Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1105: Stolen successfully

"Qinglong, you are so brave, we are the elders of the repair tower. If you insult us, you are the enemy of the repair tower! You must not die ..."

Wu Jixian didn't expect the other party to be so powerful, he was suppressed, his face was ugly, and he shouted loudly.

"Enemies against the Exorcist Tower? Let me tell you, if you say this before my strength has not been promoted, I will feel scared. Now I am not afraid of anyone except the old monsters who never came out of the Exorcist Tower!"

Qi Qinglong Emperor stood in the air with intense confidence in his eyes.

"Impossible ... how can you be so powerful ..."

Ji Jixian felt incredible.

"Why is there such strength? Huh, do you think I will tell you? You are now obediently visiting me, waiting for the driving tower to negotiate with me!"

Qi Qinglong Emperor sneered, grabbed his hands, and Ji Xian disappeared suddenly. It seemed that he was taken into some kind of cave-like treasure.

"Dragon King mighty!"

"Dragon King mighty!"

Uh ...

The changes in front of the eyes made the whole hall boil.

"Did the strength of this Qinglong emperor really increase recently?"

Xie Nieyun's meaning of doubt is stronger.

As courtiers, these people should know the strength of Qinglong Emperor very well. If they had known it for a long time, they should understand that Ji Xian is not an opponent, but they are so excited in front of them that one cannot help doubting that they know the strength of Dragon Emperor. Not much.

I do n’t even know his courtiers, but only one thing. The Qinglong Emperor has only recently improved sharply. It was absolutely not so powerful before!

What is it to make an old monster who has lived for billions of years promote such a huge strength?

"Is it related to that place?"

Suddenly, Nie Yun remembered the first time he saw the Qinglong Emperor.

For the first time, I saw the Qinglong Emperor as the place where the Golden Demon Clan of Heiyuan Realm passed on. At that time, Prince Jinya and several elders performed sacrifice and summoned the Qinglong Emperor.

In that place, the stars rotate and the river flows backward, which is very similar to the space where Jiulong was discovered when Xiaolong was discovered.

The Qinglong Emperor won't get any benefit there!

"The Dragon Emperor is mighty, we really breathed out for us!" After a little compliment, General Xun Yong suddenly stood up. "In the last few days, General Xuan Lian went to destroy the remaining evil of the Golden Dragon. As a result, he met the people who repaired the tower and was alive. Kill! The dragon emperor imprisons these two guys, and he must drive the tower to spend a lot of money to put it back, so as to strengthen the majesty of my Qinglong family! "

"Xuanlian died?"

Xi Qinglong Emperor seemed to have just heard the news, and frowned, re-doing on the throne.

"Yes!" General Xun Yong nodded and continued: "Back to the Dragon Emperor, General Xuan Lian died, and the remaining dragons of Jinlong are still alive. General Qingxian and I are willing to volunteer to annihilate each other and hope that my emperor approve!

General Bian Xunyong took the opportunity to say his purpose, and pulled up the fairy.

"Yes, this is a petition jointly written by General Xun Yong and me, and I also invite the Qinglong Emperor to look over!"

Wu Xunyong had already begun. General Qingxian knew that he could not quit, and quickly forwarded the post received outside the palace.

He held the post, left his seat, and quickly walked towards the middle throne.

After surpassing General Halberd, his body touched and brought the Big Dipper in the air forward. Nuisance


变化 The changing dust of the Big Dipper's Palace, under the impact of his body, slowly moved forward, getting closer and closer to the seven-hearted dragon ball in front of the throne.

8 meters!

7 meters!

6 meters!

Uh ...

3 meters!

When General Qing Qingxian collided, the Xinggong Palace broke through five meters and entered three meters.

Wu Qingxian came to send the post and took the Star Palace forward a distance. These were all planned by Nie Yun before, which happened to be a success at this time.

Such a short distance, you can steal the Dragon Ball silently!

However, the distance from Dragon Ball is closer, and the Qinglong Emperor is closer. You must find the most suitable opportunity to shoot, otherwise, not only will you not be able to escape yourself, the Big Dipper may be caught by the other party instantly and completely deprived.

"Well, you go down!"

Xi Qinglong Huang took the post, waved his hand, and opened it with his fingers.

"The two of you are so nice. I want you to give me the soldiers under General Xuanlian!"

I glanced at random, and the Qinglong Emperor penetrated through the plan of General Xun Yong.

"My Emperor Yingming!" General Xun Yong and Qing Xian dare not make nonsense.

"Xuan Lian was killed. His team has no generals. Absolutely not. I can agree to your request, but ..."

Tong Qinglong Huang raised an eyebrow. "If you want to get a team that is cheap, you must first kill the remaining dragons of Jinlong. The more people kill, the more he will treat me!"

Speaking of this, the Qinglong emperor paused. "You are also qualified. If you can extinguish Jinlong Yu, I can consider giving you a Qinglong army ..."

Qi Qinglong Huang's eyes were on the three generals not far from General Xu Xu.

三个 The three men have the same first-class general armor, and at a glance, they know that their status is not lower than that of General 雒 旭 and others.

"It's the three commanders of Black Dragon, White Dragon, and Red Dragon!"

Although I haven't seen these before, I think Nie Yun understands it carefully.

These three should be the current commanders of Black Dragon, White Dragon, and Red Dragon.

"Yes, thank you Dragon King for cultivation!"

三个 These three people heard that they were also eligible to receive a team of blue dragons, all excited eyes were red and nodded quickly.

"The Jinlong tribe didn't know how to lift up, and they were only stricken by the genocide. Well, rest assured, as long as you are allegiance to me, I, the Qinglong emperor, will not treat you!" The Qinglong emperor nodded. "This is just the beginning!"

"Dragon Emperor, we the black dragons, will swear to follow, never mind!"

The commander-in-chief of the Black Dragon tribe took the lead.

"Very well, you can say that, I'm very satisfied ..." Qinglong Huang nodded, trying to continue the award, attracting people's hearts, suddenly footsteps sounded outside the hall.

"Report to the Dragon Emperor, it's bad ..."

With a shout, a guard rushed in.

"What's the matter?" Qinglong Huang just heard these words, his face down.

"Report to the Dragon Emperor, the Black Dragons ... the Black Dragons ..."

The guard wheezed, and seemed to be a little distrustful of the news he received.

"What happened to the Black Dragons?" Qinglong Huang narrowed his eyes.

"The Black Dragons have betrayed! They threatened to kill the Qinglongs and kill the rebels who are usurping power ..."

The caller hurried.

"What?" The commander of the Black Dragon was startled. As soon as he showed loyalty, there was a rebellion. What happened?

"What a good thing you did!"

Qi Qinglong Emperor stood up sharply, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes, strode forward, and came down to the head of the Black Dragon family.

"Get out and check for me right away, I need to know what's going on!"

The emperor Qinglong Emperor rebelled against Xiaolong's position and took control of the demon realm, and tabooed against the right and wrong to usurp the four right and wrong. At this time, the rebellious black dragon family spoke these words openly, making him angry, and his anger was imagined.


The leader of the Black Dragon family saw the Qinglong Emperor angry, and his legs were softened, and he nodded and ran away with a crawl, before reaching the gate of the temple, he ran into another guard who rushed in.

"Master Dragon Emperor, it's not good, a dragon clan led by General Qingxian also happened, and said everywhere that Dragon Emperor you turn to Shura and framed the Five-Claw Dragon Emperor ..."

The guard rose from the ground and roared quickly, his voice was rapid.

"What? Your branch too?"

It would be better if the other dragons betrayed, and the Qinglongs also betrayed, so that the Qinglong Emperor instantly lost his calmness, suddenly turned to look at Qingxian, and saw Ling Ran in his eyes.

He can't even control his subordinates. What use is there for this person?

"good chance……"

The emperor Qinglong Emperor was angry and shameful, with murder in his eyes, and all the ministers in the hall threatened himself, and Nie Yun was excited.

He knows that the opportunity he waited for has finally arrived!

Now the two major legions directly disrupt the rhythm of the Qinglong Emperor, and no one pays attention to it, it is the best time to steal the seven-hearted dragon ball.

No more hesitation now, God's stealing talents work, and the palm slammed forward.


The seven-hearted dragon ball on the ocher pillar "Hey!" Was taken into Dantian by one click.

冇 "Go!"

Nie Yun dared to stop when he reached something. He flew into the ground and flew straight out of the hall.

At this time, the people in the hall were still in the fear of the two major legions. No one noticed that the seven-hearted Dragon Ball, representing the supreme power of the Dragons, had been lost in the eye-catching hall!

"Huh? Not good ..."

When Nie Yun left the hall immediately from the ground, suddenly a minister in the crowd noticed an anomaly, and pointed his finger in the direction of the Seven Heart Dragon Ball, his face full of panic.

"Master Huilong, the seven-hearted Dragon Ball is gone ..."

Before this man's words were finished, General Qingxian, bewildered by Nie Yun, suddenly yelled.

He shouted at him, and focused everyone's attention on Dragon Ball. Even the Qinglong Emperor turned his head sharply, trying to speak, suddenly felt a surge of energy behind him, and hurried back.


刚 As soon as he jumped away, a violent explosion sounded in front of him ~ www.readwn.com ~ The violent force rolled up and immediately blasted the formation of the whole hall, and countless tables and chairs flew out.

Unconsciously, some ministers who were a little panicked were killed by the explosion on the spot.

General Qing Qingxian blew himself up!

General Qingxian was the strongest in the peak of Holy Wonderland. He performed mystery and blew himself up. He was absolutely powerful enough to catch up with Wangxian's peak. No one thought of this explosion. Suddenly, even the Qinglong Emperor Some disappointment left the whole hall full of two or three breaths.

After two or three breaths, Nie Yun took the opportunity to escape from the hall, soaring into the sky.

"Damn! Qingxian was deceived ..."

After the explosion, the Qinglong Emperor understood it, his face flushed red.

Since he began to seek power, he has always been counting others, counting others. This is the first time that he has been calculated, so hard!

Don't think about what the so-called Black Dragon Mutiny and Blue Dragon Mutiny were all preset by the other party, intentionally disturbing their minds so as to steal the Seven Heart Dragon Ball!

I hate it!

With a roar, the Emperor Qinglong Emperor suddenly burst out, like a death-gatherer who harvested life, grabbed his hands, and cracked a space, spreading in the direction of Nie Yun's escape. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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