Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1110: Xue Jinger

This step was extremely fast, and when I heard the voice, I came behind. It didn't seem to be an intentional collision, but was chased after by the people behind me, panicking.

The body turns, and the palm flicks backwards!


A mixed Yuan's strength rolled back, and those who rushed forward were gently carried by him and fell heavily to the ground.

"it is good!"

The pinch of this hand does not reveal the repair. The use is purely clever, turning the power of the opponent's collision into a turning force. Even with this hand, even if it does not show strength, it also makes people know that the teenager's grasp of strength has arrived. Insane state.

"You little thief, how dare you steal the lady's things, you are really looking for death!"

青年 A young man came to the ground in two steps and hit him with a punch, blood flowing.

"Well, let him go, there is no loss!"

Then a sweet voice sounded, and then a 17-year-old girl came over.

女孩 This girl looks extremely beautiful, with two dimples on her face, with a beautiful appearance, and her black hair is wrapped around her shoulders, dancing with the wind, so that everyone around her can see her eyes.

In the realm of the demon monster, normal girls are five big and three thick, full of embarrassment, soft and beautiful like this, almost rarely encountered, even Nie Yun feels a little strange.

"Miss let you go, do not hurry up!"

When the young man heard the command to dare not disobey, the big hand holding down the fallen guy was loosened.

"Thank you, Miss, for your generosity ..."

The guy who fell to the ground quickly got up, and ignored the blood on his face, turned and fled.

Xie Nieyun then clearly saw that this guy was a Qiqiao monster.

The Qiqiao Demon Clan is a special race in the kingdom of demon people, and everyone in this race is short in size. Fighting power is not good, good at escape, flexible body, suitable for doing some wonderful tricks and tricks!

Many buildings and ornaments in the kingdom of the demon demon are built and tempered by this race. For some powerful tangram monsters, the level of the caster is almost comparable to some human masters of refining.

These tangram monsters have made great contributions to the kingdom of monsters, but if they do n’t learn well, they are very scary, just like this, they have learned the theft. Although it is incomparable with God's stealing talent, stealing an ordinary person is definitely a good hand!

Such people are generally optimistic about stealing things. Once they can succeed, they can be chased like wolf dogs ...

Yun Nieyun couldn't help looking at the lady.

I just happened to see this lady over to him.

"This friend has a good grasp of strength! It's snowing Jinger!"

The girl laughed, stretched out her palm, and was decent.

"Nie Yun!" Nie Yun reached out with his palm. Gently took it back and collected it.

When I saw his movement, a curiosity flashed in the girl's eyes.

She is relatively confident in her own appearance. Most people look at her and look at her. They even want to take advantage of the opportunity to get cheap. The person in front of her looks pure. It seemed that she was a little bit surprised because she was contaminated.

Alas, this strangeness flashed away.

"Miss, let's hurry up, otherwise Master Zhu Xiu will be anxious, and we will be scolded again!"

An old man behind the girl came over and bowed his head.

"Hmm! Thank you for helping me to steal the thief. I still have a problem, there will be a period!" The son-in-law smiled with a fist and walked forward.

"Hehe!" For the heartiness of the girl. Nie Yun laughed, his eyes fell on the old man who just spoke.

With his eyesight, he can see the cultivation of this old man at a glance.

Holy Wonderland Peak Powerhouse!

A guard is actually such a master, I am afraid that this lady is not simple.

Can't stand it. Jane is not simple for him. This time he came here with a task. It is better to keep a low profile.

I know this Miss Xue Jinger, it's just an episode for him, it's nothing.

Continue along the river. The sightseeing is all the way, and you can observe everywhere.

观察 He observes not to be bored, but to look at the structure of the demon emperor city. In case the stealing of the soul is impossible, it also leaves a escape route for escape.

I walked and listened all the way, almost half a day, then came to the drive tower.

The demon repair tower of the Xiuhuang Imperial City looks much higher than Guihai City, and when it comes to it, it has a strong and strict atmosphere, which makes people involuntarily surrender.

There are 10,000 avenues, and the demon controls more than 7,000, more than humans have. For the six masters of heaven and earth, the number of demon is far more than humans.

"Repair towers, heavy people, etc. are not allowed to enter!"

As soon as Xun came to the door, a loud drink rang and two soldiers came out of the tower.

两个 These two soldiers are both Luoxianjing Xiuwei, holding a spear and a straight back. It seems to them that it is a proud and glorious thing to be a tower guard.

"I'm a repairman. I come from a foreign country and visit the person in charge of your branch!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Meet the person in charge of the branch? Do you see the person in charge if you want to see it? I do n’t know the guy who knows how to get the status of a driver, so why can everyone see it? Funny!"

The security guard did not speak, but suddenly a sneer sounded, and then a figure came over from behind.

The comer is a girl with a tall, sexy, and tight-fitting leather jacket, exposing her exquisite figure, and a pair of dark and squinting glances at Nie Yun, with a contemptuous color.

As soon as I entered the imperial city, I met two girls, one gentle and quiet, and the other was this picture. Nie Yun could not help shaking his head. "The person in charge is not visible to anyone, and I do n’t know how many drivers I want." To be eligible to see? "

"Want to see, at least like me, to become a Sipin driving master! Not a Sipin driving master, just get out!"

The girl turned her palm, and a badge appeared on her palm, her eyes were proud.

"Four-pin flood repairman, I really am not ..." Nie Yun shook his head.

"Well, don't just hurry and roll over, don't make trouble here, repair the tower, do you really think it's your vegetable market, you can enter it casually?" The girl didn't wait for him to finish his words and waved his hands, showing impatient meaning.

"Brother, why don't you leave first! Come again later ..."

The two guards saw what the girl said. All shook his head helplessly, grinning bitterly.

When I saw them, Nie Yun knew that this girl should have a lot of identity and status, which made them helpless.

The Driving Repair Tower is a place where the repairmen gather, providing a convenient place for the repairmen of the world. According to the truth, as long as a driver, he is eligible to enter any driving tower. This is a rule. The girl directly let Nie Yun leave, and it seems that even they know that it is out of order. But there is no way.

"Although I'm not a fourth-grade, I'm a sixth-grade drive repairman!"

虽然 Although he has reached the seventh grade level, he has not obtained the badge, only one of the six grade badges obtained in Guihai City.

"Six Pins ..."

"Sixteen-year-old Liupin driving master?"

Not only was the guard surprised. Even the embarrassed girl's cheeky face suddenly changed color.

At first she saw that the young boy was not very powerful. Even the driver was not high-level. She never dreamed of it. She was actually a sixth-class driver!

This strength is enough to enter the immediate branch and become a senior.

"I wonder if I can go in like this?" Take out the badge in hand. Hanging on his chest, Nie Yun smiled lightly.

For this proud girl, he doesn't feel anything. Everyone has his own personality, which may be related to the growing environment, which does not mean anything.

Besides, this girl is just a little Luo Xian, it is not worth being angry.

"Go in!" The girl ate, her lips clenched, and she waved her hand.

She doesn't doubt that the badge is fake. The badge drawn by the driving tower, with the spirit of fusion, cannot be imitated anyway.

Nie Yun was too lazy to talk to the girl, laughed, and strode toward the interior of the drive tower.

驱 This drive tower is basically similar to the previous one. The space inside is magnificent and wide, with a unique flavor and majesty.

Bian Nieyun was familiar with the road, and soon came to the place where the exorcist was received, and passed the badge representing his identity.

"Nie Yun, a six-pin flood repairer, came to meet the person in charge of your branch!" Nie Yun explained his intentions.

驱 This demolition tower branch is even higher than Guihai City. I am afraid that there will be a Bapin exorcist sitting in town, saying that it is necessary to see him.

"Six ... product drive repair master? My lord, please!"

The young man in charge of the reception saw the badge, startled, and quickly bowed.

Even if he is here, he is a big man, not one of his host dares to offend easily.

He followed the youth and came to the third floor.

"Sir, wait a minute here, I'll let you know ..."

Youth Road.

"Go!" Nie Yun smiled.

The young man walked in quickly and came out a moment later, "Sir, please inside!"

Yun Nieyun followed behind and walked into the room.

The room is not particularly large ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it looks very style. All kinds of furniture are simple but not luxurious. There are all kinds of calligraphy and paintings on the wall, which makes the host very tasteful.

"This is Master Nie Yun, please sit down!"

As soon as I entered the room, I heard a kind laughter ringing, looked up, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

I was talking to an old man with kind eyes and good looks, but there was a girl standing next to him, which made Nie Yun smile a little.

I was the savage woman who was a Sipin drove repairman who met at the door before.

At this time, the savage woman is standing beside the old man, with an intimate look. As soon as she knows that the relationship is very high, she offends the person as soon as she arrives.

"I didn't expect Brother Nie to be a sixth-grade exorcist. No wonder he has such skills.

I was embarrassed, a laughter sounded, and looked up along the sound, Nie Yun felt extremely helpless.

I really have a destiny, the old man is not far away sitting on a young girl, it is Xue Jinger encountered on the road before.

At this time, Xue Jinger saw Nie Yun, and she seemed a little surprised. The sixth-grade driving master is not something that ordinary people can reach. It must have at least seven special talents, and they have been fully integrated!

She didn't seem to think that a person casually encountered on the road had such talent and strength. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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