Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1106: 9 Dragon Car

Understanding what was going on, the Qinglong Emperor immediately radiated a huge and incomparable soul power, and at a glance, Nie Yun who was fleeing suddenly appeared in front of him.

Playing with his magnificent Qinglong emperor, how can he bear it? In the roar of the roar, the palm of the hand is like a giant blade that opens the world, and rushes towards Nie Yun with the power that traverses the ages and stirs all directions.

At the same time, his tall body strode forward, traversing tens of kilometers.

The Qinglong Emperor is really angry!

Xianjun is angry, and the sky is falling apart!

"So fast……"

Although Nie Yun escaped several breaths in advance, the speed of the other side was too fast. Before flying down from Longzhu Mountain, the other side came behind. The violent attack with destructive force could not resist it, and the pupils shrank. The palm of his hand threw the body of King Jinshen, and his body slammed into Longzhu Mountain.


Qinglong Huang's attack happened to hit King Jinshen's body, blasting the body into powder, and consuming his power cleanly without hurting Nie Yun.

With this strength, Nie Yun dived into Longzhu Mountain.

Longzhushan is a treasure made by the ancestors of the Dragon family to spend a great deal of blood and blood. Although it has not reached the level of the magical artifact, it is not weak. Nie Yun can easily drill into it with the talent of the upgraded land master.

"Abominable ... you actually killed King Jin Shen, who are you ..."

The Qinglong Emperor thought he was going crazy.

The body of King Jinshen was thrown out by the other side, and he knew that this most loyal subordinate had been killed.

Can you kill the King of Gold? Who is it?

boom! boom! boom!

In the fury, he went to Longzhushan madly, but Longzhushan was too strong. Even if he was a strong immortal, he couldn't scratch it.

What's more, Longzhu Mountain is the symbol and majesty of the emperor of the Dragon clan. If it is broken, his dragon emperor will become the laughing stock of the dragon clan all over the world, and will stink for thousands of years.

When Nie Yun arrived, he planned the escape route. This Longzhushan is his greatest support.

Otherwise, being chased and killed by an immortal monarch, even if he has the ability to escape, he cannot escape!

One was violently bombarded outside the mountain, trying to shock the people inside by brute force, and one was desperately walking inside the mountain.

Although Longzhushan is tall, Nie Yun's speed is not slow, and he is rushing madly. In less than ten breaths, it came down from the top and came to the ground.

"Master Nie Yun, these are the Black Dragons who are willing to obey my orders, all here ..."

As soon as I arrived on the ground, I saw a black dragon pressing in front of me.

The black dragon saint stood in the forefront and saw Nie Yunlang say in a voice.

"Let them not resist!"

Nie Yun knows that his spirit is moving now when it is not nonsense. All the black dragons and the black dragon saints were collected into Nawu Dantian. At the same time, their bodies were straightened and they went into the ground again.

Although walking under the ground is not fast in the air, it can block the opponent's soul attack.

The opponent is an immortal monarch, with a powerful soul. With soul attack, the ground can resist part of it. The rest of the damage was minimal.

Of course, for the soul attack, the jade pendant given by Ling Yue has a very good defensive effect. Previously, any degree of soul attack can be blocked. As for whether it can block the soul attack of Xian Jun, Nie Yun cannot guarantee it, nor dare Take a risk.

It's better to be careful!

"Holy Lord of the Black Dragon? It is a five-clawed golden dragon. You are the man of the five-clawed dragon ..."

The Qinglong Emperor, who followed closely behind him, saw the black dragon saint. Nie Yun was given time to take away the black dragon family, although this wasted, it also made the Qinglong emperor completely understand.

No wonder the opponent is trying to kill the King of Gold, it must have stolen the Dragon King's Jin Jingye!

No wonder the other party has the ability to make the dragon tribe rebel, the original Black Dragon Lord has also come!

The black dragon saint is a figure of the same age as him. He was loyal to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor together and even surpassed him. The two can be said to be very familiar!

Relying on his understanding of the Black Dragon Saint, he only obeyed the words of the Dragon Emperor, but now he is following the boy, and it is certain. The other party is definitely a five-claw dragon emperor!

"Abominable! You must die today!"

Thinking of the five-clawed dragon emperor having returned, the anxiety that the Qinglong emperor could not tell, the huge hoof claws in the roar slammed to the ground in front of him.


The earth cracked, and the energy that swept across it seemed to bring the end of the world. The countless beautiful buildings of the entire Dragon Imperial City collapsed, and countless powerful people turned into fly ash under this blow.

The Qinglong Emperor was really afraid. He was afraid that the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor would come back to seek revenge from him. He was afraid that the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor would take his place. Because of this fear, he had no worries and was extremely fierce. Life and death of city residents!


Although he was not attacked directly, the instantly cracked ground still brought a great impact to Nie Yun, making his face flush, and he couldn't help spitting blood.

"Hurry up, hurry up, not far ahead!"

Knowing that it wasn't healing, when he was recovering, Nie Yun ran at his feet, and he didn't dare to stop at all, and rushed to the place where the repairman union was located at the fastest speed.

"Where to go!"

Huang Zhongda Lu's voice cooperated with the ground vibration again, with a magnificent vigor, cut through numerous dust rocks, and hit Nie Yun's back again.


Another bite of blood.

If it weren't for the ground across behind, the attack from the other side had weakened to less than one in ten thousand people, I am afraid that these two times, Nie Yun would have been devastated, and the dead could not die anymore!

The blue dragon emperor under the fury was too powerful, so powerful that it made people unconsciously resist.

Although there are many opportunities recently and his body is comparable to Wang Xianjing's strong one, in the face of this level of attack, Nie Yun is still unable to catch, not an opponent!

"I see where you can escape, want to escape in the hands of the immortal strong, dream!"

The Qinglong Huang roared, his eyes were red, and the giant claws waved again.

There was another cracking sound of the earth and the ground, and the trembling on the ground was violent.

"The Big Dipper, resist!"

Nie Yun knew that if he was hit again, he would die. There was no doubt that he couldn't control anything immediately. With a little finger, Beidouxinggong was sacrificed by him.


The attack of the Qinglong Emperor hit the Xinggong Palace, making a crisp sound, and the countless restraints of the Xinggong Palace broke.

Nie Yun spurted blood again.

The Star Palace is his treasure, and the damage caused by the beating will also hurt him.

The Big Dipper is a magical artifact left by the Big Dipper. According to the theory, it is very powerful, but the master of Nie Yun is too low to exert his strongest power and cannot stop the attack of Qinglong Emperor.

If it is used by the Big Dipper and even any immortal-level powerhouse, even if the Qinglong Emperor is ten times more powerful, the above prohibition cannot be broken!

This is the gap between Xianjun and Wangxian!

"The Big Dipper? Are you the descendant of Big Dipper?"

The Xinggong blocked the attack and revealed the body, which was recognized by the Qinglong Emperor, and a complex light appeared in his eyes.

"The old man of the Big Dipper is the founder of the exorcism tower, and he wants to kill King Shura. He is behind the five-pronged dragon emperor. In the end, he ended up drinking and hating him. As his descendants, he actually followed The five-pronged golden dragon is fooled, and I think you will live shortly! "

The Qinglong Emperor roared and revealed the secret of Tianda.

"The Big Dipper is the creator of the driving tower?"

Although Nie Yun was a repairman, he had the same understanding of the repair tower as the blank paper. Hearing this, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Then suddenly realized.

Yes, I am afraid that only this ancient Jiupin gold-pattern repairer was qualified to create a behemoth such as a repair tower and lead all the repairers in the six worlds of heaven and earth!


The Qinglong Emperor's words came to an end.

The power this time is stronger than just now. The Big Dipper Palace makes a "squeak!" Sound, and the prohibition is almost exhausted. It seems that the palace occupying the Big Dipper position will collapse at any time.

"Without the power of the immortal monarch, it would be useless to create an immortal for you and kill you. This thing is mine!"

The Qinglong Emperor hissed, his big hand grabbed, and something appeared in the palm of his hand.

This thing rose when it saw the wind, and instantly became hundreds of square feet, appearing in the air with a deterrent to tear time and space.

It is also a magical artifact!

And just looking at the level, it is more powerful than the Big Dipper!

"This is ... this is the shuttle car in Kowloon's pull out space?"

Nie Yun recognized it ~ www.readwn.com ~ A surprised mouth opened.

He had seen this fortune artifact once exhibited by the Qinglong Emperor, but it was nothing else. It was the shuttle car he saw when he met Xiaolong in the Lapan Space in Kowloon!

Wasn't this treasure destroyed in that big bang? How could it appear here? And in the hands of Qinglong Huang!

And it looks like it has been completely refined!

"This is my shuttle car! The magical artifact that I built with all my strength seems to have been stolen and refined by this guy. Because of this, his strength can grow!" Xiaolong's voice sounded.

Xiaolong recovered part of his memory and recognized it.

"Since this thing is a magical artifact, how could it be blown up? This green dragon seems to have found the place where I died! Knowing that I have been resurrected, instead of confessing to Taiwan's Chuangyu!" Xiaolong continued.

If Chuangyu of Huaitai tells us that Xiaolong and he are going to steal the Seven Heart Dragon Ball, the other side will definitely have closer defenses, but now they are only checking the blood, and have not made a more thorough deployment! After all, as long as the spirit of the King of the Immortal Realm is swept away in the Dragon Imperial City, it will be hidden even as deep as it is!

It seems that he knew Xiaolong's resurrection and was worried that he would come back and seize power to do so!

"This is what you refine. Can you control it?"

Nie Yun hurriedly transmitted the voice.

These conversations are all at the moment of electric sparks. At this time, the car in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and it will rush over at any time with the power that crosses the ages and crushes all eternity.

This treasure itself is higher than the Big Dipper Star Palace. Now it is in the hands of Xianjun. The strength is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth. It really needs to be crushed. It is foreseeable that Nie Yun and Xiaolong will die!


Xiaolong Road.

For a while the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

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