Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1103: Emperor Qinglong

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out. Nie Yun no longer thought about it. The spirit moved, and he quickly collected all the remaining Dragon King Jinjingye into Dantian.

Promote Dantian to advance, not only the scope of the increase, but also not so resistant to Jin Jingye, easy collection, no longer a problem.

"Let's go!"

Put Xiaolong into the star palace again, Nie Yun jumped forward and flew up along the road.

As soon as I came and went, and I fought with King Jin Shen, it took a lot of time. If General Qingxian provoked the Qinglong Emperor to doubt, it would be troublesome.

The Emperor Qinglong Emperor is an immortal monarch, and he knows everything well. Although General Qingxian is deceived and has his own consciousness, who can guarantee that he cannot see it?

Fast speed, once again returned to the Golden Dragon Hall separated from General Qingxian.


Xie Nieyun appeared in the wall of the Golden Dragon Hall.

"See if it is, that is the first general of the Qinglong tribe, halberd, so handsome, this time you have to serve well, if you can see him, and later become the general's wife, Ronghua Fugui will definitely come next!"

"Xiao Lang's hoof, just thinking about how to hook up with a man, General Zhiji knows majesty at first glance, and wants to be the general's wife? Dream it. A strong man of this strength can enjoy him as soon as he entertains him, and don't end it. Have a dream! "

"In my opinion, is still the most handsome General Xu Xu, tall and mighty, humorous, I really do not know who can match him ..."

"It's still best to see General Qingxian ..."

I waited for a while inside the wall, and suddenly a sound of babble came in, and several beautiful women came in.

The dragon family is strange, and the Qinglong Emperor is even worse. The entire Jiuxiao Dragon Palace has countless graceful maids, concubines, and dragon emperors, which are even more luxurious and rotten than the secular emperors.

Some palace maids did not get the favor of the Qinglong Emperor, so they entrusted them to some generals and princes, hoping to be able to become wealthy in an instant and soar into the sky.

"Become dust!"

As soon as Nie Yun's body moved, she came to a palace girl and controlled the star palace to become dust, and she fell on her coat without notice.

The strength of these palace ladies is not high, most true immortals and heaven immortals, how can you see these and slowly walk into the hall.

The Golden Dragon Palace is extremely wide and magnificent, with a height of hundreds of feet. The huge stone pillars around it are carved with the Dragon language, one by one, and the dragon and the phoenix dance, it seems that they will break through the wall at any time and soar the sky.

The Golden Dragon Hall is not built by the Qinglong Emperor, but the place where the ancient dragon emperor controlled the demon world. It has been built for thousands of years, and has incorporated the wisdom of countless dragons. Once in it, you feel a strong coercion and majesty. Produced from deep in the blood, irresistible.

Qi Nieyun felt breathless as soon as she entered, but as soon as the innate dragon's body was running, she could no longer feel it.

The body of his innate dragon was made from the essence and blood of five-pronged golden dragon. To cope with this blood pressure, it is almost pediatrics.

In the hall, there were not only a few generals. Looking up, hundreds of figures were divided into left and right sides, and each had a long table in front of it, which was filled with various drinks and food.

These maids came to pour wine at these tables.

I observed it. Several generals of Xun Yong and Qing Xian were sitting in the front of the crowd and arranged according to their seating order. It seemed that they should be the banquet of Qinglong Emperor's ministers. No foreign guests.

In the middle of the hall is a tall throne, which is made entirely of pure gold, and is inlaid with dense gems, forming a special matrix method, so that people who sit up will naturally have a noble and powerful temperament.

There was nothing on the throne at this time. It seems that the Qinglong Emperor has not come yet, and the birthday party has not yet officially started.

Seeing this, Nie Yun was relieved.

Thanks to the other party not coming, if it was here, killing King Jinshen and making such a big noise just now would have been discovered long ago.

"God steals the eye talent, looking for the Seven Heart Dragon Ball!"

Before I went to find the Dragon Emperor Jin Jingye, I observed it and knew that the Seven-hearted Dragon Ball is in this hall. At this time, the Dragon Emperor has not yet come, so you can take the opportunity to look it up and see if you can steal it!

Eyes made a circle around the whole hall through the star dust, and suddenly his body shook, showing a strange color.

"This will not be the Seven Heart Dragon Ball ..."

Squinting eyes fell on a slender high platform in front of the blue dragon throne.

A fist-sized ball is floating in the sky, spinning and roaring, evoking sublime power and authority.

"This is the Seven-Heart Dragon Ball, I can feel the breath of the Dragon ancestors ..."

Xiao Xiaolong's voice came.

"How did Nima steal ..."

Seeing the other party's confirmation, Nie Yun burst into swear words.

This is too bad.

If this seven-hearted dragon ball is hidden in the treasure house, even if it is hidden in Dantian, he can steal it directly without being noticed, but ... the light is placed in the hall with dozens of eyes staring at every moment, how to steal ?

Even if you are a steal, you can't change things out of thin air without being noticed!

Yun Tianyan looked around, Nie Yun was even more depressed.

In the whole hall, there are dozens of masters like clouds, and there are dozens of strong kings of light king fairyland, not to mention the strict formation.

If you try to grab it, don't say anything. I'm afraid you can't escape even within ten meters, and you will be killed alive!

怎么 How can this be stolen? The difficulty is too great!

Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, this thing has to be stolen!" Although he thought it was impossible, Nie Yun gritted his teeth.

He promised the three things of Chuangyu, if he couldn't complete one thing, wouldn't he be cold?

"Go and pour there ..."

Hu snorted softly, and the talent of Xianyinshi made the sound into a thin line, which was introduced into the ear of the maid.

实力 The strength of this palace lady is only the pinnacle of True Wonderland. When she hears the voice, she is immediately confused, and walks in the direction of the Seven Heart Dragon Ball without any trace.

The closest to the seven-hearted dragon ball was the General Halberdine, the head of the Qinglong Five Army.

璋 This halberd is very tall, with a pale gray face, and two dragon horns deep in his head.

I just glanced at it, and Nie Yun reached the person's strength. The whole body was so energetic that she couldn't even see through the sky, giving it an extremely dangerous taste.

I am afraid that his real fighting power is not inferior to the King of Gold.

"General Halberd, please drink!"

The bewildered palace girl brought the dust of the change of the Xinggong palace, came to the front of General Jiji, raised the jug, and filled it.

As soon as Nie Yun's spirit moved, the dust fell from her and landed on the ground. With the help of the wind around her, she quietly approached the direction of the Seven Heart Dragon Ball.

I used this method to steal things. Nie Yun used it once when in the realm. At that time, it was not the Xinggong Palace, but Zihua Dongfu.

The reason why I did this was really impossible. With so many masters in the hall, each of them was in a strong spirit. Neither the talents of the caster nor the talents of the hidden teacher were useless and they would soon be discovered.

Once found, you ca n’t steal anything without telling you. I ’m afraid I do n’t know how to die.

"It's close ... It's close ... 20 meters ..."

Nie Yun controlled the Xinggong to drift slowly towards the Seven-hearted Dragon Ball in the way of normal dust movement. After a while, it flew for seven or eight meters, less than 20 meters away from the location of the dragon ball.

Although he came to Dragon Ball and was under the broad court, he might not dare to steal, but as long as he approached, the opportunities would be a lot.

What Nie Yun has to do now is to find a way to approach Dragon Ball and wait for an opportunity!

机会 What opportunities are waiting for? Of course, it was a lot of means he laid before!

Once the entire Dragon Emperor City happens, everyone's attention will definitely be shaken, and then, you can steal it!

Although he didn't know where the Seven-hearted Dragon Ball was at the time, Nie Yun had already made a plan in advance.

"There are still 19 meters ... As long as I can be within 5 meters, I can control the Star Palace to steal things if everyone can't find them ... and then escape ..."

With Nie Yun's current strength, as long as he is within five meters, he can steal this naked baby without attracting attention.

Of course, the premise is that everyone is not paying attention here!

If everyone is focused, there is no way to succeed.

"18 meters ..."

"17 meters ..."

Control the Xing Palace slowly approaching, Nie Yun was a little excited.

投 It is more stressful to cast naked things under such a large audience than stealing treasures from the Nantan Dantian. If you can succeed, you can imagine that God's stealing talent can definitely be promoted!

"10 m!"

I'm close!

In a blink of an eye, it is less than ten meters away!

As long as you work hard, you can completely grab the Seven Heart Dragon Balls and find a chance to escape.


When Nie Yun was secretly pleased, suddenly the entire palace was shrouded in a huge breath. Everyone immediately stopped the raised glass and the hall was silent.

"Welcome to the Dragon King!"

Accompanying the sound of someone who shouted ~ www.readwn.com ~ A tall figure suddenly appeared on the throne.

This figure is seven or eight meters high, and the palms and feet are huge. Although they are humanoid, they have the unique power and majesty of the dragons, and people feel a sense of fear at first sight.

Qinglong Huang!

Qi Qinglong Emperor actually appeared at this most critical moment!

The dust of the changing star house is less than ten meters away from this fairyland powerhouse!

"Today is my birthday party, everyone came to congratulate me, I am very happy!"


A huge sound sounded like a thunderous thunder. The dragon emperor on the throne made a big move with all his might. The air was roaring and the depressing atmosphere disappeared.

"Congratulations to the Dragon Emperor for generations and generations, and always hold the demon world!"

Many ministers and generals below congratulate at the same time, listening to their neat words, it seems that they often say so, I do not know how long they have been practicing.

"Sit down. Someone is going to make trouble during my birthday party, so before the banquet begins, I have to deal with small things ..."

The roaring sound of Xun Qinglong Emperor sounded, the voice did not fall, and the raised eyes suddenly fell down, looking in the direction of Nie Yun's hiding.

Xie Nieyun pumped a heart.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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