"I know, but when I think of what he did to our Jinlong tribe, I want to kill him!"

Xiao Xiaolong rattled with teeth.

"Relax, all these years have passed. I don't care about these days. I want you to guarantee that after Nie Yun's promotion to Xianjun, I will definitely catch this evil dragon and accept your trial!"

Nie Yun said with his hands behind his back.

别人 If others say what happened to his promotion to Xianjun, he will definitely be laughed at by others.

The six heavenly kings of Wonderland are no less than thousands, and there is not necessarily a successful promotion for tens of thousands of years!

If you can promote Xianjun, even the most top disciples in the top ten families would not dare to boast about Haikou, but Nie Yun said that Xiaolong and others felt that it was just like the facts, and it was irrefutable.

他们 In their opinion, it is an inevitable fact that Nie Yun achieved Xianjun. If it is not achieved, it is really strange!

"Do not!"

As soon as Nie Yun's words fell, Xiaolong shook his head.

This is the first time he has rejected Nie Yun's suggestion.

"Oh?" Nie Yun froze.

"Boss, I hope you promise me, after I'm promoted to Xianjun, give me the opportunity to deal with this traitor in person, I will tear his flesh inch by inch, in honor of the dragon warriors who died for him!"

Xiaolong's face was gaunt, with unchangeable firmness in his eyes.

"OK, this is my good brother of Nie Yun!" Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun was not angry, but laughed.

It seems that hatred has made Xiaolong finally grow up!

一个 When a person feels responsibility on his shoulders, it means that he has begun to mature.

"You guys have been hiding in Dragon Emperor City for so many years. You should know all about Dragon Emperor City and Jiuxiao Dragon Palace. Can you introduce us in detail!"

He agreed with Xiaolong's request, and Nie Yun turned his head to look at Jin Yan and others, and his face was right.

They have just arrived at Dragon Empire City, and they only know a little bit about the situation here. They are introduced by these native people, and they will definitely get more information.

"Since Qinglong became the Dragon Emperor, a large-scale construction of the Dragon Emperor City has been carried out. There are eight teleporters throughout the city. These places are guarded by his people. It is almost impossible to use it!"

Jinjiu thought slowly and slowly introduced.

"However, our family of Jinlongs also kept their hands in order to escape the hunt, and quietly left a teleportation array, which was where we lived before. Once in crisis, we can quickly escape!"

"The Jiuxiao Dragon Palace is divided into nine floors. Generally, the Qinglong Emperor lives in the Golden Dragon Hall on the ninth floor. Of course, this Golden Dragon Hall has been changed to the Blue Dragon Hall!"

"Seven-hearted Dragon Ball is the treasure of the Dragon clan, suppressing the luck of the Dragon clan. Generally he will not stay on!"

"Jiuxiaolong Palace has nine temples in total, and the Temple of Flames is one of them, as well as the Temple of Ice, the Temple of Thunder and Lightning, the Temple of Hurricane, and the Temple of Weak Water ... These temples are generally used for cultivation, and they are arranged in large arrays and fall into them If no one comes to the rescue, it will almost certainly die! "

"The Qinglong Emperor controls a total of eight major legions. The red dragon, white dragon, and black dragon are each a legion. The remaining five are composed of blue dragons. Each legion has a general. The general who took us just now is exactly The leaders of one of the legions! The leaders of the five major legions are General Halberd, General Xu Xu, General Xun Yong, General Xuan Lian, and General Qing Xian! "

"These five people are descending according to the ranking strength. General Ji Zhi's strength is the strongest. Although they are also the peak of Wang Xianjing, the real combat power is even stronger than me! The worst is General Qing Xian, said to be only the peak of Holy Wonderland!"

"There are also strong among the demon, the strongest and most loyal is the golden body king of the golden body demon! Also has the peak strength of the king wonderland! Other people should not be afraid!"

"Although the Qinglong Emperor is a strong monk, he has very few contacts with other monarchs. This birthday feast should not return. The generals just mentioned should all go. As for how the birthday feast started and where, we It's not clear. He became the Queen of Dragons, and he has rebuilt Jiuxiaolong Palace several times. We don't know many places! "

Uh ...

Jinjiu said everything he knew.

Others added some more.

After listening to these introductions, Nie Yun was lost in thought.

If it is really like Jin Mao said, find a way to mix it into Jiuxiao Dragon Palace 冇 Stealing Seven Heart Dragon Ball is almost impossible.

I wo n’t talk about the formations in the Dragon Palace and what the defense is. Just talking about the masters of the peak of Wang Wonderland, I am afraid that the people who are caught in them will not be able to escape!

If you have the strength of Xianjun now, you are not afraid of it, but you only have the strength of Wangxianjing. If you rush forward, it will be very troublesome. It is said that the danger of nine deaths is reduced.

"I hope they can come at the birthday party ..."

He rubbed his eyebrows, and Nie Yun considered the plan in his heart again, after a while, sighed.

The current strength is too low. There is no suitable opportunity. Rushing over is definitely equivalent to death!

"Yes, I remember one thing! May be useful for Dragon Emperor!"

When Nie Yun was meditating, suddenly the Lord Heilong remembered something and opened his eyes.

"Useful for me? What is it?"

Xiao Xiaolong scratched his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ He is still in his infancy, his memory has not fully recovered, and many things are not as well known as Black Dragon Supreme.

"The Jiuxiao Dragon Palace is the place where the ancient dragon emperors lived. It closed the [Dragon King Gold Crystal Liquid], which is of great help to the dragon emperor. It is said that this kind of thing allows the young dragon emperor to step into adulthood at the fastest speed, and has fairy The power of the king! I still heard what you said from the Dragon Emperor. As to whether it is true, I don't know ... "

道 Holy Dragon Road.

"Dragon King Jin Jingye?" Xiaolong blinked.

I looked at him, and seemed to have no impression of this thing.

"As soon as the Black Dragon seniors said, I also remembered. According to the legend of our Golden Dragon family, there seems to be such a thing, it is made by countless powers and refined with blood, which is helpful to the Dragon Emperor who has the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon. The Qinglong emperor should not be able to use it ... but this thing is so precious. After he occupied the Jiuxiaolong Palace, he didn't know where to put it ... "

Jinjiu seemed to remember it and nodded.

"Haha, rest assured, as long as it is a precious thing, I can't hide it from my eyes. Since there is such a good thing, it seems that Xiaolong has achieved Xianjun and it is just around the corner!"

Xie Nieyun suddenly stood up, laughing, looking out of the Xinggong Palace, as if she had found something, she couldn't express her happiness.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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