Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1104: Come to the tower

"Master Bao Longhuang! See the messenger of the repair tower!"

As soon as Qi Qinglong's eyes fell in the direction of Nie Yun's hiding, a shout rang outside the hall.

"Let him in!"

Qi Qinglong Emperor didn't seem to find anything and looked up again.

"so close……"

Bian Nieyun exhaled, only to discover that her spine was wet.

When he reached the realm of immortal monarch, he would have a strong sense of anticipation of the danger. Although Qinglong Emperor has appeared, he has been hiding in the Xinggong and he dare not move, but this sense of prediction still makes Qinglong emperor's eyes look.

If it wasn't for the driving tower that happened to come, I'm afraid this time will be found, there is no possibility of hiding!

He is indeed a dangerous danger!

Wu Xianjun is really terrible!

Even if he already has the peak fighting power of Wangxianjing, in front of Xianjun, he is still no different from the ants, and he can't afford the idea of ​​resistance at all.


When Nie Yun secretly rejoiced, footsteps rang out of the hall, and soon two figures came over. One of them was the eight-pin driver who saw him wearing a robe in the ruins before!

八 The eight-pin repairman looks like he is in his forties, wearing a robe, with a strong majesty in his eyebrows. At a glance, he knows that even in the repair tower, he is in a high position.

The second person's strength is not weak, and his age looks similar to the previous one. The badge on the robe, which depicts the grade, is actually a Bapin exorcist!

Throughout the repair tower, the eighth-ranking exorcist was definitely regarded as an elder-level powerhouse. Two of them came at a time. Everyone in the hall was a little bit confused and wondered what happened.

The news of the annihilation of the repair union of the spur drive, the Qinglong clan is very conservative, and even Jin Jin and others did not know it, which shows the degree of confidentiality!

Because of this kind of secrecy, many ministers in the hall are not aware of it. The only one who knows it is the generals.

"My Qinglong Emperor and the Exorcist Tower have not always been in contact with each other. You two come to the eight-pin exorcist to come to me to congratulate me. I am really flattered! Sorry, forgive me, I do n’t know how the two masters call them!"

Xi Qinglong Emperor seemed to have known that the other party would come over, looking indifferent, humming.

"Suddenly flattered? You don't have to pretend in front of us. My name is Ji Xian, and this Yunshe is the elder of the repair tower. I came here today to ask what happened to our Dragon King City Demolition Workers Union being destroyed! "

纪 Ji Xian, the first eight-pin flood repairman, waved his hands and looked pale.

"Oh? The Dragon Emperor's Exorcist Union was wiped out? I really don't know about this, do you guys know?"

Tong Qinglong Huang stroked the glass with his fingers, and his mouth sneered. Suddenly looking at the halberds, Ji Xu generals asked.

"Back to the Dragon Emperor, the Exorcist Union is an independent entity in our Dragon Emperor City. We do not need our protection. As for being destroyed, I am afraid that it offends the enemy, and the subordinates do not know!"

The General Ji Zhiyan knew what the Qinglong Emperor wanted to hear, and quickly stood up. Boxing.

"The Exorcist Union has always been mad. It may have been offended this time because it was someone who offended and could not offend, but this matter has nothing to do with us. It was the first time I heard the news. It would not be true ... ... "

General Xu Xu said quickly.

The words of the two men were full of me, and I knew from the tone alone that he wanted to disgusted the two elders of the repair tower.

"Two elders of the repair tower. You also heard why your union of destroyers was destroyed, I really do n’t know! In fact, this is to blame, you must blame yourself, why not send more powerful men over here? If there are more powerful people, they won't be destroyed ... "

Qinglong Emperor laughed.

"You ... Huh. Qinglong, you do n’t pretend to be here, you know who did it. We drive the tower, and the spirit world ca n’t dare to oppose it. If you want to make a head bird, , I can notify headquarters and let you accept the same consequences last time! "

Xi Jixian snorted.

As the elder of the repair tower, Xun was not afraid of the Qinglong Emperor, and his words contained a strong sense of sarcasm.

"Dare to be rude to the Dragon Emperor, you look for death!"

I heard what he said, the Qinglong Emperor had not yet attacked, and General Halberd stood up first, took a photo on the table, and the wine glass on the table rushed straight forward.

虽然 Although this wine glass is an ordinary jade carving, the texture is very brittle, but under the blessing of General Halberd's strength, it made a whimpering sound and drew a thin black line in the air, facing the Jixianmen door.

"Huh, what a **** are you, dare to mad before me!"

Tong Jixian snorted, and his finger flicked forward.


Fry the wine glass into pieces.

接着 Next step forward, grasping the palm forward, pressing!


The majestic halberd general, who was unparalleled in power, was flushed with a head on the coffee table in front of him. His body was full of drinks and soup.


When I saw this scene, everyone in the hall was startled at the same time.

The strength of General Jiuzhi, everyone in the hall knows that it is definitely the pinnacle of Wang Xian's peaks. When the shot is rock-shattered, the ordinary King of Wonderland's peak may not even be able to catch half a move.

Such a powerful person could not hold back a trick in the hands of this elder Ji Xian, beyond everyone's imagination.

"Everyone who repairs towers has special talents, and can fight beyond the ranks!"

"This elder Jixian, I have heard before that, although it is the pinnacle of Wangxianjing, like General Halberd, the real combat power is comparable to those old monsters that have immortalized Immortal King!"

"Impact on the immortal old monster?"

"Yeah, Wang Xian ’s impact on the immortal king is called the immortal king ’s calamity. The number of calamities is severe, and ordinary people are dead. However, there are still some people who have not succeeded in the shock but did not die. These talents are the real peak of Wang Xianjing. By!"

"There are such powerful guys ... this Jixian has such strength without impacting Xianjun, which is really terrible!"

"People who repair the tower cannot be described by common sense. These people are monsters ..."

At this scene, the people in the hall were shocked at first, then lowered their voices and understood.

The strong men who repair the towers have special talents, and more than that, they have amazing combat effectiveness. They are also the peak of the king fairyland, and it is normal to defeat the general Halberd.


Not only was everyone shocked in the hall, but Nie Yun, who was hiding in the Xinggong Palace, was surprised and speechless when she saw the scene.

He originally could defeat Dugufang and others with 300 times of fighting power. He thought that Wang Xianfeng was the only one. Only when he met the Golden King did he know the fear of the real King of Wonderland.

According to the observation just now, this halberd general is more powerful than King Jin Shen, but now he is so easily defeated by Ji Xian, doesn't it mean that Ji Xian is more powerful?

I deserve to be repairing the tower. No wonder he can dominate the six worlds. The bottom line is too deep.

"Presumptuous! In my Qinglong Hall, dare to beat my general, I will seize you today and let you the strong man of the fairyland who drove the tower to come and ask for me in person!"

Wu Qinglong Emperor didn't seem to think that this Ji Xian dare to be so bold. When he faced his subordinates, his face suddenly gloomed down, and the huge dragon claws grabbed it.

"Hum! Don't you think we are not prepared? Kill the stone monument, come out!" Ji Xian roared.

"Fate Chessboard, blessing!" In addition, I thought that the eight-pin exorcist Yun She had a shock in his arm and a huge chessboard on his head.

"The stone monument, the destiny checkerboard ... two half-forged fairy wares. With this thing, the two of you can fully exert the power comparable to that of the immortal monarchy ... The driving tower is really willing, but you are too underestimated. My strength, I have made a new breakthrough than a hundred years ago. Even if Xun Tingxian came here in person, he was not an opponent, let alone you! "

I saw the two exhibiting the treasures. The Qinglong Emperor seemed to have anticipated it. With a sneer, he stepped forward and came down to the throne.


A huge dragon claw was torn in the air, and the entire space and time in heaven and earth seemed to obey his orders, rolled up the storm of time and space, and the space was twisted, like twists, with a heart-breaking power.

At this moment, all the attacks were as fragile and fragile as before.

"This is the power of Xianjun ..."

When I saw the scene in front of me, Nie Yun was chilling all over, and then I realized that he thought he was very powerful, and he was nothing in front of Xianjun!

Don't say three hundred times the fighting power, even if 20,000 times the power, under this claw, I am afraid that there is only the end of drinking hate, it is impossible to stand up!

No wonder, Xianjun and Wangxian are two levels of life, completely incomparable. Seeing the scene in front of him, he knows that this statement has no fictional component and is absolutely true.

"What? How did you become so great, I don't believe ..."

"Abominable! Destiny board, resist ..."

Ji Xian and Yun She also seemed to be surprised that the Qinglong Emperor had such strength. The original calm eyes revealed a strong uneasiness. Their foreheads were swollen with blue muscles, and their violent strength was instilled in the offering. Treasures.

听 "Listen to them, this Qinglong Emperor should have made a new breakthrough recently ..."

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's heart moved, and at the same time, he felt strange.

The emperor Qinglong emperor can survive from the ancient times, which means that life can no longer be measured in thousands of years. The strong man of this age is repaired so that there is no possibility of promotion under the precipitation of years. How can he break through?

有了 Are there any special opportunities?

As soon as these things flashed in my mind, Nie Yun ignored it.

This time is not the time to think about it. The battle before us is about to bear fruit.


The claws of the Qinglong Emperor are becoming more and more powerful, and the space under the pressure of powerful energy is finally overwhelmed, turning into a chaotic air flow.

Crackling! Slap!

Two crickets rang, and the two major semi-forged artifacts of the stone monument and the board of fate were wailed at the same time. They fell to the ground and suffered great spiritual damage.

"You two are rude to me, please give me all down!"

Pu stared at his eyes, Qinglong Huang sneered again and again, his palm pressed down.

Huh! Huh!

Tong Jixian and Yunshe, two eight-pin expulsion repairers, elders repairing the tower, cooperated with the baby's super strong with ordinary Xianjun strength, and fell to his knees with humiliation on his face.




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