Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1101: King of Gold

Although Xiaolong's memory has not recovered, and there is no Longhuang Jinjingye in his impression, when he sees this thing, he immediately understands that it is exactly what he needs!

Because this thing can give him a feeling of strength!

But Nie Yun didn't feel that way.

"This is it? OK, past!"

Seeing Xiaolong confirm, Nie Yun nodded, his body lightly shook, and quickly walked towards Jin Jingye.

大 This hall does not have any formations, it looks quiet and weird. In order to prevent it, Nie Yun still keeps in a hidden state and is highly concentrated.

A few steps came to Jin Jingye, Nie Yun took a closer look and found that this thing was nothing special, it seemed to be of little use to himself.

I reached out and took a drop of liquid, only to find that this thing was extremely heavy. Although there was only one drop, the weight was as heavy as a mountain. I glanced up at my heart, so many, like a pool, I am afraid that a planet may not be so heavy!

I was shocked, and the droplet in my hand was not held again.


As soon as the sap dripped back, a loud scream was heard, and then a Jinjia man suddenly appeared, and his fists rushed in with the power of cutting immortals.

出现 The appearance of this Jinjia man is extremely abrupt, and Nie Yun is currently in a hidden state. He couldn't imagine that the other party could find it. He couldn't help but jump to the side, and a helpless punch greeted him.


When the two punches collided, Nie Yun and Jin Jiaren took a few steps back at the same time, and almost fell into the pool, exposing from the hidden state.

"Also a physical practitioner?"

Xie Nieyun was shocked.

The man in front of him is like a physical practitioner like him, and his physical strength seems to be stronger than himself!

"King of gold?"

I moved in my mind and thought of a name.

The King of the Golden Demon Clan, the father of Prince Jin Ya, the King of Golden Body!

No wonder I was not in Heibu Realm, but I was hiding here!

不错 "Yes, I am the King of Gold! You are also an individual practitioner, who are you? My King of Gold does not kill the nameless ghost!"

King Jin Shen seemed to be a little shocked, hummed.

He just found out that this boy is also a physical practitioner, and his physical strength is not under him.

"You don't need to know what my name is, because you will die soon!"

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Nie Yun had n’t had much time. He had to end the battle soon!

Leng Leng hummed, his right fist was raised, three hundred times the fighting power, and he was suddenly excited!


With a full blow, the river of power seemed to break the sky gate, instilled frantically, the turbulent air stream compressed the space and squeezed into pieces of broken glass.

稍 A weaker person will be crushed and broken by these glass impacts.

Knowing the opponent's strength, I hit the strongest attack with no effort.

"You are strong, but can you double your physical strength alone? I can too!"

In the face of such a fierce attack, King Jinshen did not step back, but took a step forward, exclaimed, and greeted him with a punch.

Hit him with this punch, the strength has also been increased, the fist swept the gale, with the power of the whole hall trembling, as if this hall has some kind of formation, which can increase his combat power!


冇 Two fists touched again.


Xie Nieyun flew out, hitting his back against the pillar, a blood spurted out, and his entire arm seemed to be broken, with tearing pain.

"This ... how is this possible!"

Since the physical body has reached the eighth major accomplishment of the spiritual rhinoceros body, it is the first time that he has encountered the physical body that is comparable to him, even stronger than him!

概念 What is this concept?

It is no exaggeration to say that Nie Yun's current physical body usually comes from a unique spiritual soldier, and it has no effect on the body, it is a personal monster and a human magic weapon.

Like him, even stronger than him, this is too great!

"If you want to kill me, it's not enough for you to be physically like me, let me die!"

One punch took the upper hand, and King Jinshen's body flickered, and the teleportation generally came to Nie Yun, his fist provoked, and he struck down.

拳 This punch is even more powerful than the previous one. With the tendency of the mill to crush, Nie Yun was completely unprepared and was at the center.


Xie Nieyun's body exploded and turned into tiny dust.

Undead body!

嗯 "Hmm? Such a powerful body, but there is still an undead body? This ..."

Seeing that Mote changed into Nie Yun again, King Jinshen was really surprised.

The stronger the body, the harder it is to form an immortal body, because the two samples are contradictory, and in this young man, not only did he not see the slightest contradiction, but also with an unexplainable fluency, as if this is instinct, let Jin The body king couldn't believe it.

"There are many impossible things, who is dead today, not necessarily!"

He regained his body, Nie Yun exhaled a sigh of relief, flickered lightly, rushing at a speed as fast as a meteor, and rushed straight towards King Jinshen.

The puppet is still 300 times more powerful, but this time it has joined the beacon force that reached the fourth form.

When Nie Yun fought, he not only had physical body, but also many special talents, which many people could not have imagined.

"It must be you!"

King Jin's body was full of muscles, and the body seemed to increase by a few inches in an instant. More violent power was formed in his body, as if gathering a storm.

Now his body, every cell seems to have accumulated endless power, all muscles are connected together, like the most perfect sculpture, it seems that as long as all the power is exploded, the world can destroy it!

He is worthy of being the king of the Golden Demon Clan. The pure physical strength is too much stronger than the original Prince of Jinya!


The fist bumped again.

The beacon that reached the fourth form smoothly entered his body.


She was bombarded by violent forces, and Nie Yun flew out again, her body injured.

"Huh? Beacon talent? Fire of creation! Huh, it's useless to me! The physical body has reached me to such an extent that it is invading!"

He shook his arm, and a flame was forced out by King Jinshen.


Bian Nieyun really changed his face.

肉 Only the flesh blocked the burning of the created fire. This situation was daring to imagine before it was changed, but it appeared before me.

"It seems that we must exert our best efforts, otherwise, we will die here today if we can't figure it out ..."

I was shocked, but Nie Yun's face became more solemn.

怎么 How could he not have thought that this golden body king who practiced the flesh alone, the real fighting power is even more powerful than the so-called invincible family head of the family!

It is said that the physical body has reached the limit, no scale, no disaster, no pain, no extinction. Although this guy has not yet reached this level, it is not much different. The real combat power is definitely counted at the peak of Wang Xian.

"Little dragon, kill this guy with me!"

No matter what fairness Nie Yun did, no matter how fair, a little roar, a change of spirit, Xiaolong, who changed his body, flew from the Big Dipper Palace, Jin Guangcancan with a convincing power.

"Five Claw Dragon Emperor ..."

Seeing Xiaolong's body, King Jinshen couldn't help it.

The five-clawed dragon emperor has ruled the demon world for many years. It has long left an indelible shadow in the heart of the demon. It is an irreplaceable emperor. It is conceivable to see the shock in my heart suddenly.

"No matter what Dragon Emperor you are, or who is disguised, now is the age of Her Majesty Qinglong Emperor, and it is useless to come out again!"

I was surprised just for a moment. After a while, the king of Jinshen's face showed the color of mys, and there was a ruthless flow in his eyes.

He is the loyalty of the Qinglong Emperor. Although Xiaolong's appearance shocked him greatly, he could not change his determination to kill Nie Yun.


In the roar of the howl, he shot again, and a punch hit the dragon.


Although Xiao Xiaolong had not completely restored her memory, she still had some inherent majesty. With a cold drink, the huge claws of the dragon snapped.

"Lock the dragon, the power of the earth!"

At the same time as Xiao Xiaolong's shot, Nie Yun was not idle. He flipped his wrist and took out the lock dragon snatched from Xiuluo.

锁 This lock dragon 锏 is a unique artifact, and it is extremely heavy. If you use 300 times the physical strength to perform suddenly, you can better exert your power!


The dragon claw 锁 and the lock dragon 锏 landed on the King of the Golden Body at the same time. The strength of three hundred times combined with the potential of the earth really had a strong effect, and the pressure rolled like a wave.


The shackled dragonfly was shattered by the king's body, but the opponent's hand bones were also crushed by a single stroke.


Xiao Xiaolong's claws were torn down, and a terrible cry sounded, and one arm of King Jinshen was torn apart.

"Ah ... if you dare hurt me, you will all die!"

The king of the golden body did not have the ability of Nie Yun's undead body, and there was no woody energy to recover quickly. When his arm fell, severe pain straightened into the heart, which made him crazy.


The angered King of the Golden Body, the body surged again, like a King Kong ape, exuberant on his body, his eyes red like the devil just crawling out of hell.

He was terrible by himself. At this time, his strength actually increased again.

"Can't let him transform into success, once we succeed, we can't kill anyone!"

Seeing that the body of King Jinshen continues to grow ~ www.readwn.com ~ the strength is also getting stronger and stronger, Nie Yun knows that the other party must have performed some secret technique, once he has been completed, it is difficult to kill again!

"Jinlong is breaking the sky!"

Xiao Xiaolong obviously knew this too, and before Nie Yun finished speaking, the dragon claws grabbed it in the air.

His front paws rose when he saw the wind, and instantly became tens of feet in size. The sharp fingertips seemed to be able to pierce even the best-quality fairyware, and went directly to the king of gold body face.

The golden body is one of Xiaolong's most powerful tricks. After his strength broke through Jinxian, he remembered the inherited martial arts obtained after he woke up. As soon as it was displayed, it was extremely powerful. When the ordinary Wangxian peak met, it would definitely be ripped Broken head, dead body died.


The angered King of the Golden Body had nothing to do with it, and saw the dragon's claws come over and smashed it.


When Xun touched his fist, Xiaolong contracted for a while, and seemed to be seriously injured.

"Boss, do it!"

The injured dragon did not retreat, but instead made a sharp turn, and the huge dragon body instantly caught the king of the golden body, turning his head and yelling.


The king of golden body smashed again, and Xiaolong spit out golden blood.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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