Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1100: Dive into 9 Xiaolong Palace

Nie Yuntian's eye-stealing talents have long been integrated with each other. As long as it is a baby, even if it is placed far away, there is no limit to concealment.

If there is such a treasure in Jiuxiaolong Palace, even if it is hidden, he will have the confidence to find it out!

Of course, it is not this that pleases him the most, but through the eyes of the sky, he finds that someone has come to explore the remains of the repairmen's union!

The person who came here was wearing a robe and had a level badge on his chest.

It seems that the few Shura heads are very accurate. Sure enough, just three days later, the driving tower was shot by a master!

Although I can't see the specific cultivation of this person for the time being, but to become an eight-pin flood repairer, the real strength must not be underestimated. At least, the combat effectiveness will not be weaker than himself!

Before the plan that Nie Yun had been calculating, the most important condition was to drive people to repair the tower. If they did n’t come, everything would be a bubble. I did n’t expect to come!

Regardless of the strength of this person, his status is astounding. Now that the entire guild is extinct, he will definitely ask the Qinglong Emperor for questioning. Since then, the Qinglong emperor will encounter no small trouble. Without security, you can take advantage of the plan!

燎 "Jin Yun, you are here to guard the teleportation team, and you must keep it in an excited state at any time, as long as we come over to teleport!"

I knew that the driving tower was coming, and Nie Yun knew that most of his plan could be realized. He stood up with excitement and turned around to arrange.


Ji Jinxuan and others knew that the boy in front of him was the boss of Dragon Emperor, and did not dare to disobey, and nodded in agreement.

"Honor of the Black Dragon, the birthday feast begins, and now the general who is in charge of the Black Dragon will definitely go to the Jiuxiao Dragon Palace. You take the opportunity to sneak into the Black Dragon family and use the identity of the Black Dragon King to make them rebel, of course. If necessary, you can pull the Five-Claw Dragon Emperor! "

Xie Nieyun looked at the black dragon.

"it is good!"

The Black Dragon Lord nodded.

He knows that the other party must have his own intentions, so he doesn't ask much.

"General Qingxian, you will give the general order to the black dragon saint, let him create the rebellion of your army after the black dragon rebellion!" General Qingxian was released, Nie Yun commanded.

General Wu Qingxian was bewitched by him now, obeying the order completely. Flick a wrist to take out a general spirit card, and hand it to the Black Dragon Lord.

很好 "Very good, Xiaolong, you are now attending the birthday party with me and General Qingxian, enter the Jiuxiao Dragon Palace, look for the Dragon Emperor Jin Jingye, and then look for the Seven Heart Dragon Ball!"

Nie Yun commanded.

"Okay!" Xiaolong nodded.

"Okay. Everyone, do it!"

After all things were arranged, Nie Yun's spirit sent everyone out of the Xinggong Palace. This turned the Xinggong Palace into a dust particle, hid in General Qingxian's ear, and flew to Longzhu Mountain in the middle of the city. .

Qionglongzhu Mountain is extremely high. If you fly up, you will be attacked by various winds. Even the King of Wonderland is difficult to complete.

Naturally, General Qingqing Xian could not fly like this, but came directly to the teleportation array at the foot of the mountain.

The person in charge of the teleportation team is a master of Holy Fairyland. He knows General Qingxian. After checking it casually, he releases it directly.

Through the teleportation array, General Qingxian's body reached the peak of Longzhu Mountain in a flash, and a huge palace stood in front of him.

Nine Xiaolong Palace 冇, finally arrived!

"Who is my Tao? It turns out to be Qingxian. Where have you been a few days ago? Why haven't you met?"

Just after walking a few steps before entering the palace, a laugh sounded, and then a figure strode forward.

人 This man is tall, with dark skin and a pair of eyes with cold and arrogant meaning. Has a hawk nose.

"Oh, who am I? It turned out to be General Xun Yong! I went out on my emperor's orders a few days ago to perform the task. What happened? What happened?"

Wu Qingxian recognized it immediately.

Xun is one of the blue dragon generals ranked third Xun Yong.

"Have you heard that General Xuan Lian seems to have been killed while chasing after the death of Jin Long!"

General Xi Xunyong lowered his voice.

"Killed? Then his team ..." General Qingxian's eyes brightened.

五个 There is a competitive relationship between the five generals. They have no good feelings for each other. When they hear a dead person, the first thing that comes to their mind is not sorrow and revenge, but how to take their team into their own and expand their power.

"It is said that it was driven by the repair tower. Now the Dragon Emperor is furious. The team's affairs can only be said later!" General Xun Yong said with a sigh. "But I am afraid that if I am late, I will be attacked by the halberd and the cricket. The two guys Xu are ahead of the game, and our position is even worse than before! "

"Well, those two guys already have the best team, and they want to fish, making people alive!"

After hearing this, Qingxian already understood the meaning of the other party's words. Obviously, he wanted to unite him and fight against the two generals, Ji Xun and Xi Xu. While General Xuan Lian was dead, he shared some benefits.

借 At the moment borrowing the donkey on the **** "It seems that if we don't take any action, we will be sad in the future. I ca n’t see it like this. After a while, we will jointly write a letter to the Dragon Emperor, and automatically invite the encirclement of the Golden Dragon's wickedness! Fight for greater benefits."

"Yes, worthy to be General Qingxian, you will understand as soon as you say it, otherwise I will say how smart you are! You see, I have already written the post from the previous book, and after a while, you can submit it!"

General Xun Yongyong clapped.

"Good!" Qingxian took the post, apparently agreed, but kept swearing.

家伙 This guy is really insidious, knowing that the Dragon Emperor is in a bad mood, and deliberately let him go to mine ...

Alas, there is really no way out of a low person.

Between the two of them, they walked into Jiuxiaolong Palace.

The main hall of the Dragon Palace is extremely wide, and there is a kind atmosphere everywhere.

Today is the birthday of the Qinglong Emperor. Even if you are in a bad mood, you must take it seriously.

"Qingxian, you go into Heshou with this general Xun Yong. After a while, listen to my order to submit this so-called post ... I must not submit it until I order it!"

Nie Yun, who was hiding in the Xinggong Palace, quietly transmitted a message to General Qingxian. As soon as he finished speaking, the dust of the Xinggong Palace dropped from his ears and came to the ground.


Disappeared from the ground.

I just saw through the God of Stealth Eye talent that Seven Hearts Dragon Ball is in the hall where the banquet is held. It can't be stolen at all. It seems that I have to find a way to find the Dragon King Jin Jingye first!

As soon as Ping Xing Palace entered the ground, Nie Yun “huffed” and came out slowly along the underground.

The emperor Qinglong Emperor is a strong emperor, he dare not care.

"God steals eye talents to work!"

As soon as my heart moved, the air of God's stealing eyes flowed in the body, and the bright light radiated everywhere.

These treasures flicker, with light and dark, showing the level of treasures.

The Jiulong tribe is born to collect treasures, and the Qinglong Emperor is even more so. The entire Jiuxiaolong Palace is full of treasures, which makes people look envious.

However, Nie Yun knows the most important thing. In order to prevent grass and snakes, he will not easily shoot.

"It doesn't seem to be here, look down ..."

He quickly moved his eyes around the palace, but found nothing, and Nie Yun had to go down.

宫殿 This palace is the blue dragon palace at the highest level of the dragon palace. It is not here, it should be below.

There are indeed many restrictions in the Dragon Palace, but Nie Yun has the talent of the Master of the Array, and it works, but he is not stumped.

He walked down and passed the so-called Fire Temple first, and then the Hurricane Temple.

These places are indeed the same as in the legend ~ www.readwn.com ~ has a special geographical environment, making it difficult for people to get out of it.

Xie Nieyun did not dare to enter it, but walked along the wall. Although he met many powerful guards along the way, he did not encounter danger.

怎么 "Why not ..."

Nian Yun's eyes kept circling, and several layers were continuously lowered. There was no so-called Dragon King Jin Jingye, and Nie Yun was anxious.

Slow down, it has been delayed a lot of time, if you missed the opportunity, it will be more difficult to steal the Seven Heart Dragon Ball.

Although he has never seen Dragon Emperor Jin Jingye, he knows from the name that it must be very powerful, and the radiance it emits is extraordinary.

"Hmm? Is that it?"

I was walking down, and suddenly Nie Yun's eyes fell into a hall on the sixth floor.

There is nothing in this hall, only a huge groove in the middle, which is full of golden liquid.

The liquid kept rolling. In the eyes, Baoguang was magnificent. At first glance, I knew it was the ultimate baby.

"Boss, this is it!"

At the same time, Xiaolong's excited voice sounded in his mind.




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