Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1107: King Shura appears

"This cart is something you made. Why can't you control it ..."

Nie Yun said anxiously, only half of the words, immediately understood.

Xiaolong can remember that the car is made by him. As a subordinate of the green dragon, he naturally understands that at this time, knowing that Xiaolong is likely to take out such a baby with him, which shows that he has absolute control over the Kowloon car. Force, absolute confidence.

"He can greatly increase his strength, which means that he has completely refined this mule car. Once refining, even my master can't take it. Besides, my current strength is too low, even if I want to take it, there is nothing I can do!"

Xiao Xiao shook his head.

"What do we do now? There is still some distance from the teleportation array. Once this rickshaw comes down, we will definitely die ..."

Nie Yun anxiously.

"Did I not teach you how to use the sleepy dragon rope? Use that to deal with it!" Xiaolong said.

"Sleepy dragon rope?" Nie Yun's eyes widened. "It's just a wonderful fairy ..."

The drowsy dragon rope is the red diamond that Nie Yun snatched from General Xuan Lian. Xiaolong once said how to use it. This thing is just a rare fairy. It should not have much effect!

"This sleepy dragon cord was the treasure I made in the past. Although it is only a rare artifact, it has a great suppressive effect on the dragon family. Even the Qinglong emperor will be trapped for about ten breaths. This time, it is completely OK. Ran away!"

Xiaolong Road.

"OK!" Nie Yun nodded.

He has absolute trust in Xiaolong. Besides, there is no other way at this time. The Kowloon cymbals in the air have reached the maximum, crushing them with the power to destroy time and space. If hesitates, they will be killed alive.

不再 No more thinking at the moment. With a big stroke, a red diamond in the air shot out instantly, like a red glow in the sky, spreading to the distance. Into a bright galaxy.

Xun Xiaolong said the method of use. Nie Yun has the martial arts talent, and can easily use it, and the trapped dragon cable can exert infinite power in an instant.

"Did you kill General Xuanlian? Damn it!"

When I saw the sleepy dragon rope, the Qinglong Emperor didn't know what was going on, and his eyes were red with anger.

He originally listened to his report and thought it was the man who drove the tower. It seems that the real culprit is here!

联想 Re-associate everything before, it turned out that everyone was playing with this guy!


Alas, only after he finished speaking, the dazzling Dragon River surrounded it with the illusion of the galaxy.

He was surrounded, and the overwhelmed Kowloon mule car lost control. Also stopped.


I saw that, as Xiaolong said, the drowsy dragon trapped the Qinglong Emperor. Nie Yun didn't dare to stop. The palm of the hand returned to the body, and the wings of the Phoenix flickered and accelerated.


After seven breaths, I came to the place where the repairmen's union was located.

"Start the formation!"

A long cry.


Jinjiu and others have been waiting for him, and heard the shout. The formation was immediately activated, emitting a golden light.


Qi Nieyun and Jin Mao disappeared from their place.


"Ah ... awful!"

There was a sound of rolling sounds from the sky, and the drowsy dragon rope was blown into powder. The Qinglong Emperor rushed in a shuttle car. When he saw the opponent ’s formation, he was destroyed and he did n’t know where it was.冇 "Wow!" Barked, the violent air roared and stirred for nine days. The entire city of Dragon Kings fell into panic for an instant.

"No matter where you flee to the world, I will kill you, none will be left!"

Wu Qinglong Emperor issued a wailing wailing through the world.

The imperial dragon emperor, the first person in the devil world, was played by a little Wangxianjing kid. This kind of humiliation can't be swallowed!

"Xiao Qinglong, what are you screaming for?" I just lacked a mount. Come and treat me as a mount! "

Suddenly a faint sound sounded, but the sound was not loud, but with a strong penetrating power, so that the entire Dragon Emperor City heard it clearly.

"Who are you? Dare to tease the emperor. I'll let you die without a burial place!"

The emperor Qinglong was already so angry that when he heard this, he almost didn't draw the gas directly, the huge faucet swayed violently, the air flow was chaotic, and the peak was shaken.

"You let me die without a burial place? You need to have that ability to say!"

With a faint voice, a slightly thin figure slowly emerged from the depths of the void. This person did not look tall or majestic, but his cold eyes revealed the heart-struck power.

"Xiu ... Xiu ... Xiu ... King Shura ..."

I can see clearly what this person looks like. The Qinglong Emperor was about to explode, and he lost his temper.

The sight that appeared in front of him was actually shocking the heavens, so that all the immortal monarchs were afraid of the world's murderers ... King Shura!

I may still be able to fight against the Qinglong Emperor against others, or even arrogant, but in the face of such a murderer, he dare not even let the fart go!

"Don't you want me to die without a burial place?"

Wang Xiuluo Nie Tong smiled slightly, his appearance was so uncontested and so immature.

"I ... I dare not ..."

Qinglong Emperor keeps talking.

"Do n’t dare, you have a good car. The five-clawed dragon emperor and I used this thing at that time. The speed was so great that I suffered a big loss. It is my thing from today! You are responsible for pulling the car. , Just like horses! "

The palm of Xiuluo Wang Nie Tong pressed forward lightly.

A sky-printed handprint fell into the air, came to the head of the Qinglong Emperor, and saw that the palm-printed dragon emperor had no resistance at all, and instantly changed back to the body.

"Yes! That's good!"

Xie Nie Tong smiled, his body fluttered into the car, his palms trembled, and a leather whip appeared on the palm of his hand. "Pop!"

走 "Go! Go to the demon world, I will take you to grab something ..."


The Qinglong Emperor mourned with a cry, and the huge dragon body transformed into a body gently lifted it, traversing thousands of miles of space, disappearing in place.

"So is King Shura?"

"The Dragon Emperor became his mount?"

这 "This ... I can't read it wrong ..."

"Great, it seems that the six great disasters in the world are coming again ..."

This scene was seen in the eyes of everyone in the entire Dragon King City, one by one stunned, staying in place.

The Emperor Qinglong is their king, and they have a supreme position in their hearts, and their strength is even more unattainable. They never dreamed of it. When they met Shura King and obedient horses, they obediently put on a halter. Became a mount!

"This kind of boneless guy is not qualified to be our king. The king of our devil family is a five-pronged golden dragon!"

不错 "Yes, the five-clawed Jinlong Ning died unwilling to compromise with King Shura, fight with him, and died. And killed King Shura, this is the true king!"

"The Qinglong Emperor chased all the way just now. The five-clawed dragon emperor was chased. Our emperor is back!"

"We want to welcome the new emperor, the five-clawed dragon emperor is our true king ..."

Suddenly, no one in the crowd started. For an instant, a storm sounded.

The demons and dragons are known for their pride. Now the Qinglong Emperor saw that the Shura King did not even turn into a mount, making everyone think of the five-clawed dragon emperor that year!

Only such a person is worthy to become the leader of the Devil and Dragon Races!


King Xiuluo conquered the Dragon King. And the psychological changes of everyone in Dragon Imperial City, Nie Yun and others did not know, at this time they were teleported to a new place, staring at the surrounding environment with a confused look.

"This is where?"

Nie Yun asked.

"Master, Nie Yun, this is the most remote place in the demon world. In that year, we arranged the teleportation team here in order to prevent the Qinglongs from running out!"

Jinjiu nodded quickly.

"I can't catch up!"

I heard him say this, and Nie Yun knew that the Qinglong Emperor would definitely not be able to follow him. Now relieved, the spirit moved, and the dragons, the black dragon saint, and the surrendering dragons all appeared in front of them.

"Have met Lord Dragon King!"

There is a natural blood relationship between the dragons and dragons. The other strong dragons recognized it immediately when they saw Xiaolong, and fell to the ground together.

"Come up!" Xiaolong hurriedly greeted everyone, turned his head to look at the Black Dragon Saint, with an awkward look. "Black Dragon. That ... How does Dragon King Jin Jingye use it?"

怎么 "How to use it?" Heilong Shengzheng Yi 愣 "This thing is only qualified by the Dragon Emperor. I ... I have only heard of it and I don't know how to use it!"

"Uh? You don't know?" Xiaolong's head pulled down.

"Don't be discouraged, give me some time. I can figure out how to use it for you!"

Nie Yun rubbed Xiaolong's head and laughed.

He has the talent of martial arts. As long as the time is given, he can figure out how to use any treasures. Before in the Jiuxiao Dragon Palace, he couldn't think about it carefully in order to hurry.

"Yeah, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. I forgot you are still a martial artist ..." Xiaolong laughed.

"Let me see!"

一 Folding his wrist, Nie Yun took out a drop of Dragon Emperor's Jin Jingye and focused his eyes on it.

The martial arts master's talents run, and the whole person falls into an empty state.

After a long while, Nie Yun stopped.

"This thing is not swallowed, Xiaolong, you have to sleep in this liquid, the blood of the five-clawed dragon emperor will let you automatically absorb the energy in it!"

Xie Nieyun explained how to use the martial arts talents.

"Sleeping?" Xiaolong scratched his head.

不错 "Yes, don't you fall asleep to increase your strength? Rest assured, as long as you enter it, once you wake up, you are very likely to become a fairy!"

Yun Nieyun said with a smile.

I figured out how to promote Xiaolong, and Nie Yun was too lazy to continue to compare with this guy.

The promotion of others is begging, and it takes countless hard work. This guy just needs to sleep, especially the immortal mark. Even if he wants to make a breakthrough, he does n’t know how much time it will take, and as long as Xiaolong can take these dragons The power in Huangjin Crystal Liquid is absorbed cleanly, which can guarantee that it can definitely enter the realm of fairy king!

I still say that, people are better than dragons, so angry!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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